MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 82 The special cultivation method of Qinggong?

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Hu Wang is now Ji Ruo's 'little friend', with the blessing of halo special effects, learning the skills Ji Ruo has mastered will do more with less.

But after all, Xiao Huwang has no system, and the progress is much slower than that.

But even so, after earnestly stirring for half an hour, Hu Wang felt an extremely weak warmth quietly appear in his palms, and he couldn't help himself with excitement.

It can really be practiced!

Hu Wang thought happily: The boss really didn't lie to him!

Although it was actually impossible for him to get started so quickly, the so-called warmth was just an illusion.

But, to be happy is to be happy!

Wang Yun glanced at Hu Wang, who was already excited, with a complicated look on her face. She felt that she had some ideas.

This white-haired boy wanted to divert Hu Wang's attention in this way, so that the child would not be immersed in self-blame and grief all the time, right?

Regardless of whether Ji Ruo's special iron sand palm cultivation theory is true or not, Hu Wang, who is still in elementary school, can't really practice the hard skills like iron sand palm, which will easily cause irreversible damage to Hu Wang's body.

This is a good boy.

Wang Yun felt a little relieved.

"Then, Ji Ruo, Hu Wang will ask you for this time." Wang Yun stood up and bowed to Ji Ruo: "I thank you for Hu Wang."

Ji Ruo quickly helped Wang Yun and said, "No, no, Mr. Wang, Hu Wang is my little friend! This is what I should do."

"Anyway, I still have to thank you. I still have classes at the school, so I'll go back first."

"Well, Mr. Wang, don't worry, go back, Hu Wang is here, you don't have to worry."

Afterwards, the two exchanged contact information with each other. Wang Yun told Ji Ruo that if there was any problem, she must call her.

Wang Yun turned and left.

However, before she could leave the park, she heard Ji Ruo's exclamation from behind: "No! The city management is here! Hurry up and pack up!"

Wang Yun turned around suddenly, but saw Ji Ruo grabbed Hu Wang, who had a confused face and a rice bowl in his arms, and put it on the cart.

The little black cat quickly piled up the chairs and put them back on the cart, then jumped onto Ji Ruo.

Ji Ruo picked up the folding table and ran past her quickly, bringing a gust of wind.

When passing by, Ji Ruo did not forget to shout, "Mr. Wang, the city management is here, let's go first!"

Afterwards, a car with the words "civilized law enforcement" engraved on its body also drove past Wang Yun.

"Don't run away, boy! We won't trouble you!"

"I don't believe it! You must be trying to confiscate my cart!"

Wang Yun stood in the wind, extremely messy.

She just handed the student to Ji Ruo, not even a minute, and the appearance of Ji Ruo slapped on the chest just now is still vivid in her mind...

rest assured? I'll put a hammer here!

Wang Yun's emotions became disconnected.


"Meow meow meow~ (Master rush rush!

Rosie squatted on Ji Ruo's shoulders, clutching Ji Ruo's clothes tightly with her claws, facing the urban management car behind her, "Miaomiao~ (they are catching up!

Ji Ruo exerts all his strength on 'Total Concentrated Breathing, Wind', steps on the breeze, and the speed is extremely fast, then the urban management vehicle is not at full speed, so naturally it can't catch up with Ji Ruo.

Little Hu Wang sat in the front of the car, holding the pot of rice tightly in his arms, the scenery on both sides quickly retreated, and the wind was howling, making it difficult for Hu Wang to open his eyes.

But he didn't dare to close his eyes, for fear that if he closed his eyes, he would be pushed and bumped into something.

"Old, boss, run slower... I'm afraid..."

Hu Wang said in a trembling voice.

Ji Ruo: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Huwang, nothing will happen! Martial arts means to keep going forward!"

Hu Wang: "?"

Is it such an indomitable one!

At this moment, in Ji Ruo's field of vision, there is a long white line on the ground spreading into the distance.

When to turn and when to go straight, everything has been planned, and if you just need to follow this white line, it will do.

As long as you don't leave the white line, there will be no danger!

Good [one-line intuition], was used to hide from the city management.

When Liu Jinchun came to the park, he just picked up his broom and was about to clean when he heard a strange sound. As soon as he looked up, he saw Ji Ruo's dazzling white hair. Sitting there was a little boy with a little bruise left on his face, and the boy was terrified.

"Aunt Liu! I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you today, the city management is here!"

Ji Ruo, who was running wildly, didn't pay attention to controlling the volume, so Liu Jinchun's heart trembled slightly when he shouted.

[Diplomatic Spokesperson] Increases language appeal.

"City management?!"

She had set up a street stall before, but the incident happened suddenly, so she hurriedly followed Ji Ruo subconsciously.

Liu Jinchun is not skilled in martial arts, and his physical strength declines with age. How can he run the city management car!

Suddenly, he ran wildly, and he was out of breath before running a few steps.

The voice of the city management car behind him was getting closer and closer, and Liu Jinchun was a little desperate.

She can't run away!

Hearing the sound of a car that seemed to be close at hand, Liu Jinchun closed his eyes as if resigned, and subconsciously clenched the broom in his hand.

However, the city management car didn't stop and drove past her.

Liu Jinchun: "???"

She was stunned all of a sudden.

After a long while, Liu Jinchun came back to his senses.

What am I running after?

I work here!

Looking at Ji Ruo who was pushing the cart and running farther and farther, Liu Jinchun stopped in place to breathe, opened his mouth, and after a while, said quietly, "It's nice to be young..."


"Let me tell you, the porridge made by that guy is really delicious. I drank three bowls in a row in the morning, and I feel like my whole body is full of energy! Do you believe it? If you do not believe it, you also drink one, and that soy milk, I never I have never had such delicate soy milk, and there is no bean dregs at all.

Tsk tsk, it's absolutely amazing!

Really just take a sip, and the good mood of the day will come out. It's no exaggeration at all! "

"It's really so delicious? I'm greedy for what you said..." The colleague who was driving looked at Ji Ruo, who was running faster and faster, and was a little depressed: "How can this white-headed boss run so fast? We don't Just want something to eat?"

Another city pipe: "I just said, UU reading don't drive out of the car from the unit, you don't listen..."

"Then aren't we on patrol? It's okay to drive a car from the unit during work, right?"

"Then people run away when they see us, doesn't it seem to be a problem?"

The uncles in the car suddenly fell silent.

"It seems to be the case..."

A few uncles of the urban management have some toothache.

What happened to the city management? The chengguan doesn't eat breakfast?

They looked at Ji Ruo's running back, and suddenly found that Ji Ruo's escape route was a bit strange.

It can always pass through the gap between pedestrians just right, the gap will only exist for a short moment, and after passing through, the gap will disappear.

Often Ji Ruo ran past, and the pedestrians passing by him would react and curse Ji Ruo angrily.

Later, when they got on the road, the 'gap' for Ji Ruo to pass through also became larger, but even if Ji Ruo passed through without incident, and the city management vehicle was about to pass, there would inevitably be vehicles passing by their forward route.

It was as if everything had been planned in advance.

So much so that the speed of the urban management vehicle became slower and slower, and finally it could not stop on the side of the road.

An urban management uncle recalled the details of the chase just now, and couldn't help but hissed softly: "What a handsome Qinggong! This white-haired little boss is a master! What's wrong with such a good Qinggong? A stall?"

"You said, is there such a possibility..."

"What is possible?"

"Did that little white-haired boss' Qinggong hide from our city management?"

"Ah this... do we still have this kind of function in our work?"
