MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-~ Extra 7: Haifu County Fisheries Technical School has opened (Part 2)

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  Students bring utensils to make meals after school.

   Zhong Yaoyao in the cafeteria said to them, "You don't need to prepare tableware, the school has prepared for everyone, two bowls and one plate per person."

   This set of tableware was brought by Wang Yi in 2023. It is a bowl and plate made of 316 stainless steel.

  The sun shines and the silver shines.

  In the 1980s, when old-fashioned aluminum lunch boxes and tea jars were still popular, it really can blind dogs!

  The students were exposed to such things for the first time, and when they got their hands, they were amazed and shouted.

   Immediately afterwards, several large iron pots in the kitchen lifted the lids one by one.

   As the brand new aluminum lid was pulled up, the mixed aroma of chicken and sauce poured out with the gushing heat.

   The aroma quickly drew the attention of the students from the tableware to the window.

  Today is the first meal served to the students of the Aquatic Technical School. Because the students paid a high price for the meal, Wang Yi had to keep an eye on this matter and make the students and their parents satisfied—

  This meal is also served for parents at noon, so that parents who come to send their children to school can taste their meals.

  In the big iron pot, the chicken pieces were stained with caramel color under the fire, and they were scooped into the big aluminum pot with a big spoon and moved to the window.

   "Two cents a meal, no wonder it's so expensive, it turned out to be chicken for the dolls."

   "I just said that eating with the Wang family is definitely not bad. The babies in their team are eating well. Look at their complexion and body. They are absolutely nutritious."

   "The Wang family's roast chicken is a must. My husband came to buy one a few days ago, and he ate all the chicken bones!"

  The colander doesn't need to cook the rice himself. He came to inspect the window and said, "Don't worry, the chicken tastes no worse than roast chicken at noon today, and roast chicken can't be served with rice. How about you try this dish with rice."

  Parents flattered again and again: "The color, fragrance, and taste are absolutely perfect!"

   As the old saying in the outer islands, people respect others, and dogs **** ugly.

  The Wang family production team is now in the county, and now it is on the Tianya Island site. The parents of the aquatic technical school will naturally not offend a powerful figure like Colander, and they must cater to his words.

   But when they got a full bowl of rice and two dishes on a plate with a bowl of tomato and egg soup, they really felt that the meal was not bad.

   Waiting for them to find a seat and sit down and start eating, a mouthful of rice, and another mouthful of chicken: a rich complex aroma blooms in the taste buds and fills their mouths.

  The taste of dry chicken is something they have never seen before.

  In addition to the umami of the chicken itself, there is also the aroma of roasting, wine, salty and a little sweet sauce, and the spicy aroma of onion, garlic and pepper. Many flavors are mixed together to form a unique fragrance.

  The laughter of the students sounded one after another: "Delicious!"

   "It smells so good!"

  The parents were also surprised, but they were embarrassed to show their shock like the students, guarding their own dolls.

  Have the majesty of being a parent!

   But the good taste and good taste of chicken have also conquered their hearts.

  The canteen uses sea-raised chickens, of course, meat-eating chickens such as white-feather chickens. …

  The chicken of the white-feathered chicken is plump and developed, because the chicken was released in less than half a year, so their chicken is still very tender.

   As the big guy swished his upper and lower teeth, the chicken was either separated into filaments, or easily bitten off.

   A piece of chicken has two different feelings, the outer layer is charred and firm, and the inside is tender and flavorful.

   Soon no one was talking, and they were all 'snack'.

   They ate every piece of meat, cleaned every bit of oil and water on it, and every now and then there would be a 'quack quack' sound—

   This is someone chewing the bones!

   The person who chewed the bones also said calmly: "This chicken is very fresh, and the marrow inside is tender and fragrant."

   Hearing this, the 'quack' sound became clearer.

  Old Huang turned around at the door and shook his head when he heard the sound.

   Today's people are so cruel, they don't even leave a bite to the dog!

  The chicken is fragrant and the side dishes are also delicious.

  The fried shallots and green peppers have lost their pungent pungency, leaving only a weak spiciness and a fragrant soaked in chicken oil. After eating one bite of the dish and then another bite of rice, it is especially appetizing.

  You can have a tomato and egg soup if you are eating fast.

  Sour and salty, delicious and greasy!

   After the meal, the teachers, students and parents of the Fisheries Technical School were convinced.

