MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 472 471. I bumped into the fire of 1982 in 22 years (seeking at the beginning of the month)

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   Chapter 472 471. I ran into the fire of 1982 in 22 years (seeking a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

   I had been busy for almost a day, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger in the evening.

  The weather forecast working group sent news that starting at 7:30 tonight, the edge of the strong wind will arrive in Fohai County, and fishing boats must return quickly.

   So taking advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun, the county fishery headquarters counted the fishing boats out to sea, and then asked the captains and team captains to count the number of people level by level, and packed up the hooks and fishing nets and started the journey back.

   It is absolutely the right choice to go out to sea to catch hairtail in the limelight. When the fishing boat goes out to sea in the middle of the night, it is light and light, but at this time it is already heavy.

  The sun sets early in winter, so they rushed back to the island as the sun set, but when they were waiting to see the main island of Fohai County, the sun had already set.

   Starry night sky.

  The starry sky in winter is always extraordinarily cold and clear, and the wind blowing is like an ice edge, transparent and sharp.

   And the lights on the pier on the main island are bright, the headlights, small lights, electric lamps and oil lamps are all bright, and the piers are illuminated as bright as day.

   At this time, under the light, there are baskets of hairtail stacked on the embankment and on the pier. The silver-white light shines, and the fresh hairtail reflects the light, making it even more silvery and bright.

   There are other seafood among the fish baskets, such as moray eels, swimming crabs, large yellow croakers and small yellow croakers, stacked with gold and silver, with dazzling brilliance.

  As the fishing boats kept calling at the port, and as the fishermen kept shouting, more and more marine cargoes were piled up on the pier.

Some fishermen are busy unloading fish, some are busy weighing balances, some are shouting to fill ice and replenish nets, some call oil tankers to fill diesel fuel for their motor vehicles, and some are adding fresh water to water tanks. .

   From start to finish, a tense and lively atmosphere permeates the entire pier.

  Compared with yesterday, Fohai County is more lively today.

   There are more hairtails delivered on the wharf, more boats going in and out, and more people who unload and settle accounts.

   A militia team appeared with guns, and they patrolled in and out of the port in a neat line shouting slogans.

   A patrol team of more than ten people, Wang Yi counted them, and they encountered a total of five different patrol teams while they were waiting.

   Fishing boats go in and out very fast. Once the unloading is completed, they must leave quickly. Even if the account is not settled or there is a dispute, the fishing boat has to leave. The boat boss or the head of the family can stay and continue to plan, and others have to leave.

  Although it is as cold as today, the hairtail is easily spoiled, which is almost the most delicate fish.

  The appearance of hairtail is very important, the silvery-white skin on their body is easily broken or rotted.

   Therefore, after the fish is caught, it must be immediately sent to the ice tank for storage. Once it arrives at the wharf, it must be unloaded and sent to the cold storage, and then quickly sent to the market through the coming and going of transport ships and trucks for sale.

  Tianya 2 and Tianya 3 waited in line, and after entering the port, they waited for an hour and a half before it was their turn to unload.

   Boxes of octopus are moved down.

  The laborers push the carts or pick up the fish baskets and cages to unload the goods at the fastest speed. Once someone is exhausted and leaves, there will be laborers who stop to fill the vacancy.

   The hairtails of Tianya No. 2 and Tianya No. 3 were weighed, and the accountant who settled the accounts made a crackling sound in the abacus, and then shouted loudly:

   "Fuhai Headquarters Tianya Squad, with a total catch of 552 dan of hairtail!"

  552 dan, 27600 kg, 27 tons 6!

   Compared to the previous boom years, the harvest is not a lot, but it is quite impressive for this year's harvest.

   Among all the fishing teams in the county, there is no one higher than them, and even the other three or four teams together can be tied with them.

   After hearing this, the crew members on the boat shook their fists with joy, and the boat behind them suddenly shouted: "After the weighing is finished, the accounts are settled, hurry up and leave, don't waste time!"

