MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 521 520. Specimens as landmarks (typhoon is coming...)

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   Chapter 521 520. Specimens as landmarks (typhoon is coming...)

   Time has suddenly accelerated into March.

   The first few days of March passed by in a flash, the 5th came, Saturday, the 21st of the first month.

   Elementary school opening day in Ongzhou area.

   Unlike the beginning of the new school year, there will be no speeches from national leaders at the beginning of the next semester. Of course, this may also be related to the current start time of the second semester of primary schools in various provinces and cities across the country.

  Because the teaching building has not been officially opened, this time the school is relatively simple.

  The national flag was raised and the textbooks were distributed. The students were arranged in accordance with the class on the playground, sitting on small benches and lying on the chairs to start the first class of the new semester.

   The effect of class in such an environment is definitely worse. The students are not angels, they are very careful. Even students who love to learn cannot calm down and study in this environment.

   After all, this learning environment is so new.

   All the students in grades 1 to 5 can see each other when they raise their heads. There are many siblings in the lower and upper grades, as well as Xiaodouding from the Yuhong class.

   So this classroom discipline cannot be maintained.

   There are often teachers who are in class, and suddenly there is Xiaodouding from the Yuhong class who runs to find someone and shouts, "Brother, I pulled my crotch."

  Otherwise, a child would cry and shout, "Brother, Errong beat me!"

   Children are too young to be educated.

  The teachers are helpless.

Minato finished the morning class, and after the school bell rang, Wang Yi came over and shouted, "All students pay attention, all students please pay attention, today's culture class is here, there is an activity class in the afternoon, and the teacher will teach you how to make specimens. ."

   After he sent the notice, he nodded to the teachers: "Okay, let's finish the get out of class, let's get in line to get lunch."

   Lunch is what all students look forward to the most, this is their happy time.

   In the past, when teachers announced school was dismissed, they had already rushed to the cafeteria.

   Today, Wang Yi's words aroused their interest. The fishermen had never seen the specimen, and they were excited when they heard the announcement of the afternoon activity class.

   Wang Ugly Cat is looking forward to it: "Being a specimen, I heard that only children in the city can learn to do specimens. It turns out that we can learn it too."

  Wang Zhuangyuan calmly packed his textbooks and said, "Not all children in the city can learn, and they don't learn in school either. They go to the Children's Palace to learn. The Children's Palace is not a place where ordinary people can enter."

   "Then doesn't our school mean that it is itself a Children's Palace?" Someone else became happy, "That's great."

   "What specimens are you doing this afternoon? Bamboo's father bought him "Youth Science", and there are specimens on it. Butterfly specimens, cicada specimens, and spider specimens, they look good."

  The students asked each other but did not understand each other, so they looked at Wang Zhuangyuan.

   Wang Zhuangyuan’s family conditions are relatively good, and there are many relatives in the city.

   However, Wang Zhuangyuan had no interest in this. He stroked the new textbook and was about to go home and tore up his father's calendar paper to wrap it.

  Those calendar papers are very bad. Every one of them has a little girl scratching her head, showing her belly and showing her thighs, which always attracted him to peek.

   He is keenly aware that these **** are not good things and will affect his progress.

   So it's best to use them to cover the skin, suppressing them with knowledge and letting them help themselves protect the carrier of knowledge is simply a decision of the gods!

   But the students wanted to know about the specimen, so they gathered around him and asked.

   Wang Zhuangyuan was impatient and said, "What's the point of specimens? There are people in our production team who make specimens at home every once in a while, but you do it at home, and I don't see your interest in your daily life."

   Big guy thought he was talking nonsense when he heard this.

   Even Wang Xinzhao couldn't help but say, "How can there be? Besides Teacher Wang and other teachers in our production team, who else would make specimens?"

"Your father, your mother, and your grandmother can do it. For example, the dried fish and dried shrimps in your yard are taxidermy, the evergreen and carrots in the pickle tank are plant specimens, and the ones you pick up and put in the pickle tank at night Blindly touching and knowing monkeys, this is called an insect specimen."

   "Grip!" the students shouted, "How is this possible?"

   Wang Zhuangyuan frowned and said, "Why is it impossible? What is a specimen? Isn't it just keeping animals and plants for a long time?"

   "What's the matter, can't the dried fish, prawns and pickles be preserved?" Wang Zhuangyuan asked rhetorically.

   Students think about it carefully.

