MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 464 Scammers vs Adventurers

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  Chapter 464 Scammer vs Adventurer


  Someone in the headquarters immediately let out a cry of pain.

  I saw that his pupils lost all luster in an instant, and his two palms tightly restrained his neck, and purple-black strangle marks appeared immediately.

  Someone stared blankly at the reinforced concrete wall, colliding with "bang bang bang" again and again, even if the head was smashed and bloody, they would never stop.

  Someone took out the gun from his waist, opened his mouth wide, pressed the cold muzzle against the upper jaw, and slowly pulled the trigger...

   Scenes of extremely horrifying scenes were staged at the Baia Military Headquarters.

  Death is by no means the scariest thing in the world.

  With an unknown and terrified mood, dying inexplicably with a clear head is the most feared scene for ordinary people.

  In this eerie headquarters, a shadow appeared with the moonlight, and the faint blue light skipped over. Several people in uniform black uniforms sneaked into it without anyone noticing.

  The leader of the infiltration looked indifferent, stepped over the bodies of the guards who fell to the ground, and turned a blind eye to the strange scene of Baier generals vying to commit suicide.

  As if all this has nothing to do with him.

   Behind him, a muscular man whispered, "Boss, we have broken the rules this time by attacking ordinary people, especially during the battle."

   "But there are never rules in war. As long as Baia is doomed to be defeated after this time, no one will care how the Republic wins, that's it."

  The scammer Lyle in a cloak answered in a dull tone.

  He didn't look at the ordinary people who suffered from the power of his curse. The ability of a demigod-level swindler to speak the law has been exaggerated to the point of ignoring the number of audiences.

   Those present who are included in the first two conditions,

  Almost all of them were doomed.

  Following a few "plops" and "plops", Baia's generals fell into a pool of blood one by one.

  When it was the turn of the commander of the Baia military to hold the gun, the man pointed the muzzle of the gun at his temple with tears in his eyes, and pressed his finger to the bottom following the arc of the trigger.


   Bullet pops out of sheath.

   But faster than bullets, he suddenly heard another ethereal voice coming from his ear,

   "This is illusion."

  The owner of the voice is young enough, and his words also contain magic power.

  The bullet that came out of the chamber accurately penetrated the head at zero distance, but it shot from the right brain to the left brain, penetrated straight through, and finally landed on the wall with a "bang".

  After this catastrophe, Commander Baia's back is covered in cold sweat.

  The rest of the officers, except those who were already dead, stopped their movements after hearing this sentence, and their mental defenses almost collapsed at this moment.

"someone is coming."


   "Can actually break the boss's curse, how can there be such a person in Baia."

   Agent Lantis who broke in immediately noticed this strange scene and looked around.

   "Hiding people in the virtual world?"

  Lyle, standing in the very center, raised his head slowly. The owner of the voice didn't seem to come, but he used some special tricks in advance to infiltrate the extraordinary power into the headquarters.

   "It seems that it can only be a daydreamer of Adventurer Sequence 5."

   The scammer Lyle took his time to confirm the identity of the other party,

   "I am familiar with the adventurer demigods in Baia these years. One has been brought to the front line, and the other is Sequence 5. If it is just this, it will not be able to break my 'order'.

  After much deliberation, it seems that you are the only transcendent person you know.

  Tuff Capet, long time no see. "

   "I don't want to say goodbye to you, Spy Lyle, have you ever thought that Ulti taught me a lesson when I launched an attack two years ago when I was unarmed.

   Today, you violated the rules and launched an attack on our headquarters. It seems that you have not learned a lesson. "

  In the moonlight shining through the window, the man was here somehow like a projection, his cold eyes stared straight at the scammer Lyle, revealing a bit of resentment.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Tufu? He sensed something was wrong when he was at the Baya Hotel just now, and immediately went back to the boat to see some clues from the monitoring. A large number of demigods have acted tonight, and there is even an elite team The squad raided Bern.

  He spent some time on the way to launch the teleportation continuously, and finally returned to the barracks before causing a catastrophe.

   "Soldiers never tire of cheating. Only winners can tell the rules. Do you want me to tell you this truth?"

  The appearance of the scammer Lyle is not much different from previous years, wearing a clean suit and white gloves, he looks more like a magician than an agent.

  The Transcendent Sequence has also improved from the Sequence 5 Sophist of the year.

   "Then let's try it!" Tu Fu snorted coldly.

