MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 83 .83rd performance

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The second competition of "Who is the Voice? The King of Sound" is an emergency call again.

The reason is very simple: the program group wants to "do things" to gain ratings.

The sudden competition did not give the players time to prepare, and it could better reflect the normal level.

This time, it is a dual-assessment mode of optional lines + designated lines.

Liu Jin's three artists were all eliminated, including Liu Yingqin's rice sauce.

An assistant had already sent a message to Yuan Yaqing, but her attention was all on the relationship between Liu Qingqing and Lu Dingjiao, and she rushed home without having time to read the other information.

I only got the news now, and I almost didn't mention it in one breath.

Not to mention how popular the rice sauce is, its own strength is also top-notch in the new generation.

The other two, one inherits the chips from the former film and the latter Su, and the other is the new technology chips from Liujin in the past ten years.

Yuan Yaqing only felt that her throat was blocked.

A mouthful of blood gushing up.

Liu Mingzhen has been doing research at the base in recent years, and she is in charge of the business of Liujin Company.

Her competitive spirit is stronger than Liu Mingzhen.

The past few years? Dedicated to making Liu Jin the first of the three.

Then she, as Liukin's ruler, reached the top of the pyramid.


how so?!

The second game was lost.

Didn't even make it into the top 20?

Yuan Yaqing was in a cold sweat and opened the replay of the program.

'In the second game, we adopted the mode of fighting in groups. ’

'Every group of four, the one with the first score? Advance directly. The rest of the contestants will enter the pending area and will be voted by the audience for the second time. ’

Yuan Yaqing was startled.

Liu Jin's three players were unlucky, and they were all in Group F with the 'Eight Cups of Water'.

Destiny? F, like mocking her for despising the F-class?

In the end, these three were all eliminated by the 'eight glasses of water'!

Yuan Yaqing choked at the thought.

And after the video was opened, she quickly saw the first appearance of "Pi" in Group F, and the line selected was a **** feud, and the protagonist raised his eyebrows after finding the enemy.

‘Have you ever thought about what kind of torment I suffer day and night! …’

The whole line lasts for three minutes, with strong explosive power from beginning to end, gasping in anger, and in the later stage, there is a sense of revenge, comfort and relief. It can be said that it is very complete, and its expressiveness is accurate and real.

This is Susu's chip, the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

This level ranked first in Liujin, Yuan Yaqing didn't think there was a problem.

Was eliminated, is it the judges...?

Liu Qingqing participated in this show, and there are military artists among the contestants? And among the judges is the military director Mu Qianqiu...

As soon as she thought of it, Yuan Yaqing groaned in her heart.

Immediately, she heard the judge's comments coming from the headset.

'Yes, is there a certain level of speaking skills? This level can already be used directly in the movie, and it will not be NG. ’

Mu Qianqiu's comments.

'agree. The level is the upper-level position of the actors in the entire entertainment industry. ’

Liao Xianji's review.

Yuan Yaqing frowned.

All think? Well, how did you get eliminated?

Let's listen to the "Hope" and "Speed ​​Drift" lines later.

'Hope' is rice sauce, she knew it as soon as she heard the sound.

The girl's unique "sweetness" has always been an otaku killer.

When she said 'see you again by fate', a bunch of pink hearts appeared on the barrage.

Great reviews.

Yuan Yaqing has confidence in his eldest son's works.

Pricked up my ears to listen to the judges' comments, and it was a positive comment.

'Among the young actresses, the one who deserves it? The top three. ’

'It reminded me of my own? Youth time...'

This is a high rating.

The more Yuan Yaqing listened, the less she understood.

She dragged the progress bar.

All the way to their ? Knockout screen!

In the video, each eliminated contestant will reveal his or her identity.

From the hazy shadow by the window of the hut, he walked to the center of the stage, took off his camouflage, and restored his original voice.

