MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 246 Horror Enemy and Instant

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  Chapter 246 Horror Enemies and Instant Seconds

   "What kind of bird are you?"

  Seeing the sudden appearance of No. 18, Saitama suddenly felt disgusted and couldn't help but speak.

   "What are you talking about?" No. 18 was originally in a bad mood because he was abused in the game, but now he was actually provoked by an ant, and he couldn't bear it.

   "I'm asking about your background." Saitama's expression became extremely serious.

   "Hey, Saitama, this should be an official challenge." Some people saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, and wanted to go forward to dissuade them, but they were blocked by water dragons.

  Shuilong's face was serious, and he even shed cold sweat. He said with difficulty: "This person is scary, don't get close to her."

  The words of the A-level hero are still very convincing, and everyone can't help but take two steps back: "Is it an enemy?"

  In the stands, the moment he saw No. 18 appearing, Aomori immediately stood up, frowning. He didn't know the origin of this person, but he just had a bad premonition in his heart.

   "Hey, did you arrange this?" Tornado flew to Aomori's side and asked with an uneasy expression.

   "No." Aomori shook his head, "But with such a strong murderous aura, it seems that the visitor is not kind."

   "Oh, that's right, I'm bored." Long Juan said happily, "Leave her to me."

   "No, I am also very interested in such an opponent." Flash touched the hilt of the sword at his waist, feeling extremely excited.

   "You want to compete with me? Go and stay wherever it's cool!"

   "What did you say?!" The flash is also a powder keg, and it will explode at one point.

   "You can go together, but let me ask her about her background first." Aomori said, then floated up and flew there.

   "Hey, wait for me!" The tornado followed closely, and the flashing figure disappeared at the same time.

   "It's going to be all right, should we go help together?" Rilun asked, "There are thousands of people here, so we can't be negligent."

   "No, just leave it to them." Atomic Samurai said with a smile, "We must give young people a chance to perform."

   Banggu and Bangpu are also not worried. In their opinion, Aomori and Tornado are enough to deal with all situations.

  However, they didn't know that the enemy this time was also outside the specifications.

  The audience, who thought it was the effect of the program, were constantly calling out. The noisy sound made No. 18 very irritable, and she finally couldn't help it.

   "Damn pigs! Do you know that you are really an eyesore! Go to **** with me!"

  Her hands instantly condensed huge flame balls, one flew towards the auditorium, and the other smashed to Saitama and others below.

   Once the big fireball exploded, at least hundreds of people would die. Fortunately, Aomori and Tornado controlled them in time.

  Looking at the big fireball above their heads, Suiryu and others swallowed, and quickly hid in the distance. Only Saitama remained motionless, looking at No. 18.

   "If only I could fly, I really want to punch her."

  After using superpowers to seize control of the two big fireballs, Tornado pointed at No. 18 and cursed: "Hey, do you know that this is very dangerous!"

  Looking at the stopped fireball, No. 18 felt very uncomfortable, and said with a cold face: "Explosion!"

  The big fireball did not explode as she said, but shrunk and became smaller and smaller, becoming as big as a ping pong ball, which was held by the tornado.

   "I told you, it's best not to do dangerous things."

   Seeing this scene, No. 18 was not surprised at all, and a smile appeared on her face: "You are indeed a person who can fight side by side with blasting, you are really talented, Tornado."

   "Explosion?" Tornado narrowed his eyes.

   "Who are you? What do you want to do here? Are you here for revenge?" Aomori asked.

  He found that when it came to blasting, the murderous aura around him became heavier.

"Why should I answer your question? Do you think the ones standing in front of you are trash like them?" No. 18 said with disdain: "But if you kneel down and beg me, I can help you." Answer your questions."

  ‘Where did you get cerebral palsy? ’ Aomori gave up the plan to communicate with her, turned to Tornado and said, "Come on, she is yours now."

   "Hmph, don't order me!" Tornado stretched out his small hand, and the powerful telekinetic power exerted on No. 18, restraining her.

   "So simple? Is it a paper tiger with such a big tone?"

   "Hahaha, is this your strength? It's too weak."

   "Wait until you can break free before talking big, idiot." Long Juan also felt that there was something wrong with the person in front of him.

   "Heh, then open your eyes wide and take a good look at the gap between me and you!"

  Under the watchful eyes of Tornado and Aomori, the whole body of No. 18 lit up with dazzling light, and a force of destructive power appeared out of thin air.