   I think his words really make sense.

  Suddenly, the tall image about the specimen was shattered.

  Many people became frustrated, but soon someone came to the news: "Today's lunch is good, mutton soup pancakes!"

  Everyone got excited again.

  The students took their lunch boxes to make meals. One person took half the box of mutton soup and then divided the noodles according to their weight.

  In March, the spring was bright and the spring breeze was warm, and the weather had warmed up. Now the students snorted over a bowl of mutton soup at noon at noon, which made their whole body even hotter.

   Eat and drink enough energy.

  The students started to play games and waited for the afternoon specimen class.

   Now students have toys, boys have military chess, beasts, chess, iron rings, and tops, girls have skipping rope, sandbags, checkers, etc. Anyway, there are many game items.

  Exercise is more attractive to boys when they are full and full of energy.

  The senior students formed a team to play puller, and Wang Zhuangyuan was an expert in this field. Many people came to him to form a team, but he refused.

   He wouldn't play such a childish game.

  A puller is a child who makes a horse and carries another child, and then the big guys collide with each other. As long as one side is knocked down or the person on the horse is knocked to the ground, the victory is won. During the period, it can be pulled and pulled, so it got such a common name.

Wang Kai, the new child Wang, likes to play this game. He is also very strong. Especially in the past year, he has been subsidized by school oil, water and carbohydrates, which has given him a lot of fat and made him fat and strong. An excellent warhorse.

   But the students did not buy his account. After reading the book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", they all said: "The straw sandals are the best war horse, he is the Chitu."

  Wang Kai was not happy when he heard this.

   Wang Zhuangyuan is now fascinated by books. He is no longer a hero on the battlefield, he has become a scholar, and I, Wang Kai, are the current child king.

   Wang Zhuangyuan has not shown himself in sports for many days, Wang Kai feels that he is the best now.

   He thought he needed to challenge Wang Zhuangyuan.

  To be the king of children, he must have stepping stones.

   Wang Zhuangyuan, who used to be the former child king, is the best stone.

So he went to Wang Zhuangyuan with a sullen face, clasped his fists like the people in martial arts on TV and said, "Brother straw sandals, if the mountains don't turn the water will turn, we will have a future - ah no, the mountain doesn't turn the water, you give me some face, come here Play with."

   Wang Zhuangyuan looked at him suspiciously.

  You ate the 2B pencils sent by Mr. Wang? Have you become a 2B?

   Seeing that he was silent, Wang Kai was very unhappy, and said boldly: "You better not reject people thousands of miles away, I'll give you face, what do you look at?"

   Wang Zhuangyuan squinted at him when he heard his threat, his face was expressionless, his eyes were straight like a knife.

  In the past, Wang Kai had already rushed to his parents to save his life when he saw his eldest brother exposed like this.

   But now he wants to be a child king, so he can't retreat, he is now a **** across the river, there is no retreat!

  Otherwise, he will retire this time, so what does Wang Xinzhao think of him? What does Wang Xinmi think of him? What does Lao Huang think of him? What do the wild ducks raised by Teacher Wang think of him?

   So he took courage and said, "Wang Zhuangyuan, can't you hear me? What do you think I'm doing?"

   Wang Zhuangyuan popped out a word from his teeth: "Go away!"

   There are students in a circle around him. Children have a good face, not to mention Wang Kai is a man who wants to be the king of children.

  In this way, he relied on the fact that he had been studying and practicing the two magical skills of iron sand palm and eagle claw scratching hard during the winter vacation, so he gathered up his courage and said: "What did you say? Say it again, I think you need to be beaten!"

   Anyone who understands international disputes knows that when countries really want to go to war, they will silently form troops and then beat each other to death.

   Wang Zhuangyuan followed his militia captain, his father, who had learned the art of war.

   He put down the book without talking nonsense, pointed at Wang Kai, and said, "I'm going to beat you."

The voice of    fell, and he rushed up to Zama's stance to throw a fist.

  Wang Kai is not afraid, he has already prepared for battle.

   In the face of Wang Zhuangyuan's straight punch, he immediately raised his arms and raised his arms in a flaming posture to protect his face and prepare to counterattack.

   But Wang Zhuangyuan is a man who has studied the art of war. His move is to feint a shot, strike the east with a sound, and move the tiger away from the mountain.