[Slotting, 'hope' turned out to be rice sauce... 5555, I'm sorry, Dad loves you, but you and

"Eight glasses of water" group, Dad has not? There is a vote for you. 】

[Good guy, 'Pi' is really Su Su! Ouch, but I really have no choice. Each group can only cast ten votes. I gave eight glasses of water for seven votes, and there are only three votes left. 】

[Hey, I originally wanted to give at least two or three votes?, but I heard the last one? 'Eight glasses of water'... I can't control my fingers! 】

A group of four.

The audience votes their votes for the contestants according to their preferences.

When there is a sudden emergence of a person in the group, it will cause a large number of votes to be concentrated on her.

The votes of other players were greatly compressed.

Group F received a total of 1.034 million votes from the audience and 40 votes from the judges.

Among them, I drink eight glasses of water: 801,000 audience votes and 30 judges votes

The second-placed rice sauce: received 101,000 audience votes, and the judges voted 5

Yuan Yaqing stared at the announcement of the number of votes in the variety show.

—What the **** is going on with these eight glasses of water?!

She had a meeting before, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Because these eight glasses of water selected two lines of content, one cartoon and one Buddhist scripture, which are too niche and not in the mainstream film and television drama market.

To put it bluntly, studying Buddhist scriptures and cartoons is a waste of time.

Not very profitable!

It is not the main market where the three major companies compete.

Such a competitor is indeed very strong, but the other party has walked a very narrow path, and there is no big splash.

If Liu Jin was paying too much attention, it would be a waste of time.

She also told the planning department at the time to tell them not to care, but to focus on other opponents!

But today, this "eight glasses of water" eliminated all their seed players!

Yuan Yaqing didn't understand why.

No matter how good the Buddhist scriptures are, are they useful?

How many TV shows use Buddhist scriptures?

Even if there is, it must be a supporting line!

Yuan Yaqing thought? This must be a shady scene.

Did the other two join forces to engage in Liu Jin; or did Liu Qingqing and the military area blow the wind?

First, they were not allowed to enter the military area for condolences and performances, and now they are the first to eliminate them in the competition!

"I think about it, it's all a game!"

Yuan Yaqing was angry.

"No, I have to? Give Liu Qingqing a call and make a sidekick."

Liu Mingzhen was stunned by her conclusion.

"What do you mean? What do you think? My daughter will harm us?" Liu Mingzhen couldn't even react.

It was also fortunate that his mental power was S-rank, so he could guess his wife's thoughts.

"It's not enough for you to slander your daughter and the boss, and you want to blame her for the company's failure?"

Liu Mingzhen was shocked and furious.

He and Yuan Yaqing were well-matched and married on a blind date.

The Yuan family is also doing research, but the general direction is not in the entertainment industry, but in the current intellectual brain technology.

When Yuan Yaqing was young, he was famous for being smart, capable of research and development, and vigorous.

After marriage, except for giving birth to children, she spent almost all of her work in Liujin Company.

At that time, Liu Mingzhen's father felt that he had chosen the right daughter-in-law and trusted her very much.

Over time, Liu Mingzhen also found that he did not like to manage the company, did not like to deal with competitors, prefer to engage in technology in the laboratory.

Instead, Yuan Yaqing became Liu Jin's speaker.

And Liu Mingzhen focused on technical iteration? and moved to the background. Except for the important annual report meeting, Liu Mingzhen hardly participates in the management of the company and completely trusts his wife.

After all, she gave most of her youth to the Liu family, which also proved her ability.

He has no reason not to trust her!

But Liu Mingzhen was stunned now.

When encountering a problem, she didn't solve it at the first time, but threw the blame on others first?

The reason for the failure is that others want to harm them?

This person is still his own? Daughter?

What kind of ditch would such a person, managing a company, bring the company to?

He studies in the back.

If the strategy ahead is always wrong, then no amount of research will be in vain!

Liu Mingzhen almost fainted, "Our current technology is not inferior to the other two, but neither the golden camera nor the sound king has outstanding performance. I thought you were analyzing the reason!"

Yuan Yaqing didn't hear it at first, but quickly understood.

Wearing make-up? Face suddenly elongated.

"Liu Mingzhen, I've done so much for you? You still blame me? Could it be that the failure is all my fault?"

