MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 237 fell down

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  Chapter 237 fell down

   Another day later, Nan Ge received a call from Su Hui before his cold recovered.

   It’s actually a video call in the group. Cheng Xia and Fang Yuanyuan were also in the same dormitory.

   Seeing that she was about to graduate, Su Hui invited the three of them to her house as guests. Her home is in the northeast, which is a good time for skiing.

  Nan Ge hadn’t seen snow this year, and the four of them had never traveled together, so they hit it off, hung up the phone, booked a ticket, and set off in the afternoon.

  Shen Yanqing didn't know about it until an hour later.

   Traveling is a good thing, he agrees, but Nan Ge's current body...

   "Aren't you dizzy?" The man sat on the sofa, put his arm around her waist, and let her lie in his arms.

  Nan Ge shook his head.

   "No, I feel like I'm fine." When she said this, it was in a strong nasal voice. Shen Yanqing sighed again and again.

  Nan Ge is indeed stubborn.

  She walks a little vainly now. I don't know what is going on with this cold. There is no sign of improvement at all, and it is getting worse.

  Even she could feel it herself.

   It's just that she doesn't dare to say that to Shen Yanqing now, for fear that she will be taught a lesson if she gets an injection.

   She was going, and Shen Yanqing naturally couldn't stop her.

  But the matter of hanging the needle still didn't go according to her intention.

  Nan Ge ran into the family doctor as soon as he went out after washing up...

   Half an hour later, Nan Ge sat on the bed and looked at Shen Yanqing sadly.

  The latter knelt on the ground on one knee and was helping her pack her luggage for the afternoon.

"The medicine has already been distributed, three times a day, you must get up and take the medicine in the morning. I will call you on time, and you don't need to set an additional alarm clock." Shen Yanqing helped her pack the medicine in a separate bag and put it away, " It's on the left, the gray bag."

  He looked up and pointed to her.

  Nan Singer still had needles stuck in his body, so he answered reluctantly, "Got it."

"The temperature over there is much lower than that in Huaijiang. You can't stop wearing a thick coat just because you want to be beautiful. You are still sick, so don't play outside for too long. You have to carry a thermos on your back wherever you go. Drink water."

   "Eat less raw, cold and spicy food. If you feel uncomfortable, don't force yourself. Take a rest in the hotel."

  Nan Ge nodded while yawning, and when Shen Yanqing got up after tidying up, she had fallen asleep leaning on the bed with her head tilted.


   At three o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Yanqing was still worried, bought a ticket on the same flight, and sent her there in person.

   After reaching the destination and handing over the person to Su Hui, he returned to Huai City without stopping.

   A few little girls are playing together, so it's not good for him to stay there.

   After going back and forth, it was already very late when Shen Yanqing landed.

  The little cousin went to the airport and was picked up by him.

   I don't know if it's because of too much tossing today, my body couldn't hold on anymore, and Shen Yanqing had a fever that night.

  Late at night, my little cousin was sitting on the ground with sleepy eyes, and it took a while to see the number on the thermometer, "Good guy, thirty-eight degrees eight, brother, your body is really good."

   Didn't do anything, stopped eating after flying northeast of Huai City.

   "Just a few minutes of wind blowing in the northeast, that's it." The little cousin sighed and got up to help him get the medicine.

  At this time, the old house was quiet, and no one was awake except for two or three servants who were keeping watch.

  The little cousin wanted to call a doctor, but Shen Yanqing said that he would be fine after taking the medicine.

  The little cousin has nothing to do with him. It has been like this since he was a child. When his cousin speaks, he can only do it silently.

  The whole family, he just listened to his cousin.

  He has always had a good relationship with his cousin. Otherwise, after the whole family moved to other places, the university would insist on returning to Huaicheng for the exam.

  After taking the medicine, Shen Yanqing asked the little cousin to go back to rest.

  The little cousin is not sleepy yet, so he insists on taking care of him.

  Shen Yanqing didn't feel much sleepy now, the two just happened to be talking.

   "When will my sister-in-law come back?"

   "It will probably be next week." Shen Yanqing asked Nan Ge when he came back, and Nan Ge didn't know when he would come back, but he was in high spirits, no one thought about it.

  In short, depending on the situation, this week is impossible anyway.

"Hey, brother, then you have to stay alone in the vacant room for two weeks." After a pause, the little cousin seemed to have thought of something, sat forward, leaned over and asked with a smile: "Brother, my friend has a situation in two days." , you go with me."

  Shen Yanqing put down the phone, glanced at him, and said in a neutral tone, "What am I going to do?"

   They are all children, what was he in the past.

   "Oh, let me take you to learn about the nightlife of young people today, so you can have a common topic with your sister-in-law in the future."

  The inside and outside words reminded him of the generation gap between him and Nan Ge.

   "Brother, don't you wonder what your sister-in-law and friends usually do when they go out?"

  The little cousin and Nan Ge are considered to be the same age, only one or two years younger than Nan Ge.

   It's a pity that Shen Yanqing is not interested in this, "I'm not curious."

   Refuse simply.

  He knew what his little cousin was thinking, so he pointed it out directly: "Take me to those places, and when your sister-in-law comes back, I won't be able to explain it clearly."

   "I'll help you cover, my sister-in-law is out to play, you just happened to relax." The little cousin winked at him, "You are my brother, of course I'm on your side."

   As soon as the words fell, the little cousin got hit on the head.

   "If you can put all these thoughts on your studies, uncle won't have such a headache." Shen Yanqing signaled him to leave quickly and don't make trouble for himself: "Go back to sleep."


  Early next morning, Nan Ge was soundly asleep when the phone rang.

  She knows who it is without looking.

   Clicked to answer casually, she put the phone to her ear and continued to sleep.

"Good morning."

  Nan Ge replied after a while, "Morning~"

  She let out a lazy sound, with an extremely long ending.

  Shen Yanqing smiled lightly, with a gentle voice, as if whispering in her ear: "Are you feeling better today?"

  Nan Ge snorted, neither saying yes nor no.

  Shen Yanqing didn't ask further, but urged her to get up, "Get up and eat, and see if the hotel has any breakfast that suits your appetite."

   "What time is it?" Nan Ge didn't want to move.

   "It's nine o'clock." He deliberately called an hour late, so he guessed that she was still awake.

   "What time did you rest last night?"

"Can not remember…"

   "Where did you go to play?"

  Shen Yanqing chatted with her patiently for a while, and it didn't take long for Nan Ge to regain consciousness and wake up a lot.

  Speaking of last night, she opened up her chatter box, and she would have a few words with him while brushing her teeth.

   "I fell on the street last night, the road here is icy, it's really slippery..."

   "Did you fall to your waist? If it's serious, you should go to the hospital." Shen Yanqing was not as relaxed as her tone, as if facing a formidable enemy.

  Nan Ge rubbed her waist, feeling nothing, "No, right? I wear a lot... It's just that my **** hurts."

  Shen Yanqing: "..."

  (end of this chapter)