MTL - I Don’t Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore-Chapter 60 Mirage (1)

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Lin Biao and Ling Luo did not know what Xing Yiyi wanted to do in the hall.

Ling Ling’s mind replayed the words that Murong Tian said before him, and Lin Biao was surprised that Ling Ling actually did not accept Xing Wei.

Many things in this life have been completely different from the original trajectory.

For example, the original drug court trial was his death. And in this life.. He did not die, the result was given to the ....

And Ling has not yet been included in the harem as a sister.

How many more harem girls did not appear? Lin Biao thought about it, but suddenly found that there was only one last, that is, the lord of the last house, the lord of the harem, did not appear.

Although Huang Yuling did not meet Ling Ling for the time being, Lin Biao had seen her in the refining country.

When I thought about this in my heart, suddenly the emperor of Lin Biao’s heart said: "There is danger!" Huang Fushan’s voice just fell, and Lin Biao felt his overwhelming pressure hit him and Ling Ling.

not good!

Ling Luo took Lin Biao and quickly retraced, suddenly found that the road behind them was also locked by the owner of this pressure.

At least the owner of this pressure must have a level of cultivation.

Lin Biao and Ling Luo’s face are dignified. When did they provoke such an enemy of high strength?

Stopped the pace, Ling Reflexively blocked Lin Biao behind, and resisted this pressure. Lin Biao was taken over by Ling Ling, and his eyes looked at the confusion. Then he bit his teeth and stood out from behind Ling Ling and came to Ling Ling.

Ling fell frowning at Lin Biao, holding a hand, and wanted to take Lin Biao behind him.

Lin Biao firmly shook his head and said: "I am a man!" Right! He is a man! He can protect himself! He does not need the protection of others!

When this was said, Ling closed his eyes and closed his eyes, and he did not want to take Lin Biao behind his back.

Pedestrians on the street felt this pressure, although they were all a little bit, but they were unable to resist them. In a blink of an eye, they ran out.

Just as Lin Biao and Ling Luo were waiting for it, Xing Yu walked slowly out of the medicine cabinet. I saw her looking into the sky, very shouting, "Master!"

"Yeah." There was a voice of a woman in the sky.

The owner of this pressure is actually the master of Xing Wei? ?

Lin Biao opened his mouth, what does this woman want to do? Let her master trap them here?

"What do you want to do." Ling asked Xing Wei.

Xing snorted, but did not speak.

Xing Wei’s master did not look at the situation and did not show his plans. She was only under pressure to cover Lin Biao and Ling Ling. "Hey, I said it, you are not going to want my apprentice?"

This cold voice, suddenly let Lin Biao and Ling fell into a burst of blood. Because Ling Xiao is better than Lin Biao, the impact is not great. Lin Biao was almost a bit of blood spouting out...

At this time, Huang Fushan did not provide any help from Lin Biao. She didn't even have a voice. Lin Biao's luck was repaired to calm her blood, but her heart was guessing that Huang Fushan was afraid because something could not come out.

Lin Ling naturally felt the situation of Lin Biao, but Lin Biao refused to be protected by him. "I don't like her, how do you accept her?" This Xing Wei's master was extremely powerful, and Ling Lian wanted to fight with her. I am afraid that under the pressure of this pressure, people will be unable to move, let alone fight with the master of Xing Wei.

"Hey, it’s really toasting, not eating and drinking." Xing Wei’s master sneered: "I don’t use it for you, lest anyone say that I am bullying." She just fell, Lin Biao and Ling Luo felt I am light on myself.

That pressure has been withdrawn.

"I will set a difficult time for you. As long as you can smash it, I will stop you. If you can't... then you will be with my slut. If you still don't want to, then I will kill. you!"

Lin Biao grabbed his fist and his eyes stared nervously.

Ling Ling was calm at this time, and he also sneered aloud: "How do I know that you will not use means to let me lose?" He also beat the master of Xing Wei in any case, and at this time, more words can delay the time. .

However, Xing Wei’s master is an acute person. “I am a master of the class, and I have to use it as a metaphor for you. Don’t say anything, just start.”

Lin Biao felt a breeze on his body, and there was no figure in the Ling who was next to him.

Where is the fall?

"Where did you get the Lingluo!" Lin Biao shouted into the sky.

His current mood can be described as very anxious. Only when this person disappears can not be seen, some people can find out how this person is in his heart.

Lin Biao now wants to take a handful of wares directly, but the residual a sense of reason suppresses his behavior.

"Hey! You must manage yourself first! Your repair is not as good as the kid, and want to save him?"

