MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 568 After finishing this group of people, it will be quiet

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"Lin head, such a small gate does not require you to take any action, let me come." Said the emperor.

"Get out of the way, who said to destroy the family door, this is an acquaintance." Lin Fan glared at the emperor, this guy has a pit in his head, don't look at the situation of this door?

Far away

The Elder King of Miyu Dragons was short and short, with a round face, a towel on his head, and a laundry bucket in his hand, walking slowly from afar.


King Wang chicly saw a stranger appear at the entrance of Youlongpai and was shocked. Last time, a small group of bandits found this place and wanted to occupy it.

Although they later ran away from them, the eldest brother Wang Yushu was seriously injured and it was difficult to survive.

Someone is here again now.

怎么 How can he not be nervous.

"Who?" Wang Xiao sighed angrily, don't look at him to be martial arts, but he didn't counsel at all.

Lin Linfan looked back.

At this moment, Wang Xiaosa saw Lin Fan's familiar face, stunned for a moment, and then rejoiced: "Lin Zhangmen ..."

For their dragon fighters, Lin's head is a benefactor.

I am just a benefactor because of the money left, which has improved the life of the dragon pie, and also moved them.

"Elder Wang." Lin Fan raised his hand, pointed at the other side, and smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few months, don't come here."

King Wang came hurriedly, a little embarrassed, and said, "Lin, who is this elder?"


King Wang hurriedly said, "Lin head, please don't stand outside the door. Brother, if the second brother knows you're here, he must be happy."

At the beginning, the emperor thought that the dragon troupe was only weak on the surface. In fact, the people inside were very scary. Otherwise, how could he know Lin Fan.

But now he just wants to ask, is this what I read wrong?

The elder who appears now is an elder, and he has no problem.

The key is that this cultivation is not a joke, even the little master is not here, and he is still fooling around in the 12th martial art. This is too wasteful.

The king Wang Yushu and Wang Linfeng heard the sound from the outside and walked hurriedly. When they saw Lin Fan, they were also very happy.

"Wang Zhangmen." Lin Fan smiled and held his fist.

King Wang Yushu laughed: "Lin head."


A group of children also ran out. They hadn't seen Lin Fan for a long time, but they were very familiar with Lin Fan, as if they saw it every day.

In fact, these are all Wang Yushu tells them from time to time, and our benefactor of the Dragon faction is Lin.

For the children, where do they know who is in charge of Lin.

So Wang Yushu thought about it for a moment and told the children that he was the head of Lin who gave our town a beast to share with you.

Suddenly, all the children remembered.

Even some children are very sad, because I think of the tragic death of the town sent a beast, I will never see it in the future, I will miss it.

Lin Linfan has nothing to do with the Youlong faction, just to relax and relocate the site to the Longyou faction.


The King of Kings dashed and killed another town sacred beast. Of course, this time, the last thing did not happen. Today, the Yulong faction breeds many poultry.

I was a little shocked by Lin Fan that he didn't expect that Vice-President Wang Linfeng actually read a book.

As far as he knows, these three seem to be rude men. Do n’t know anything.

Then asked, I did not expect that it was time for these children to study, and they did not know what to teach, so they studied by themselves and taught what they learned.

In this regard, Lin Fan is also a respectful, terrific ah.

The emperor Shui Shui was weak and weak. What happened now was different from what he thought. It was too boring.

I knew this would happen, but I shouldn't have come out.

Isn't it good to stay in Budoshan?

I have to come out and do errands.

Lin Fan said: "Head of the king, I am going to move you into the area of ​​my Wudao Mountain, which will be safe enough for you, what do you think?"

King Wang Yushu said, "Lin head, you have done enough for us. You can trouble you wherever you are. In fact, it is very good here. The only trouble is that there are bandits in this mountain."

"Bandits?" Lin Fan frowned, and then said, "Water Emperor, go, find out for me the bandits in the mountains, and destroy them all."

"Head, I haven't finished it yet," said the Emperor, and he was really said, this small and shabby ancestral gate has no other skills, but the food is really good.

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned. The emperor wasn't very obedient, and the things he ordered didn't follow suit. Mad, if your cousin is here, you old guy will be unlucky.

According to the character of my cousin, it must be a big mouth fan, and then come a sentence, my cousin asked you to do one thing, and you are still suffering.

"Go, go." The emperor felt that Lin Fan's look was a bit wrong, and he scared him without saying a word, and rushed straight to the outside.

It is very easy to find bandits in this small mountain range.

For these bandits, their miserable life began.

The next day.

Lin Linfan and the emperor left the Dragon Squad.

Budo Mountain.

Zhe Lin Wanyi, Zhao ancestor, and Su Changsheng all came. They already knew that the four major alliances had completely disappeared.

