MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 31 . Thirty-first performance

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Is it a hallucination?

Lu Dingtao was stunned.

Close your eyes again.

But this time I heard nothing? See?.

Like? As if the girl was calling his name, it was just an illusion.

Sweat beaded down on his forehead, and his ears were reddish.

increasingly excessive.

The last time she felt tactile, this time she was calling him.

Lu Dingzhen's index finger supported his forehead.

Following the pain of shattering mental power, did he have a new disease - hallucinations?

But the next second, his eyebrows and feet jumped.

The mental power has been repaired a lot, and there is a faint trend of stabilizing at S and rising to S+.

These two treatments have allowed him to recover at least 10.53%.

Lu Dingzhen looked strange.

Seventy percent of the cracks in spiritual power were filled.

It stands to reason that he is close to the peak of five years ago, and he will never have hallucinations.

There's only one explanation for that, and it's real.

The blush on the outer edge of his auricle spreads toward the ear socket.

She calls his name...

It's pretty good to hear.

Lu Dingtao coughed lightly, and immediately did not allow himself to continue lying in the treatment cabin full of problems.

He sat up until the girl's mental power had completely disappeared and could not be captured. Then he walked out of the treatment cabin and tidied up his military uniform.

Like? Like someone was really looking at him.

"You took leave yesterday and went home. How did you meet her? Is the F-level IQ really that bad?"

"Hey, to be honest, yes. She is really much worse than other families. She looks stupid, not smart, and doesn't expect her to have any interaction with me."

Lu Dingzhen walked to the training base and listened to the conversation between the two male soldiers around the corner.

He frowned and stopped.

In my mind?, the weak girl who wanted to study but couldn't read, had poor grades and was bullied instead, was trembling with her knees in her arms.

"Forget it, as long as your body is good? That's fine."

Lu Dingzhen's eyebrows and feet jumped, and his black eyes were sharp as he swept towards the two male soldiers.

One of them was standing there, his head down in dejection.

"But she also looks malnourished."

The corner of Lu Dingtao's mouth sank.

There are only a few pictures, you can see that she has very little flesh and is thin.

I had no strength on my body, so I was pressed my head into the water by my peers, and I couldn't resist.

"If she is in bad health and gets sick easily, wouldn't it be very troublesome? I don't have time to take care of it, and I spend most of my time in the team. By the way, she also cost me a lot of money, and the doctor said that I will pay for it in the future. Take her for regular nutritional injections, how much will I earn?"

"How annoying."

With a click, Lu Dingzhen stepped on the branch under his feet.

The two male soldiers suddenly woke up and immediately stood at attention, "Yuan, Marshal!"

Oops, it's illegal to chat at the military training ground.

Activities other than training can only be done when entering the rest area.

The two were terrified.

The correspondent who followed behind Lu Dingzhen was also sweating.

The marshal heard them chatting, standing upright, with a stern face and a calm expression, as if he had no mood swings.

But his hand behind his back turned the combat watch three times.

This is a precursor to the marshal's anger!

Turn around, I am in a good mood, someone is going to be unlucky.

After two laps, I was in a good mood, someone was going to have bad luck.

Three laps, ... just drag it out, it won't help.

The correspondent stood behind him, holding his breath.

Sure enough, Lu Dingjiao let out a cold voice, "The two talked, they knew their mistakes and made mistakes, they didn't remind each other.

The faces of the two male soldiers were ashen.

"In addition, the sense of responsibility is a soldier's quality. Low learning ability, weak body? It's not the reason why you become a deserter, pick on her... pick on your partner."

Lu Dingzhen narrowed his eyes.

"Go to the armament department by yourself and accept the supervision and inspection of military discipline and morality for a period of three years."

Since taking the girl home, you must take responsibility, create better conditions for her, and lead her to progress together.

Rather than picking and picking to find faults.

The girl's side face appeared in Lu Dingzhen's mind again, she was so pitiful.

His throat moved slightly.

