MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 65 . Sixty-fifth performance

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Let her demonstrate?

Liu Qingqing stopped.

He glanced at Xiao Yiyi, who was full of expectations, and then at Director Mu, who was in trouble.

"It's extra business."

She didn't have this scene.

Mu Qianqiu's mouth twitched, "I'll give you a late night snack."

Liu Qingqing slipped.

"I? Personally give you 100 points?" Assistant director Qian Wei really wanted to see how she did it.

Mu Qianqiu reconsidered.

Liu Qingqing pinched her fingers.

100 points? It is a U-shaped pillow.


"Okay, then? I? Demonstrate once, take Xiao Yiyi's character."

Xiao Yiyi, who was named, immediately stood up, and quickly let out a ?

She had completely forgotten about the script and the characters just now.

In the script, she is a girl in her early twenties.

When I went out for a date, I had a fight with my boyfriend because I was late for helping a child.

Unexpectedly, on the way home, I encountered a tyrannical tornado.

A word becomes a prophecy, and it becomes a farewell.

"I? Go."

Before Liu Qingqing left, she tied her loose black hair into a high ponytail.

I turned my neck and wrists and did a warm-up on the spot.

Obviously, she did not dare to despise this wind cabin.

It not only blows wind up and down, but also blesses vortex wind and waves left and right.

Looking at the situation of the first few people, it is also easy to see that the wind and waves from the bottom to the top in the wind cabin exceed those from the top to the bottom.

Lightweight, it is inevitable that it will be blown to ten meters in an instant, and it will float left and right like a kite.

Liu Qingqing stood outside and observed it before moving towards the cabin door.

When she walked to the door, about two to three meters away, she nodded and raised her hand towards Director Mu.


Mu Qianqiu and Qian Wei were both watching in front of the monitor.

Xiao Yiyi, the other F-classes also immediately surrounded him.

Soon, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

I saw that on the screen, after Liu Qingqing raised her hand, her whole atmosphere changed.

She kicked a wave of dirt with one foot.

He reached out and slammed the lamppost next to him.

Red lips pursed, eyes a little red.

Quarrel and break up, heavy anger and unpleasant emotions are released in a second.

"This... can? Ah." Qian Wei's eyes lit up.

Mu Qianqiu just wanted him to shut up, but her eyes were glued to the monitor?

Because Liu Qingqing on the screen kicked her feet and walked to the wind hatch.

She lifted her right foot, and the strong wind blew the white trousers, making a clatter.

In a freeze-frame, her expression of venting anger stopped on her face for a second.

Half a step away from the whirlpool, Liu Qingqing raised her fair face and looked up at the mid-air in front of her.

One second, two? Seconds...

It was as if I saw a behemoth that could destroy everything in the air, and approached like a beast...

In her pure black pupils, the light was annihilated, and it was shrouded in darkness that covered the sky and the sun.

The hair was blown up and the ponytail wafted.

The cruel wind? It seemed to whizz by.

Her red lips parted slightly, shaking.

The left shoulder, shrank, turned stiffly to the rear, and leaned back—the desire to survive also emerged from her black eyes mixed with panic.


She turned her head, her ponytail drawn in an arc, reacting physically.

But in a second, her right foot fell, and her body that was about to run was swept away by the strong wind of the vortex in the wind cabin!

All that is left for the camera is a hurried back, and the fingers trying to grab the bellows bulkhead.

In the blink of an eye, he was rolled into the sky.

swallowed by strong winds.

There was silence in front of the entire monitor.

Can only hear each other's breathing.

What's the difference between a conscious performance and a performance that relies on a stress response?

This answer is too clear.

There is no need for textbook explanations and definitions. From Liu Qingqing's performance, everyone can clearly see it.

Story, character characteristics, and consistent logical lines.

And after the design, it brings a shocking degree.

"She started performing before she entered the pod."

That one glance, looking towards the sky, seems to see the one where the tornado covers the sky and covers the sun, on the screen is shocking.

Qian Wei pressed his chin and frowned.

"Her performance is fuller than everyone else, but instead of filling all the time slots, she leaves gaps at the right moment."

