MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 107 .107th performance

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In December, many newcomers in Liu Qingqing's training room have successfully interviewed for the cast of "Mad Scientist".

New recruits must undergo group training and be divided into patient group, family group, and medical staff group.

And Liu Qingqing completely retreated.

Even in the last two episodes of Lian Zong, she didn't go, and the appointment with Lu Dingzhen who often met online was suspended for two weeks.

She retreated, just to think about the madman's character.

Psychological problems, after a long period of research, in addition to the living environment, also have a complex relationship with people's physiological conditions.

This heroine is different from the characters Liu Qingqing has encountered before.

She is not a normal person.

From a medical point of view, he is a suffering patient with severe schizophrenia and hallucinations. After years of torture, he was slowly abandoned by his family and lived alone in a mental hospital.

Liu Qingqing wanted to grasp this pathological state, and it was difficult to live a normal life. She had to ask Zhang Zhida and Li Mo to contact the medical staff for her. Accompanied by the medical staff, she went to live in the largest mental hospital in Jiangduxing for two weeks.

Within two weeks, she observed patients with different degrees and symptoms, and under the coordination of medical intelligence, tried to communicate with patients. Familiarize yourself with their behavior, expressions, eyes, and ways of speaking and speaking.

"This time she just read the script once and threw it away!"

Li Mo and Zhang Zhida sat and chatted in the coffee shop next to the mental hospital.

"I don't even dare to mess with her now. She's really crazy this time. She usually reads the script a dozen times, takes character notes, ... This time, nothing? Do!"

"The filming is going to start next week, but I haven't remembered the lines yet. I asked her and she said she didn't even remember it!"

As Li Mo said that, he sipped half a cup of coffee.

"Tell me, what can I do if I don't frown when my heart is up and down? I'm still worrying about when she will be discharged from the hospital... Won't she drive herself crazy?"

Zhang Zhida couldn't help laughing and crying, "It shouldn't be, Mr. Qin has found a psychiatrist to accompany her. If she has a problem, the doctor will definitely give her psychological counseling."

"Hey." Li Mo felt that Zhang Zhida didn't understand.

He flipped through the chat log and showed it to Zhang Zhida.

On Liu Qingqing's private communication number, the avatar was replaced with an all-black photo.

A week ago, a photo of the cemetery under dark clouds was posted.

Three days ago, I posted a dark poem "What is the end of death".

Two days ago, I posted a canvas with red oil dripping down on it. It was terrifying to see blood dripping.

Yesterday, she only sent one word, 'sick...'.

This made Zhang Zhida sweat. "This, this, didn't you? Persuade her? Did you call her?"

Family care is very important.

However, Liu Qingqing and Mr. Qin are not familiar with them. If there is any difficulty, I would be embarrassed to tell them. But Li Mo is her close agent, and the relationship is already familiar. She will listen more or less to his words.

Li Mo spread his hands, "I sent her her favorite Jinjiang top 100 works, but she didn't even click on it."

"Hey, if she doesn't come out these two days, I have to rush in!"

The medical team is also monitoring Liu Qingqing's physical health. Her heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature are currently within a safe range.

Zhang Zhida looked at the data before and didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, but now he is really nervous.

"No, I can't wait until tomorrow! If I don't come out, I have to tell Mr. Qin!"

Qin Enrong and Yan Fei never dared to disturb Liu Qingqing.

But if they knew that something happened to Liu Qingqing, they would definitely not let the person who harmed her go away.

As Zhang Zhida was thinking about it, he had a headache and his arm tightened.

He stared at Li Mo, only to see Li Mo's expression like a ghost.

Zhang Zhida looked at him.

Also opened his mouth.

"Are you familiar with this script? Those who play the role of the patient will be trained intensively in the past few days, and are not allowed to be absent!"

After Lu Han finished speaking, he saw everyone looking around.

"Sister Qingqing won't you come?"

"What about Teacher Liu?"

"She seems to be the biggest patient character? Isn't she with us?"

On the training day, Liu Qingqing, who played the heroine, never appeared.

Lu Han has cooperated with Liu Qingqing many times, and understands how dedicated and respectful she is. Director, this time she was absent without saying hello, which was beyond his expectation.

Did it go away after winning the award?

She shouldn't, it must be Li Mo drifting away!

Not only her, but even Li Mo and Zhang Zhida? Never greeted him, the chief director.

It's not that Li Mo, the agent, is floating, what is that?

Surely he didn't? Remind Qingqing to attend the training in time, causing her, who has always worked hard, to be absent.

When Lu Han thought about it, he felt sorry for her and was in a bad mood. He taught these new actors a lesson.

"Take care of yourselves! You are patients, are you so awake? Don't you mind? People's business?"

Little newcomers don't even know how to focus on themselves, and they are too easily distracted!

Unlike him, as long as he touches the filming equipment of the crew, he forgets everything, and his eyes are full of eyes? He only thinks about the filming!

Thinking about it, Lu Han touched his favorite camera, thinking about how to use light and shadow in the first female lead shot, how to coordinate with the weather, thinking about...

But just as he was thinking about it, a piece of white clothes floated past his eyes.

Floating through his lens...

Lu Han thought... Then he forgot what he was thinking, and couldn't think of anything!

Lu Han's camera can't help but follow, offset.

The woman who passed by had a superior profile frame, small and slender, but a little bumpy. Her complexion was as cold and white as paper, almost paler than the gray-striped hospital gown on her body, with no blood at all. There was only a morbid flush on the cheeks.

She walked over, as if floating.