Turn around and stride towards the center of the training ground to join the team of daily practice.

As soon as he stood still, his keen mental power caught the desperate sighs of the two male soldiers as they left the training ground.

"Ah, it's over."

"Blame me, if I had known I wouldn't have asked your new cat."


Lu Dingzhen's back stiffened for a while.

In the Golden Lens Cabin, Liu Qingqing finished her daily lines and yoga practice, and took the time to shoot an inline advertising short film of Jinheng Milk.

She wore a coral fleece cow black and white striped nightdress, with a furry panda ear tie of the same color on her forehead, and her long hair was neatly tied behind her head, revealing a smooth and full white forehead.

Yawning, he sat down at the computer desk and picked up a carton of Jinheng milk.

With a quick sip, milky white milk immediately poured into the transparent straw, looming between her pink lips.

It seems that in the sea of ​​​​begonia-colored flowers, drifting into the color of snow, and soon disappearing.

[Begonia and Snow Color, you are another stunning beauty. 】

[I want to turn into milk and let her drink it! 】

[The upstairs is old and dirty. Reported. 】

【Soul is weak! I am female! It's you who is dirty! 】

[Don't be noisy, is it okay to look at the plain makeup of getting up from zero? If I had such a lovely little sister, I would rather not eat or drink myself, and buy her milk every day! She **** milk well? Pure? Cute. 】

[Yeah, even drinking milk is so cute, how did you grow up eating cuteness? 】

[I don't know if I buy milk for my sister now and let her drink it every day? Is it too late? Can she become like zero zero? 】

The milk carton in the picture was sucked by her, making a grunting noise, and it was quickly smothered.

She took a few more breaths before frowning and looking at her hands.

【It's empty. 】

[Don't be afraid of Zero Zero, my sister will place an order now to buy you a box and let you drink enough! 】

【Brother also bought it for you~】

"Qingqing is coming to you soon, put on your makeup!"

The voice-off sounded.

"it is good?!"

Liu Qingqing hurriedly pulled down the headband with one hand, licked her lips, and put the milk carton into the trash can that was already full of seven or eight empty milk cartons. As soon as she threw it away, she hurriedly picked up the T-shirt on the sofa and rushed into the bathroom.

Five seconds later, after changing clothes, he rushed out again.

"I'm coming~"

Her small face is beautiful and her pores are fine, as if she is full of moisture.

While rushing downstairs, he took out the lipstick in his pocket to add a touch of color, and Yuan Qi entered the team of the top 30 players.

【Su Yan? ! 】

【Fuck! 】

[This skin... can fight like a robot? Eh! 】

[Wake up, robots are all artificial skins. My brother is from Liukin, and they change skins regularly. 】

[...You say that, how can I look directly at smart artists in the future? 】

[hhh, no comparison, no harm. Anyway, I like Zero Zero. 】

The AI ​​of the Golden Lens Competition quickly captured everyone's voice based on the barrage words.

The camera turned to a close-up of Liu Qingqing's face again.

The pores and small fluff on her face were photographed clearly.

Delicate, smooth, with a lustrous luster, no blemishes or spots, and white as cream.

[Wow, the pores are really small, white and milky. 】

【Are the little fluffs good? Cute~~soft~~]

[This skin is really amazing... like? It seems to reflect light. 】

[Drinking milk, she really became milk muscle! 】

[Comrades, I just looked in the mirror and saw my dark circles, and then look at Ling Ling... woo woo woo, goodbye? I'm going to Jinheng Milk to place an order. 】

[You said, how much milk can you drink to make you look like this! I'm drinking, can't I drink! 】

【Order +1】

[Don't say that I am the same as her, as long as it is 1% the same, I will be happy. 】

【purchase! Can this be bought? 】

[So? Go out with only one lipstick? Ouch, I suddenly realized that I was left with tears of sour lemons. 】

"Go to bed early and get up early, add enough protein, and keep a good mood. Good skin, you can also? Oh~" Liu Qingqing smiled at the camera, completing the final step of inserting an advertisement in the oral broadcast.

