MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 652 Uncontrolled horror monster

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Lin Fan left after talking to Xiao Qi about something.

He floated above, watching the royal court below, sinking into deep contemplation.

"It really is a court of thought."

He saw that there were many women deliberately walking around there blindly, and didn't know who to show them to.

Do n’t know if I can fly?

He can feel the sadness of Xiao Qi, but if Xiao Qi knew Lin Fan's thoughts, he would definitely say, Brother Lin, the sadness is a little bit sad, but the fun in it is not felt by everyone.

With the power of faith, Lin Fan passed on his order to help the emperor's court evacuate the people in the city near Haihaiyan.

I have to say that the Dark God Realm is still very good.

Everyone who believes in him will have the power they once could not imagine.

No cultivation is needed, only faith is needed, nothing else is needed.

The people are also very simple, and using this power to cultivate land is quite talented in research and development.

In this regard, Lin Fan was quite pleased,

It is comforting that the people can use the power he has given them reasonably.

As for whether they can work against evil gods, the question is a bit more complicated. With their cultivation, they really can fight with the servants of evil gods.

But it is not necessary.

It was just empty and powerful. When they met monsters with disgusting looks and flowing liquid, they saw that they were not scared to death.


You have to rely on yourself.


"I just went to the Imperial City and met your brother. He is living a good life now. He is very happy to be the Lord of the Imperial Court." Lin Fan looked at Yongle who was packing things for him and said casually.

If Xiao Qi was made aware that Lin Fan would say so, he would definitely growl.

Happy ass.

Tired of a dog every day, even the heart of death.

Yongle bowed his head and packed, without speaking.

Lin Fan quietly said, "This time, there will be no trouble in the future, and I can accompany you more."

There was anxiety on Yongle's face, and he whispered "Can't he go?"

The voice was relatively low, and Lin Fan didn't pay attention to it either, and wondered, "What?"

"Can I say I can't go?" Yongle was still packing, begging a bit. "With Dad and Aunt Su, let's leave here and find a safe place to live in. I'm afraid you'll be in trouble."

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Fan said, "I think Lin Fan has never been afraid of anyone. Besides, the evil gods will not give up just to make them more confused. As long as they are all suppressed, then it is the most safe."

Then he walked behind Yongle, "Rest assured, nothing will happen."

Yongle packed his things and put them on the table. "I don't care what happens, I just want you to come back safely."

"Um." Lin Fan nodded, and received the change of clothes. He was about to go out again.

And it ’s all true.

As long as the evil gods are resolved, everything will end, and this is the final enemy.

At least for now.


"God, cousin, Jiu Yao, Xiao Xiaozu, let's go." Lin Fan waved and looked at Dad at the same time, "Dad, don't go there, You City still needs you to guard."

"Fan, be careful." Lin Wanyi said solemnly.

He would like to tell Lin Fan that if the situation is not good enough to retreat immediately, it is important to save his life, but he knows that even if these are useless, if his son can listen to him, he will really be a hell.

"Dad, you can rest assured, I have n’t even looked at those evil gods, you just have to live as usual, everything is left to me." Lin Fan said.

Take a look at how strong the pattern of authentic patterns in the sky is.

According to this situation, when it is intense enough, something should happen.

If you don't expect it, it must be impossible.

Lin Wanyi said, "You boy, can you change your character, no matter how weak the enemy is, you must pay attention to the enemy, and you must not overturn in the gutter."

"I see." Lin Fan responded, and Dad started to talk again, but he naturally attached great importance to the evil gods, and the top ten evil gods.

The top ten evil gods still have some means.

Lin Wanyi didn't say much, he knew it would be useless to say more, but only to let him be careful.

If he can help, it means that there is no difficulty for Fan Er.

But if it doesn't help, then it is a hindrance.


Lin Fan took his cousin and others to enter the dimension and attacked the forbidden sea.

"God, did you bring the pots and pans?"

Gozi said, "Yes, I have already."

"That's good." Lin Fan didn't know when things would happen in the forbidden Haiyan, so let the dogs take these things to cook there.

Originally, I wanted to take Mu Lan with you, and someone was loosening my bones at any time, but it was still fine to think about it. Mu Lan's repair was too low, and he was a little behind.

If there is a big war, running will be a problem.

The dragon of Zhao family, that is, Zulong said, "The existence of evil gods is actually against the laws of heaven and earth. No matter how evil they are, there will be a bright side, but according to my observation, those evil gods are the concentration of evil. It should not exist. "

"Is the world yin and yang? But these are not important anymore, as long as they dare to come, want them to look good." Lin Fan said.

