MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 55 Don't worry, the teacher called the rescue

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The bright moon, free from its shackles, slowly lifted into the sky, rendering midnight into a piece of silver.

The sun in this Myriad Beast Mountain is not a star, but a manifestation of the extreme sun rule, and it is the weakest at night.

At this moment, the extreme sun rule has been smelted into his huge pupil by the Cyclops in an unknown way, and the light is suppressed by the bright moon, which is free from bondage.

The bright moon is in the sky, and countless black crow feathers hide their tracks in the night, rendering endless murderous intent.

But those crow feathers were first weakened by Ji Ruo's wind wall, and then stopped by Ziqing Double Feather Breaking Arrow.

Although Ju Li slammed into it, his palms felt numb, but it was not unbearable.

"Teacher, you are seriously injured. It's better to take a rest. Don't worry, I'm here."

Ji Ruo cheerfully said that his Qi channel is different from that of ordinary warriors. He has two inherent talents blessings [more is better and bigger is stronger]. Even if Ji Ruo is just entering the Qi channel for the first time, it is better than that of people of the same level. Stronger than many times.

What's more, he still has a purple special weapon in his hand - an exclusive weapon that can enhance the power of sword skills.

Gu Xingzhou looked at Ji Ruo's exquisite swordsmanship and couldn't help asking, "My child, this swordsmanship is..."

It's hard to imagine that this was used by a candidate who took part in the martial arts exam.

Also, if Ji Ruo is already a Qi pulse, Gu Xingzhou, the director of the Education Department, is very clear that in this martial arts test, the strongest candidates at the time of the test are only eighth-level martial apprentices, and there is absolutely no Qi pulse.

Obviously, Ji Ruo made a breakthrough in the martial arts exam!

"I created it myself!" Ji Ruo smiled and said, "How about teacher, is he handsome?"


Gu Xingzhou is very pleased, how long has it been since he saw such an outstanding junior?

Feeling the pure happiness in Ji Ruo, Gu Xingzhou couldn't help but relax.

"Teacher, please take a rest first. I think your injuries are quite serious. Also, my squad leader seems to be under control. You can help me watch them. It's okay to have me here."

Ji Ruoyu has a sword in his hand, and his figure is elegant and agile: "Don't worry about me, I am a swordsman!"

"What a great swordsman!" Gu Xingzhou smiled, "Then the teacher won't hold you back."

He sat down with his knees crossed, and began to refine the energy of the spiritual fruit he had just eaten, and heal his wounds.

Not only that, he also motivated his qi and blood, so that the power of his qi and blood began to rhythm at a wonderful frequency, as if he was sending a message to the outside world.

Gu Xingzhou is very clear that as the director of the education department, he has been out of contact for so long, and the department will definitely send more people to find him.

Humans have always had the means to contact other warriors when the basic communication facilities are all scrapped, but Gu Xingzhou was not sure whether he could survive or not, and he didn't want to drag others down, so he never used the secret method to transmit news.

And now it seems that they are no longer in danger and can call for reinforcements.

As Gu Xingzhou healed his wounds, he used a secret technique to stimulate the peculiar rhythm generated by the power of qi and blood, slowly seeping into the ground beneath him, and merged into the veins of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains.

If there are warriors who can sense with the help of secret methods, they can discover the warrior information hidden in the aura of the mountain range of Ten Thousand Beasts, and come to reinforce them.

After a while, Gu Xingzhou, who felt that his message had been received by a certain martial artist, smiled and said, "Son, please persevere a little longer. Teacher, I called for reinforcements... I can't be alone. Depends on your aunt."

Ji Ruo nodded: "Good teacher, if you need anything here, you can tell me that Aunt Fengshen Falcon gave us a lot of food."



A search and rescue team beamed with joy.

"Received the news from the director! He is very safe now, let us pass the information to other colleagues as soon as possible, organize the staff, and head to the top of the mountain!"

All members of this search and rescue team in the three realms of martial arts are all warriors who created Qi and Xingxuan, and they are already the elites in the education department.

After all, the Department of Education is not a full-time combat department, and it’s not that the Daxia side can’t produce more warriors. It’s just that apart from the powerhouses stationed in various secret realms, warriors on the border cannot leave their posts at will.

Originally, the Golden Body Realm warriors who came to Myriad Beasts Mountain were not the only ones from Gu Xingzhou, but then another large-scale change occurred in the terrestrial veins of the Mysterious Realm of Myriad Beasts Mountain, which led to the disorder of the secret realm space, and the rest of the Golden Body Realm warriors took a short period of time. Can't come in anymore.

"Leave a message and tell other colleagues, let's hurry up..."

Before he could finish speaking, the ground suddenly shook.

This time, unlike the previous leyline changes, it was just a simple earthquake.

"Be careful to hide!"

Feeling the strong demonic aura suddenly surging not far away, the captain of the search and rescue team was startled, and hurriedly called his teammates to hide.

The location where they are at the moment is the mountainside. Although the upper limit of the Mystical Realm of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain is below five stars, there are also many three-star and four-star monsters on the mountainside.

Not all four-star monsters will live on the top of the mountain. The area of ​​the secret realm is huge, and there are also a lot of four-star monsters.

It's just that the number of those guys on the top of the mountain is more than the other individual monsters.

There are sixteen on one side and one or two on the other. The order of magnitude is not right.

At this moment, the chaos on the top of the mountain has made those high-level demons go to grab the territory, and they have no intention of going to the top of the mountain to join in the fun.

to do what? court death?

After a while, the search and rescue team saw a shocking scene——

The densely packed tree demons suddenly collectively migrated towards the top of the mountain.

The leader is a four-star peak mountain sacred tree. The trunk of the tree is a hundred meters thick. The roots hidden under the ground are so terrifying that even the leylines in this area can be disturbed.

However, as a monster of the plant genus, the mountain **** wood is considered to be a very mild-mannered type among the four-star monsters.

Under normal circumstances, they would not leave their territory for hundreds of years, and would not be too lazy to move their nests, nor would they take the initiative to attack past demons.

The tree demons are all mild-mannered, but for some reason, at this moment, these tree demons seem to be excited one by one, rushing towards the top of the mountain, not knowing what they are going to do.

A certain tree demon leader: "Shasha~ (Those demons really deceive the tree too much! I can't bear to say anything this time!

"Shasha~ (Yes! I can't bear to say anything!

The mountain **** wood used its huge root system to wake up the tree demons one after another along the way, and the canopy, which was enough to cover the sky, swayed.

"Shashasha~ (Is there really a divine tree that can transform fertilizer? Don't make fun of me!

"Shasha~ (Don't worry, ancestor, how could we deceive you? We have experienced the magic of those two divine tree brothers! The fertilizer conversion rate is too high!

"Shasha~ ( I will accompany you to the top of the mountain!

If this is true, then fertilizer is free!

What tree can resist this temptation?

Shan Shenmu sensed the entire forest with its roots, and found the rescue team immediately.

Unlike ordinary tree demons, this mountain sacred tree can be seen.

On its sturdy trunk, the bark texture was twisted into a relatively abstract face, and glanced at the search and rescue team members lightly.

I didn't plan to care.

It has no real conflict with humans. On the contrary, every year during the martial arts exam, it will quietly spread its roots to the foot of the mountain area - not to mention those human dolls, they eat fast and pull fast, and grow as they want. Two ordinary spirit fruits can make them happy for a long time.

There is no such thing as being kind, it’s just that everyone gets what they need.

The group of tree demons left in a mighty manner. Shan Shenmu was worried that the 'tree hands' would not be enough. In addition to awakening other tree demons on the road, they also continuously used their abilities to absorb the energy of the earth's veins, catalyzing ordinary trees, and allowing those trees to cross the long opening. Spiritual stage, directly into essence!

As a result, those search and rescue team members watched helplessly as the group of tree demons passed by, all the plants were uprooted... Even the moss was plucked away!

The mountainside became bare at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A team member said blankly, "Captain, are we still hiding?"

The captain had a toothache: "I'm still hiding my ass! Let's go and meet the director!"

He was originally hiding in a bush, but just now, the bush ran away...


(ps: Rosie's fanart is really nice~)