MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 261 pregnant?

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   Pregnancy and childbirth (2)

  The scene of that day flashed by, cutting off his train of thought.

  Shen Yanqing froze for a few seconds, then seemed to think of something, and closed her eyes annoyed.

  He raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows. Because he was not sure, he was afraid of scaring Nan Ge, so he had to stabilize her first.

   "Well, you take a bath first, I have a work phone coming in here. I will call you later."

"All right!"

  Shen Yanqing was reluctant to part, hesitant to say: "Set an alarm clock, lest you fall asleep again. When you come out, be careful of the water on the ground, don't fall."

   "Don't worry, I'm not a child."

  Finally, Nan Ge took the initiative to hang up the phone.

  Shen Yanqing blew the wind on the balcony for another two minutes. After fully waking up, he pushed open the balcony door and walked quickly back into the room.

  At the same time, several colleagues from the president's office were having a party after get off work.

   Yuan Tezhu got a license, and he didn't have work tonight, so he let go of the drink. Amidst the booing, he had just had a drink with Miao Miao, and before he could blush, the phone on the table rang.

  Caller ID, with four bright characters: [Food and Clothes Parents]

  Drinking a lot of red and white, Yuan Tezhu was stunned for a while before realizing who it was.

   "Whose phone is it?"

  Miao Miao: "Yuan Yuan, your mother is calling!"

   "Your mother just called!" Yuan Tezhu returned angrily, and made a silent gesture while picking up the phone, "Shhhhhhh don't even talk! Mr. Shen!"

  Hearing the word "Mr. Shen", the drunk people on the table sat up straight for a second, with expressions like they were facing a formidable enemy.

  During this period of time, because of the launch of the new model, everyone in the company had to work overtime until late every day.

   It's hard to relax today, can't you go back to the company again?

  A group of people concentrated their attention and signaled Yuan Tezhu to turn on the speaker with their eyes, and let them listen too.

   "Is it convenient?" Shen Yanqing's voice came out, the tone was a little anxious, and the servant's voice was faintly mixed in the background sound, as if asking where Mr. Shen was going so late and what to bring.

   Special Assistant Yuan is a professional after all: "It's convenient, you say!"

   "Help me book a ticket to fly to Haicheng the fastest, and then help me contact the private hospital in Haicheng, and ask for the best."

   "Understood." Yuan Tezhu answered again and again, his brain shut down for a second, and then asked: "The best private hospital... who is not feeling well, and which aspect do you want to check?"

  There are so many departments here, and each hospital has its own trump card, so he has to ask clearly.

   "Check pregnancy."

   Special Assistant Yuan nodded, "Oh, oh, you are pregnant, that's right, Miss Nan Ge is in Haicheng... Wait, pregnant?"

   As soon as he made a sound, several people on the table were also dumbfounded: "Pregnant!"

   "As soon as possible." Shen Yanqing urged again without explaining.

"Okay, okay!" Special Assistant Yuan hung up quickly. He arranged everything within a quarter of an hour, and called Shen Yanqing again, "Mr. Shen, do you need me to go with you?" Shen Yanqing knew they were having a party, so he didn't call Accompanied by any of them.

   A few minutes later, Tezhu Yuan sat back in his seat in a daze. He glanced at the people who were also gossiping, "Don't look at me, I don't know anything."


  When Shen Yanqing landed in Haicheng that night, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

  Due to the weather, the plane was delayed for half an hour.

  In the airport parking lot, there were not many vehicles at this time. Looking around, he quickly found Nan Zhe who had been waiting here for a long time.

   "This way." The latter also saw him, put out the cigarette and waved at him.

  He had contacted Nan Zhe before boarding the plane. The situation was urgent, so he didn't say too much, just said that we would meet and discuss in detail when we landed.

  After getting in the car, Nan Zhe glanced at him, "You better come here to be serious, or let me pick you up at two o'clock in the morning, do you believe I will kick you down?"

  He is not Shen Yanqing's free coolie.

  Shen Yanqing hesitated for a moment, and said seriously: "I agree with your previous thoughts."

   "What did I think before?" Nan Zhe didn't respond.

   "I rushed over and planned to take Nan Ge to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow morning."

   "..." After two minutes, Nan Zhe found a roadside and stopped the car. He turned sideways to look at Shen Yanqing, and touched the side with his other hand to secretly unbuckle the seat belt, so that he could use his fists later.

   "Didn't you swear on the phone and tell me that you have taken measures? What do you mean now?"

  When he said this, his hand was already on Shen Yanqing's shoulder.

   "Could it be true that it's expired?" he guessed.

  Shen Yanqing shook his head, "It was indeed an accident, it was my problem."

  The next second, Nan Zhe clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and hammered him, "You can really change people's minds! Did you talk to Nan Ge?"

   "She doesn't know yet. Let's talk about it after the inspection tomorrow morning. In case... No, I'm afraid of scaring her."

  Shen Yanqing did not expect things to develop like this.

  They did take measures that day at the beginning.


  But because of that time, Nan Ge seldom returned to Huai City, and the two spent most of their time in the capital together, either in her apartment or in his villa in the capital.

  That's why I haven't had time to add things to the wedding room in Huaicheng.

  In addition, Nan Ge came back suddenly that day, he didn't know in advance, and she didn't know that there were not many left at home.

  He was exercising restraint in the back, but it seemed that he was accidentally accidentally...

  The atmosphere that day was so good that the two of them were a little distraught.

  Thinking of this, Shen Yanqing wouldn't say anything when Nan Zhe slapped him twice, let alone a punch.

  Nan Zhe lowered some car windows, sat back and lit a cigarette.

  The scarlet fingertips flickered, and after they were completely burnt out, he sighed and said, "Forget it, it's not your fault, it's just an accident. You've been married for two years, and it's normal to have children."

   "Relax, don't be too serious, she will panic even more when she sees you panic."

   "After the inspection tomorrow morning, the two of you will discuss it and make up your own mind. If you want it, you can stay. If you don't want it, it's okay."

   "The main thing is to appease her and not make her too nervous."

  Nan Zhe is serious, and he can still speak some human words.

   "Don't disturb the parents of both parties, and talk to them after you have discussed it yourself. The main reason is to see what Nan Ge means. You have to respect her."

   "After all, you also know what's going on with her now."

  Shen Yanqing agreed, "Yes. You are right."

  Nan Zhe didn't really want to get to the bottom of it. This is a normal couple, there will always be some surprises, and no one can blame it.

  Sometimes, it's all God's will.

  Early the next morning, Nan Ge woke up from hunger. She hurriedly washed up and went downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast.

  Not long after she sat down, the chair opposite was pulled away, and a shadow surrounded her from top to bottom.

  She thought it was Nan Zhe, but when she looked up, she saw Shen Yanqing.

Read The Duke's Passion