MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 3 don't make me kneel down and beg you

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  Chapter 3 Don't make me kneel down and beg you

  The next morning, Huaicheng University, female dormitory 518.

   It rained all night, and it was not until dawn that I was willing to stop.

  Su Hui meticulously painted a sweet girl makeup, and was in a hurry to go out on a date with her boyfriend.

  Just after changing his shoes, not far behind him, there was a sudden familiar ringing of the phone.

  She was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned around.

  A bunk bed next to the balcony, the dark blue bed curtain was drawn tightly, preventing any light from entering, and a tie on the top was dangling non-stop by the warm air from the air conditioner.

  Their dormitory is for four people, and the other two have classes in the morning.

   As for the other…

   Just then, the ringtone stopped automatically.

  Su Hui came back to her senses, stepped forward and gently opened a corner of the bed curtain.

   Into the eyes, the white printed quilt is arched under the quilt. The girl was sleeping soundly at this time, the quilt was pulled up high to cover her face, only a few strands of long chestnut hair were spread messily on the pillow.

   "Damn? When did you come back, Nan Ge?"

   "Didn't you say to send you a birthday message last night, and you won't reply at night?"

  Su Hui is recognized as having a loud voice, and her voice is a bit more penetrating than the ringtone just now.

   Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the ball under the quilt was slightly arched, and the girl's soft voice sounded muffled through the quilt: "I will be back at five o'clock in the morning."

   "Okay. Then I'm going out on a date. Remember to get up in the afternoon. I'll go to the classroom and wait for you, so I won't go back to bed."

  “…” No response.

  Su Hui took a deep breath, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Nan Ge! Don't be late this afternoon, it's Shen Yanqing's lecture!"


   Responded a few times indiscriminately, the dumpling under the quilt turned over calmly, and then... completely lost the text.

  Su Hui had no choice but to leave, when the phone on the upper bunk rang again.

   Seeing that Nan Ge had no intention of answering the call, she climbed up and gently pushed her shoulder, "Your phone keeps ringing. It seems that you have called many times. Is there something urgent, can you get up and answer it?"

   "Hmm..." The ball under the quilt didn't move.

   "This note is," Su Hui took out the mobile phone under her pillow, looked at it carefully, and was stunned: "Ugly people do more tricks?"

etc! Ugliness brings trouble? This remark is so familiar, who made it—


  The next second, the girl sat up abruptly, startling Su Hui beside her.

  Seeing that she woke up, Su Hui stuffed the phone into her hand and retreated:

   "Hey, you call, I'll slip away first."

   "Bye bye~" After watching Su Hui leave, Nan Ge had already woken up more than half of his sleepiness.

  She glanced down at the flashing note on the phone, and got through the phone before the other party hung up, with a soft and flattering tone: "Hey, good morning handsome guy~"

   There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then there was a burst of familiar cynicism: "Nan Youyou, did you sneak around last night? You just woke up now? Open your dog eyes and see clearly, it's already half past eleven at noon,"

   "Huh? Oh, sorry."

  Nan Ge chuckled, with a doggy smile on his face:

   "Good afternoon, handsome guy, have you eaten yet? Do you need your dear sister to order you a takeaway in person?"

  There was a cold scoff: "No. I wanted to eat, but after this phone call with you, I probably don't have much appetite."

  Nan Ge: "..." Grandpa passed away!

  The brothers and sisters got back to business.

   "What did you call me in the middle of the night last night?"

  Hearing this, Nan Ge coughed, and continued to put on a show: "It's nothing serious, I just found out that I haven't talked to my brother on the phone for a long time, and I really miss my brother's **** voice~"

   "Then you heard it now? Kneel down."

  Nan Ge: "..."

   "Cough, I saw the news of a workaholic's sudden death yesterday, so I wanted to remind my brother to pay more attention to his health, it's best—"

   "Yo, it's rare to have such a conscience."

  Nan Ge silently added the second half of the sentence: "Buy two more insurances."

  Hearing the silence on the other side of the phone, Nan Ge couldn't help laughing.

  Dog man, fight her?

  Nan Ge held the phone and lay back on the bed happily. She still has a headache after the hangover.

  She didn't hear what her brother said in the first half of the sentence, but she only had time to hear the second part: "I haven't called me for 800 years. The weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken. If you fart, let it go."

  Hearing this, Nan Ge remembered the business.

  At first, I wanted to bear the humiliation to get close, but I didn't stop to retaliate just now.

   Simply open the skylight and speak bluntly:

   "Just, didn't Lao Yu come to Huaicheng yesterday for his birthday. Then his father gave him a new car as a birthday present, and he kept laughing at me for not being able to replace it with a new one, saying that my car is a tractor~"

"and then?"

   "Well, and someone recently took a fancy to a car, so, bro, do you understand what I mean?"

"don't know."

   "Hey! That's right, people want to change it too!"

  Her father thought it was not safe for her to drive as a girl, so he refused to buy her a car at all.

   So she is driving one of her brother's previous cars.

   "Tsk, it's not impossible to change. After all, we are brothers and sisters. If you open your mouth, brother will not refuse."

   Nan Ge's eyes lit up. Just as she was about to thank Lord Long En, she heard her brother make a sharp turn:

   "But the premise is that when your Lamborghini really drives like a tractor, I will replace it for you."

   "...are you human?"

   "I can't help it. Dad issued a death order and won't let you pick up the car. My brother also has more energy than he wants."

  Taking a deep breath, Nan Ge activated plan B, "It's okay, I don't need my brother to change it for me, just a little subsidy is enough."

"I've calculated carefully. If I sell my current Lamborghini, plus the pocket money I saved before, the difference will be around 100,000. If you call me quietly, Dad won't find out. .”

   "No, to put it lightly, after all, it's not you who will have your leg broken."

   "Then I don't care! I'm going to change Nanzhe, don't force me to kneel down and beg you!"

   "It's no use begging me."

"Of course, let alone one hundred thousand, one million and ten million is nothing to my brother. But you also know that your brother and I are at a good age, we haven't talked about love yet, and we don't want to be disabled for the time being. "

  Nan Ge: "Then do you believe it or not when I told Dad that you gave me your second-hand Lamborghini to drive for two years?"


   "It's impossible to transfer money. Dad has been checking closely recently. But my friend and I recently opened a western restaurant in Huaicheng. You don't have many sophomore classes anyway, go find a part-time job yourself."

part time?

  Miss Nan has never had this kind of experience in her age, but she doesn't reject it: "Okay!"

  After hanging up the phone, Nan Zhe sent a quick location: "I said hello, you can go directly on the weekend."

  Nan Youyou: "OK! Meme~"

  “Kitten Goes Around.jpg”

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  (end of this chapter)

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