MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 66 Revolving Lantern Memories Kill~

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The memories of the past flooded into his mind, and Liang Shixian was a little dazed.

primary school.

"Mom and Dad! I'll be the headmaster!"

On this day, Liang Shixian, who was only six years old, came home with his schoolbag on his back, excitedly sharing his joy with his father and mother.

Mother took the schoolbag gently, rubbed Liang Shixian's head, and said, "Baby is awesome!"

Liang Shixian said shyly: "Mom, don't call me baby again! I'm the monitor now, so be more dignified."

His parents laughed.


Father picked up Xiao Liang Shixian on his lap and asked him, "What do you say, son, what is the squad leader?"

"The monitor is the best person in the class! He is the best child! The classmates in the class envy me!"

"Well, the best person and the best child are true, but not all of them." The father said, "The monitor means responsibility. Do you know what responsibility it is?"

"I know! Take homework!"

"Yes, but not all." The father said with a smile: "For example, when the classmates encounter difficulties, the monitor should shoulder the responsibility of helping the classmates; In times of danger, the monitor must shoulder the responsibility of protecting his classmates... Son, a person's excellence is not truly outstanding, and a person who can make everyone around him like and respect from the heart is the real excellence what.

The monitor's responsibility is to make the entire class become excellent. "

Xiaoliang Shixian seems to understand but does not understand.

The mother patted the father lightly, and said angrily: "Preaching again! Can't you say something to make your son happy!"

The father smiled and looked at Xiao Liang Shixian seriously: "Son, do you want to be a really excellent monitor?"


"Then try to shoulder the responsibility of the squad leader!"

"it is good!"


Junior high school.

Today, Liang Shixian got into a fight with students from other classes.

The reason is that the students in another class charged protection fees with the students in his own class. He took his classmates to the theory, and a fight broke out.

As the monitor, Liang Shixian has always been the best person in the class.

Regardless of his academic performance or his achievements in martial arts, he is the best in the class.

In this fight, there were three people on their side and eight people on the other side. Liang Shixian and the others won.

In this society where the whole people practice martial arts, fighting among students is called 'Martial Arts Exchange'.

The teacher didn't blame him, but Liang Shixian was still very unhappy because his other two classmates were seriously injured and were hospitalized.

Liang Shixian returned home with a blue nose and a swollen face. Facing his mother's concern, Liang Shixian felt a little depressed.

He told his parents what happened today, and then said, "I'm sorry, Dad."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have fought with other classmates..."

Father shook his head slightly, "You are wrong, but only in this point, you are right."

Liang Shixian was taken aback: "Why?"

"Students in other classes bullied your classmates, and you helped to fight back. This is helping your classmates solve their problems. You are right.

The only thing you did wrong was that you didn't protect your classmates. "

Liang Shixian was silent.

Father stood up, patted the shoulder of his son, who was almost tall, and said, "Let's go, Dad will accompany you to see how the two classmates are injured.

As the monitor, you can't just ignore your classmates' injuries. "

The father and son bought condolences and met the parents of the injured classmates in the hospital.

Liang Shixian was still a little worried that several parents would scold him.

However it didn't.

After those parents knew that Liang Shixian was the monitor, they were very enthusiastic.

"Liang Shixian, this time, thanks to you, my child is a bit introverted, and he didn't say anything when he was bullied at school. Recently, he often asks us for money, and my dad and I thought he was talking about this child. We're in love, if it wasn't for you, we would still be in the dark, thank you, little squad leader."

The parents of another classmate who was not extorted and just followed Liang Shixian to 'negotiate' and was beaten to the hospital didn't blame him either.

"Student Liang Shixian, you did the right thing! A manly man, don't be afraid if you don't cause trouble! What's the point of seeing blood? What's the fear of getting hurt? This fight is right!

If someone bullies us, we have to call back, little monitor, if there is such a thing in the future, I will call my child! "

Liang Shixian slightly looked at the injured classmate in a daze.

The classmate was lying on the hospital bed, with a thick bandage wrapped around his head, and smiled at Liang Shixian: "Monitor, call me for fights in the future!"

Later, Liang Shixian followed his father to visit the eight students on the opposite side—of course they were also hospitalized.

However, the parents of those students did not blame Liang Shixian either.

In the corridor of the hospital, Liang Shixian heard their parents scolding their children: "How dare you charge protection fees? You are capable! You can't beat eight and three, what a shame for Lao Tzu!

cry? Why are you still crying? I give you a mouth! "

The crisp sound of slaps echoed in the quiet hospital, and the student cried even more fiercely.

On the way home, Liang Shixian seemed to have finally made up his mind as he watched the setting sun slant to the west.

"Dad, I want to learn iron shirts!"

"Oh why?"

"If a similar situation occurs in the future, I will definitely protect my classmates and shoulder the responsibility of the monitor!"

Father smiled: "Okay, then learn the iron cloth shirt."


The picture of memory rises and falls like a tide, and Liang Shixian looks back on his short life from the perspective of a bystander.

He is getting better and better.

With his help, the students in the class became more and more united.

Liang Shixian gradually became the 'child of someone else' in the mouths of some parents.

At that time, Liang Shixian thought, this is probably what his father said, really excellent, right?

In the end, the picture freezes at the moment when Ji Ruo hugged him anxiously.

Liang Shixian suddenly smiled: "Dad, I have done my due diligence... I'm just a little sorry for Mr. Li. I might not be able to hand in my last homework in high school..."

But he has no regrets, nothing to regret.

"If you can't go back, you can't go back. After all, I'm the squad leader."


The wounds on Dabao Erbao’s body can be seen everywhere. Aunt Fengshen Falcon moved to the two children in distress and blew lightly, then looked up at Shanshenmu: “Jiu! (Shanshenmu! I don’t want the corpses of these demons, I will give them all to you, Exchange some fruit with you!

At this time, the slow mountain **** wood reacted.

"What's wrong?" It was puzzled at first, and then the thick trunk cracked open, revealing a small lake exuding an extremely strong breath of life.

"I don't need to change it. It's my fault that I didn't pay attention to it just now. Just take these fruits of life."

The pond of life inside its trunk surged up, and five handfuls of pond water slowly lifted into the air, condensed into five crystal clear fruits, rolled up by the mountain **** tree with branches, and sent to all the injured.

Ji Ruo was pleasantly surprised: "Thank you, Grandpa Shanshenmu!"

"You're welcome, we pulled the tick and are already friends."

Without too much delay, Ji Ruo squeezed the mouth of Liang Shixian, whose consciousness had begun to blur, and stuffed the fruit of life into it.

Gu Xingzhou opened his mouth: "Don't... ah this..."

The fruit of the living body melted in the mouth, and the wound on Liang Shixian's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the missing flesh and blood was also recovering rapidly.

Afterwards, Ji Ruo quickly helped Luo Qian pull out the crow feather stuck on her body and fed a fruit of life, while urging Gu Xingzhou: "Teacher, eat it quickly, your injury is not light! "

Gu Xingzhou stared blankly at Ji Ruo: "Student Ji Ruo, just had a crow feather that cut off your monitor's appendix..."

Ji Ruo: "?"

Life Fruit is a four-star auxiliary spiritual which contains extremely rich life essence, which is not enough for the living dead, but the flesh and bones are no longer a problem.

In general, if you lack arms and legs, you can grow back by eating a raw fruit.

The growth environment of this kind of spiritual fruit is extremely harsh, and there is even no specific cultivation method, so that in Daxia, the price is extremely high, and there is no market for it.

Ji Ruo also only read the information on the fruit of life in the textbook.

He looked down, okay!

Liang Shixian's abdominal penetrating injury has completely healed, and even the flesh and blood that was missing from his hands has grown back for the most part - as a four-star auxiliary spiritual fruit, the effect of life is very fast!

Liang Shixian's breathing gradually stabilized, and his complexion, which had become abnormally pale due to massive blood loss, was slowly returning to rosy.

Not only that, some of the remaining energy of the fruit of life is still correcting it to a certain extent.

Ji Ruoyan looked at Liang Shixian's face. Because he couldn't rest well in Wan Beast Mountain these few days, and he didn't avoid big fish, big meat, meat and meat, the few small acne that had grown up quietly fell off, which was a little embarrassing. Scratched his head: "Haha, this, the monitor is fine, teacher, Aunt Fengshen Falcon has brought the 'pot', let's get ready to start eating..."

Gu Xingzhou silently glanced at Liang Shixian, who was lying on the ground breathing steadily.

The appendix that was just cut off by Crow Feather in this child's body is afraid that it has grown back. In addition to the newly grown appendix, there is also a 'wild' appendix - the one that was just cut off... ...

And Ji Ruo, in order to hide the embarrassment, had already run to the side to get busy, Gu Xingzhou took a deep breath.

O sin!