   "I remember that the Sequence 4 of the scammer path is called a corrupt litigator, who becomes a sophist who uses the rules, and becomes an existence that pollutes and distorts the rules."

  He silently thought in his heart that after the other party had greeted him, he had already shot without saying a word.

   The scammer Lyle casually drew a large circle underground, only enclosing Tu Fu and him.

  The strange runes combined with extraordinary power immediately turned into a strange "transparent wall",

   There is no way to let Tu Fu go out for the time being.

   "You guys retreat first, and I will take care of this."

   The agents under His hand also exchanged glances with each other, and then prepared to leave.

  The assassination mission has been discovered, and it will not be good for them to entangle them any longer. It is better to leave as soon as possible so as not to be a burden.

  What's more, in a battle at the demigod level, it doesn't make any difference if a medium-to-high-sequence transcendent just approaches, and puts his head on the knife platform.

   "You are a good officer."

   Tu Fu sneered, he didn't have time to pay attention to those transcendents who slipped away, and stared at Lyle with all his attention.

   It's not that He is merciful and wants to let those agents go.

   As long as Lyle has the slightest thought of instantly killing the generals in the headquarters, Tu Fu can't be distracted from dealing with those people.

  I saw Tu Fu's palm froze, and a purple flute emerged in his hand. After aiming at the hole and playing it lightly, the notes of the "magic flute" actually materialized as he played, becoming tangible existences one by one.

   One after another, they smashed at the drawn circles condensed by the surrounding Lyle,


   The notes played one after another fell, and the invisible protective cover was smashed to pieces after a few collisions.

   Seeing those weird musical notes grow huge, they were about to throw them at themselves.

   The scammer Lyle frowned, and added another rule:

   "No wind instruments are allowed here."

   "This is a lie."

  When that rule was about to be fulfilled, Tu Fu responded unhurriedly.

  The daydreamer's ability to change people's perception of the world also suddenly activated.

  The scene of the original military headquarters suddenly changed, and the two suddenly appeared somewhere a few kilometers away.

  The "rule" for this place mentioned by Lyle just now is naturally invalidated.

   The ability to distort reality and illusion obtained in Adventurer Sequence 5 can be said to be the perfect nemesis for scammers.

   Whenever you change the rules, I will change the place where the rules are limited.

  In their so-called demigod-level battle, you yelled out every word, using words to separate and spell moves, which has a sense of absurdity like a child fighting with cards.

  Lyle's lips kept moving, all of which were "curse killing" language attacks, which were dangerous but not fatal.

   "Your ability is not unlimited."

   Tu Fu chuckled lightly.

  During the battle, he constantly received moves and disassembled them, and most of the moves could be resisted with the ability of a visionary.

  The fraud master wants to use the law to kill an ordinary person, which is different from the spiritual consumption consumed by an extraordinary person, and the cost of killing a demigod by force is even heavier.

   Now it is not two and a half years ago, when I could only run around the ground whenever I met a strong man, it should be over.

  Lyle's face was dark, and the opponent in front of him was not only difficult to deal with, but also had so many taboos in his hand that it made one's scalp tingle.

   "It's time to end."

  At this moment, Tu Fu's index finger and thumb closed, and there was a loud "snap". The sky suddenly became extremely dark.

  The light in the sky is getting darker and darker, and it is almost impossible to see anything clearly.

  Lyle still heard the sound of "crashing" running water, and unspeakable fear rose in his heart. The demigod level is extremely sensitive to life and death. It seems to read something from Tu Fu's actions.

   "This is... the unique power of the cryptic scholar?"

  The figure of Tu Fu standing opposite him is gradually illusory, walking in this invisible river of time.

   And prepare to pick a right-hand man from the long river of time.

  Lyle guessed right. Only by using the power of the occult scholar can he slip into the gap of time, choose a certain power from the past history, and project it into reality to help the battle.

   But must be quite familiar and willing to assist you.

  And no matter how powerful the summoned person was in the past, the projected personality is also at the same level as the summoner.

   There was only a "shua" sound, and Tu Fu's figure was replaced by the shadow cast by history.

  It was a man with an extremely handsome appearance. He was wearing an old-fashioned Assyrian Empire armor, with a giant sword hanging in his hand, standing firmly in place, as if he was the most lonely person in the world.

  Lyle recognized the person at a glance, and said with a trembling expression:



  A certain book, at the bottom.

  The "gatekeeper" who has guarded the gate of the abyss for countless years seems to have noticed something at this moment,

  The expressions gradually become subtler.

  (end of this chapter)