MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 298 Not yet of age?

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  Chapter 298 Not yet an adult?

  Parallel Extra Story (1)

  After the college entrance examination, Nan Ge couldn't be happy all the time, and was stuck in a state of tension the whole time.

  Others relax after the exam, but she is more anxious than before the exam.

  She doesn't want the university to stay in Jiangcheng. Her brother hopes that she can go to the capital, but only if her grades are extraordinary, can she go to the most ideal prestigious universities in the capital.

  She has no other ideas for the time being, so if she fails the exam, she will definitely be left here.

  She wants to leave this house so much...

   Such emotions continued until the day the results came out.

  The moment the results were checked, Nan Ge had mixed emotions.

  It was about the same as she expected, and there were no surprises. If you go to the capital according to my brother's intention, it seems that there are not many choices.

  But when she heard that her parents wanted her to apply for Jiang University, she still chose to go to the capital.

  Because of this incident, she had a big fight with her parents. She has never yelled at her parents in such an unruly way since she grew up. She even smashed the glass and almost hurt her mother. So much so that my father was also very angry at that time, thinking that she had a childlike heart.

  After she ran out that day, she walked aimlessly and stopped a taxi directly after leaving the community.

  In the car, she cried silently for a while, for fear of scaring the driver by making a sound. But the driver still found out, probably because he didn't know how to comfort a little girl and was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so he turned on the radio.

   That was the first time she heard the name "Shen Yanqing".

  Because of the appearance of this man, she "rebelled" for the first time, tried to get rid of the shackles and shadows for the first time, and made such a firm choice for the first time.


   During the summer vacation before the start of Huai University, Nan Ge tried his best to follow his parents to participate in commercial activities in the Huai River area.

  Banquets, big and small, even if her parents don't go, she still has to go with the elders in the company to join in the fun.

   Without exception, Shen Yanqing was not seen.

  Actually, she didn't know why she wanted to see him, since he didn't know her at all.

  After realizing this, Nan Ge felt that he was no different from other women who wanted to get close to Shen Yanqing with ulterior motives.

   Just when she was about to give up, her parents took her to a small dinner party.

  She just thought it was to learn more, anyway, school will start in a few days. She intends to stop clinging to this "non-existent person".

  In the middle of the dinner party, Nan Ge was accidentally stepped on by an aunt who stepped on the trailing skirt. She tripped and stepped back a few steps and hit a flesh body with a muffled bang.

  The man probably also turned his back to her, and quickly turned around to help her after being hit.

   "Sorry, sorry, I didn't stand firm."

   After standing firmly, Nan Ge hurriedly turned around and bowed to apologize, "Are you okay?"

   After finishing speaking, she raised her head and looked at the other party with concern, but didn't move her eyes for a while.

  The man was not offended by her naked eyes, but nodded and smiled at her gently, "You don't need to apologize, I took a few steps back just now, otherwise you wouldn't bump into me."

   "I'm fine, how about you?"

   "Huh?" Nan Ge blinked, but didn't react.

  The man was not impatient at all, "Are you okay? Did you twist your foot?"

  His eyes fell on the pair of high heels on her feet.

  He still cared about her.

   But with just one glance, he politely looked away.

   "I...should be fine?" Nan Ge's thoughts were all on the man's face, and his mind went blank.

   "Try to move it. If it twists, deal with it in time."

   "Oh good." Nan Ge looked obedient, and tried to tap the ground with his toes and twist his ankle.

  She was in an inconvenient position. Just as she was about to help her off the table, the man bent his elbow and stretched out in front of her: "If you can't stand still, you can hold my arm."

  Nan Ge obeyed.

   "You can move it gently so you don't get hurt."


  He did what he said, and Nan Ge was under his guidance throughout the whole process.

   Probably the man also noticed this, and couldn't help chuckling.

   "What are you laughing at?" Nan Ge raised his head in surprise, and looked at him again.

   "You are not yet of age."

   "No...but he will be an adult soon! Only two months." She didn't know why she was so anxious to add the latter sentence.

  The smile on the man's face grew stronger, "No wonder."

   "?" Nan Ge realized later that his behavior should have exposed his stupidity. The man should be laughing at her.

   Realizing this, she frowned, and quickly let go of him,

   "My feet are fine."

  The little girl has no heart, her emotions are written on her face. The man quickly apologized, "I don't mean anything else. I just think you look very well-behaved, and you should be young."

  Nan Ge's face was full of disbelief.

  The man was a little helpless, "It's true. It's like... like a small animal I saw before. I definitely don't mean any offense."

   "Animals? What? Cats?"

   "It's a penguin." He said, "It's still a very small baby penguin. Because I have seen similar documentaries before, some of your little movements just now really resemble that little penguin. That's why I said that."