In a word, Liu Hong, who was also nervously watching the advertising effect in Midsummer Entertainment Office, was shocked.

Supplemental protein?

what the hell!

She even changed the advertising slogan of 'drinking Jinheng milk to supplement skin nutrition'!

In this way, the gold master? Ba Ba will be angry!

Self-directed? Zhang, what is she thinking?

Don't even mention Jinheng's brand name!

Liu Hong was angry.

I was about to ask the AI ​​to send her a message and say it again, otherwise, when I didn't give the money, I saw a barrage of order records.

[Wow, listen? Yours, the order is placed. 】

[It turns out that the order has been placed. 】

[2 boxes of drying orders. 】

【10 boxes into. 】

[Shelf life is six months, one box a day. Got 10 boxes first. 】

[30 boxes, transferred in the class group, how many sisters want to place an order together. 】

[I bought 1 case, but I don’t have enough pocket money. Will I drink well next month? Buy it again. 】

Well, it sells well?

Liu Hong was surprised and was about to ask about the milk sales when the assistant AI jumped out to remind him.

"Mr. Chen from Jinheng is calling."

Liu Hong hurriedly came in, and as soon as he was connected, Mr. Jin Heng's laughter rang out.

Really familiar.

Liu Hong's eyelids twitched, each and every one of the gold masters? Why is it like a nesting doll, your laughter is all negotiated? Is it necessary to be exactly the same! ?

"Haha, Mr. Liu, can you let her give us another inline advertisement tomorrow?"

"..." Liu Hong dripped sweat, "She mispronounced the ad today, and I'll ask her to make another shot tomorrow."

"No, no, that's what she said today. With her previous performance, the effect is just right? Ah!"

Liu Hong: "?"

If you don't read your brand name, are you happy to pay?

This is a big deal!

Mr. Jin Heng, but Mr. Chen, gave directions in a good-natured manner, "I'll show you a few screenshots of our latest seller reviews."

In an instant, Liu Hong received it.

#小Q: Believe what Zero Zero said, supplement protein? Beauty, I'm here to place an order. #

#刘霞: I just checked online, and the protein content of Jinheng is the highest in all milk in the market. Feel free to start! #

#bibi: I will also place an order. Protein does make beauty, she didn't lie. I am doing biological research, and protein has an effect on tissue regeneration and tissue repair after injury. It can also promote pore shrinkage and reduce skin oil secretion. #

#七夏: I have seen a lot of exaggerated advertisements of smart artists these years. This is the first time I have seen such candid advertisements! Just because of the protein beauty she said, not to mention Jinheng Beauty, I also have to buy an extra box, three boxes in total! Get some for my mom too. #

#OLDSP: Thanks for the sharing of the little beauty. From today onwards, I will not stay up late and drink Jinheng to supplement protein when I exercise every day. Will you share the skin changes after arrival?. #

#Youyou: Wow, I didn't think so? I only got one box. Now when I see the buyer's message, I know that she is so sincere. I like it. I like it. Poke me. I also thank everyone in the store for their high-protein science popularization of Jinheng. I will drink Jinheng’s milk in the future. #

"She also worked in advance, checked our Jinheng's information, and seized the core competitiveness of our milk - the promotion point of high-protein, high-nutrition formula."

President Jin Heng Chen was very emotional.

"Such an artist is really rare?"

"We like it so much."

Liu Hong: "!"

Intelligent artists, when shooting advertisements, will perform based on the optimal action trajectory calculated by big data.

But they also have the characteristic of being obedient!

As artificial intelligence, they rarely adapt their lines.

According to the principle of importance, they will complete the slogan given by the product side as the most important and irreversible order.

"She's really smart. She doesn't mention our brand name deliberately, so as to avoid consumers' revolt and the feeling of being advertised. Instead, it increases the authenticity and promotes sales." Mr. Chen is very grateful to Liu Qingqing's response.

The effect is very good?.

Liu Hong sighed.