  The real attack comes from the next three lanes…

   His straight punch was a feint attack, the main attack was on his feet, and he lifted his kick and kicked Wang Kai's crotch.

  Poor Wang Kai who practiced iron sand palm instead of iron crotch!

   As strong as Tyson even screamed after being kicked in the crotch by Green in a street fight with a boxer named Green in 1988, so Wang Kai was kicked in the crotch and howled so hard?

   His wailing was so tragic that it even reached the ancestral hall.

  The old people basking in the sun in front of the ancestral hall have lost their ears, and they asked in confusion: "Are pigs slaughtered in the production team?"

   "Well, the sound came from the top of the mountain."

   "The school must have killed pigs again. The current students are so lucky that they have pork to eat every now and then."

   "We don't have such a good life, but when the students eat pork, they will ask Teacher Wang if there is any pig blood left? The head knife and leek have come out. I will go to ask for a bowl of pig blood and go home at night to make stir-fried pig blood with leek."

   Later, Wang Yi was puzzled by the old man who came to him for pig blood.

   He has no pig blood but sheep blood.

   Sheep blood is better, silkier than pig blood. It is delicious and nourishing for frying leeks.

  The old people took the sheep's blood and said happily: "It turns out that the top of the mountain is not to kill pigs but sheep."

   "But this sheep is really screaming, it's like killing a pig."

  Wang Yi didn't know what they were talking about. Just now, he secretly went on a 23-year trip and signed for the solar-powered seawater desalination equipment he purchased and delivered, so that in two days, Wang Xianghong could arrange for the laborers to pull the machine.

   Then he inquired about it, only to find out that Wang Zhuangyuan used his yin-pulling legs on Wang Kai.

   This is no joke!

   He called the two of them to the front of the playground with a gloomy face, and the other students looked around timidly when they saw that he was angry.

  Two chickens and a group of monkeys.

   One of the chickens was kicked, and it will be caught under the crotch.

  Wang Yixian severely criticized the two of them, and warned the students not to fight in the school. Whoever has grievances will go to him, and he will absolutely uphold justice.

   Then he had to discipline the two of them, saying: "Okay, don't you two like to practice martial arts? Well, then you can squat and practice your strength in the lower plate."

   The two of them honestly spread their legs, sinking into their dantian.

   Wang Zhuangyuan is quite honest, Ma Buza is stable, while Wang Kai is tucked his hips and legs, like an old gay.

   Wang Yi's face sank as he went up and lifted his foot to pick Wang Kai's inner thigh and scolded, "Are you making trouble for me? Why is this place so small?"

   Wang Kai said with a sad face: "Principal, my duck was kicked by Wang Zhuangyuan and then shrank back, or else it wasn't so small."


   This is a cordial expression for cows and chickens by the people of the outer islands. The outer islands used to call ducks flat-mouthed and chickens called jianzui, and then ducks and chickens have other meanings.

   In the 1960s, there was a joke because of this.

  The atmosphere was conservative at that time, and then there was a primary school female teacher who had to form words when teaching children the word 'duck', so she said: "This word reads ya, a duck with a flat mouth..."

  Wang Yi thought of the jokes the members had told him, and couldn't help laughing. He laughed and said, "Who cares about the size of your duck? I mean, why are your horse steps so small?"

   But the size of the duck really matters.

   He called Wang Kai away and asked in a low voice, "Come with me, um, how is your duck? How do you feel?"

  Wang Kai continued to cry with a sad face: "It's okay, it's okay, what, Principal, Wang Zhuangyuan went too far today, he kicked my prestige away..."

   "You have the prestige of a duck!" Wang Yi was delighted by his words, "Where did your prestige come from?"

   Wang Kai said: "I won it with eagle claws, I won it with martial arts!"

   "It's alright, alright!" Wang Yi interrupted him, "Have you heard a popular phrase in the arena now?"

   "No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives! Learn to scratch with eagle claws and be knocked down by bricks!"

   "You don't have any prestige at all. If you really want prestige, you should study hard. What is the task of students in school? It is to study! If you study well, you will have prestige, but if you don't study well, you will have no prestige!"

   Wang Kai said weakly: "That can't be right? I'm quite authoritative."

  Wang Yi laughed at him: "What kind of prestige do you have? Who admires you? You are the second last person in your class in the exam, do you believe that you have prestige in the hearts of your classmates? The classmates actually take you as a joke!"

  Wang Kai fell silent.