For example, before she was caught off guard by the tornado, the moment she saw the natural disaster, she gave a performance, but then paused and left it blank.

Not only is it real, but it also gives the audience time to empathize.

"The last escape action,..."

Qian Wei sighed.

"not done."

She only turned half of her shoulders and moved half of her body before being swept into the wind.

But this half-action became the finishing touch.

Show a girl's youth and desire to live to the audience in a second, but ruthlessly kill it when there is just a glimmer of hope.


Whether it is the tragic destruction of the characters or the visual artistic effect, it is impossible to ignore.

This performance of hers is enough to become the heaviest stroke in the entire tornado's countless characters and countless intelligent destruction tragedies!

"Hey, it's a pity that she couldn't make it into the feature film."

Qian Wei was stunned.

Mu Qianqiu woke up like a dream.

Hemp, can not enter the main film!


Why let her see such an amazing picture, but can't put it in the main film?

Who did it, who came up with it? Let Liu Qingqing try this scene?

"Director Mu, are you ok?"

Liu Qingqing tidied up the messed up ponytail, and took off the airbag equipment on her body.

Mu Qianqiu exhaled.

Lungs hurt.

is her.

She came up with this stupid proposal herself!


The total director's blood volume -100000.

Liu Qingqing nodded and looked at Xiao Yiyi.

"Explore, analyze, and decipher the characteristics of the characters and the emotions of each scene."

"Youth, pranking, breaking up, facing disaster..."

"Substitute the characters and give feedback at every level of the characters."

"With the blessing of your experience and imagination, fully experience everything the character is going through, and perform accordingly."

Xiao Yiyi hurriedly opened his brain and took notes in a hurry.

Mu Qianqiu pricked up her ears.

Qian Wei also took a step closer.

"If it involves your white space, look for similar experiences."

"For example, remembering the feeling of this nacelle experience, and similar performances in the future, can stimulate the physical response brought by terror through memory associations."

Xiao Yiyi nodded desperately, and then looked at the wind cabin, she was eager to try it, and wanted to try it a few more times!

Mu Qianqiu frowned.

It sounds like acting is a professional ability that requires a live actor to experience life frequently and accumulate for a long time to form a set of mature skills.

But Liu Qingqing is only 18 years old, how did she do it?

On the flying car parked in the corner, Lu Dingjiao's black eyes also flashed a little thought.

Do you have more injustices than others before you have the acting skills that touch your soul?

Sure enough.

In Jin's camera, he couldn't see the slightest trace of artificiality and hypocrisy in the several performances in which she was bullied.

Because she had a similar experience.

At home, is she really being bullied by Clean Smart?

Liu family…

Lu Dingzhen's black eyes were silent.

In the shooting venue, various departments are still working.

Liu Qingqing finished work and prepared to run back to the dormitory.

Just as he was about to let Li Mo go first, a strange call jumped out of his mind.

Liu Qingqing raised her eyebrows and connected.

Regret for a second.

"As a child, do you have any respect and respect for your mother?"

"The blind date arranged for you, you don't go, okay, me? This mother apologizes for you."

"It's been two weeks. I sent you a message, but you didn't reply. I called you, but you didn't answer."

"Liu Qingqing, do you still have me in your eyes? Is this mother?"

After a series of questions, Liu Qingqing didn't have time to say a word, so she just babbled on the opposite side.

"You go home now, let's talk."

This is obviously not the tone of the negotiation.

"Are you in the Imperial City? I? Send an assistant to pick you up!"

Pick her up?

A very unpleasant scene in Liu Qingqing's memory slowly emerged.

The original test scores were not ideal before, and the second-to-last in the class, for fear of being scolded, did not dare to go home.

Borrowing to stay at a D-class friend's house at the time.

As a result, the original body was forcibly taken away by two intelligent machines of the Liu family.

That? The robot is very rough and doesn't care how fragile the girl's skin is.

She didn't want to go and was still on the floor? She was dragged for a while.

Even that D-class friend was terrified.

As a result, the next day, Yuan Shi was transferred to another school by this mother.

Because she hid at a friend's house, they felt that the friend had broken her.

Later, Yuan Shi graduated from junior high school and never made any real friends again.