"You're so naive! You don't want to mess with others, but that doesn't mean others don't want to mess with you!"

Liu Mingzhen was about to collapse.

Still can't listen to advice!

It just so happened that the three brothers Liu Yingqin went upstairs, followed by Mi Jiang, who were about to come to Liu Mingzhen to discuss the lines of improvement.

Mi Jiang just lost, but Liu Yingqin expected it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they went upstairs, they heard their parents' conversation.

On the spot, the faces of the three brothers were ugly.

"Mother, have you heard your sister's game lines?"

Liu Yingqin's questioning was fairly restrained.

"Whether it's rice sauce, me, or the entire Liujin R&D team, it's not wrong to lose to my sister."

Liu Yingqin restrained his anger greatly.

But these words were still a heavy blow, hitting Yuan Yaqing in the face!

"You said... who did you lose to?"

younger sister?

Liu Qingqing?

Eight glasses of water, is it Liu Qingqing?

Yuan Yaqing was stunned. Her brain, which has always been meticulous and high-speed, seemed to have a screw stuck in a gear, and it was completely stagnant.

She knew that Liu Qingqing had the ability, won the golden shot, got the doomsday movie, and got the magazine insert.

However, she has always felt that a large part of the success here is due to everyone's freshness towards live-action artists.

Liu Qingqing's strength, Yuan Yaqing always felt that it was under the most mature intelligence of the three major companies.

Even if it can defeat those new intelligences, it is impossible to compare the ace intelligence of the three major companies.

"That... eight glasses of water!?"

Yuan Yaqing felt that it was definitely not right.

"You got it wrong, it's all anonymous competition, how do you know it's her!"

The voice of the cartoon, she heard it, it didn't look like it.

Buddhist scriptures... She felt that without long-term research, she could not recite the feeling that the four elements are empty.

Liu Qingqing, she is only 18 years old!

She has been mediocre in school, and it takes her eight hours to pass while others spend four hours studying.

How did she have time to study ancient earth? Buddhist scriptures?

"She just passed her 19th birthday." Liu Yingming's face darkened, "Is my mother old and needs a full set of physical examinations?"

Liu Yingcheng nodded, "Many clinical cases of menopause have symptoms of memory loss."

Yuan Yaqing took a breath, did she catch her breath?

She realized that her right to speak and status at home was being increasingly weakened.

Things are going in a direction beyond her control!

Yuan Yaqing was about to reprimand her son seriously, but was interrupted by Liu Yingqin.

He clicked on the brain and played the clip video of 'I am eight glasses of water'.

Suddenly, a tactful female voice, through the surround top speakers, shuttled through the metal structure of the house.

It seems that time has passed... It took a long? Centuries to arrive here.

'It turns out that the purple and red are blooming...'

Her chanting is extremely prosperous, and even makes the empty room on the 100th floor become warm as if it was illuminated by spring light.

This... rice sauce is okay too?

Yuan Yaqing couldn't help but think.

But just as he was about to analyze, the chanting sound continued to meander again.

'It seems like this is all paid to the broken well and the ruins. ’

After the prosperous and beautiful scenery, it is so depressed and lonely.

The melodious voice turned slightly, accompanied by a silent sigh, unexpectedly, making the listener's breath stagnate, and his chest felt tight.

The seamless transition between beautiful scenes and sad scenes, in her elegant voice that first moved the ears and then lamented the decadence, a shocking picture of the transition emerged, which made people feel helpless and pity.

'Beautiful day? What is the scenery? Heaven...'

A faint sound, as if filled with grief, whispered in the ears of people.

This kind of beautiful scenery disappeared in a blink of an eye, but no one came to appreciate it.

What should we do, to spend this precious time, to keep this beautiful scenery?

The girl's melancholy and delicate mind is like this slender voice line, extremely sensitive, as fragile as a willow branch.

Soft twists and turns, repeated euphemistic voice lines, no strong fluctuations, but full of affection.

As if covered with a thin layer of drizzle, it fell in the hearts of people.

I couldn't help it, and people's breathing slowed down and relaxed with her chanting.