  Wang Yi thought this was a good opportunity to educate him, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "If you really want to have prestige in the eyes of your classmates, then you should study hard!"

   "Look at Wang Zhuangyuan. In the past, he was the second-to-last, but now he has become the top three in the class and can even be said to be the top student in the fifth grade in the county. Now he has prestige, and in the eyes of adults, he has prestige."

   "Let me give the simplest example, have his parents beat him or scolded him this winter vacation?"

   Wang Kai shook his head.

  Wang Yi said: "This is incredible? This is prestige, this is respect! He won the respect of his parents for himself by his grades!"

   Wang Kai nodded silently.

   He moved.

  Wang Yi pointed at him and said, "Okay, go back and continue to make horse steps, thinking about what I said while making horse steps."


   This time, Wang Kai was honest and ran over to make a serious stride.

  Wang Yi is ready to make a specimen.

  Shark specimens are not easy to do.

  The process of making taxidermy varies, but generally requires the steps of skinning, embalming, prosthesis, stuffing, suturing, shaping and grooming.

  Wang Yi watched professional video materials to understand that the seemingly pipeline-like program is actually very complicated to do.

  Because each step has different precautions and solutions for different animals and different problems.

  Take marine animals as an example. The most complicated thing to deal with is the skin. Fish, cetaceans and seabirds have different shapes, and parameters such as skin thickness, shrinkage, and fat content are also very different.

   The shark skin on Wang Yi's hand has been specially treated, and he can't handle it himself.

   Originally, he planned this way, that is, let the colander, Sun Zhengnan, and Xu Heng cooperate to dig out the meat for the shark, leave a relatively intact fish skin, and then make a specimen—

  It is unreliable to use bone as a specimen. The whole body of the shark is cartilage, which is very perishable.

   There is no problem in digging out the fish and meat. Sun Zhengnan and Xu Heng are good knives, but the fish skin needs to be handled professionally:

Shark skin is rich in fat content, and fat is known to be the most perishable, so to obtain specimen-grade fish skin, it is necessary to degrease the fish skin first, remove the animal fat inside, and then restore the vegetable oil doped with preservatives. go in.

  This step is essential, the shark skin will dry and crack without oil.

   After the fish skin has been processed, there must be a filling.

  The shark specimen is like this, the outside is a real shark skin, and the inside is stuffing made according to the proportion of the bones and the direction of the muscles.

   This is more dependent on experts. The specimens made by experts are all measured with vernier calipers to measure the size of each part of the specimen.

   Taxidermy is a science!

   But he paid for the skin and stuffing of this hammerhead shark, sorted it and brought it back to Tianya Island. What he has to do today is to assemble it.

   There is no way, if he really wants to make a specimen from scratch, he can at most be a small fish, but he can't do a shark.

   This hammerhead shark is huge!

  In the afternoon class time, Wang Yi asked the students to carefully lift all parts of the hammerhead shark specimen from Tingtao Curie and start assembling.

   But he has been bragging before, saying that he is a designer and a connoisseur. Wouldn’t he simply be an assembler.

   So he started all kinds of explanations with high spirits, and used the eloquence he had cultivated in lectures in the past year to fool the students:

   "You guys don't know, sharks look ferocious, savage and mighty, but in fact they are all cartilaginous heads..."

   As usual, he started to introduce sharks from the theoretical knowledge he was good at, and first introduced a cold knowledge to make the students interested and divert their interest, so as to provide cover for the assembly work of chicken thieves behind him.

   Having introduced the characteristics of the cartilage head of sharks, he began to talk at length: "Dear students, the steps for making specimens are very simple."

   "First, put the processed fish skin into a pot, and soak it with alcohol, formalin, and other things for three or two hours."

"After that, the fish skin is assembled and filled. The fillings are mainly gypsum and cotton. In short, it is to use gypsum to make molds. I believe everyone can do this, and then use cotton to fill. , everyone knows this better, right?"

   Without waiting for the students to answer, he continued: "Finally, the fish skin is stitched and shaped to dry, so that a specimen is completed. How about it? Have you learned it?"

  This step he explained is no problem, but this is not a step for professionally making specimens, it is a common method for folk enthusiasts.

  This method can be used to make specimens of small fish, but not of large sharks such as hammerhead sharks.

  How do students know this?

   They just felt that what Teacher Wang said was very reasonable, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that they had not learned how to make specimens.

   But it doesn't matter. Wang Yi contacted the overseas work group and received a batch of fish for the students to practice.

  These fish are common fish in Fuhai such as large yellow croaker, boss fish, mackerel, golden pomfret, etc.

   He is going to make a few supporting roles for the hammerhead shark. It's not interesting to have a single hammerhead shark specimen.

   But these supporting role specimens are not whole fish specimens, but fish bone specimens. They are not cartilaginous fish. After the fish bones are processed, they can be more conveniently made into specimens for preservation.

   Simple and easy to do.

   But it can’t be finished in one day.

  Wang Yi first taught them to carefully remove the guts and muscles of the fish, and then put them in a 0.6% sodium hydroxide solution for degreasing.

   This process took more than an hour, and it is not easy to shave the fish without damaging the bones.

   Every now and then some students sigh and sigh.

  Wang Yi didn't need to look to know that this must have been the fish in his hand that was broken.

   Degreasing takes a long time, at least a day or two, so when these fish have been degreased, the course will turn to assembling hammerhead shark specimens.

  The skin of the hammerhead shark has been processed, just put the stuffing in it in order.

   The job is easy, but making these fillings is tricky.

   Fortunately, Wengzhou is a coastal city with an aquarium, and there are relevant experts in the aquarium, so they can jointly help Wang Yi make a specimen.

  The stuffing was put into the fish skin like a puzzle with building blocks, and the shriveled fish skin was gradually propped up. Next, Wang Yi asked a few older girls, such as Zhaodi and Laidi, who were very good at sewing clothes, to sew the openings.

  Shark skin has been painted.

   After the gap was sewn up, Wang Yi led the students to apply a layer of anti-corrosion and sunscreen varnish on the outside, and the hammerhead shark specimen was completed!

   This specimen is worthy of being a masterpiece by a master. It is not only complete but also has a verve. It pursues the word "living" as a whole.

   Obviously it is a static thing, but it is vivid and lifelike, which can be a matter of artistic expression and design conception ability.

The   -shaped hammerhead shark's head raised high, jumped up, and opened its **** mouth to reveal its sharp, knife-like teeth, as if it was chasing its prey.

   Viewed from the front.

   Aggressive and majestic!

   is full of the ferocity and power of a big shark.

   This is also the reason why Wang Yi asked the students to use big fish such as large yellow croaker and mackerel as supporting roles.

  The hammerhead shark is hunting, if it doesn't have a few fish to eat, it looks a bit silly.

  Students are not very demanding, or have low vision, and they have never seen a serious specimen - fish and pickles can really not be called specimens.

   In short, they reacted violently after seeing the finished specimen in the evening, either cheering or shocked or proud.

   The workers of the construction team who were about to leave work were all attracted. They put down their work and came to the playground to observe, and they were shocked:

   "Hey, what is this, what is this? Where did you get a big shark?"

   "It's made of wood, right? No, it's so heavy that it can't be supported by this wooden shelf and bench."

   "This is a specimen, and there are things like cotton in it. It's so well made, it's like living, it's amazing!"

   Their response was not exaggerated.

   Such a shark specimen is indeed enough to shock contemporary people.

  Wang Yi used cotton for this specimen, but more importantly, the key parts were all cured with foam, which is called resin foaming technology.

   After foaming, the resin is not only light in weight, but also has a good filling effect, and is waterproof and insect repellent with moderate hardness and better operability than cotton.

In fact, it is more suitable to use solidified foam as a whole, but he is afraid that this specimen will cause too much sensation, attracting experts in the city to observe, when they find out that there is no resin foam in the world, it will be more explained. trouble.

   At this point the specimen is not fully finished, and the eyes are embedded.

   This is a prosthetic eye, which is very simple. The shark's eyes are originally pitch-black as a whole, and related prosthetic eyes are very common in the standard department of the aquarium.

  Wang Yi cut off a little eyelid of the hammerhead shark and stuffed it into the prosthetic eye. Looking at the whole shark from the front, it really came alive.

   No wonder the ancients said that the finishing touch is the finishing touch. This shark is even more powerful after it has eyes. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is like living, but at least it looks like it has just died.

  The students cheered and went to spread the news, attracting the off-duty commune members to watch.

   The old man who was going to go home because the sun went down and the temperature dropped also came.

   Such a big and realistic big shark appeared in front of them, and the old people were so frightened that their calves were trembling: "Why is there another shark soldier from the Dragon King? Why is it still ashore? Is this a sperm?"