Some people look down on her, and others she knows are impossible to be recognized by her mother.

Thinking of these memories, Liu Qingqing felt a headache.

The body was cold for a while, and she couldn't help trembling, forcing her to not be able to think about it any further.

This should be the negative emotions left in the original body.

All the muscles of the body have memory.

Liu Qingqing closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Is it President Yuan?"

The aggressive voice on the other end of the phone paused, "You called me? What?"

Yuan Yaqing was obviously caught.

Liu Qingqing's voice was clear and rational, but a little cold.

"First of all, the 18-year-old has the capacity to act and has autonomy."

"Secondly, there should be no law in the Covenant that children must obey their parents at home."

"Finally, I'm sorry, I still have to work on filming, so I can't talk to President Yuan in detail. Otherwise, the liquidated damages are not something that a mere F-level can afford."

After speaking clearly, she narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Star Alliance parents do not have the right to monitor their children. So, if President Yuan tracks and coerces me again, I don't mind hiring a lawyer and taking legal measures to protect myself."

"Just a reminder."

Liu Qingqing hung up neatly.

Li Mo next to him was shocked, "Your relationship with your family is so bad...?"

As early as Liu Qingqing participated in the golden lens, he had some guesses.

Not to mention the final match, she directly asked him to get things and move out of Liu's house.

But I didn't expect it to be so bad!

"You really don't plan to go home?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Zhinao and pondered, "When I can live on the 100th floor, I will go back once."

"Ah?" Li Mo didn't listen? Understand.

Liu Qingqing smiled, "It's nothing, let's go."

They passed a dark green tin military vehicle with its windows closed and parked abruptly in the filming area.

Liu Qingqing glanced at it and quickly looked away.

After she left, the car window slowly rose.

The next day, Liu Qingqing got a smart alarm device that Mu Qianqiu gave her.

"Take it with you, or download an APP from the Internet and install it on the brain. It can block all tracking codes without consent."

After Mu Qianqiu handed it over to her, he added another word.

"Well, it's a benefit to the crew."

Is it?

Liu Qingqing was a little surprised.

"Many thanks to the director," Li Mo laughed like a flower, "Qingqing, thank the director quickly, we helped train some F-level actors, and the crew was too polite."

Only then did Liu Qingqing realize that it was a reward.

Mu Qianqiu waved her hand, "No thanks, 20,000 points, within 24 hours, remember to pay at the Actors Guild."

Liu Qingqing: "..."

It turned out to be money!

#Do you have the heart to watch her die? #

#distressed, then? Just recharge to buy the expansion! #

When Liu Qingqing paid points at the Actors Association and purchased high-end anti-tracking equipment, a hot search also appeared on the Internet.

Things have to start three days ago.

The "Chuangshen" game has finally released the latest expansion pack and mainline update, and many players are excited to download it.

But no one expected that what followed? A group of crying game experiences.

Released on the first day, on the forum? It's just a bunch of old players crying and crying.

【She escaped again! 】

[And again and again... fainted and fell to the ground! 】

【Damn! It's killing me! This bastard, it was just the last blow, she fell off the chain! 】

What veteran players are most afraid of is not meeting a pig teammate, but a pig teammate who can't get rid of them.

This time, the "Chuangshen" expansion pack has a total of two new characters that can be teamed up.

New characters involve new gameplay and an extension of the main story.

Without adding a new character to the player's team, the subsequent main storyline cannot be triggered.

But unfortunately, this new NPC character, the girl Chan Yu, is a weak girl who screams when she encounters a monster, and faints when she hits a monster!

[Even if she is a teammate, I want to kill her first! 】

[When I saw the boss, I wanted to cry. 】

[I? Try not to let her take action and singled out the boss, but she fainted again! It also triggered a state of rigidity that caused the whole team to faint...Worge. 】

[I? Tried it, she has to do it. If she didn't do it, the four of them couldn't beat it. 】

【Nima! Chuangshen programmers, what do you want! 】

Everyone's game progress is stuck, and there are many complaints on the forum.

Chuangshen R&D Department?, received thousands of complaints from different accounts within half a day.