   The harvest is good, the members are in a happy mood, and no one cares about the vicious shouts.

   In fact, they understand the mood of the team behind them. Everyone wants to unload the catch and save the octopus as fresh as possible.

  Because good hairtail can be sold at a good price, and only a few more bricks can be added to the construction of the motherland.

   They hope that the hairtail produced in the Wengzhou waters can lock the umami into the dining table of the inland people. They can't make money. They just want to hear a compliment from the inland people when they go to the inland to visit relatives.

  Wang Yi was about to leave the dock under the guidance of the crew leader, when someone suddenly shouted at him: "Boss, boss, we met here again, haha, we have a fate."

   Hearing this shout, he didn't think much at first, and focused on sailing the boat.

   Wang Xianghai reminded him: "Mr. Wang, there is a laborer who seems to be calling you? Is it your acquaintance?"

  Wang Yi said casually, "How can I have any acquaintance here?"

   He turned his head to look, and saw a burly and strong man on the dock waving his arms at him vigorously——

   Really acquaintances!

  Wang Yi still remembered the name of this laborer. His name was Mao Xiaofang, which was the same name as the legendary Nanpai Chu Zongdao Changmao Xiaofang.

   Wang Yi once hired Mao Xiaofang and his fellow villagers to carry food, cement, tables and chairs. At that time, Mao Xiaofang wanted to work with him for a long time, but Wang Yi didn't care.

   I didn't expect to meet again here.

  Wang Yi threw him a pack of cigarettes and said, "Our boat has to go. You guys have to work here throughout the fishing season, right? You won't go out to sea tomorrow, and we'll have a meal together then."

  Mao Xiaofang shouted: "Okay, Mr. Wang, we have to meet as soon as possible. We came across a good opportunity this time. There is a national mine that is recruiting workers. We will go to the mine to work in a few days..."

  Tianya No.2 and No.3 left.

   Immediately another fishing boat came in.

   Wang Xianghai leaned against the door to smoke, and sighed happily: "Okay, Mr. Wang, we caught more than 12,000 kilograms of hairtail today, okay, good harvest today!"

  Wang Yi patted the fish finder and said confidently, "With the help of this guy, our production team might become the county's fishing champion this year!"

   Hearing this, the crew members on the boat were in high spirits: "Okay, it would be great if we can win the county fishing championship!"

   "Yes, there are certificates and rewards. Our team has participated in so many fishing flood battles, and we have won four or five fishing championships and fishing model teams..."

   "Five times, not four or five times." Wang Zhenchang said.

  Twenty years back in time. At that time, getting a model fishing team made the members more happy than getting some food work points.

   This is a great honor!

Wang Zhenchang was quite open, and said, "Although we are good guys this time, we have the help of this guy who can see the catch in the sea, but we have too few motor boats, and it is the first time that Mr. Wang is the commander. We should Can't win the fishing championship."

  Wang Donghu muttered: "It's mainly because we lost the chain two days ago, especially yesterday, when we could have had a good harvest yesterday, but the **** made trouble for us!"

   Amid their complaints, the guiding boat led them to anchor.

  Because of the strong wind tonight, many ships are connected with each other by iron cables, and they are close to each other and pave a new land on the sea.

  In this way, even though the fishing boat was docked at sea, Wang Yi and the others were still able to walk to the main island and take a ferry.

   Busy all day, although Wang Yi is drinking milk tea for the members, and eating hungry sticks and beef jerky to replenish his strength, but now the big guy is still hungry and his chest is sticking to his back.

   Mainly, beef jerky and hungry sticks are good things, precious and novel. It is almost the first time for the members to eat them, so they are not willing to eat them.

  They didn't listen to Wang Yi's persuasion at all, and they all collected them secretly. They just wanted to go back to the family to see novelties for the elderly, grind their teeth for their wives and children, and satisfy their cravings.

  Wang Yi was too lazy to make his own meals, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, comrades, go have a hot meal, look for stalls such as mutton soup and beef offal soup, let's go to the restaurant!"

   Hearing this, the members danced with joy: "Okay, let's go to the restaurant!"

   "Mr. Wang's work is authentic and generous, and our members follow him to live a good life."

   "I really turned the fishing flood battle into a vacation, haha, did you bring wine? I'll have a drink later and go back to sleep, so I don't have to get up early tomorrow!"

   Across the pier, they enter the street.

  The hundreds of meters long Huanhai Street is densely packed with stalls, and the crowds are surging and rubbing shoulders.

   Those who speak Beijing accent, speak Cantonese, and use Wu Nong's soft language, with a southern accent and a northern accent, are lively and lively.

   The stalls were filled with red, yellow, blue, green and purple colored flags, and there were many seafood vendors popping up, stocking just-released silver ribbons, eels, and plump red cream crabs—all fresh!

   There are also fish, dried shrimp, dried fish and dried shrimp and scallops - all top-quality goods!

  Wang Yi was very interested after seeing it, and today he is just preparing to go back in 22 years:

   The words of the members just now stimulated him. Since the big guy wants to win a fishing championship, let’s meet the needs of the members.

   He can go to 22 years to check the fishing details of this year's East China Sea hairtail flood and see where there have been large schools of fish.

   and Wang Zhenchang’s words stimulated him: why couldn’t he win a fishing championship the first time he led a team out?

  Must get it!

   Because this may be the only fishing flood battle he has ever participated in in his life!

   There will be battles in the next two years, but I am afraid that the scale will be smaller and the harvest will be less and less, he should not be interested in participating at that time.

   So he thought that since he was going to return for 22 years, he would get some good seafood here, especially the big yellow croaker and the small yellow croaker. After all, he had promised to get a batch of wild big yellow croaker for Zhong Shiping before.

   No need to choose.

   At this time, those who dare to come to the pier night market to sell seafood have brought good things, as long as they look at the price, no one is cheating.

   There are too many guests, and the guests more or less know the common sense of the pros and cons of fishing. In this case, there is no way to deceive people.

  If anyone wants to sell their products and make money, they have to compete with good things.

  Wang Yi casually glanced at these stalls among the crowd.

   So many good things!

   In particular, he also saw a very good thing: crab cakes.

   Crab roe cake is made by pouring crab roe into a bowl, stirring with chopsticks, and then steaming the bowl into a pot.

  They are steamed and then solidified and strung into a string. After punching a hole in the middle, they are stringed together with a string. There are as many as a few as many. There are ten crab cakes, and there are only three or four.

   These are all air-dried cakes made from the crab yellow of wild crabs, which are precious in 22 years.

   Their team caught crabs and made crab cakes this year, and he gave them to the 22-year-old production team.

  Cooking with crab roe cakes is very expensive, a crab roe cake tofu soup can be sold for 180 yuan!

  Wang Yi got excited after seeing the crab cakes and said, "Stop eating for now, buy me something, buy crab cakes!"

   Wang Donghu said subconsciously, "Mr. Wang, didn't our team make crab cakes?"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, my classmates and friends all said yes after eating, isn't it going to be New Year's Eve soon? I'll mail them some gifts of the year."

  Wang Donghu said: "We don't have enough sun in our team?"

  Wang Yi shook his head: "That's a long way off, I'll clean up all the crab cakes in the market this time!"

   Crab roe cake is a dry product like dried shrimp. Compared with the perishable crab meat and fresh crab roe, it is much easier to preserve.

   A member of the commune came up to Wang Yi and said, "Mr. Wang, I saw a pearl seller. Do you want to buy some gifts?"

  Wang Yi said: "If we don't send pearls, we will send fishermen's specialties. This can show our simplicity and our gratitude to others."

   "If you give pearls, then let people see that we are so rich, how can you help us in the future?"

   He casually sent inquiries from the members and began to buy crab cakes.

   The seafood in the night market is really good. Wang Yi suspects that all the fishermen in Fohai County have brought over the good seafood that they have accumulated this year.

   He also encountered Jinlongjiao behind him. He took a closer look with his flashlight and found that there was actually a goldfish glue here!

   Good guy, isn’t the big business here?

   BUY IT!

   There will be a snowstorm tonight! There will be a big purchase tonight!

   However, relatively few fish are sold. The night market is mainly aimed at fishermen, drivers, buyers from various units, and seafood merchants who have appeared in the market in the past two years.

  Wang Yi found that the current seafood merchants are very interesting. They don’t just buy everything. Basically, they only buy one and only one product seller—such as shrimp, fish, and abalone.

   It may be that just a few years after the reform and opening up, the big guy is still unsteady in his heart and dare not expand his business, so he only operates one project.

   When you get caught in the office by being attacked and speculative, it will be easier for you to excuse yourself.

  The most popular ones on the market now sell hot food, thick clothes, and cotton quilts.

   Seafood noodles, crab yellow buns, shrimp wontons, seafood porridge, etc. There are many of these things.

  Wang Yi was hungry, and spent fifty cents to buy a bowl of shrimp wontons. He invited the members to come over and eat some food first.

  The members shook their heads as soon as they inquired about the price: "If you don't eat it, you won't eat it. It costs fifty cents for a bowl of shrimp wontons? Murder!"

   "That's right, a bowl of pork wontons in our county is only fifty cents, and shrimp meat is worthless, who eats it?"

  Wang Yi was taken aback for a moment.

  The boss is quite arrogant and said, "If you like it or not, if you don't eat it, pull it down. When is a bowl of pork wontons for fifty cents? Now, let's see how much the wontons in other homes cost? A bowl of pork wontons costs one yuan and two!"

   "Besides, my family's wontons are famous in Fohai. There are four small wontons from Linzi Dou's house. I don't come to such messy places as the wharf on weekdays, but go to the county to sell them and sell them to the people in the city!"

   His words were unpleasant.

  The members are unhappy but there is nothing they can do. After all, this is someone else’s territory.

  People have to bow their heads under the low eaves!

  But Wang Yi didn't want to get used to his bad habits, and said, "Then you usually sell pork wontons for 50 cents?"

  The boss said: "Yes, it's not the fish flood season, you come to eat, you can buy a bowl of pork wontons for 50 cents and I will give you a bowl of shrimp wontons, okay?"

   "Look at how you live your life, if you can't bear it, you can't bear it, don't go to the restaurant if you can't bear it, go back and make cakes by yourself."

  Wang Yi was suddenly angry.

   Good guy.

  You have a very hot temper, so I have to deal with you!

   He lifted his clothes to reveal the holster and said, "Comrade, stop your work first and come with me."

   "On weekdays, you sell a bowl of pork wontons for fifty cents apiece? You sell a bowl of shrimp wontons for two cents on weekdays for fifty cents? What's going on? You are driving up prices and making huge profits."

   "According to my investigation, it is found that you have disturbed the market economic order, and you will be punished according to the provisions of Article 6 of the "Administrative Penalty for Price Violations".

   He said these words with a stern face, speaking very smoothly.

  Because he was in lockdown in 21 years, the small supermarket downstairs directly doubled the price of everything, and the residents of the community were not angry enough to jointly report, and he also participated in this incident.

   He has said these words many times in the report phone, and he is already familiar with it.

   The boss was startled when he saw the holster, and even shivered on the spot after hearing his words.

   Today's people are timid and less knowledgeable, and they are easy to fool.

   Especially when the country has just liberalized the market economy but has not fully liberalized it, small business people are not easy to grasp the scale of business, and people are often investigated, making them even more timid.

   So the 1980s and 1990s were the golden age of scammers.

   In order to strengthen the strength of his words, Wang Yi took the gun license he carried with him out of his shoulder bag and shook it.

   The red national emblem and the seal with the police badge can be seen under the bright lights.

   The boss's legs softened, and his voice was crying on the spot: "Don't, no, comrade, it's not me, my family..."

  Wang Yi took him out and walked out: "Don't kneel down, we are a collectively organized law enforcement action, there are laws to be followed, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be punished!"

   "Let's go, you have to go inside and explain frankly, why did you disrupt the economic order during the Great Fishing Flood War?"

  The shed was a little chaotic for a while.

  Some diners are afraid of getting in trouble, so they put down their dishes and run away.

  Wang Yi blocked them and said with a sullen face: "What are you doing? You want to run away without paying the bill? Do you want to eat Bawang's meal? Go back and sit, it's none of your business."

   The proprietress in the booth was so frightened that she didn't know what to say, and quickly put the two little dolls in her arms.

  The two little dolls were a little scared when they saw their father and Wang Yila pulling, but their mother's reaction made them even more scared, and they burst into tears on the spot.

   The stall owner no longer had the arrogance he was just now. He said with a choked sob: "Comrade, comrade, you smoke. If you have something to say, I will tell you, and I will explain it to you."

   "I haven't disturbed the market order. It's the same price now, and it's been the same price for the past two years!"

  Wang Yi didn't want to make a fuss after seeing the child crying in fright, just to scare the boss and teach him a lesson.

   In this way, he said: "Now your customers are mainly fishermen who came to Fohai to participate in the fishing flood war. What are they doing? They are contributing to the development of the country and the food supply for the people!"

   "As a result, they contributed to the country's obligations, and you took the opportunity to bully them by demanding high prices? What kind of behavior is this? Is it driving up prices and making huge profits?"

   "I can even suspect that you have the intention of destroying the enthusiasm of the fishermen to participate in the fishing flood competition!"

   "No no no!" The boss was so frightened that he stammered.

  Wang Yi said: "There is no best, so let's continue to serve."

   "Tonight, I will firstly criticize you verbally. Later, I find out that you have been bullying customers, especially people from other places. I will definitely take you there, punish you for several crimes, and spend the New Year in prison!"

   He let go of the boss's hand.

   Strive to take steps that are just and dignified and serve the people.

   The boss was relieved when he saw this, and said with a crying voice: "Mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law will close the stall, quit it, and go home quickly!"

  An old man who was eating wonton rolled his eyes and said, "You dare to be self-employed with your courage? People are scaring you!"

  The boss shook his head again and again: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, you didn't see it, he has this in his waist!"

   He stretched out his finger and gestured with a 7: "And I saw his certificate. It really has the official seal of the state on it!"

   "He really belongs to the country! He really came to enforce the law!"

   The old man smiled and said, "When have you ever seen a state cadre in law enforcement carrying a dozen strings of crab cakes?"

   "And the water boots on his feet and the cotton coat on his body, he must have come to fish!"

  The boss only thought of something wrong after his reminder, and he was dumbfounded: "I'm stupid, I was tricked by him? Was it frightened? Was it tricked?"

   His wife weakly said: "The child is his father, forget it, don't think about it blindly, do you believe this kind of thing?"

"I just said that we can't follow other families to ask for a random price. You are greedy for that few money, and you just want to take the opportunity to make a fortune. Can this work? This time, the comrades will give you a warning. If we continue like this, we will sooner or later. Come to the real law enforcement cadres!"

  The man thought for a while and felt that this was reasonable, but the money he got is just the fat in his mouth, why should he give it up?

   So he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck, I see it, just now a hillbilly came to scare us!"

   "Don't worry about it, don't adjust the price, why do other homes have higher prices than usual, and ours has to maintain the same price as usual?"

   "We won't do it!"

  The prices at the food stalls in the night market were much higher than usual. Wang Yi finally found a beef soup stall with a good service attitude, and let the members eat the flatbread and the broth in a fragrant and warm meal.

   After the members had enough to eat and drink, Wang Yi asked someone to send the crab cakes and other dry goods he bought to the boat first. Then he said he went to the post and telecommunications office to see if they could handle the mailing business at night, so that the gifts could be mailed out in time.

This is possible.

   During the Fishing Flood Contest, the Post and Telecommunications Office is open 24 hours a day!

  Wang Yi looked for the best quality hairtail, big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker and bought some better ones.

   After the busy work, the night will be dark and the wind will be strong.

   Most of these boats docked at sea have people but not many people, leaving a few people to guard the fishing gear. They gather in sheltered places to smoke, drink, talk and laugh, and their voices travel far away with the sea breeze.

   No one would pay attention to him here, so Wang Yi brought over a tractor-trailer and sent the dry and wet goods together to the warehouse for 22 years.

   He hurriedly called Qiu Danian, and then went to the civil servant community to search the Internet for information on the winter hairtail flood in the Fohai Sea in 1982.

   There is quite a lot of information found.

   But not by black heart, but by CNKI.

   Well, this one is even darker. Downloading a piece of information ranges from 2 to 10 yuan.

  Wang Yi looked at the title and abstract after registering for membership, and prepared to look for useful information to study. As a result, he found it and found this information:

   "Summary of Wengzhou Municipal People's Government Office on Fire Hazard of Fohai County Port 1215 in 1982"

   He was stunned on the spot when he saw the title.

  1215 fire danger in 1982?

   According to this naming method, is it a report of a fire in Fohai County port on December 15, 1982?

  December 15, 1982…

   Damn, isn't it today in 1982?

   There was a fire in the port today?

   His heart was lifted immediately, and he quickly downloaded this document and checked it carefully.

   As he guessed.

  Tonight in 1982, there will be a fire in the marine parking area of ​​the port, which was accidentally started by a group of crew members while smoking and drinking.

  According to the investigation after the incident and the inference of the fire department, a crew member accidentally pushed down the wine bottle while drinking, and a high level of alcohol was spilled in the cabin.

  Then they got drunk and didn't pay attention, threw away the cigarette butts and went back to the cabin to sleep.

  The cigarette **** ignited the wine and slowly burned. At first, the board was wet and fireproof treatment was done, and the flame was small. Finally, the flame may have been blown to the tarpaulin by the wind.

   The wind was very strong that day, and the tarpaulin was burned and melted quickly, and was blown by the wind to the neighboring boats. These boats had tarpaulins, fishing nets, and foam boxes for fish catches, all of which were combustible and inflammable.

   This led to a raging fire, which became uncontrollable in a short period of time.

   Fortunately, the boats were all in the sea. The fishermen and crew who found the fire and the staff who worked all night on the pier quickly started fire fighting work and controlled the fire, so that it did not spread out of control.

   However, the rush of the fire still caused some damage:

   A total of 90 ships were injured in the fire-because these ships were all connected together, it directly staged a burning red cliff.

  The flammables on ninety ships were ignited, the sails of twelve ships were burned, and the tarpaulin, netting, foam boxes on other ships were almost completely burned.

  The wooden hulls of the boat and the surrounding fishing boats burned. A total of two boats were scrapped, eleven boats were damaged to varying degrees, and twenty-four people suffered burns to varying degrees.

The most serious thing is that the three crew members on the ship were all drunk. When they found out that it was too late to wake up from the fire, all three were severely burned. Two of them were rescued and survived, and one eventually died due to ineffective treatment of infection. ...

  Wang Yi wanted to find the specific name or hull number of the ship where the fire occurred, but it was not mentioned in this review!

  It is called by the place where the owner of the ship belongs.

   This is **** up!

  Wang Yi saw that it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and he couldn't care about continuing to look for reports about the fire, so he quickly went back to 1982.

  Without the ship's name or hull number, he could not determine which ship was on fire.

   He did know that the boat boss's hometown and the fishing boat belonged to it. It was a fishing boat from Yongcheng.

   But it is difficult to accurately locate with this information:

   There are a lot of fishing boats coming from all over the country, and they are all fishing boats from surrounding provinces and cities.

   Besides, what reason did he use to investigate? Said that he had friends, classmates and relatives in Yongcheng, and then wanted to ask the fishermen in Yongcheng if they knew these people?

   When the time comes, he helped others save the fire. They really want to thank him for asking him for the information of his friends, classmates and relatives and go back to find out what to do?

   This can inquire about loneliness!

  Wang Yi can only take a stupid approach, which is also a good way - he went to the dock to find Mao Xiaofang, and asked Mao Xiaofang to help him go to the warehouse where the team belongs to call someone, and call the team members over.

  The reason is easy to find.

   It is said that when purchasing New Year's goods before, the property was exposed and the criminals were eyeing!

   You don’t have to go to sea tomorrow, so it’s okay to sleep late tonight.

   So he called some hands and feet to squeeze into the Tianya No. 2 boat and said, "We were targeted by some criminals when we were buying New Year's goods for my classmates and friends tonight."

   "When I got back to the boat to pack up, I saw someone walking around our boat, and I heard them saying they wanted to mess with us."

   "It must be those fishermen from yesterday." Wang Donghu said immediately.

   Wang Xianglai said angrily: "Damn it, you shouldn't let those **** leave easily yesterday, you should hammer them!"

   "This is called, this is called a barbarian beast, that embrace, embrace..."

   "Unexpected talent?" Someone asked.

  Wang Xianglai hurriedly waved his hand: "No, what did Teacher Huang tell us about that in the night school? That is to say, some beasts are afraid of people's power and won't think about it..."

   "It's called a barbarian beast. It fears majesty but doesn't show virtue!" said the young Wang Dafei, "It was written by Sima Guang, who smashed the tank!"

  Wang Xianglai hurriedly nodded: "Yes, that's what happened! The barbarians are also beasts, fearing authority but not virtuous, that's it!"

   "These **** are beasts, we should hammer them and make them afraid of us, because they won't thank us that, that, for our magnanimity!"

  Wang Yi listened to their words and his eyes widened: "I'm sloppy, what did Teacher Huang teach you?"

  To be honest, he doesn’t even know this sentence!

   Is this night school knowledge point progressing a little faster?

   Didn't he teach character recognition and multiplication formulas when he first taught? How did this go directly to Guoxue? The next step is to progress to high numbers?

   Some members nodded.

   This is indeed what Huang Yougong taught them.

   Wang Yi was shocked and asked what Huang Yougong had taught.

   Then I found that Huang Yougong did not teach any system. This guy is a good teacher. Usually, he can only teach students to write and write calligraphy.

   He was asking when suddenly someone pointed to the front and said, "Hey, it seems like it's on fire?"

  Wang Yi stomped his feet: Grass, I am shocked by the cultural knowledge level of the members, and forget about business!

   He hurriedly turned his head to look over, and saw a 'bang' of fire appeared at once.

   "Fire Hazards Overview" is not straightforward enough.

   Is this 'the flame ignited the tarpaulin and caused a fire soon'?

   This is 'It started a fire very quickly'!

   He hurriedly waved his hand and shouted: "Hurry up and put out the fire! The cotton-padded clothes are all wet, hurry up and put out the fire!"

   As he spoke, he took off his school coat and prepared to soak it in the sea, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it, so he took off the thin down jacket inside, and after soaking in water, he stepped on the board and ran over to put out the fire.

   The fire spread faster than he expected!

   This kind of thing cannot be revealed by a few fluffy investigation reports.

   But seeing the sea wind howling, the tarpaulin was quickly shattered by the wind after burning, fluttering in the sky, falling everywhere!

  The people on the shore now also realized that something was wrong, and they all shouted: "I have gone on fire, gone on fire..."

   "It's the **** water that caught fire! The shouting of the blind chicken's neck - the water is gone, the water is gone!"

   "Quickly put out the fire! Everyone on the boat outside should come out to put out the fire!"

  The pieces of the tarpaulin burned and fell, and a few seconds after one of the flames fell, it turned into a big fire——

  It ignited the sails, and the wind was too strong tonight. Instead of blowing out the flames, the wind helped the fires, making the fires spread faster!

  The fire is everywhere!

  Wang Yi's scalp was numb.

   He experienced a fire for the first time, how could this fire be so terrifying!

   (end of this chapter)