MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 616 This person's brain is sick

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"What do you have to ask?" Gu Zhu asked Zhuo Lie to stop talking and asked.

Zhuo Lie took a step forward and whispered, "Gu owner, do you want to tell the ancestors about the imperial demon, after all, the formation of the imperial demon is an accident. At the same time, the imperial demon changed the" Immortal Spell ". A trivial matter. "

"You don't have to ask about this, I know what to do." The owner Gu was silent for a moment, walking towards the distance, Zhuo Lie wanted to catch up, but his voice came from his ear.


"Fan, my father has just shaken my heart. I thought something was happening, but I didn't expect that the path I had never seen before became faintly clear."

When Lin Fan came back and hadn't told the flesh beads to his father, the father told him something that made him a bit embarrassed.

How can it be.

How did dad see the road ahead.


He thought of a possibility.

Xiao Xiaozu crushed the remaining flesh and blood beads to return the rule of Taowen to heaven and earth. Although the number is small and cannot change the world, it can at least prove that the rule of Taowen exists between heaven and earth.

Dao Xiu is too strong and belongs to the peak strong in the Seventh State, so he is more sensitive than anyone.

Therefore, when there is a trace of the rule of Tao Wen into the world.

Has been captured by my father.

Have to say terrific.

The powerful ones are a little scary.

"Dad, then you try again." Lin Fan took out the flesh and blood beads of the first-class evil god, crushed them in front of Daddy, and the rule of Taowen spread out.

Dad was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect that there would be dow pattern rules.

But I can't think of so much now.

Immediately absorb these road patterns.


I saw that the breath on Dad was getting more and more terrifying, as if a pile of firewood was ignited. As the fire continued to burn, the flames swelled directly.

"Breakthrough, but unfortunately the lack of the dow pattern rule." Dad said.

Lin Fan said: "Dad, there is nothing you can do about this. The rules of this pattern are in the body of the evil gods, and they are obtained by killing them."

He still has some flesh beads left.

These are all left to the emperor and Su Changsheng.

As for the return of the Daowen rule to the heavens and the earth, he couldn't do it, it wasn't so great, and he naturally thought of the people around him.

"Dad, think about it first, the baby will go to Yongle first." Lin Fan said, and then left without saying much.

Lin Wanyi has broken through to the eighth realm of the Dao, but has no strength and no characteristics. This is undoubtedly a great compromise of strength. It can be said that the ability of the realm of the eighth realm can only exert thirty to forty power.

Lin Fan's hurried appearance naturally meant to be gentle with Yongle.

It was a bit cold to go out.

Let's get hot.

Keep your body temperature.


Almost have fallen asleep.

Lin Fan looked at Yongle who was asleep, covered the quilt, got out of bed and dressed, and pushed out the door.

"Come out, you guy looking for me, but hesitant, pretending not to look for me, why, am I scary?" Lin Fan said to the air.


A black shadow appeared slowly, and it was not clear what it looked like, just a black figure.

"Jiu Yanglin is in charge of the big name, and today he really saw the details." Hei Ying said.

"Don't play tricks. Now hearing these hypocrisy words makes people headache. Pick the point and say, why don't you go to bed in the middle of the night to come to me?" Lin Fan asked.

"Okay, hurry up and talk fast, then I will speak straight, I want to cooperate with the head of Lin." Hei Ying paused, as if waiting for Lin Fan's reply.

Just where Lin Fan would talk too much nonsense to him, but nodded, "Well, keep talking, I listen."

Heiying said: "I know that the head of Lin has been searching for traces of evil gods recently. He is also looking for ways to kill evil gods, but he has to say that immortal gods are immortal. It is really troublesome. It is difficult to kill the evil gods by ordinary methods . "

"At the same time, the world's Taowen rules are in the body of evil gods, but it may be difficult and difficult to return these Taowen rules.

"So I came to the head of Lin just to cooperate with these two things."

"As long as the cooperation is successful, I can guarantee that the Dow's Law will return completely, and those evil gods will never be resurrected."

What Hei Ying said are all things Lin Fan urgently need to solve.

But there is a problem.

Is Lin Fan a fool?

That must not be a fool.

"You talk about who you are first?" Lin Fan asked.

Heiying said: "It doesn't matter who I am. The key is that I can help you and you can help me. It's that simple."

Lin Fan pondered, pondered, and slowly said, "Are you an evil god?"

"Huh?" Heiying was obviously stunned, as if he hadn't responded, and then laughed: "How is that possible?"

Heiying was a little faint in heart and felt a little incredible.

How did this guy know he was an evil god.

