MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 293 do you have a boyfriend

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   Yu Yu Su Hui Fanwai (6)


   It didn't mean that Yu blocked it, Yu Ma had already dragged Su Hui away, and the action was so fast that it seemed to have been rehearsed N times long ago.

   Seeing that his expression was not right, Nan Ge realized it later.

   Taking advantage of no one's attention, she quietly went over, "Auntie knows?"

  Yu Yu slumped on the chair, nodding his head in love.

  Nan Ge took a breath, "No wonder."

   No wonder Mom is so enthusiastic.

  Although Yu Ma is usually warm-hearted, but there are so many waiters around on this occasion, there is no need for Yu Ma to guide a girl she doesn't know.

   "Then do you want to go up and have a look? It's on the second floor, where I change my wedding dress."

   "Yes, yes, yes!" Yu Yu hurried to catch up as if he had just woken up from a dream.


  Room on the second floor.

   Yu Ma enthusiastically helped Su Hui wipe the cake on the skirt above, but the cream had already dried up. Yu Ma had no choice but to give up, "Girl, change another set."

  Actually, Su Hui came here just to change into a new set. Nan Ge helped prepare a spare dress, but Yu Ma was too enthusiastic, so she didn't have the nerve to tell it.

   "Okay, Auntie, I'm going to change clothes."

   "Hey, let's go." Yu Ma even helped her open the bedroom door thoughtfully.

   Taking advantage of the time to change clothes, Su Hui wanted to call Yu Yu and ask him what was going on. But after turning on the phone, she found that she had already deleted Yu Yu's blacklist. There is no trace at all.

   Now I want to get in touch in a short time, I am afraid there is no chance.

  While changing her skirts, she began to think wildly, always thinking that Yu Ma's abnormality must be due to what Yu Yu said.

   Yu Yu probably couldn't say anything good with his mouth.

   "Is the girl still not well? Do you need auntie to help you?"

  The zipper of the dress is at the back, and Yu's mother was afraid that a little girl would be embarrassed to speak, so she knocked on the door at the right time to ask.

  Su Hui was just trying to reach the zipper behind her back, when she heard this, she hurriedly responded, "Auntie, please help me."

  The door was unlocked, so Yu Ma pushed the door and went in to help her zip it up. By the way, she helped her adjust the tie at the back of her waist, "Hey girl, what's your name?"

   "Auntie, my name is Su Hui. The vera of aloe."

   "Hey, what a name. She's also pretty, and the facial features and figure are too pretty."

   When Mama Yu praised someone, she just opened her mouth, and she didn't need to think about it, she could easily fascinate people around.

  Who doesn't like to hear people praise themselves, and Su Hui is no exception.

   "Where is Hui Hui from, is it from the north?"

   "Yes, I'm from the northeast."

   "What a coincidence!"

  Su Hui was taken aback, "Auntie too?"

   "I'm from North China."

   "That's right, that's also a northerner."

  Yu Ma: "Yes, yes, no wonder Auntie feels very kind when she sees you. It feels like old friends at first sight, as if she found a family member somewhere."


  There are not many northerners in Jiangcheng, so Yu Ma thinks it makes sense to be kind. But what Su Hui doesn't understand is, isn't this "family" a bit exaggerated?

   "What does Huihui's family do?"

   Yu Ma seemed to be asking casually, with a calm expression.

  Su Hui hesitated for a moment. Although she felt strange in her heart, she still had to answer the elder's question out of politeness, "Food and drink, our family has many chain restaurants and hotels in the Northeast."

   "Oh, only in the northeast?"


   "Don't consider other places for the time being? Auntie also wants to start a small business recently, and the catering industry is quite good now. Would you like to come to Jiangcheng to try?"

   "Our family mainly focuses on local specialties, and we have no plans to open a restaurant in other places." She declined, "Actually, the catering industry has been mediocre in the past two years. Auntie, let's think about it."

   "Okay, then the aunt knows. Thank you."

After talking here, Mama Yu slowly tied Su Hui's tie into a bow, and when Su Hui turned around, she took out her mobile phone, "Why don't we leave a contact information, in case Auntie wants to open a restaurant in the future, I’ll come to you for a lesson.”

   "...that's fine too." Su Hui couldn't refuse.

  The two added WeChat to each other, and Su Hui fell into deep thought while looking at Yu Ma's profile picture and nickname.

   Leaning over, Yu Ma saw what she was looking at, and asked with a smile, "How about it, doesn't Auntie's profile picture look good?"

   "It looks good, it's quite...cute." Su Hui can only praise so much.

  Who would have thought that this rich lady with jewels in front of her, her WeChat avatar is not one of the lotus avatars that have been quiet for a long time, nor is it a landscape painting, but an anime avatar that can only be used by experienced two-dimensional people.

  Su Hui was really puzzled.

  Have the rich wives of the top rich families started to take this route now?

  She knew that Yu’s family made jewelry, but Yu’s mother’s circle of friends clicked in. First, there was no jewelry, second, there was no advertisement, and third, there was no fanciful selfie with the old sister.

  There are only fried chicken milk tea hotpot and photos and videos of check-in at various Internet celebrity attractions. Those photos and videos were taken more professionally than a young man like her, and they can be called templates among templates.

  Yu Ma took good care of her face. Actually, she didn't see any wrinkles on her face, nor did she have gray hair. If she hadn't attended Nan Ge's wedding today, Yu Ma would have dressed younger and more energetic. In that case, it would be impossible to tell that she was already the mother of a male college student in his twenties.

   As far as this daily life is concerned, the proper college student model does not look like a middle-aged lady.

   She can even find a lot of common topics with Yu Ma, the kind with no generation gap at all!

  Because she and Nan Ge are best friends, Su Hui also heard a little about the Nan family. Thinking of Nan Ge's difficulty, and with the "education" of some wealthy TV series, she always felt that the Yu family should be worse than the Nan family.

   After all, these two families can be regarded as family friends. She always thought that Yu Yu's mother should be the kind of dignified and decent person who seemed gentle but actually mean.

   It's like Mr. Shen's biological mother in the legend.

  But now, Yu Ma has completely broken this stereotype by herself.

   It didn't mean that Mom would continue chatting with Su Hui, when there was a knock on the door.

  In fact, Yu Yu had arrived earlier, but he thought that Su Hui was here to change clothes, so he waited outside for a while, and knocked on the door when he saw that they hadn't come out.

  Hearing this movement, Mama Yu knew it wasn't the waiter, she smiled at Su Hui, "It's okay, it should be my precious son."

  For some reason, Su Hui always felt that what Yu Ma really wanted to talk about should not be "precious son", but "unlucky son".

  Su Hui smiled awkwardly, and walked out with Yu Ma.

   "Hui Hui, wait for my aunt to go skiing at your place in winter, and then go to your house for dinner, okay?"

  Su Hui responded immediately, "No problem! Tell me before you come, I will entertain you."

  Aside from other things, Northeast people pay attention to hospitality, so there is nothing wrong with that.

   "Hui Hui is such a good boy, don't they all have boyfriends?"