Although there are a lot of top gates that have moved out of their original address.

But when there is no strength to compete with Lin Fan, they will not appear.

"Dad, it's up to you to do the rest." Lin Fan said, he suddenly thought of where the imperial court needed him to do it, it was not necessary at all.

It is enough for the father to go in person.

King Indus occupied the Imperial Court. He does n’t need to know what his strength is, but that ’s all. Compared with the real peak power, the gap is very big.

Even though the royal court has thousands of troops, in front of the three strong men, it must have collapsed and there was no chance of resistance.

Zhe Lin Wanyi said: "Okay, there is no difficulty in destroying the royal court of the Indus King. How could his royal court exist until now if he was not alert to the top sects and alliances."

It was true at the time.

顶尖 The top gates stared at them.

The Puppet Alliance also stared at them.

The Zhaojialong Island incident is enough to show that the top ancestors are staring at them.

But now everything is resolved.

Lin Fan's behavior caused heavy losses to all the top sects, and the foundation was greatly damaged. He wanted to recover, unless someone could reach Lin Fan's current level.

Otherwise everything is in vain.

Wu Su Changsheng said, "Wait till now."

For them, it is not important who is the master of the royal court, but it must be orthodox.

If Prince Xiao Qi is not interested in the title of the emperor's court, then he can give it to the rest of his brothers. This is not a matter for Su Changsheng.

"Fan, what are you going to do next?" Lin Wanyi asked.

"Let's rest, nothing will happen for the time being." Lin Fan didn't tell his dad that he would go to the alliance in person, after all, this behavior was very explosive.

If Dad knows that he will never let him go alone, he must follow him.

But for Lin Fan, he didn't want anyone to follow.

I should encounter some dangers when I go to the alliance. My dad doesn't understand himself, and he will rush to the front when he is in danger. If something really happens, he will be too late to regret it.

So go to the league, he is not going to take anyone.

Zhe Lin Wanyi stepped forward and patted Lin Fan's shoulder, "It's hard."

For him, his son is really too hard.

If it wasn't for Lin Fan, there would be no scene at the scene.

Lin Linfan laughed and said, "It's okay, either it's hard, or it's tiring to play."

Suddenly, Lin Wanyi's eyes seemed to be able to kill people, Lin Fan stared and smiled.

I ’m just kidding.

He is not serious.

"Water emperor, destiny teacher, holy Buddha, a group of you are following my father." Lin Fan said.

"no problem."

The Huangshui Emperor was the first to agree. Although it is impossible to see the top ancestors, it is also a good choice to go to the Royal Court.

"Dad, it's not too early, I think you still go early, I think the royal court must know the current situation, if the Indus King knows earlier, I'm afraid I'm on my way." Lin Fan said.

Zhe Lin Wanyi said: "It's okay, he can't run away. Now that his general situation has gone, there is no other force to restrain us, he is the one in the middle, and he has no chance to stand up."

Not long after.

Maybe the opportunity to restore the imperial court is here. Zhao ancestors couldn't bear it, urging Lin Wanyi and others to move quickly, and then a group of people left Wudao Mountain with the goal of the imperial court.

Lin Linfan looked at the departing back and said to the dog: "Go to prepare clothes and hot water, and the son will take a bath."

I have to go to the league to be clean.

He wanted to go to the alliance very early. The social situation there is similar to the world he used to live in, but it does n’t matter whether it looks like it or not. The alliance must be destroyed.

Inside the squatter house.

It is not the first time that Mu Mulan has rubbed his back on Lin Fan, so for Mu Lan, he is already accustomed to it, but every time he faces it, he will still be shy.

"My son, all right." Mu Lan whispered, then quietly backed out with his stuff.

Zhe Linfan stood up and saw that his body was not like a person who reached the peak of martial arts, just like the sons of rich families, enjoying ease and being weak.

Put on new clothes.


It's time to talk to the league.

Pushed out the door.

I didn't expect the dog to wait outside.

"My son ~ ~ Are you going to the alliance?" Gouzi asked.

Lin Linfan said: "Well, it seems that nothing can be hidden from you."

Gozi said: "My son, I have been serving you, I know what you mean by every move, but the alliance is very dangerous. If you go alone, will there be any problems, or wait for the master to come back, then Discuss. "

"Don't worry, there is no danger. If you have confidence in your son, I won't do things that are not sure." Lin Fan laughed.

I can't hide my dad, but he's not hiding the dog.

But this worry is not without reason.

The dog walker has never seen how terrible he is now.

"Okay, I'll go back and go back, up to two or three days."

Lin Linfan thought that going to the Alliance is to destroy the Alliance headquarters, kill the Marshal, kill the saints, kill the martial arts, kill the Marshal, and kill all these people, and they will be quiet.