  They wrote their names on the back of the cutlery, cleaned them, put them away according to the class and group, and left contentedly.

On the road   , even the teachers of the fishery technical school were complimenting them: "I had an opinion that the school should not be placed in the county and put it in a production team, but now I have no opinion. The food here is better than that in the county!"

   "It'll be like this every meal in the future, but don't deal with us for the first time today..."

Yao Jinjin said: "No, I have a good relationship with Principal Wang. I learned about this meal issue with him in the morning. From now on, the standard is to have mutton, pork, beef, chicken, and one meal every week. egg."

   The other teachers suddenly got excited: "Ha, basically there is a good meat dish every day?"

   Yao Jinjin nodded reservedly.

  Parents rest assured.

  The dolls study here for three years, not to mention how many skills they can learn in three years, at least they can grow their bodies for three years.

  This is more important!

   In fact, you can still learn serious skills at the Fisheries Technical School.

  The purpose of the country's establishment of technical schools is to cultivate a group of "literate workers". The school emphasizes the principle of "applying what you have learned", and the design of the lesson plans is quite meticulous.

   In the next few days, Wang Yi was attending a class as an instructor.

   The courses of the Aquatic Technical School are quite interesting. Now the four classes are all in the first grade, and then they have to learn knowledge courses such as Chinese and mathematics.

  In their language, they will increase the teaching of common fishery words, increase the learning of abacus in the math class, and talk about the ocean and fishery in the natural class, which is very interesting.

   In addition, the school entrusted Wang Yi to buy a scrapped diesel engine. Under the guidance of the teacher, the students went to switch on and off, disassemble and assemble them in the afternoon practice class.

   Later, the school even had ambitions and wanted to rent a fishing boat on Tianya Island for school teaching practice.

   There is no problem with renting a fishing boat and the production team is willing to help.

   Teachable Internships…

  Wang Xianghong was frightened after seeing the students' enthusiasm for dismantling the engines. If these kids got the boats in the team, they would be dismantling all their boats! …

   One after another, the management of the Fisheries Technical School became more and more decent.

  The school copied the big characters and wrote Deng Gong's application message to the technical school:

  Adjust, consolidate, enrich, improve, be a new person with four talents, and aspire to contribute to the people, the motherland, and mankind.

  In winter, the school curriculum is adjusted, culture classes are held in the morning, and in the afternoon, they start to work at sea and participate in the fishing work.

   Tianya Island is cool here.

  Students work half-voluntarily for the production team and assist the production team in marine operations.

  The production team did not pay them wages, and waived their room and board expenses. In addition, after the end of the hairtail flood, the students were given awards, notebooks, pens and other souvenirs.

   The certificate of merit is naturally written by Wang Yi.

   There are thousands of certificates issued every year in his hands...

   It was not Wang Yi's original intention to exploit students like this.

  Wang Yi himself is very generous, but Yao Jinjin became the vice-principal. It was his arrangement to organize students to practice and study, and the students were very enthusiastic. Wang Yi’s side could only be passively exploited.

   But at the end of the semester, he generously gave some rewards to the students of the Fisheries Technical School.

   For example, New Year's gift packages, such as living materials, such as scholarships.

   Among them, the New Year's gift package is very rich, including candy cubes, melon seeds and peanuts, dried fruit, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, and sauce meat.

  The living materials are mainly food, including flour, corn, rice and millet, as well as watermelon and sweet potatoes produced by the production team, as well as some local rare materials such as glutinous rice and rice flour.

   As for the scholarship, it is simple, just give money, and sometimes count the votes.

   In short, these things can bring blood back to the families of the students of the Fisheries Technical School.

   Most of the students who first came to the Fisheries Technical School were from poor families, so at the end of each semester, the students could bring some supplies and money home, which greatly relieved the pressure on their families.

   Over the years, the day at the end of each semester has become the most anticipated time for the students of the Fisheries Technical School.

  Time flies, time flies.

  After the 1980s, some students of the Aquaculture Technical School started working. Some of them stayed in the mariculture center of Tianya Island, some started their own businesses, and some entered state units and even government units.

   But no matter what their careers were in the future, whenever they recalled the days in Tianya Island and the Fisheries Technical School, their hearts were more sweet and sour than salty and bitter.

  All the students of the Fisheries Technical School, when they mention Wang Yi, they are called Teacher Wang…