MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 570 Alliance messed up

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The use of star-level nuclear power at Alliance sites is simply impossible.

后果 Once used, the consequences are disastrous.

The effects of maggots will be extremely horrible, and there will be countless deaths and injuries, and that area will become a dead zone.

He Qiong didn't go crazy with Xiang Yuntian.

He is very dignified, I feel this matter is still to find the General Marshal silence, with the ability of Xiang Yuntian, can not win Lin Fan.

I can even take myself in.

Hell Mountain.

Wu Zhenming stared at the telegram in his hands, stunned.

Oh my God.

He really didn't expect Lin Fan to come to the alliance so soon.

Appears in G city now.

According to this rhythm, it is really going to be rigid with the Alliance headquarters.

"Lin head, admire, admire, when it comes to doing it, you can be the first indigenous person."

This is the first time Zhenming admires a person.

And this man is a former enemy, I have to say that Lin Fan's personality charm is still more fierce.

Zhenming's original rhythm was not like this, but after countless small steps, they finally merged together to form a fatal blow to the headquarters of the alliance.

I can all his subtle layout.

林 Under the crushing of Lin Fan's rough violence, all of them are a joke.

He thought of a way to think of breaking his head. Perhaps in Lin Fan's eyes, why bother? A pair of iron fists won't work. Thinking about it is too bad.

As for the next thing, in fact, he can know without even thinking about it.

If Ji Yankun and the eight island owners knew this, they would definitely have thoughts.

I may wait for the two defeats of both sides to get hurt and take advantage of the fishermen.

Wu Zhenming couldn't think of so much, he left Hell Mountain immediately, he was going to see the situation.

G city.

Zhe Linfan did not destroy the idea here, but continued to attack towards a distance, where someone was waiting for him, and he was not alone.

It seems that the Alliance Headquarters already knows he is here.

At the exit of G city, a large number of alliance troops are gathered, and various black icy scientific weapons that surpass the sense of the times are arranged.

"What kind of situation does the Alliance need to use these weapons to meet the enemy?

"Where's the Marshal? Where are the strongest Marshals in the league? Hurry up and let them come out, don't let them die."

Lin Linfan stood there, holding a cup of milk tea in his hand, drinking very freely.

记者 A reporter had live broadcasted the scene.

At this time, the reporter pointed the camera at Lin Fan's milk tea.

"Uncle's Stocking Milk Tea Shop"

总 The owner of a tea shop watching a live broadcast is an uncle. When he saw these words, he went crazy.

"Bottom! Bottom! This advertisement is too hard-core, even if you invite countless top stars to compare with it."


The following sentence stunned the uncle with excitement.

"Your alliance is not good, but this milk tea is good and tastes great."

Lin Linfan spoke in a normal tone, but it was heard by everyone from afar.

翻译 The equipment that the reporter filmed comes with an interpreter.

Every sentence that Lin Linfan said was translated and passed to everyone.

表情 Citizens who watched the live broadcast had weird expressions.


到底 What kind of situation is this? It was the indigenous people who came to attack the alliance or invited the indigenous people to advertise. This advertisement is too hard-core and overbearing.

"Indigenous Lin Fan, this will be the commander of the Alliance ’s scientific research strategy department responsible for City G, and now you are ordered to leave immediately, otherwise you will be killed."

Lin Linfan smiled, shook his head, and walked slowly forward.

每 Every step he takes is a stress to the commander.

As the pressure increased, the spirit of the commander was on the verge of bursting.


The commander snarled.

Suddenly, the earth shook, and a roar like a beast came from afar.

The scientific research weapon erupted completely at this moment.

"Helpless, what happened to the alliance, just these weapons, unless it comes to star power."

Lin Linfan was disappointed with these weapons, and he didn't take them seriously.


Numerous beams hit Lin Fan.



Take Lin Fan as the center and form a huge mushroom cloud.

In the distant mountain peaks, the extremely lethal weapons accumulate energy, and then make a roar of the beast, turning into a beam of light to tear the sky, and blast towards Lin Fan.

The power is really terrifying.

People in G City were scared, feeling the shock wave, and the whole city's buildings were shaking.

After a long while.


The commander raised his hand and ordered the attack to stop.

He doesn't know what's going on.

But under such fierce firepower, even if he fails to beheaded, it should be hurt.

At this point, everyone stopped their movements.

的 The dust in the distance is too strong to see the inside.

Live broadcast all this.

The Union citizens are uplifted.

"Is this the weapon developed by the scientific research department? It is too strong."

"There must be something wrong with this aboriginal brain. I came to us to make troubles without knowing it. Now I know the end."

"The courage is commendable, but the brain is not good enough."

I can follow immediately.