There are also players who are so angry that they called the Consumers Association to complain.

"what's the situation?"

Midsummer Entertainment, Strategy Office.

Liu Hong, who was sitting on the boss's chair, excitedly downloaded the "Chuangshen" update package during his lunch break at noon.

Just as I was about to experience it, I saw a protest on the forum.

He was confused.

Ten years ago, he was also one of the first players in Chuangshen.

He was just two years after graduating from university. He worked every day until the early morning at Midsummer Entertainment, racing against AI, and the pressure was very high.

Playing this game is his only time to relax.

By fighting monsters and upgrading, chatting with teammates, and scolding a few people on the screen from time to time, the troubles of work are all relieved.

So? Even now, he has climbed to the management position and is still playing this game.

He actively participates in every update.

The same is true this time, the old rule, first go online to find everyone's reviews, and see the guide.

This is very helpful for the time-stressed office worker like him.

But I didn't expect... Forums are cursing.

Liu Hong frowned, seeing that the update package was downloaded, he could only play a wave of advanced games.

While hanging up and continuing to search for strategies, he saw the new character this time.

—A girl in a red dress with long black hair, clicked the cursor, and she happily took the coffee cup and turned around three times.

"Deputy Captain Liu, I'm a new intern from the Combat Section, Chan Yu. You can call me Xiao Chan~"

"Your coffee."

The character of "Chuangshen" is a rare 3D virtual character of animation image.

Real-life portraits are not used.

Although a wave of players who liked a sense of realism was persuaded to be dismissed, players like Liu Hong who were looking for a pure land in their busy lives liked this two-dimensional style very much.

Chanyu is also a standard anime girl, with some pure neighborly style and very white skin.

There is a contrast in the speech, some playful endings, and the sound is cute.

Suddenly, Liu Hong felt that the gamers on the forum were too irritable.

Why scold a little cutie?

But five minutes later, the first mission of the game expansion pack was released, and an octopus monster of unknown origin appeared in the sea on the outskirts of the city.

Liu Hong quickly took the newly formed team and set off.

Clicking on the skill bar of the new character, Chan Yu, Liu Hong was confident and ready to fight—but he was soon stunned.

"Hey ya ya~"

A soft and cute scream that was exaggerated to break through his eardrums sounded behind him.

When he turned around, he saw the character Chan Yu, and lost his weapon.

#chanyu leaves the team because of fear#

#Your team has a defense gap, alert#

#The team is wiped out#

Liu Hong: "!"

Once again, he chose to boost morale before setting off, comforting Chan Yu not to be afraid.

"Okay, I? Do my best."

It is still incredibly soft and cute, with a sweet voice and line, which is close to the heart of an otaku and otaku.

But five minutes later - "Hey ya ya ya..."

Another familiar scream.

With a suffocating cry of "Blood!", Liu Hong heard a crashing sound behind him.

#chanyu fainted and fainted and left the team#

#Your team is in a state of dizziness and blood loss, stunned for five seconds, alarm#

#The team is wiped out#

Liu Hong: "…"

Come on, what the hell?

scold her, you must scold her!

He is also going to the forum? Curse!

No matter how cute it is, it can't be eaten as a meal, what the hell!

Liu Hong was so angry that he couldn't eat for the first time after playing games during his lunch break.

Immediately? Post a Tucao post, #Request to change character attributes, don't be this girl! #

Unexpectedly, just after the post was sent, it received more than ten floors of replies.

[L2: Five minutes ago, I thought so too, until—]

[L3: The landlord should not be so irritable to open the microphone! People are still girls. 】

[L5: I heard that someone here scolds my daughter, let me clarify → Yes, my daughter. 】

[L10: If you want to scold me, scold me? Don't touch me? Yu Bao. 】


Liu Hong was stunned.

What a shameless double standard party this is!

Only allow them to scold, he can't?

Liu Hong was angry, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the forum homepage.

#daughter, I? I blame you, it's my father's fault. #

#Mom I'm sorry for you, my mother taught Xiaoyu to fight monsters! #

#小飞, Dad bought you equipment, don’t cry! #

#strange daughter faints blood, I? I'm not a human being! #

The forum has changed drastically.