When Yuan Yaqing regained his senses, he realized that the three sons and husband in front of him were all addicted and unable to stop.

"Play it again, big brother." Liu Yingcheng suggested.

Liu Yingming nodded, "Let's cycle."

Liu Mingzhen let out a sigh of relief, "Wonderful."

Alright, even a scientist spit out classical Chinese.

Yuan Yaqing coughed several times, and finally made a few men unhappy to look at her.

"Mother, can you keep your voice down?"

"It bothers us."

"While appreciating, don't disturb."

Yuan Yaqing: "..."

"This is your sister, is it Liu Qingqing?" Yuan Yaqing ignored their protest, "Are you sure?"

This question made Liu Mingzhen also look at his eldest son.

Obviously, he wasn't sure either.

Liu Yingqin nodded, "The current 40 players have been narrowed down to 20 after this competition."

Needless to say, the following words are understood by the high IQs present.

There are fewer and fewer contestants.

The other 19 have distinct characteristics. In the archives of Liujin's competitors, they have long been named and surnamed, and there is only one player who has not been eliminated and who does not have enough information!

As long as it is confirmed that Liu Qingqing has not been eliminated, then this 'eight glasses of water' must be her!

"I asked my friend on Montes TV, and he was sure that she was not eliminated. But the corresponding one is anonymous, and he is unwilling to disclose it." Liu Yingqin skipped the process and said the result directly.

All of a sudden, Yuan Yaqing's whole body's blood solidified!

The F-rank she despised, eliminated all of Liu Jin's **** seeds!

Her values, her cognition, have been overturned!

And, right in front of her eyes!

She personally listened to this passage... with music and sadness, with sadness and music, two extreme emotions, that female voice? The sense of excitement, prosperity is more prominent, and the decline is more miserable.

Whether it's an exaggerated line to kill his father's enemy, or Mi Jiang's "sweet" line, compared to this one, it's too thin.

Conception, emotion, and soul thinking are not at the same level?!

No wonder? They can only get ?10% of the votes in Group F when they are added together.

In the end, he was eliminated because of the bottom of the total number of votes.

Yuan Yaqing felt the trick of fate.

If she hadn't disliked Liu Qingqing's F-class and shielded Liu Qingqing from entering Liu Jin as a mother, then wouldn't she be Liu Jin's person as the favorite to win the championship now!

At a loss, a call came in.


As soon as she saw it, she hurriedly left the room on the 100th floor.

"Mom, why did you suddenly call me?" Yuan Yaqing was annoying.

"Yaqing, what's going on?? What the family group Mingzhen said? Is it true?? That child is now more powerful than intelligence, isn't he only F-level in mental strength? You were not mistaken in the past, right?"

Yuan Yaqing collapsed, "How could I be wrong?"

She blurted out, and quickly lowered her voice.

"Then why is she so capable? It's obviously not true with Liu Yingming? My brothers and sisters are like him? Strong?"

"Mom, you're so confused, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Yuan Yaqing gritted her teeth.

"Okay, I understand? I'm just curious to ask. By the way, your brother's company has been short of operating funds recently, do you see?—"

Yuan Yaqing's face is ugly.

Back then, she shouldn't have told her mother about this vampire!

Immediately in her mind, she was pregnant and working hard at the company, but bleeding profusely.

If both children survive...

Do not.

Just pretend she survived!

Liu Qingqing was her own child!

If not, then the hospital made a mistake!


After Liu Qingqing finished the game, she just fell down in the dubbing room.

Take out your phone and start reading a novel.

In order to make the play faster, she chose the next one, or chose the top of the list? Sand sculpture to watch?.

"Isn't Sister Qingqing coming out yet, Big Brother Li?"

Lu Xiaomeng was a little worried.

She is older than Liu Qingqing, but every time she sees Liu Qingqing's real person and Liu Qingqing's excellent performance, she can't call her sister, she can only call her sister-this is the spirit of a queen !

"Need? A little time to play."

Li Mo found out.

Recently, every time Liu Qingqing appeared in a play, the time was longer than before.