When they saw a scene in the picture, everyone was stunned.

After seeing the dust dissipating, a figure stood there.

Safe and sound.

No one can believe it.

I just had such a terrible attack, how could there be nothing at all.

"What's the situation in your alliance? Do you frighten people with these children's toys?" Lin Fan was dissatisfied. Could it be that the substitutions within the alliance were not successful, and even the strong ones could not be replaced.

开 "Fire." The commander growled again.

I can suddenly.

An extremely horrifying pressure fell from the sky.

I banged.

The darkened steel weapon like a beast shattered directly.

Everyone can't bear this force, and the blood spit out on the ground directly, and the body seems to be held down by something, and even a finger cannot move.

Zhe Linfan didn't even look at it. He rose into the air and left.

"You are too weak."

I used to be in the silent manor of General Marshal.

When Qiongqi came here, he found that the General Marshal was fishing, and hurried over, just trying to speak, but was stopped by silence.

"Hush, don't talk, the fish is about to hook."

It ’s a bit of a falcon. It ’s already this time. Why are you fishing around? People have already reached the league.

Not long after.

Marshal Wu slowly lifted the pole, a big fish emerged from the water, and the fish scales shone bright and dazzling under the sun.

"General Marshal, something really happened. Martial arts forest Lin Fan has come to the alliance, the first stop is G city, Xiang Yuntian actually used scientific research weapons to deal with the peak strongman, isn't this a joke?"

"Unless he uses star-level nuclear power, but to perform star-level nuclear power here in the Alliance, the consequences are unimaginable."

"Hurry up and figure out what to do?"

Qi Qin is really anxious.

In the final analysis, he still has no hope for Xiang Yuntian.

"The sky, I am no longer the General Marshal, just an ordinary person who has retired, these matters are resolved by the General Marshal." Silently said, there was no rush at all.

Qiu Qiong reconciled: "But now is the most critical moment in the history of the league. If you don't care, the consequences are really unthinkable."

Wu Ji said: "It's still the case, I can't manage this matter. If you have any questions, you should go to General Marshal Xiang, not me."

此时 At this moment.

He Qiong's communication equipment rang, hurriedly connected, listening to the other party's report, his face gradually became difficult to look.

"I see, I'll be back soon."

Hang up the communication.

"General Marshal, Lin Fan has already broken through G, H, and W cities. They are attacking toward the center cities of the alliance. Four generals have died, one marshal has sacrificed. The weapons of the scientific research department have no use to him."

"If he was allowed to reach the center city of the league, it would be really incredible."

I am anxious. If we continue to do so, the consequences are really unthinkable, and even difficult to recover.

Marshal Wu did not answer, but continued to bait, dumped into the lake, and waited quietly.

"General Marshal ..."

The Qiongqiong called again, but it was indifferent to be greeted.


The vault turned away and attacked the Alliance headquarters.

at this time.

Citizens of the entire league are watching the live broadcast. Although the screen is sometimes broken, at least they can know where the other party has gone.

的 The scolding on the platform is getting louder.

"Rely, under what circumstances, what happened to Xiang Yuntian, didn't he say that scientific research weapons can make the other party look good?"

"Liar, these weapons have no use at all."

"How did Xiang Yuntian do this, did he forget what he said?"

There was a swearing.

From the beginning, citizens were very confident in their alliance, but as the situation changed, they were completely panicked, and the other party was alone.

Ye Ke is this person, but the alliance can not resist.

Any research weapon in front of the other side is like a toy. Although it is very powerful, when the dust disappears, the other side stands there intact. What else can we say?

In the Holy Manor.

The gloomy living room.

Zhu Daosheng looked at the video in front of him. It was a live broadcast. He was expressionless and wondered what he thought ~ ~ Grandpa. "

Granddaughter stood behind.

Zhu Daosheng turned his head and smiled, "Come, sit next to Grandpa and accompany Grandpa to see the news."

Alliance headquarters.

Xiang Yuntian's face was very gloomy, and the surrounding high-rises were all lost by Lin Fan.

"General Marshal, at this time, only star-level nuclear energy can be released." Someone suggested.

But was quickly reprimanded.

"Stupid, how to put it? Where do you put it, regardless of it? The other party has no eyes, or has no hands and feet. Will they run out of star power?

The reprimanded man retorted, "What should we do now if we don't let star-level nuclear energy go, and who will resist it, the latest news is that eight generals and three marshals died in each other's hands."

"Or the kind of death without any resistance."

The scene was quiet.

Everyone lowered their heads, and then everyone will pin their hopes on Xiang Yuntian. He is now the General Marshal, and his decision is the most important.


at this time.

Someone broke in. "No, the people outside marched and asked us to come up with a solution immediately."