When is it good to break the rules? Is it okay?

"I didn't break the rules."

Liu Qingqing took Li Mo's words and immediately corrected her name.

"When changing the lines, I will discuss with the director and screenwriter on the spot, and I seldom make my own decisions."

"Huh?" Li Mo wondered, "Did you ask the director at the scene? Is there a real director in the cabin?"

"I asked the camera, and it clicked, agreeing."

Li Mo: "…"

That's the tracking camera looking for the shooting position based on your movements!

Agree with you asshole! ?

Does it have the ability to think?

"It's okay." Liu Qingqing was calm.

In variety shows, it's all about self-expression.

After all, it's not a movie, and every frame can't be messed up.

If the gold owner, Ba Ba, asks, she can make another one.

"If they're not satisfied, I'll add slogans. Free delivery."

You don't have to.

Li Mo: "...they...are very satisfied."

Liu Qingqing raised her eyebrows, "So? You called to praise me."

Li Mo was silent.

Liu Qingqing: "It's not necessary. However, thank you for your compliment."

Li Mo: "…"

Arrogant or you are arrogant.

"Cough, there is another thing. After the three-day cabin is over, we will take time to take pictures on the big screen of the eight planets that the golden lens sent to you."


Liu Qingqing is still very obedient and obedient at work.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, it can be done well.

This made Li Mo feel very relieved, and he even admired her.

But Li Mo was relieved for a second. As soon as he hung up the phone, his heart was suspended!

[The second temporary assessment of the hut, start! 】

[Title content: lines. 】

[Randomly assign a line to the contestants, and the judges and the audience will rate them. 】

[Preparation time: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes. 】

[Perform three times separately. 】

Li Mo took a deep breath when he saw this text.

What are the rules of the game?

Great for smart artists!

1 minute of preparation time is enough for them to search the entire universe database to find an optimal line monologue?

And Liu Qingqing, a real person, can't compare at all!

But when Li Mo was angry, he saw barrages flying by, accompanied by giggling laughter.

[Pfft, it turned out to be the title of the lines...]

[It's over, the king can't hide it! 】

[hhh, is Zero finally going to do something to the poor robot? die laughing. 】

【quiet! Let's welcome the queen of lines and make an appearance! 】

[Welcome to the Queen of Lines! 】

【Line up to welcome! 】

Li Mo: "???"

He just went to negotiate the airport booths of the eight major planets... I didn't watch the live broadcast, at most 40 minutes!

what happened?

Liu Qingqing received the temporary notice of the competition, but her expression did not change at all?

Like? As if she was just inviting her to dinner, she looked in the mirror and went downstairs leisurely.

【The style of the king. 】

[It's true... she doesn't need to prepare. 】

[Emmm, after all, she just finished the warm-up. 】

[Everyone's ears ready? I can only remind you to come here? 】

When Liu Qingqing arrived on the first floor, she found that most of the smart artists had also arrived.

When Liao Wei saw her, he waved to her hurriedly, "Sister Liu, here?!"

As soon as he shouted, the other developers looked at her.

No way, the last performance she switched freely left a deep impression on everyone.

Just now? They didn't rest well?

Repeatedly thinking, if it is their smart artist, it can be done in such a short period of time, but can it be so shocking that they can join the play together?

The answer is no.

No one dared to treat her like an ordinary player like before.

Looking at her now, I just feel that the steps she walks down are full of threats.

"Lines are the Gao family's specialty. Young Master Gao, it is estimated that this is the first."

"Not necessarily, Liu Yingqin of Liujin is also good, and Mijiang's lines are first-class. This round of Liujin's players will not be bad. After all, they have internal exchange and learning meetings every month."

"In the first minute and second minute of getting the question, you have to perform a line performance. The preparation time for these two times is too little for a real person. It is estimated that this round she... can't."

"Yes. In the past few years, the lines were attacked, and each question was more than 500 words. Ordinary people were not prepared. It was very difficult to read them fluently and not make mistakes, let alone interpretation."