Not long after.

Forbidden Haihaiyan.

When Lin Fan arrived there, he could feel the endless dowling law sweeping from the eyes of the forbidden sea and into the world.

This is not something that can be achieved by beheading one or two evil gods.

In the end who is killing the evil god.

Can't figure it out, and some don't understand it.

After the dog lands, he immediately prepares things. To stay here for a while, some tools must be prepared.

His cousin was like a guard, with his eyes locked on the forbidden sea and his eyes, always on guard.

"I said, Lin, you are here for vacation, or for the shelf." Xiao Laozu was helpless, but he was somewhat convinced, but his heart was a little happy. The dog is here, it does n’t mean that he has eaten during this time. .

How he wished he could have another meal of teriyaki stew.

"It's not contradictory to vacations. Although it comes out to fight against evil gods, the quality of life can't be worse." Lin Fan said.

Xiao Xiaozu nodded, "Well, this statement makes some sense."

"It definitely makes sense. If it makes no sense, can I tell you?" Lin Fan took out the lounge chair from the dimension and lay on it leisurely, and he couldn't do anything now, just waiting quietly.

When the evil **** comes out, he will regain momentum.

He was not in a hurry anyway.

Looking at the sky, looking at the sea, and the beautiful scenery is a treat.


The dog was preparing ingredients, and his cousin stood there like a statue. As for the nine demon lying in Lin Fan's arms, he closed his eyes and slept.

And what can Zulong do besides sleeping?

However, Xiao Xiaozu was helpless, but this situation was a bit confusing.

What should he do?

Just standing here in a daze?

According to his thinking, in fact, you can go to the evil world to see the situation, maybe you can still encounter some relatively new things.

Just look at Lin's head without motivation.

He also dispelled this idea.


Yan Kun was so anxious that Lin Lin's words completely shaken the alliance.

The citizens were really frightened by Lin Fan.

No one wants to die.

Even those who shouted to work hard with Lin Fan were silently waiting to arrange to hide in the ground.

"Hey, it's okay to control. Many people want to do something while the turmoil is happening, but fortunately they have been blocked. Now cities are orderly and disorderly to arrange them to go to the ground." Lancang Island master said.

Yan Kun said, "I don't know what the situation is now. If Lin Zhanmen and the evil gods compete with each other and end up with defeat, I am afraid it will be very bad."

"If the evil **** wins, maybe we can talk to the evil **** and live together peacefully." The Lord of Lan Cang Island whimsically said.

Yan Kun didn't know why. Hearing the words of Lancang Island Master, he laughed loudly, "Lan Cang, are you thinking so well? Talk to the evil gods. So many cities in the alliance suffered from the evil gods. You ca n’t see the evil gods yet. What kind of existence? "

"If that's the case, I am afraid that the Alliance will be eaten by the evil gods, and even a hair may not be left."

He would rather talk to the head of Lin than to talk to evil gods.

This is undoubtedly not a dead end.

Lan Cang Island owners and others think that seems to be the case.

"How about evacuation now?" Yan Kun asked, fortunately, there are huge underground shelters in every city, otherwise I really don't know how to arrange it.

"It's almost over, after all, there are too many people, and the evacuation will not be completed in a short time." Lan Cangdao said, and then asked curiously, "I don't know how long this situation will last before it can end. If the time is long, I'm afraid there will be unrest here. "

You let people who are used to living on the ground, live in the ground for a short time, there is no problem.

But if it takes a long time.

It is inevitable that nothing will happen.

Yan Kundao "I don't know ~ ~ can only wait for news, if there is no news in one day, I will not return to the ground."

For him, the league can't stand the shock.

If more people are lost, the coalition is afraid that it will really completely collapse.

A few days later.

There was a roar of roar somewhere in the abyss.

The evil gods did not continue to teleport to the Huang Yao, but were driven out of the abyss.

"It's a perfect creature." The evil **** Priest Lane felt a sense of relaxation that he never had before, and at the same time looked at the imperial demon, his eyes flashed with appreciation.

He is a witness to the gradual change of the imperial demon.

From the beginning to the present, the changes have continued, until they can't produce changes after devouring more evil gods, and then stop.

"What kind of monster is this?" Silently horrified, already afraid to say that the imperial demon is a human, how could it be like this if it was a human.

This is clearly a monster.

The evil **** Priest Lane did not answer, just watching the imperial demon.

"Uncontrolled terror monster."

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