Master Xing Wei’s words made Lin Biao listen to his fists, but he could not refute.

"As long as the boy broke my line, he would appear. If it can't be broken... then it would be better." Master Xing Wei suddenly said nothing after he said this.

At this time, in the medicine cabinet, Murong Tian also rushed out. His body floated on the sky and he felt it carefully, but he didn't feel any breath. He couldn't help but frown: "This old fox! If it's fine, then if it's fine, if there is something, I will kill you!" Master Xing Wei's ability to hide breath is good, with his high-level repairs Not explored.

If the Tao, Murong Tian’s cultivation is even higher than that of Xing’s Master.

After he finished this sentence, his eyes fell on Xing Wei below. He has already made clear what happened just now. Ling Luo is sure to be saved back. As for this Xing Wei? Naturally, there is no need to stay in the medicine cabinet.

... dare to fake the identity to escape the investigation of the drug court, he did not kill this Xing Wei is already a face for her master.

He fell to the ground and took Lin Biao's shoulder. Murong Tiandao: "Don't worry, since she said that she will not do anything, as long as it is over, there is nothing natural. If there is something..." Murong closed his eyes and sneered.

Lin Biao looked at Murong Tian's sneer, naturally knowing what Murong Tian thought, but he could not help. Although I know that Ling Ling has a protagonist, there will be nothing. However, he is still very worried... he has no impression of what happened.

That proves that this incident does not exist in the plot.

Since it does not exist, there may be an accident!

Lin Biao closed his eyes and Murong Tian had already come out to let him wait. He can only stand there, praying in the heart that there is nothing to do.

Ling Ling only felt a breeze in front of him, and then he found himself in a cave.

In front of his eyes filled with countless silver dollars, the flashing eyes of the stars began to be a little inextricable.

There was some black line in the Ling, and he almost had guessed for a moment that Master Xing Wei told him to ask him to go over. What was it?


That's right, that's the kind of illusion you see in front of you. If you don't believe it is true, you can smash the past.

Is this the first level or what? Ling Ling looked at the silver dollar in the ground, and his heart was speechless. Although for the practitioners, the silver dollar is still very attractive. But for him... the silver dollar is gone and you can earn it again.

Moreover... here is the illusion.

Ling Ling stood blankly in the spot, after a while... The silver dollar in front of his eyes suddenly disappeared, and then his white light flashed, and he came to a place again.

What appeared in front of him was a group of naked, naked women who stood in front of him and kept waving at him.

Among these sisters are Yu Weiwei, Yuluohua, Murong Xue, and a few sisters who have never seen it before. These girls writhed their bodies and made a **** squeak in their mouths. .

But Ling Luo did not feel anything about this group of naked women. I heard the screams of these women. The sound that appeared in his mind was actually Lin Biao’s appearance! ! ! He thought that Lin Biao was under his body that day, and then he did that to Lin Biao.

Ling Ling swallowed the throat, I don't know why he suddenly had a dry mouth, and even the lower abdomen had a feeling of fire in the distance.

Some of the following are looking up...

Ling Luo didn't think much about why he would think of Lin Biao at this time. He just thought that this illusion might not be as simple as the last illusion.

He stayed here, and the whole person was a little bit wrong. But what is wrong? Ling fell frowning and thought about it. Suddenly, his nose was filled with a scent of scent, which was extremely light and could not be smelled.

Ling Xiao suddenly realized! The problem must be with this fragrance. This scent must have a role that can evoke the desires and desires, just like the grass. But the effect is not as strong as the emotional grass, the effect is only to evoke desire.

Simply shut up and not breathe, Ling closed his eyes and cut off all the feelings of himself and the outside world.

Gradually, Ling Luo felt a sudden groggy in his brain for a while. When he opened his eyes again, another scene appeared in his vision.

The illusion he had just made was a breakthrough.

Ling fell in the fist, even if he broke through the illusion, he did not dare to take it lightly.

At this time, the illusion has become a palace-like place. At this time, he is wearing a Chinese costume, and the people around him are embracing the throne he has made. The people around him are all flattering voices, and suddenly there is a feeling that he is already the most powerful person in the world.

The seat of the king of the world is none other than him!

Being surrounded by people step by step to the position of the king in front, Ling Ling, although some of his heart feels wrong, but can not resist his own heart.

Rights are the most tempting in a man's mind, and no man can refuse the temptation of rights.

The pace of the fall to the seat of the king has accelerated, and his distance from the seat of the king is getting closer. Getting closer. . ...