   "Tornado, use all your strength!" Sensing this unusual aura, Aomori yelled hastily, and all his thoughts and energy poured out, covering No. 18's body.

   "I don't need you to tell me!" Tornado gritted his teeth, bursting out with superpowers, and he didn't know how many layers of shields wrapped around No. 18, and at the same time pushed her into the sky.

   "It's too late, let me die!" No. 18 laughed wildly: "[Helium Flash]!!"


  Endless light and fire suddenly expanded, the mind shield and energy shield imposed by Aomori broke instantly, and the tornadoes also retreated steadily. They were broken through after only two breaths of time, and they were the first to be swallowed by the fire.

  A bright sword light suddenly lit up, and even overwhelmed these flames, but unfortunately, it was fleeting and disappeared together with its owner, causing only a little disturbance.

  Looking at the oncoming fire that occupied the entire field of vision, Saitama showed a resolute expression, the cloak fluttering behind him, he raised his fist, and hit a straight punch, his straight figure was covered by the fire.

  In the stands, Banggu and Bangpu, who had no time to be shocked, punched the Jiaoyalong killing punch relying on the tacit understanding for many years.

  Atomic Samurai and Rilun pulled out their sabers, cutting with dazzling light.

   Absolu, who was originally squatting, straightened up, raised his head and let out a long cry. A large cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

  They were the few who responded, and more people lost consciousness when they saw the light in their eyes.

  The waves of fire surged, as if nothing could stop its progress. The woods and buildings were turned into debris, and the entire starting place of the hero was destroyed.

  A huge fireball with a radius of several kilometers replaced the original green trees and became the most dazzling existence in the world.

   "Bi!" Bi Diao, who was flying in the air, let out a mournful cry, plunged into the fireball and disappeared without a trace.

   "Lu!" Absolu woke up suddenly, raised his head, and found that there were still crowds of people around him, a scene of joy and harmony, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

   "What's the matter, Absol?" Aomori asked, "Is it too noisy?"

   "Lu!" Absolu shook his head, using his telepathic ability to show him the scene he saw with [Future Foretelling].

   "Because I was restless and had a bad premonition, did you use [Future Foretelling]? You have made a great contribution, Absolu." After Aomori praised it, he began to think about how to deal with that terrible enemy.

  'Where is she, she knocks everyone down with just one move? Could it be an old lover who exploded, who was abandoned and then took revenge on society? No matter what, let's find a way to stop her first. '

   After thinking for a few seconds, Aomori stood up, came to Longjuan, and said, "Tunjuan, I need your help with something, come with me."

   "What's the matter? If you're playing house games with them, please find someone else." With his left hand resting on his cheek, Long Juan replied casually.

   "It's a very important thing, and it's also your favorite thing to do. There is important information, and a difficult enemy has been discovered, and you need to solve it."

   "Really?" Tornado was instantly relieved.

   "When will I be joking?" Aomori looked serious, emphasizing that this matter is not ordinary.

   "Okay, let's go quickly." Tornado didn't want to stay in this boring place for another second.

   Aomori nodded, and after instructing Mr. Omoto to take charge of the title battle, he took the tornado and Absolu and flew in the direction expected on the 18th.

   "Did something happen? Why did Chairman Aomori run away?" As a highly anticipated figure, Aomori's departure was noticed by many people.

Mr. Dayuan picked up the microphone at the right time and said: "Chairman Aomori has a temporary business, leave for a while, and will come back soon. Although President Aomori is very fascinating, he is not the protagonist today. Please read more of these Poor boy."

   "Hahahaha." Mr. Da Yuan's ridicule caused the audience to laugh.

   "Alright, the battle for the title is about to begin, and now the first round of contestants for [Hope] are invited to enter!"

   "Oh!" The cheers immediately resounded through the sky.

   "Don't you still have to fight some tough enemies? Why do you bring your pet dog?"

  During high-speed flight, Tornado looked at Absolu beside Aomori and complained.

   Absol obediently remained silent.

   "Absol is not a pet dog, it is my right-hand man." Aomori touched its head and said, "It should be almost time, come on, Absol."

   Absol nodded, turning into a ray of light and sinking into Aomori's body.

   "Absol, the bond evolves!"

  A jade-shaped pattern appeared on Aomori's forehead, and a long tail appeared behind him, but there was no other difference.

   "Heh, there is such a move? Combined with a dog, aren't you a dog man now?" Long Juan laughed.