"This round of real people is dangerous."

Many developers discuss secretly.

Before they knew it, they had mentioned Liu Qingqing to the same position as Gao Lingfei and Liu Yingqin for discussion and comparison.

AI gave the whole scene, and Mosaic for the R&D division.

But radio, it is inevitable that their discussions will be broadcast live.

The barrage instantly died of laughter.

[I'll just watch you talk nonsense. 】

[A real person can't read it fluently...? Ha ha. 】

[These guys, you are very dangerous yourself, do you know? 】

[Hey, baby Xiaoliu pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, they will be scared to death later. 】

[Scary, I feel scared for them. 】

【Don't cry later! 】

Li Mo looked at the barrage, not knowing whether to laugh or cry?

Does the powder boil with steam?

Liu Qingqing's fans are also so confident!

[Assessment begins. 】

[The question bank has been generated. 】

[The content of the title varies, and may involve plot lines, poems, lyrics, news, and scientific research articles. 】

[Please take the place of the NO30 players who scored in the last round. 】

This round of assessments actually started from the last one.

The thirtieth contestant is at the bottom and will be publicly executed.

The researcher was a girl, her face was flushed, and she was busy putting her smart artist on the stage.

"I grew up hearing? Tell stories of pilots..."

This is a line from "Red Pig", about the adoration of pilots, their indulgence in their bravery, and their passion for honor.

The intelligent artist taking the test is a pure and beautiful girl, which is also suitable.

First time reading, no preparation time.

But the robot's language processing power is strong, and it makes no mistakes.

【It tastes right. 】

【Can?. 】

[No drama, a bit interesting. 】

The barrage gave a good evaluation, but after the second reading, everyone noticed a little problem.

[Like? It's the same as the first time? 】

[emmm, it's a replay, right? 】

[This is a bit of a waste of my time. 】

[For the third time, you won't still read it like this, will you? 】

Her researcher, standing beside her, also felt embarrassed.

The more powerful the computing power of the robot, the more indistinguishable the processing results are in the first minute and the fifth minute.

Because of the speed, all databases have been run.

The robot has already reached the optimal solution on the first pass.

There is no new content update in the database. Even if she gives the preparation time, she will not be able to give the second optimal solution even if she calculates it a second time!

Unless you give her time now, let her adjust its calculation logic.

Sure enough, the third time, the performance of this intelligent artist has not changed?

[…Pull it off. 】

[…It won’t be like this in the future, will it? 】

[It's embarrassing that I have three villas under my feet! 】

[…It’s too boring. 】

The penultimate player came on and faced a similar dilemma.

It wasn't a little better until Liao Wei played 15th this time. After all, he was Liao Xianji's grandson.

His Xiaoyu, when asked to perform the same performance a second time, began to enter a deep-learned thinking mode, believing that his performance was flawed, so he was asked to do it all over again.

But she couldn't find a better optimal solution, and could only automatically match the calculated second solution.

[It's finally a little fresh. 】

[That's it... You haven't read it for the first time? Good?? 】

[Well, the more you read, the worse it gets, okay? 】

[Forget it, just because these three times are different, I also want to give Xiaoyu a point. 】


【Give 1 point. Finally the ears are not bothered. 】

15 to 10, have improved.

When there are less than 10 players, the audience even finds that when entering the high-end game, the intelligent players' lines are better than the lines once.

In particular, GIGI, the second-placed Gao Lingfei, came on the stage, and interpreted the confession of "I love you" into three different emotions of broken love, secret love, and passionate love.

[Sure enough, it is Gao Yu. 】

[As expected to be the favorite to win the championship! 】

[Mom, I almost thought that the whole house was a waste. Fortunately, there are good ones. 】

【Call GIGI? call】

[How is your mother? Daughter, your performance is great. 】

Gao Lingfei's fans are also very happy.

But Gao Lingfei was not proud at all, he looked at Liu Qingqing who was walking in front of the microphone.

Strictly waiting.