Guess it?

Or say he was exposed.

"Also said no, although you can't see your face, you just betrayed your nervousness just now. Now that you are here, let me see who you are."

Lin Fan grabbed at Hei Ying, fluttered with one finger, grabbed with five fingers, Hei Ying screamed out of the ground, and flew towards Lin Fan.

It was only for Black Shadow that he could not be caught by the opponent.

Direct self-destruction.

"You will regret it." This was the last word before the shadow disappeared.

Lin Fan shook his head, feeling that things have become a little more complicated. What exactly is the situation of the evil gods, and he wants to invade and cooperate at the same time? Is there any internal contradiction?


Lin Wanyi stood here and looked at the situation there. When Heiying entered the city, he already found out that he had no action but wanted to see what he wanted to do.

I didn't expect it.

His son was more impulsive, and he made people mess with him without even talking a few words.

This is not the end of hatred.

"Dad, it's not interesting, go back to sleep." Lin Fan said, then turned back to the house and continued to sleep with Yongle, isn't it comfortable?

It's boring to have to do those things.

"Well." Lin Wanyi didn't take it to heart.


The evil **** Masaki was very angry. He didn't expect that the cooperation would fail. There must be something wrong with Lin Fan's mind.

If it was okay, how could it be like this.

Gu Yuan and Xu Yuanming cooperated with him, but the strength of the two really couldn't keep up with the progress. Some weak evil gods could naturally suppress it, but if they encountered some powerful ones, it would be more troublesome.

And the two could not believe it.

All use each other and be vigilant against each other.

Now the evil gods have long begun to invade.

But his strength has not recovered.

Need to think of more ways.

Of course, the evil **** Masaki is looking for other suzerain lords, let them enter the evil god's territory, look for evil gods, and kill them. Only in this way can the strength be restored as quickly as possible.

It's just all dangerous.

You have to be careful.

The Indus King lost himself. Under the pollution of the evil **** Masaki, the only remaining wisdom had dissipated, and he became a servant of Masaki completely, and he was also a relatively weak slave.


The situation there is not seconds.

A white mist shrouded a city. Yan Kun and Lancang Island owner entered inside, and encountered some danger. Monsters in many locations attacked them.

Although these monsters are a little cowardly to them, they seem to be indestructible, killing one batch after another.

And the white mist is spreading.

The spread is fast, as if to cover the entire league.

The Alliance Headquarters used the means to control the white mist without letting them spread.

But this is not the most terrible thing yet.

The most terrible thing is that it happened in other cities.

The power of evil gods is everywhere.

Many people in the league are polluted. They are scattered all over the place, except they usually look a little weird and do not get close to people. They can't find any problems with them.

But once the evil **** is summoned, it becomes horrible.

Interim headquarters.

High mountains of Hell and Neptune Island are gathered here.

They looked ugly and worried.

Today's alliance is their alliance. They are in charge and naturally cannot tolerate such things.

"Yan Kun, you said what to do now, you can't understand the situation at all." Lancang Island asked.

The rest of the island owners took a deep breath and looked very serious.

Yan Kun said: "We have all entered it. Those are weird creatures we have never seen before, and there are a lot of them. Citizens hide in the house, but they will be killed whenever they come out. Those citizens stay in the house while sending people to provide supplies. "

"But that doesn't work. Our people are dead a lot."

At this point, everyone was in deep thought, and things were a little tricky, and they had never met them before, and they didn't know how to solve them.

"It's better to abandon this city and rescue people," someone suggested.

Only some people agree or disagree with this proposal.

Just then, someone hurried in.

"The white fog is gone."

Everyone heard that they were stunned, and then they rejoiced and rushed towards the other side.

When arriving at the scene.

They found that the fog seemed to be spiritual, and it kept shrinking and receding into the distance.

"What the **** is this?" Yan Kun asked ~ ~ but where they knew what was going on, they were all confused.


"You new rising evil god, dare to stop the great old-fashioned evil **** from invading the blood food world, but this evil **** gives you face." A monster-like evil **** growled.

It's just that this monster has a wound on his body. It seems that a battle just happened.

The breath of silence was a little weak, and he suffered a very serious injury. He had just had a war with the other side.

"There is my home. If you dare to invade, I will only fight with you desperately." Silence's voice was cold, without a trace of affection.

"Well, desperately, even if I do n’t invade, there will be evil gods invading, then see how you can fight against evil gods stronger than you." This evil **** is very disdainful.

PS: I recommend a book "The Entertainment Life of a Full-Time Grandma". Those who are interested can check it out.