After taking the large patient number, it seemed that she had only a handful of bones and no meat at all. Walking on two legs, light and fluttering, it doesn't seem to have much strength, like stepping on a cloud, showing a bizarre pace rhythm that makes people look obviously strange and abnormal.

And she stood with her back unnaturally hunched over and her head turned sideways, as if she was curious, and it seemed that Lu Han's position had affected her.

She turned her head straight and looked at Luhan.

At a glance, Lu Han's spine shuddered.

It was an unfamiliar look, alert and alert, full of sensitivity.

When Lu Han saw it, he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth.

This is the outline of Liu Qingqing!

He has photographed many times, and he is very familiar, but she looks like she is looking at a stranger she has never seen before, and she still hates him.

Lu Han's mind was in chaos, and before she could think of how to speak, she left with disinterest and alertness.

Only a slender figure is left.

"She, she..."

How did it become so much?!

Not only eyes, but also lost a lot of weight, which can be called a morbid beauty.

How can a person's temperament change? So big?

"Director, the lighting for the first scene is done like this... What do you think?"

Luhan: "...?"

"Can you say that again?"

Ten minutes later, he was still distracted, lost in the look in her eyes before she turned to leave.

A person's morbid, physical and mental dual? Torment, the bad situation will take a turn for the worse.

Especially when she was abandoned by relatives, friends and friends.

Lu Han turned around and patted his forehead.

Damn, this is what he wants for the heroine feeling!

After two weeks of intensive training, The Scientist was officially launched.

This film, which is 100% invested by Quanxin and starred by the niece of the suspected owner of Quanxin, is also a subject of intense collision with scientific research groups, and everyone is waiting to eat melons.

From the beginning of the preparation and casting of the work, all parties in the industry are paying attention.

The opening ceremony is even more eye-catching, and the media reporters are ready to make a headline.

However, the power-on

Contrary to everyone's expectations, it also surprised the industry.

They also thought that Quan Xin and Qin Enrong had just found their niece and wanted to reunite with Ms. Yan Fei, so they would definitely seize the opportunity to hype Liu Qingqing and make these two women happy.

But who would have thought that Quan Xin was even more low-key than the last "Yan Fei".

Everyone was puzzled and thought that Qin Enrong was afraid that there was something wrong with his brain, and his way of thinking was different from that of ordinary people!

【A businessman after all, ruthless! Qin Enrong knew that this film was declaring war with the scientific community, and it was obvious that he had given up on this film! He just wants to save himself and Quanxin! What is a niece and an ex-wife? 】

[Capital is cold-blooded, what's wrong with the Liu family? Liu Qingqing, have you forgotten? Qin Jiageng? If you have money, how can you be better? ! Don't be naive! 】

[In the end, Qin Enrong's thinking is clearer than Liu Qingqing! What a mad scientist, I think she is crazy! 】

[Liu Qingqing is really his biggest black fan, right? A good hand, until now, can't wait to self-destruct the future again and again! How many times is this? ],

[Laughing to death, get out of here, your face is not yet? Was it swollen by my queen? 】

[Self-destructing future, your wool? Zero Zero is right every time he makes a decision, hasn't Yan Fei and Doomsday box office been proven? 】

[The **** team will always support the queen, even if this film is not good at the box office, as long as she acts happily! Black fans don't take the rhythm! Effort in vain! 】

[The queen likes acting, no matter what its future is! Youth is like that, brave! 】

The crew kept a low profile and didn't even post a Weibo or a photo?

But the Internet has sparked heated discussions, with black fans fighting and passers-by eating melons.

Qin Yu, a big V in the film review area of ​​station C, glanced at it? The most popular search-#"Scientist"No? The opening ceremony was buried in advance#, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"It was planted again."

The trolls, black fans, and those big V who deliberately gain traffic and make a big fuss are planted again!

He was sold by Qin Enrong and is still counting money for others.

This film did not spend a penny, did not turn it on, it rushed to the top of the hot search, and also earned a lot of free traffic, working as a navy for free!

What's so special, now this group of people still think they are very smart, but in fact, they made Quan Xin's wedding dress, and the attention of passersby was forced into the hands of the "Scientist" crew! Before it is released, its popularity is higher than that of the movie in theaters!

The mystery of this hand is really amazing to play?

Qin Enrong is still the old fox.

Qin Yu did nothing this time, and would no longer be involved in this unpaid 'large-scale public welfare marketing campaign'.

It was only the next day that he made another video to explain Liu Qingqing's acting ability and Quanxin's seemingly conservative approach of not doing the opening ceremony, but was actually starving. The conclusion is that he expects the box office of "The Scientist" to hit a record low this year. Half-year film highs.

Among a group of big V who are not optimistic about "The Scientist" and bet on it, Qin Yu who is still optimistic is like an outlier.

- 'If a scientist hits the street, I will broadcast a women's clothing boss. ’

Qin Yu was aggressive and instantly gained a wave of attention.

But within a week, he was full of confidence, and received an inside message, and regretted that he wanted to go back and delete the video!

[Brother Yu, add up the women's clothing in the shopping cart! The intelligence developed by my buddy is working in the crew. They said that Liu Qingqing was crazy and went to a mental hospital overnight. Yesterday, the doctor came to the crew and dragged her away for treatment! ]

Qin Yu: "???"

The author has something to say: I ate a wave of barbecue last night, and I was ecstatic about the spicy food. I haven't eaten such a refreshing meal for a long time.

As a result, I went back for an hour and had a stomachache. Sure enough, I overestimated my stomach.

Mouth: I can.

Body: No, you can't.


See you tomorrow~

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