- How far can you do it?

—Is it even inferior to ordinary AI, or surpasses them, and reaches the second level where the lines can compete with him? !

Liu Qingqing glanced at him, but his eyes quickly slid over him.

Gao Lingfei: "!"

Contempt for him written all over his face? !

Liu Qingqing walked slowly to the microphone and adjusted the height of the microphone.

Then he said, "Hello, hello?"

Gao Lingfei: "..."

A group of developers: "…"

Hey, hey, you're really unconventional!

Smart artists are innately able to find the best position to make their voices, so what is hello is not needed.

But Liu Qingqing reached out, "Pause first, give me a pair of headphones, I want to listen to my own voice and check the microphone and sound effects."

The topic has not been issued yet, so it does not take up preparation time.

AI naturally satisfies her.

But everyone was dumbfounded.

She asks so much.

Indeed, smart entertainers don't want to hear their own voice either.

Intelligently enter the recording area, automatically link with the main control studio AI, and instantly get the model of the microphone and recording equipment.

But real people are different, they need to try.

Each microphone is different, the radio effect is different, and the presentation results of sound effects and volume are also different.

These need to be adjusted manually.

It can only be said that Liu Qingqing is indeed very experienced and takes every performance seriously.

She put on the earphones, and then said "hello" twice, and tried the volume and noise level, and then nodded to indicate ok, "Give the question."

【Girl, your serious look is too charming~】

[The queen is the queen, the performance is unique! 】

【The Queen's Row~】

topic published.

A long line of lines appeared densely on the left side of the live broadcast screen, and there was even a drop-down bar.

In one minute, it is a problem to read it all with the naked eye!

And Liu Qingqing stretched out her index finger and pulled it up and down the screen.


Pull the microphone down.

Bend slightly.

Close your eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and mouth.

"sit down!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the momentum was overwhelming, as if a gust of wind swept through, the tide rolled, and the roof overturned!

"You bunch of raccoon dogs, two or three of virtue, upside-down, all five poisonous, six unknowing, dirty seven or eight, ten diseases and nine pains... Sit down for me all!"

【! ! 】

【! 】

[My Heavenly Spirit Cover, flipped up! 】

【Ear, are you still there? 】

[emmm, I sat down immediately. 】

[I squatted on my butt, sitting still and didn't dare to move. 】

【I'm lying down... 】

Her breath was long, her words were hurried and fast, and her aura rose from wave to wave.

The 500 words are so vicious that they scolded them in an instant? People don't even know their mother.

[Seven meat and eight elements, it's me. 】

[Directly, Jiuquan with a smile. 】

[Okay? Guys, I'll take one too, I've soared to the sky. 】

[Three kneels and nine knocks. 】

【I just survived nine deaths (dog head)... 】

The barrage is a boom of idioms.

After Liu Qingqing's first performance, the audience was as quiet as a chicken.

She is so fierce.

Every word is like an exploding bomb, thrown in the room, with a bang.

No one dared to provoke her, a humanoid bomber!

A small body can make such a powerful sound!

The R&D staff in the room, no one dared to take a breath, for fear that this super fierce girl would look at them and spit lines at them.

It's just too fierce.

They are afraid of...

[Who said she was a domineering piranha in the morning? No, she is now? Yes, die of laughter. 】

[Second time, what is she going to do? More fierce? 】

[Don't say it, I'm already scared. 】

[Hold up my doll for courage. 】

[Drinking a glass of water is stressful, there will be a second or third time later, what should I do? 】

Liu Qingqing was about to speak for the second time, when suddenly the AI ​​inserted a warning.

#59.84% of the audience's heart rate accelerated by 30%, and 95.13% of the researchers at the scene accelerated by 35%. #

#sorry, please suspend your performance. #

#Considering the health of the public, we will change a line title for you. #

Liu Qingqing: "..."


Developer: "..."

Are they shameless?

The author has something to say: Yiqing is taller than Yiqing.

See you tomorrow~~~

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts