MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 537 Church of Bones

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  Chapter 537 The Church of Bones

   Walking out of the Tower of Civilization, everyone's face is full of frustration.

  Especially knowing that a visitor who is no less than "Moon God" has already come to this world, and the next blow of the starry sky will come back,

   That was beyond what they even the ancients expected.

  The sense of panic is like a virus, and if there is no collapse on the spot, it is considered that the psychological quality of the team members is high enough.

  Many older professors have long put life and death aside, and with the idea of ​​being able to live every day, after deciphering all the secrets of this planet, they feel a lot easier.

  Tu Fu held Miss Winster's hand, unwilling to let go all the way.

  When walking from the tower to this original civilized city, he suddenly raised his mouth to several scholars from the University of Michigan:

   "Gentlemen, what are your plans now?"

   "I will use the remaining time to return to Villedo, and record everything that happened here into a special issue. As for whether it can pass the review of the Ministry of Education, it is not clear whether it will be published."

  Professor Kane spread his palms, a bitter smile flashed across his face.

   This is the only little thing that a person like him can do.

   Under the impact of the direct confrontation between two powerful outer gods, it is difficult for this planet to have a chance to not be affected. Even if one of them wins, it will not be a good thing for their civilization.

  What happened in the past after the victory of the ancients is nothing more than a new development.

  The more they thought about those terrible things, the little joy in the expedition team's heart after discovering the ancient civilization was immediately dissipated without a trace. Knowing such historical facts, the interest in exploring the city of the ancients faded a lot.

   "That's fine, let's leave together when the packing is ready!"

  Tu Fu nodded to the professors.

  Not long after coming out of it, a powerful spirituality spread rapidly in the distance. It was definitely not just two people, but several intertwined extraordinary forces lingering together.

   Even Tu Fu, who was outside the barren tower, could sense the power and influence clearly.

   "According to the records inside, it is the direction of the temple."

  Sophie pointed to the murals inside the tower, on which there was a very rough urban planning map, which recorded the functional areas of each area of ​​the city.

   "Let's go and see!"

  After explaining to the professors, Tu Fu suddenly used the power of the long river of time to keep himself in a certain period of time in the historical projection and take protective measures.

  The main body took Sophie with it, directly activated the teleportation ability, and moved several kilometers away with a "swish".


   Kilometers away.

  A pure white palace with extraordinary momentum, rushing towards the face is a sense of sacred majesty.

  Instinctively make every **** who arrives here have the urge to kneel down.

  The strange color of the church is incompatible with everything in this mountain range. After a closer look, Tu Fu found that the material used to build the temple is neither stone nor wood.

   It is built from the bones of creatures, with the spine of some kind of large creature as the ridge, leaving the required support points.

   Add bones of different sizes and lengths, sternum, ribs, scapula, tibia...

  In order to build such a church, I don’t know how many bones of living beings were extracted during the construction.

   But it's the invertebrates who should really be thankful.

   No one can explain why this kind of engineering can maintain a state of balance and stability, but the vaulted structure of the temple undoubtedly played a large role.

  The battle started from here, and a tall human being was seen flying into the air.

   "For the last time, I will not let anyone who gets in my way."

  Mingesa is holding a trident, wearing a pair of golden armor, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the dense thunderclouds are constantly sizzling.

  That arrogant and domineering posture seems to be cosplaying the God of Storms.

  The strong sense of oppression made Mingesa’s opponents, that is, Carlo of the Church of the Goddess of Wisdom, and Ms. Bernadette of the Church of the Mother of the Earth feel a little strenuous.

  The most prominent ability of the clown (fate) path is to reverse cause and effect.

   No matter how much damage you deal, it will be transferred by the transcendent of this path, or even transferred to the initiator.

   Mingesa was originally a veteran sea powerhouse, the top group of extraordinary people in the world.

  Now they are still holding a high-level taboo such as the Deep Sea Yasha, which can summon storms and lightning, and the members of the Church of the Seven Gods feel faintly strenuous the moment they fight.

  The remaining church forces have no plans to make a move. It would be embarrassing to fight two against one. Adding more manpower may cause an all-out war with the pirate alliance.

   Now no one has the energy to deal with things beyond the stars.

   "Your boy came just in time, go up and persuade me a few words, if the fight continues, sooner or later someone will fall on one side, the most urgent thing is not internal strife."

  Uncle Roman Richard noticed that Tu Fu was coming, and immediately persuaded him to intervene in the affairs of the two forces.