Are you tired?

"I'm so worried. What emotions, desires, and desires were abandoned last time? Buddhist scriptures, this time it's from a trapped girl? Feeling sad, Sister Qingqing won't have anything to be sad about, right?"

Lu Xiaomeng majored in ancient culture studies.

This said, the cultural desert of Li Mo was frightened.

"Trapped girl? Aren't you talking about the scenery?"

"Ah, Big Brother Li, don't you know? Sister Qingqing's line today is from "The Peony Pavilion"."

Lu Xiaomeng frowned.

"This paragraph is actually saying that the young lady who has been locked in the boudoir all the time, the beautiful youth are locked in the house, and the youth is wasted."

"Ah?!" Li Mo was surprised.

Lu Xiaomeng nodded, "After this lyric, the lady met a scholar in a dream and entrusted her for life."

Li Mo: "!"


She won't really? Want to fall in love?

Wait, is 19 still considered adolescence?

During puberty, estrogen increases, and you will want to fall in love.

If you don't let her talk, you will be sad.

Liu Qingqing came out of the recording studio and returned to her normal expression.

Just as he was about to smile at Li Mo, he saw his strange expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Actually, it's not impossible if you want to fall in love."

Li Mo solemnly?

Liu Qingqing: "?"

"I found an anonymous online dating site for you!" Li Mo asked for credit.

It is normal for children to want to be in love.

Under the guidance of an adult, there is no problem.

He is just such an enlightened broker!

Liu Qingqing: "..."

There are more and more comments on the official Weibo of "I am the Voice King".

Most people are guessing the identity of the 'eight glasses of water'.

But the program group never responded.

[Actually, I guess, most of it is my home. Besides her, who else can do this? 】

[I didn't confirm it before, but today I saw Professor Liao Xianji's speechlessness and couldn't comment, I thought this picture was too familiar! 】

【Have you seen Liu Hong's expression? A look of sadness. Some of you may not know that the previous golden lens champions will sign with Midsummer Entertainment, this year? The Queen rejected Midsummer. 】

[Actually, I've always wondered, why did Cheng Xiangyu come to be the voice? The King of Sound's guest?

The players didn't show their faces. He is a photographer, what is he doing here? He couldn't say anything about the judgment lines, but—

Since "30 Days in Love", hee hee, does anyone understand me? 】

[woc, remind me! Cheng Xiangyu is suspected of confessing to the queen from the air! 】

[Damn, is this really? It's love, right? He went up to Lian Zong for her, to the voice for her? The King of Sound... My God. Eight glasses of water is a zero stone hammer! 】

['s a little dangerous. 】

Lu Dingzhen glanced at ten lines, and when he saw this, the corner of his mouth sank directly.

Turn out the light screen and make a combat map.

Send → Zhuang Zhuo.

In the hut, Cheng Xiang Yu was about to draw a piece of paper, but found that his hand was empty.

"Ah, I just saw Xiao Yiyi and Gao Yueru bought tissues and came back."

Zhuang Zhuo looked at Zhinao, raised his head and smiled at Cheng Xiangyu.

Cheng Xiangyu: "..."

Originally the men's toilet? Where is the tissue?

Why? Ask? Girls?!

"You make a phone call to their room and ask their intelligence to deliver it for you! I have a very important military region meeting, so I'll leave now!"

Cheng Xiangyu: "!"

Zhuang Zhuo turned and left.

Quickly tap a string of ciphertext with one hand and send it to the marshal.

#daily create contact opportunities √#

"But what is the meaning of the Marshal's combat plan?"

Zhuang Zhuo touched his nose,

"Fulfillment? Others, can I get the girl's liking?"

The author has something to say: Lu Xingxing: No. But make your boss like the girl.

Poor Zhuang Zhuo, I want to laugh when I write, see you tomorrow~555, I have been doing a lot of things at home recently, and then my rabbit's eyes are red, swollen and inflamed, and I keep crying, so I have to take him to the doctor, I will try to do as much as possible Written, what?

Read Monarch of Time
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