Liu Hongzheng was surprised, and found that the game time reached 12:00 noon, and a limited-time event popped up: [Intern 5-day development plan].

After clicking in, it is a short information clip.

A short video diary of a five-year-old girl who has gradually grown to twenty.

It turned out that her fainting of blood was a problem when she was five years old. The reason was that her pet dog, who had been with her at home when she was a child, had a car accident in front of her eyes.

From then on, when she saw the blood on the animals, she could not stand it and fainted.

Her parents never noticed her problem because of their busy work.

When she was eighteen, she fainted in front of them for the first time and was sent to the hospital, it was too late.

She has formed a long-term psychological problem, which is difficult to overcome now. Even if the shadow is successfully resolved, her body will still faint.

[Players, you have 5 chances to travel back to her past (ages 6 to 18). ]

[Every time she successfully resolves 1 point of her haze, her combat power will be permanently increased by 20%, and the chance of running away and fainting by 20% will be reduced. ]

Liu Hong took a deep breath.

It turned out to be so.

5 times of crossing, if all are successful, the combat power of the character Chanyu will be doubled!

Become a super hitter!

[During the time and space travel through the past, you have the opportunity to get - the lightsaber (SSS) that Chanyu falls in time and space. ]

[After equipment, the stun resistance of the entire team increases by 100%, and the defense power increases by 25%. ]


Liu Hong's saliva is about to flow out?

what are you waiting for

He immediately clicked on the event and chose to travel right away.

The VR holographic simulation technology instantly brought him into a warm home with three bedrooms and one living room.

A soft and tender pink dumpling ran towards him and grabbed his pants.


Liu Hong was hit.

No wonder the forum? A bunch of dads and moms.

Players travel through the past and, according to their gender, wear them on Chanyu's parents.

Liu Hong immediately started a special task.

Bought another identical dog for the little girl.

When she went to elementary school, she took her to treat stray dogs.

When she was in junior high school, she took her to the hospital as a volunteer and contacted the injured.

Go to high school and take her to the Warcraft Museum to see the anatomy of Warcraft.

When she graduates from high school, will she go to college?…

"Dad supports you to practice taekwondo and swordsmanship, and all pocket money will be reimbursed!"

Liu Hong played with it and had a lot of fun. As soon as he turned around, he saw the adult version of Chan Yu, just like the cartoon girl he saw at the beginning of the game.

I saw her smile comfortably and hand over coffee.

"Okay, Dad. Coffee?"

The girl's voice was gentle.

This sentence is similar to the coffee line at the beginning of the game.

But the soft and cute voice is a little different.

If you say the beginning, the voice is like an immature girl.

That? Now, after his five healings, this voice seems to have completely healed the heartache, and it has become soft and atmospheric.

There is a cool breeze in the summer when the words are spoken, the refreshing feeling of blowing through the stack of documents in the hot and dry office.

Really... decompression.

And this gentle, soft voice, in the ear, there is some familiar familiarity.

Liu Hong took the coffee cup subconsciously, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

But soon, the game prompt sounded.

[Congratulations, five successful repairs, unlock the full version of Chan Yu! ]

With the wonderful prompt sound, the outline of the two-dimensional cartoon girl in front of him gradually became clear and deep.

The clothes on her body have a real sense of fabric, and the pink cheeks have a soft and harmonious three-dimensional sense.

A sweet smile, like a bud in March.

A three-dimensional beauty, standing movingly, gradually merged with the cartoon image.

Delicate eyebrows, clear eyes.

"God of War intern, Chan Yu applied to return to the team!"

Her little face straightened, saluting.

The clear and beautiful voice is loud and sassy.

The coffee in Liu Hong's hand fell to the ground.

"Liu, Liu..."

Isn't this Liu Qingqing! ?

No wonder he felt the sound was a little familiar!


"Qingqing, the Dubbing Association has a job."

"They listened to you dubbing the game characters of Genesis."

Just returned to Jiangduxing, Li Mo hadn't rested yet.

Again, another job offer.

The author has something to say: Wow, it's the weekend, I want to drink milk tea, let's go~

See you tomorrow, happy weekend.

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts