MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 8 loan to work

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  Chapter 8 loan to work

  Nan Ge and her brother fought each other until one o'clock in the morning, and they were perfectly late for class the next day.

   Fortunately, the old professor raised his hands high, made fun of a few words, and let her in.

  In the morning class, Nan Ge has been dozing off, and finally made it to the end of get out of class. Just after leaving the classroom, the restaurant manager sent a message—it was a screenshot of a bad review.

  【The takeaway is overtime, how can you eat when the delivered food is cold? And the attitude of the delivery guy is really bad! It is recommended to dismiss! 】


  Looking at this comment, Nan Ge instantly sobered up and laughed angrily.

  She hugged the book, stood aside in the corridor, typed angrily, and avenged herself:

   "Manager, it's none of my business! It's her own address that was written wrong."

   "Their community is old and small, and there is no elevator. I climbed to the sixth floor and found no one opened the door. I called her immediately, and she said that the address was wrong."

   "How can I blame me for overtime? And yesterday's road was not easy to travel. Her two addresses are two streets away. It's pretty good that I can deliver it."

  Nan Ge felt that this was not her problem at all.

  If it wasn't for the wrong address, she would definitely have delivered it within the stipulated time yesterday.

  The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she wished she could talk to the customer directly: "This customer even apologized to me at the time and said it was her problem. Why did you turn around and give me a bad review?"

   Actually playing backstab, **** it!

   The most basic trust between people!

   "Manager, this can't deduct my salary, right?"

   "Okay, I understand the situation. But according to the regulations, I have no choice but to deduct 100 for a bad review. [Smile]"

   "Rules are dead, people are alive!"

   "It's okay Xiaonan, it's just a bad review. You are still young and don't care about this setback. And, if you meet a better customer today and give you a good review, you will earn back."

  Nan Ge laughed, and asked sincerely: "Manager, take a look at what you said yourself, don't you think it's funny?"

  Manager: "【Rose】【Love】"

  Nan Ge: "..."

   Sure enough, what kind of boss matches what kind of employees are as hateful as her brother!

  Nan Ge was so angry that he took a screenshot, blocked his family and manager, and sent it to Moments, with the text: [Go to deliver food, go to deliver food that is not defined, go to deliver food to people who starve to death at any time and have to borrow money to go to work. 】

  Old Fish: "What are you doing, miss, experience life??? [I don't understand the happiness of rich people]"

  Su Hui: "Although I'm speechless, but... Hahahahahahaha."

  Nan Ge chuckled, replied one by one with death smile emoticons, and angrily went straight to the next classroom with the book in his arms.


  Huasheng Group President Office.

   "Mr. Shen, there is a document for you to look over." Special Assistant Yuan came in from the outside, holding an urgent document in his hand.

  Shen Yanqing put down the phone, signed at the end and returned it to him after confirming that it was correct.

  As soon as Special Assistant Yuan was about to retreat, he saw Shen Yan Qingchao beckoning himself,

   "You came just in time, I have a question for you."

   "Huh? Mr. Shen, tell me." Special Assistant Yuan held the document with high vigilance.

  Shen Yanqing clasped his hands, his eyes under the lens were full of doubts: "Which restaurant did you order for me for dinner yesterday?"

   "..." Special Assistant Yuan was ready to accept Shen Yanqing's professional torture, but the other party just ate it with one mouthful?

   But as a special assistant, you still have to stay calm in the face of danger. He quickly stabilized his expression and answered patiently: "It's a newly opened restaurant recently. I heard that other people in the secretary's office said it was not bad, so I ordered one for you."

   "Is there something wrong? Are you dissatisfied with the taste or other aspects?"

   "No." Shen Yanqing didn't explain much. Thinking of the screenshots he saw in Moments just now, he thought for a while and asked: "Now that the job of a delivery man is bad, do you need to be fined?"

   Special assistant Yuan froze.

   With an annual salary of one million, he never thought that one day he would popularize these things to his president, who is not a human being.

   "Based on my long-term experience in ordering takeaways, this is of course. Bad reviews will be fined, and good reviews will also increase wages."

   "Specifically, the standards of each platform and restaurant are different."

   "If you need a detailed list of criteria, I'll get it right away."

  Shen Yanqing waved his hand, "This is not necessary. I just want to make sure if this is normal."

   Special Assistant Yuan nodded, "A fine is indeed a normal phenomenon, and it can be regarded as a kind of restraint for the delivery staff."

   After Yuan Tezhu finished speaking, he carefully observed Shen Yanqing's face.

  Mr. Shen of his family will definitely not ask this for no reason—

With an idea, he changed his hand to hold the document, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, quickly called up yesterday's takeaway information, and handed it over: "Mr. Shen, look, this is here. Five stars are positive reviews, and one star is poor." Comment, you can also write comments below."

   "Look, here you can still see the information of the delivery person who delivered your order yesterday...Nan Ge? It looks like a girl's name."

   Special Assistant Yuan muttered in a low voice.

  Shen Yanqing glanced across the word "Nange", and finally pressed Yuan Tezhu before taking back his phone: "How should I write good reviews?"

   Yuan Tezhu understood in seconds, "Mr. Shen, don't worry, I'll come!"

   In fact, Shen Yanqing was not at ease, and had to watch him finish writing in person.

  Finally, under his death gaze, Special Assistant Yuan showed the earnestness he had when he came to Huasheng for the interview, wrote a short essay impassionedly and eloquently and sent it out.

  Shen Yanqing let him go in satisfaction, and told: "Ask them what they want to eat for lunch today, and choose from this restaurant."

   "Okay Mr. Shen!" The boss treats guests, only fools are polite.

   As soon as Special Assistant Yuan reached the door, he heard Shen Yanqing calling him again, and added: "Remember to ask the delivery man named "Nan Ge" from their restaurant to deliver it."

   Special Assistant Yuan: "!" He smelled gossip!


   "Xiao Nan is out of class! I have an order, come as soon as you receive it!"

  After the last class, Nan Ge came out of the classroom and saw the message from the manager, and there were still a few missed calls.

  After being deducted 100, Nan Ge completely lost his enthusiasm, and just let it go, "I'm sorry, manager, I don't have time at noon, so I'll go to work in the evening."

  Finally, she didn't forget to imitate the manager's previous appearance, and sent two roses to him in embarrassment.

  As a result, the manager called in the next second, and Singer Nan swiped and tapped to answer.

   "Xiao Nan, come quickly, this is a big order!"

  Although their restaurant also appears on the delivery platform "Have you eaten", the meals are delivered by the merchants themselves, and only their own delivery staff are used.

  So their delivery staff will also calculate the commission according to the amount of each order, which is different from the platform delivery staff.

   Simply put, the more customers order, the more the delivery staff will earn.

  Large order? Nan Ge dismissed it, "Actually, money is not that important to me..."

  Who knows, the manager slowly throws out a number in the next second.

  Nan Ge raised his head slowly: "The manager is waiting for me! I'm already driving the Lamborghini on the road!"

  (end of this chapter)

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