   "I just said don't, don't kill that shark soldier last time, the Dragon King will definitely blame it, look, look..."

   "What are you looking at? This is a dead man, how come another shark soldier died? Unlucky!"

   Their brains were rigid and they didn’t know about the specimen. Faced with the vivid hammerhead shark specimen, Kennedy was riding in a convertible—they opened their brains and made all kinds of guesses.

   is a mess.

  The students and adults gave speeches on the streets of Abe-san—they were clear-headed, of course they knew what this specimen was about, but no one explained it to the old man, just listening to their nonsense and watching their liveliness.

  Wang Xianghong rushed over in clothes, and asked on the way, "Is it realistic? Is it really as realistic as you said?"

  Wang Yi was really uncertain for a while after hearing this topic.

  This shark seems to be really female...

   Came to the playground, Wang Xianghong subconsciously took a step back after seeing the specimen, his face full of horror: "Good guy, good guy! It's so realistic!"

   He grabbed Wang Yi and asked, "How is this done?"

  The students scrambled to say:

   "It's very simple, let Teacher Liao, Teacher Sun and Teacher Xu remove its internal organs and all the bones and flesh..."

   "No, the meat has to be removed to make fish balls, but some bones have to be left. I saw it, and the bones are left..."

   "Leave some bones, connect them with fake bones, and stuff them with cotton..."

   "Sew the fish skin well, it's like sewing clothes, the recruit will do it..."

   "That's it, isn't it easy?"

  The adults really had to nod their heads and say it was simple after hearing this, but they couldn't be fooled, they knew it couldn't be so simple.

  How bad the fish are they know better than the experts!

   They waited for Wang Yi to speak.

  Wang Yi came up with a completely different statement from dealing with students: "It's simple to assemble, but complicated to handle. The internal organs of the fish must be cleaned of course and purposefully, and some of the fish bones are preserved."

   "It is very troublesome to clean up the bones of the fish. It is difficult to remove the bones of the head, but it is necessary to patiently and meticulously dig out all of them, including the skull, upper teeth, nasal bones, and tip of the nose. There is nothing left."

   "The joints of the gill slits have meat and skulls connected together, and they should all be removed..."

After talking about deboning, say degreasing: "Animal fat will cause it to spoil, so it should be degreasing with a 0.6% sodium hydroxide solution, and then filled with vegetable oil containing various preservatives such as formalin. Come to recolor..."

   He used a series of technical terms that he knew or didn’t understand to make nonsense, and even he didn’t understand it, let alone the members?

   Don't care about your education, one of the people present is one, and you don't even know it.

  Wang Xianghong didn't care much about how this specimen was made. What he cared about was whether Wang Yi could still make it.

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, but it's very troublesome, and I have to ask someone to buy all kinds of materials."

  Wang Xianghong said: "Let's collectively pay for the team. I'm thinking of making a few specimens of other big fish. When the new school is completed, let's get an exhibition room in the school in Xuecheng, how about it?"

  Wang Yi said: "I don't need it at school, right? I was thinking of handing over the specimens to our production team, such as building a specimen room under the wharf as a landmark for our production team."

   "Don't say it, it's a good idea." Boldly and enthusiastically, "Our production team has built buildings for the school and for the members. It is definitely a great advance in our outer islands and rural areas, and there are many people who come to visit and study."

   "When the time comes, I will give the production team a landmark, so that people can see it as soon as they get off the boat. What is this called? First impression, right? First impression is good!"

   Wang Yi nodded.

   is this purpose.

  Tianya Island has been electrified, water has been changed, and people's livelihood infrastructure has been improved.

  Schools have built buildings, families have built buildings, and multiple business channels have been added to the account. Even the most traditional fishing industry has evolved. The fishing boats of the production team are being replaced by human power. This is a comprehensive progress from top to bottom.

   This spring, we will also open a fish farm and a chicken and duck farm. All in all, the primary and secondary industries of the production team have to be laid out and developed.

   Now Wang Yi is ready to lay out the tertiary industry.

   It happens that the county is going to engage in tourism...

   This is a match made in heaven.

What    boldly sees is that their production team has become an advanced village collective, and then how many people are attracted to visit and study.

   Wang Yi sees how many tourists their island will attract in the future.

   For tourism, setting a landmark is very important!

   (end of this chapter)