   "Your focus is wrong, and the enemy still has five seconds to meet." Aomori curled his long tail, which was a bit in the way, around his waist.

   "Where is there anything? Hey, someone really came over." Tornado looked at Aomori in surprise, as if he couldn't think that his sense of power would be stronger than his own.

  This is exactly the effect of the evolution of the bond with Absolu. Unlike Darkrai's extreme output and control, what is now enhanced is the induction ability.

  Similar to "Advanced Knowledge Color", the current him does not need to actively use [Future Foretelling], but he can vaguely sense what will happen a few seconds later.

   "Attention, here we come." Aomori and Tornado stopped in the air.

  A bright light roared from the sky and stopped in front of them, revealing the figure of No. 18.

   "Hey, what a coincidence, it just saved my time." No. 18 saw the tornado, and his eyes lit up.

   "This is the difficult enemy you mentioned, and it looks very ordinary." Tornado said with his hands folded on his chest.

   "Well, it seems that I made a mistake. It really doesn't look very good. I'll leave it to you. I'll hold the line at the back, okay." Aomori said lightly.

   "Hmph, then stay aside and watch carefully."

   "Hey, what are you two talking about on your own? You want to get rid of me? Are you joking?" No. 18 sneered.

   "Stop talking!" Long Juan shook her hand and bound her tightly.

   Feeling the pressure on the body, No. 18 smiled dismissively: "That's it. No!"

  Suddenly, her eyes were covered by a ray of light, and then she felt the world spinning and her field of vision spinning wildly.

  Having had a similar experience, she immediately understood that she had been decapitated.

  Looking at Aomori who was covered with lightning all over her body, she uttered a final question: "Why are you?"

  Who would make a deadly move as soon as they come up, obviously they haven't made a move yet!

   "I'm sorry, I don't like you very much." Aomori said, dismissing the Lightning Blade from his hand.

   What should I do in the face of an enemy who can instantly kill me? As long as you kill her first, she won't be able to kill herself.

Therefore, while No. 18's attention was on Tornado, Aomori used [One Sword Asura] after a long absence, concentrated all his physical strength and energy, and made the strongest blow, successfully cutting her down with one blow. head.

  Facts have proved that the result of being approached by an assassin is very tragic.

  Looking at the blood gushing from the wound, the tornado gathered them together in disgust and prevented them from spreading. She glanced at Aomori and said, "Why are you so violent? Didn't you promise to give it to me?"

   "Sorry, seeing her arrogant look, I can't help it."

   "Indeed, I really wanted to beat her up just now." Long Juan stretched his waist, and said, "It's resolved so quickly, and I have to go back and suffer."

  Aomori was about to say something to comfort her, when suddenly the alarm bells rang in his heart, his eyes flashed, and he had already seen the future.

  He stretched out his palm and slapped the tornado away, shouting: "Be careful!"

  A ball of light rose from the corpse and rushed towards the tornado with lightning speed, but Aomori just happened to push it away and failed.

   "Cut, I originally wanted to **** Tornado's body, look at the ridiculous look of Blast who wanted to make a move but couldn't bear it." The light ball saw that Tornado had been photographed flying a certain distance, so it had to turn to find Aomori.

   "Then you, if you break my container, give me back one!"

  Aomori looked at the ball of light that turned towards him, and he had easily grasped its trajectory. Just when he was confidently trying to avoid it, his body suddenly felt weak and paused.

   "Oops, the time of [One Knife Shura] has just ended." He saw this scene in the future, but he couldn't change it, and the overtaken light ball rushed into his body.

   "Aomori!" Tornado flew back and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

   "Of course I'm fine, cute tornado." Aomori opened his eyes and smiled evilly.

   "You are not Aomori." Long Juan said with a cold face, "Get out of his body!"

   "Oh, I was seen through so quickly." "Aomori" spread his hands and said proudly: "Sure enough, a man's body is more suitable for me, and this body is quite strong, I like it, hahahaha!"

   "Is his name Aomori? It's a good name, and it belongs to me. From now on, I will be called Aomori!"

Thanks to the book friends "Red Dust Dao Slave", "Kamen ライダー (forgive me for the ignorance, "King of the Killer", "L of Ravenclaw", "Yunye", "20191117172002503", "Yaoyao Monthly tickets for "Peach Peanut North Country", "Please Enter Your Name", "Cooked Rice", "Supreme Supreme God", "Steve-zhao", "Sneak in a Busy L", thank you very much!



  (end of this chapter)