   "Why don't you tell me what happened first?" Tu Fu raised his eyebrows and asked.

   "What else could it be? The "Tianyasha" army went deep alone and was entangled by some strange lives. It was attacked by agencies in the temple, and many people died during the period.

  Including the ship's officer of the "Tian Yasha" and the sharpshooter "Beileman" were also killed, only Mingesa came out without incident, and he naturally wanted to seek revenge on those people. "

   "Mr. Bellerman is also dead. It's a pity. He is a good person. He once helped my wife."

  After saying this, Tu Fu immediately understood, and then asked logically:

   "So, why do you want to stop Captain Mingesar."

   "Those local creatures appeared from the temple, they must have important information, and they have no malice towards us. The reason why they attacked the Tianyasha pirate group was because they broke into the temple without authorization.

   Even on a moral basis, the Church of the Seven Gods does not agree with killing them. "

  Uncle Roman shrugged his shoulders, and said casually:

  "However, they are really pitifully weak, and they were killed by that lunatic Mingesa with his ability to reverse cause and effect, and forcibly captured the main messengers who manipulated the temple behind the scenes.

  If it wasn't for our people to stop them, I'm afraid they would have died already. "


  Tu Fu raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be other beings in this ancient city.

  Unfortunately, taking advantage of the confrontation between one's own forces, those creatures that caused disasters retreated back to the temple again, failing to meet face to face.

   "That's why you need to play now, there is no one more suitable than you here."

  Roman asked with a smile on his face: "Speaking of which, after staying in that tower for so long, did you make any big discoveries?"

   "Let's talk about this matter later, let's settle the current matter first."

  Tu Fu took a look at the three demigods who were engaged in battle. Captain Mingesa probably got really angry because he was almost wiped out, and used a large number of high-sequence abilities to bombard the "God Tower" indiscriminately, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

  The two church ladies tried their best to block and protect the Temple of White Bone.

  This move is also to prevent Him from killing those mysterious creatures. At this time, it is most appropriate for someone like Tu Fu who does not belong to any faction to stand up.

   "Mr. Mingesa, Ms. Carlo, Ms. Bernadette, can you stop and listen to me first?"

  Tu Fu's resonant voice immediately spread throughout the battlefield, and those famous figures turned their attention to him at the same time.

  Taking advantage of the gap before they gave a reply, Tu Fu immediately flew into the sky, as if his body was blocked between the two sides.

  This means that before you think about doing anything, you must first pass him.

   "What are you doing here? Do you know what crimes they have committed? Even if they are slaughtered, it is not enough to make amends."

   Mingesa, with a majestic face, stopped destroying the temple for a short time, although he didn't give face in his words.

   "Please stop, Your Excellency. The temple is of great significance to us. We will naturally give you the explanation you want after the inquiry is over." Ms. Carlo also spoke without retreating.

  They have always represented the seven gods, the highest will of this world, and it is absolutely impossible to retreat to anyone.

  If Tu Fu hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the church forces would have captured Mingesa, and even if the latter died, he would have taken away several powerful men of the same level.

   At this time, the existence of Tu Fu's lubricating oil is very much needed. He opened his mouth and gave both parties a step to go down:

   "I already know about you, Captain Mingesa, so naturally I won't stop you from taking revenge.

  But there are more important matters right now, which are directly related to the Seven Gods and this disaster, so please wait for us to investigate everything before we come to find justice for your crew. "

   "This is also our promise." Ms. Carlo added hastily.

  Actually, this plan is similar to the Church of the Seven Gods, but fortunately, with the witness of Tu Fu, it has more credibility.

  Mingesa is not really willing to fight against the Church of the Seven Gods. Seeing that both parties have already given the steps, they have no choice but to borrow the **** to go down the donkey.

   Only said "OK" in silence, and then suspended the attack on the Church of Bones.

  The situation here was a little more stable, so Tu Fu turned his attention to the church, and indifferently issued an ultimatum to it:

   "You should know everything, please come out now."

  Silence, countless pairs of eyes of various forces stared at the majestic and sacred bone church at the same time.

  The creatures inside did understand what they meant, and with a "squeak" sound, the arched door built with ribs was slowly opened.

  Under the surprised eyes of Tu Fu and Sophie, those strange creatures with huge heads and no spine support appeared in front of them.

  It looks like an "old man" who jumped out of the mural.

  (end of this chapter)