"hold head high?"

  He continued to explain: "The penguin cub and you are both ignorant."

   "Ah, I'm a cub too."

  The man nodded following her words, "Yes."

  Nan Ge scratched his head, "I mean... I am indeed called a cub."

   "The elders would call me that, my nickname is Youyou."

  Nan Ge saw a flash of surprise on his face, and then his eyes under the lens bent, "Very cute little words."

   "Hmm. Actually, I'm quite resistant to people knowing my nickname."

   "Then I can pretend I didn't hear it?" He was very understanding.

   "How can this work!"

  The man thought for a while, "How about we exchange?"

   "Although there are no small prints, there is still a name." The man stretched out his hand, and his tone was more formal than before: "Hi, you, my name is Shen Yanqing."

   This year, Nan Ge, who was about to turn eighteen, met Shen Yanqing, who was twenty-six.


  When the banquet was about to end, Nan Ge frequently looked at Shen Yanqing in the distance through the crowd.

   "Young, we should go back." Mom found her.


  Nan Ge followed her mother towards the door, and when she passed by Shen Yanqing, she uncontrollably raised her head and looked at him again.

   This time, it happened to be caught by a man.

  Obviously other people were chatting with him, and he responded patiently, but his eyes fell on her.

  Nan Ge paused slightly, looking at him hesitant to speak.

  Finally, she gave up on the idea, turned her gaze back and followed her mother's footsteps.

  In the corridor, my mother went to the bathroom, and she waited alone.

  She looked down at the reflection of the crystal lamp on the floor, feeling inexplicably unhappy.

  Obviously I have seen it, and I have obviously achieved my goal, so I should be happy, but I don’t know why at this moment, but I am still a little sad.

   His toes scratched the floor boredly, and footsteps sounded beside him. Listening to the voice is not high heels, not mother.

  She didn't bother to look up, and continued to be in a daze.

  Being depressed, a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground in front of her eyes, covering the originally bright crystal chandelier.

  The other party stood still in front of her, causing her to nod curiously.

  Just raised his eyes inadvertently, and fell into the man's smiling eyes.

   "It's you." Nan Ge himself didn't realize the joy in his tone.

   "Are you... leaving too?"

   "I will stay for a while." Shen Yanqing would not be able to leave until later, and he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to her.

  Nan Ge took it with both hands, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

   is his business card.

  She didn't understand what he meant, "This is?"

"Didn't you say that you were admitted to Huai University after listening to my interview? In fact, what I said in that interview did not apply to everyone, and the content was edited in the later stage. So in a sense, I should I am responsible for my actions."


   "If you have trouble studying, you can call me at any time."



  Happiness came so suddenly, Nan Ge didn't react for a while.

  She wanted to ask him for a phone call just now, but she didn't dare to go because she was afraid of being rejected.

   On the way back, Nan Ge secretly saved Shen Yanqing's number in the phone, but did not dial it out.


  After entering university, Nan Ge finally understood why Shen Yanqing said that.

   On the one hand, he saw her intentions at the time and found a suitable reason to fulfill her. On the other hand it's's really hard! !

   Half a semester has passed, Nan Ge really regrets the choice he made at that time all the time.

  One week before the final exam, Nan Ge was numb from studying, took out his mobile phone in the library, and tapped on the number that he had never dialed.

  The bell rang for a second, she quickly hung up and switched to a text message.

  【Hello Mr. Shen, I am the Huai University freshman I met you at the dinner that day. Actually, I don't have any important things to ask you, I just want to make a suggestion, you really don't want to accept interviews in the future! ! 】

  After sending this message, Nan Ge turned off his phone and continued to review.

  It was very late when he came out of the library, and Nan Ge saw his reply.

  Shen Yanqing: [I think your suggestion is very good. As a reward, I can review it for you. 】

  So after class was over the next day, Nan Ge went to Huasheng headquarters.

  When she entered the president's office, she was still a little confused.

  She was still a bit vigilant at the beginning, but later she was completely bewitched by Shen Yanqing's gentleness.

   But he has always been a gentleman and never crossed the line. It's like the tutor her family invited her when she was a child.

  Even if she is stupid, he will not be angry.

  Nan Ge has been working hard in Huasheng this week. Not surprisingly, the final grades are better than she imagined. After my brother found out, he sent her a big red envelope. She immediately wanted to invite Shen Yanqing to dinner as a thank you.

  Shen Yanqing didn't refuse, and the distance between the two of them seemed to be getting closer through this meal.

  Through chatting during the dinner, Shen Yanqing also found out that she was the youngest daughter of Jiang Chengnan's family.

  Meeting her at a banquet earlier, he knew she would not be a girl from an ordinary family, but he never expected that she would be the youngest daughter of Mr. Nan Zhengning.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion