MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 80

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The demonstration of refining medicine that combines dozens of medicinal materials is not something you can watch if you want, of course he doesn't want to miss it.

And for Lin Manshan's generous invitation to watch, he is even more admired.

The refining process of such a magical medicine, even if the master and apprentice who have been with each other for decades, the teacher may not be willing to show it, not to mention that he is an outsider.

In his heart, he already regarded Lin Manshan as his peers.

"It's so formal, as if you can learn it." Dugu Bo pouted.

However, I still know some etiquette... Thinking like this in my heart, I couldn't help but feel less resentful towards Chrysanthemum Douluo.

Ju Douluo didn't want to pay attention to him, and arrogantly threw his head aside.

"Hurry up, old chrysanthemum, take out the medicinal materials! I feel like I'm at a loss for you to observe it on the spot." Dugu Bo said carelessly.

Chrysanthemum Douluo had a stern face and started to take medicine according to the list of medicinal herbs.

Afterwards, Ghost Douluo took the C position and began to bargain with Dugu Bo to pay for the medicine refining.

After the two people handed over, Lin Manshan suddenly said, "Elder Ghost, when the medicine refining is over, and when you return to Wuhun City, I hope you can help me make a deal with His Holiness the Pope. The Spirit Master Competition is only one year away. , I want to buy a ten thousand year spirit bone of the water attribute to give my wife Shui Yue'er a boost, so that she can break through level 40 when the spirit master competition begins."

"As for the reward, I can pay with gold soul coins, or I can exchange it for a chance to refine medicine."

"Okay, I will communicate it later." Ghost Douluo readily agreed.

Using a ten thousand-year soul bone to save dozens of rare medicinal materials as a reward, I am afraid that I am not a fool if I do not agree.

Aman is a very affectionate person... Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo both sighed inwardly, and the good feelings in their hearts suddenly increased.

"That would be troublesome." Lin Manshan smiled and cupped his hands.

"Okay, okay, don't be polite..." Seeing that Ghost Douluo was about to speak again, Dugu Bo hurriedly interrupted and raised his hand, "Let's go. I'll take you to the alchemy room, this medicine is not easy to refine, I'm afraid it will take until tomorrow morning."

Not long after, the four came to the alchemy room.

The aroma of the medicine is fragrant, and the dry heat penetrates the body. A two-meter-high alchemy furnace with a flaming charcoal fire stands in the center, and a long jade table is placed next to it, and a smoke pipe is inserted into the roof.

Wooden cabinets are neatly placed on the surrounding walls, with rows of drawers marked with red paper and black characters.

After walking to the changing room and washing his hands, Lin Manshan went straight to the center.

On the other hand, Ju Douluo and the others were standing not far away. With their eyesight, they didn't need to watch closely.

Lin Manshan took out a plate of jade bottle from the soul tool and placed it on the jade table, and said softly, "The first step, quenching the medicine."

Walk to the alchemy furnace, take out a medicinal herb from the wishful treasure bag, wrap it with soul power and send it into the furnace mouth, then hang in the alchemy furnace, endure high temperature burning, a little carbonization, and finally only water droplets are left. Essence.

His soul power is almost the same color as soul power, and no one on the mainland has ever cultivated soul power. Even Dugu Bo admits to himself. If he hadn't said it at the beginning, he would not have thought it was another kind of soul power. kind of power.

Therefore, he was not afraid of Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo seeing it.

It can actually make the soul power become so gentle, and it can also protect the essence of the medicinal materials from being dried by the heat. Wrapping the medicinal materials with soul power and refining the essence of the medicinal materials at high temperature requires such exquisite soul power control. No wonder it is said that the energy of fire attribute medicinal materials cannot be suppressed now. If this is an accident, if it is so close, I am afraid that it will not be seriously injured by the explosion on the spot... Ghost Douluo's eyes can't help but narrow.

The soul power is released, and the sword energy is volatilized. It is no wonder that emotions are the soul power control power refined by refining medicine.

Unexpectedly, he could still exercise his soul power control in this way... Ghost Douluo said that he had gained a lot of knowledge.

Come on, you can still do this! First quench the essence of the medicinal materials, and then fuse them, the risk will indeed be greatly reduced. However, such a way of refining the essence of medicinal herbs is simply unheard of... Chrysanthemum Douluo was stunned, and his heart was very excited.

Well, I'll try it when I get back.

The medicinal herbs were sent into the mouth of the furnace, and the essence of the medicinal herbs was extracted and put into the jade bottle.

The only thing Chrysanthemum Douluo can do is to help carry firewood.

In the middle of the process, he took several breaks in a row, and he recovered with his knees crossed. Until late at night, Lin Manshan finally finished refining the medicinal materials he needed.

"The next step is fusion." When Lin Manshan finished speaking, Ju Douluo hurriedly opened one of the porcelain bottles, absorbed the essence of the medicinal materials from it, and pushed it to Lin Manshan under control.

Drop by drop, the excess was sent back to the jade bottle, and the liquid-like brown water mass in the furnace was getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Manshan's forehead gradually burst into sweat.

Nima, this method of refining medicine is too terrifying! You can't stop halfway. If you use immortal grass to refine, especially fire-type immortal grass, how can such a huge medicinal power be controlled throughout the whole process, and if you stop in the middle, it will not explode on the spot and kill the refiner... Chrysanthemum Douluo looked at the continuously spinning and growing pills in the stove, and only felt his scalp tingle. He found that he could not learn even if he saw it. Even if Lin Manshan has already opened his mouth to point out the order and reason for adding the medicine, it can be seen that it is different from the actual practice.

If you want to use this method to refine medicine, I am afraid that you need to be absolutely familiar with the medicinal properties of each medicinal material. Adding a little more or a little less will deviate from the medicinal effect. Can I really do it... He suddenly discovered that now unsure of himself.

Go back and practice hard... Chrysanthemum Douluo sighed, picked up the jade bottle from the side, and worked with peace of mind.

Time passed little by little, until a ray of early morning light shone through the skylight.

Lin Manshan sighed lightly, raised his right hand, made a breaking gesture, and moved slowly to the right. The next moment, the round water droplets that had become purple-gold in the pill furnace slowly separated, split into two, and turned into two longan-sized water droplets.

Afterwards, Lin Manshan's arms burst out with green 'soul power', rushing into the furnace quickly, completely wrapping the two medicinal pills, as if to isolate the surrounding space.

When the medicine pill could only glimpse the outline, it was controlled to slowly float out of the furnace.

A few minutes later, Chrysanthemum Douluo handed over the jade box, and the medicinal pill immediately fell into the box. Only then did a few people see the whole picture of the two medicinal pills. They were purple-gold and crystal clear, like two glass beads. If it is in the air for too long, the medicinal power will evaporate." Lin Manshan dissipated his soul power and quickly shouted, making Ju Douluo's hands tremble on the spot, and the other hand holding the lid quickly covered it.

At this time, Lin Manshan's footsteps moved, and his body swayed a little, and was supported by Ju Douluo.

"Little friend Lin, are you alright." Ju Douluo looked at Lin Manshan, whose face was a little pale, and a hint of distress flashed in his eyes.

"It's alright, it's just that I've been standing for a while. The medicinal pills refined this time are indeed much stronger than the previous ones, and it takes more time." Lin Manshan shook his head, stretched his body, and said with a smile:

"I'll take a shower first, and you can talk."

Now Qian Daoliu should be convinced that this medicine can only be practiced by me... In my thoughts, I walked towards the changing room.

After all, Qian Daoliu was a level 99 peerless Douluo, so he had to be cautious.

Seeing Lin Manshan walk into the changing room, Dugu Bo immediately sternly said, "Humph! Originally, this medicine Man'er could be divided into two days for refining medicinal materials and fusion medicine pills, but this time, so that you can watch the whole process, you can directly refine it. day and night."

"..." Ju Douluo's face suddenly stiffened, but when faced with Dugu Bo, he didn't want to give a good face, so he just stood there embarrassed.

The Ghost Douluo beside him came to the rescue at the right time and cupped his hands, "Brother Dugu, thank you very much this time."

Dugu Bo nodded slightly and raised his eyebrows at Ju Douluo, "How, have you learned?"

You should ask yourself... Chrysanthemum Douluo glanced at him and nodded slightly, "Great harvest!"

"If you don't learn it, you don't learn it, so what are you pretending to be?" Dugu Bo threw a contemptuous look at him.

"Have you learned it?" Ju Douluo sarcastically sneered.

"I have a grandson-in-law." Dugu Bo said.

"So, are you saying that you are a useless cauliflower snake?" Ju Douluo sneered.

"..." Dugu Bo was shocked by the improvement of his opponent's IQ, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

Chrysanthemum Douluo was instantly in a happy mood, reached out and stroked the jade box, carefully taking in the soul tool.

After a while, Lin Manshan, who looked slightly tired, strode out of the dressing room.

Chrysanthemum Douluo suddenly looked solemn, and when Lin Manshan approached, he solemnly surrendered, "Little friend Lin, thank you for your advice."

"Today's kindness, I recorded it in Yueguan. If you need help in the future, feel free to open your mouth. As long as you can, there will be no lake."

"Elder Ju's words are serious, but it's just a trivial matter." Lin Manshan smiled, and then handed over slightly.

"Since the medicinal herbs have been practiced, there will be no more left for the younger generation."

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo saw Lin Manshan's slightly tired appearance, and they knew that the other party was rushing to make up for their sleep, so they nodded in unison, "Okay."

"Man'er, go back to your room to rest first." Dugu Bo said, turning to look at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Come on, I'll take you there."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo followed suit.


PS: Change first and then change

Chapter 150 Two Soul Bones

January is breezy.

Spirit City, the Pope's Hall, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo entered the gate side by side, golden light filled the hall immediately.

A familiar figure appeared out of thin air on the right side of the hall.

"..." No, no, there's no need to welcome us so much... The two of them were shocked, their expressions suddenly stiff, they bowed their heads slightly, and stepped up to the steps.

"I've seen His Majesty the Pope, I've seen a big offering..." bowed and saluted.

"What's the result?" Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at Qian Daoliu and said sternly.

Ghost Douluo took out the jade box and the prescription from the soul tool, and raised it to display, "Your Majesty, this is the medicinal pill and the prescription."

"Prescription?" Bibi Dong looked a little surprised, and the other party even gave the prescription. He raised his head slightly and absorbed the jade box into his palm. At this time, Ghost Douluo hurriedly added, "Your Majesty the Pope, the medicinal power of the medicinal pill will spill out when exposed to the air."

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, picked up the prescription and started reading. Soon, her expression changed.

"Your Majesty the Pope, this prescription is true." As if it had been discussed, Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was observing his words, cupped his hands and spoke according to the situation.

"Also, the subordinates and the old ghost watched the entire refining process, and can only say that they are amazing!"

"Furthermore, it cannot be replicated. At present, I am afraid that only Aman's child can refine this kind of medicine pill in the entire continent."

There is a prescription, which can't be copied by watching the whole process... Bibi Dong's brows can't help but wrinkle.

"Show me the prescription." Qian Daoliu raised his chin towards Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong's complexion returned to sullen, her soul power surged, and she controlled the prescription to float towards Qian Daoliu. The latter stretched out her hand to inhale, and the prescription accelerated. She lowered her head and swept away, her complexion also changed slightly, and then she raised her head to look at Ju Douluo.

"Why did you only refine one pill?"

Ju Douluo Yuguang glanced at Bibi Dong, lowered his head slightly, and said respectfully, "Because it can't be done, that child has a way to make... her martial spirit go further, but due to her own strength and medicinal materials, it is currently impossible to refine it. ."

"What!?" Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong's complexions changed dramatically at the same time, and their auras overflowed unconsciously.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo felt their scalps go numb.

Then I heard Qian Daoliu's slightly anxious voice, "Tell me, tell me everything about the process of meeting that child."

Bibi Dong's eyes were bright, and she sat upright, waiting for the two to reply.

"Blessing the great worship, honoring the Pope..." As he bowed slightly to the two elders, Ghost Douluo began to speak.

Take advantage of the situation to tell Lin Manshan's request to trade soul bones.

After listening to the story, Qian Daoliu was silent for a while, then turned to look at Bibi Dong, "First call that girl over to take it and see the effect."

Bibi Dong didn't refute, she nodded slightly towards Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, go and call the Holy Maiden to the inner hall."

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo hurriedly turned and left.

At the same time, golden light suddenly burst out in the hall, and Qiandao Liu's figure disappeared directly.

"Elder Ju, what do you think of that kid Lin Manshan?" Bibi Dong, who was sitting at the throne, suddenly asked.

"The grievances are clear, the love and righteousness are important, and it is very worthwhile to make friends." Ju Douluo made a brief evaluation.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, stood up from her seat, and walked towards the inner hall on one side, the reverberation echoed, "Let's go."

"Yes!" Chrysanthemum Douluo hurriedly followed.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the inner hall, Hu Liena, who had put on her clothes again, walked out of the door on one side, looking a little excited.

The faces of all the people who were waiting changed.

"Nana, come here and show me your hand." Bibi Dong's eyes flickered and her chin slightly raised.

"Yes, teacher." Hu Liena quickly ran to Bibi Dong and stretched out her right hand.

Grabbing her wrist and squeezing it, Bibi Dong raised her head, "The strength of muscles and bones has increased by about 20%, and the qi and blood in the whole body are unimpeded. It is indeed a manifestation of the removal of impurities in the body. Although the soul power is a breakthrough, it is not vain. It was more solid before, and the foundation was very solid.”

The curative effect described in the prescription is true, and there are no side effects... Everyone is shocked.

Qian Daoliu, who had returned, immediately turned to look at Ghost Douluo, raised his right hand, and suspended two spirit bones in his palm, "Elder Ghost, immediately set off for Tianxing Academy. These two ten thousand year spirit bones, one will be used for the next step. The reward for refining the medicine pill is to exchange for information about the immortal grass in Dugu Bo's hand." Controlling the spirit bone floated down in front of Ghost Douluo and turned to look at Chrysanthemum Douluo.

"Elder Ju, transcribe all the information you know about the immortal grass and give it to me tomorrow."

Regardless of whether the information on the immortal grasses they possessed overlapped, he didn't want to miss any of them.

After speaking, he faced Bibi Dong, "Bibi Dong, now is not the time to care about the past, I hope we can stand on the same side in this matter. I will send the worshipers of the Elder Hall to go out to find the fairy grass, of course, it will be given priority. Look for fire-type herbs. But if you are lucky enough to find other herbs, I will hand them over to you. As for the rare herbs, I will give them to you to collect."

According to what Ghost Douluo said before, even if there are fire-type medicinal herbs with up to the standard medicinal power, they still need a lot of other rare medicinal herbs to neutralize the medicinal properties. Moreover, Lin Manshan's method of recognizing medicine is very strange. He must observe closely in order to perfectly understand the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, and refine the medicinal pills that perfectly fit the individual's physique. Therefore, the more medicinal materials, the greater the possibility of completing the refining of the required medicinal herbs.

There are few people in his elder hall, and the collection of rare medicinal herbs has to be operated by Bibi Dong, who is the Pope.