MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-Chapter 4296 Tang Zhen being hunted down

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Tang Zhen understands the structure of the parasitic monster, and even conducts anatomical analysis, and knows every detail well.

The problem is that the process of analyzing and deciphering is all carried out in the kingdom of mind, and many seemingly impossible things are just a thought in the kingdom of mind.

In the real world, if you want to complete this kind of operation, it is simply difficult to reach the sky.

If you really want to complete the copy, you have to find another way, and you have to go through countless trials.

It is so difficult for Tang Zhen to operate it himself. If it is replaced by other people, it is simply difficult to reach the sky.

But even so, parasitic monsters are still being cultivated.

Tang Zhen admired the young man, and being able to persevere in such adversity is worthy of praise.

In Tang Zhen's view, there is no problem with the opponent's position and practice. Since the monks in this world should be killed, there is no need to be polite.

The justice is in the hands of the strong, but it cannot give justice to the young man. He wants to kill all the cultivators in the world, just because these cultivators really deserve to be killed.

During this period of time, Tang Zhen evaded pursuit everywhere, paying a considerable price for it.

The clay figurine still has three points of anger, not to mention the powerful gods and kings.

Not to mention that when Tang Zhen sneaked into the sect, he discovered countless filthy and dirty behaviors, which were all done by these high-ranking practitioners.

Some sects use people to practice medicine and deliberately mutilate people, so as to accumulate resentment and suffocation.

Regardless of gender, age, and age, all are used as medicinal materials.

The number is as small as a few hundred, and the movement is in the thousands, and the scene is extremely tragic.

All kinds of sorcery have also been used as orthodox cultivation methods, and countless people have suffered from them.

Tang Zhen's vision is broad, and he has seen too many joys and sorrows, but it does not mean that he can tolerate all evil deeds.

If you do something wrong, you must pay the price.

Practitioners in the entire world are already terminally ill, and only by killing can they be redeemed.


In the downtown area of ​​a certain town, there is a business selling medicine powder, and the operator is a dying old man.

As the sunset went west, the old man closed the door of the shop and walked slowly towards the backyard.

After opening the door, I saw a figure standing up that looked exactly like the old man.

"Go out and watch the house."

The old man who entered the room said softly, stepped on the ground with his foot, and saw a secret passage open.

The old man walked down the passage, came to a secret room, and reached out and wiped his face lightly.

A young face was revealed, it was Tang Zhen who was hiding in the busy city.

The secret room under the store is used for experimentation.

On a solid wood table, there is a transparent vessel with clear liquid and dozens of slowly swimming monsters.

The strange and ferocious shape is very similar to the parasitic monster.

Looking at the swimming monsters, Tang Zhen showed a smile, picked up a bottle of liquid and poured it into it.

Stimulated by the liquid, the monster immediately became active.

After swallowing the liquid, the belly of the monster became brighter and redder, and several strange runes were looming.

"There is still one blood essence left, you must be a top cultivator..."

Tang Zhen said softly, turned around and left the secret room, his figure turned into smoke and rose into the sky.

An hour later, a sect appeared in front of him.

Clear springs and waterfalls, the weather is plentiful, and you can see that it is a fairyland.

This place is called Feixianzong, which ranks in the top ten in the world of practice and has a very rich heritage.

There are countless sect cultivators, all of them real powerhouses, who control dozens of countries with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

The goal of Tang Zhen's trip was to be the most important person within this sect.

The Sect Master of the Feixian Sect, possessing a superb innate Taoist body, was able to help Tang Zhen complete the final step of his experiment.

Tang Zhen had already made up his mind. In order to thank the Sect Master for his efforts, he decided to name this parasitic monster Flying Immortal Gu.

The thing to do now is to sneak into the Flying Immortal Sect and collect the blood of the genius Sect Master.

This Fei Xian Sect Master is quite powerful, and there are few opponents in the world.

For Tang Zhen, killing them is like finding something in a bag.

After half an hour, the Feixian Sect was completely in chaos, and the strong Zongmen were urgently summoned to discuss.

The entire sect was closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense.

Everyone in the Feixian Sect was in danger, and they all speculated to find out what happened.

Soon there was rumors that the Sect Master was attacked, and now his life and death are unknown.

Once the news came out, it immediately caused a huge shock, and soon spread throughout the entire cultivation world.

The existence of Feixian Sect Master has formidable strength, and ordinary monks are not opponents at all.

To be able to inflict heavy damage on him must be a super expert. The occurrence of this incident will inevitably cause a violent shock in the cultivation world.

Just when Feixianzong was in a panic, and when the major sects tried to inquire, another news spread.

The hidden elders of the Flying Immortal Sect, and many strong sects, all left the sect.

At the same time, Feixianzong frantically collected information, everything was related to Tang Zhen.

Combined with the previous changes, people immediately concluded that the Feixian Sect Master was assassinated by Tang Zhen.

The shock has not subsided, and the various sects have envoys coming to the door.

The Feixianzong invited the major sects to kill the demons together, vowing to kill the blood demons that devastated the world.

The title of Gorefiend is given by the major sects, which means that there are countless murders and heinous crimes.

Many unwarranted things were detained on Tang Zhen's head, making him a world-famous big devil.

The purpose is quite simple, that is, to make Tang Zhen have no place to stand, and become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats.

The major sects are very interested in killing the Gorefiend. This is the public enemy of the entire cultivation world, and everyone should contribute.

According to the previously collected information, the Gorefiend not only killed countless practitioners, but was also researching a terrifying secret technique.

If it succeeds, it will inevitably lead to a catastrophe.

In order to prevent disasters from happening, he took control of this secret technique in his own hands, and there was no reason for the major sects to refuse.

In a short period of time, under the banner of revenge for the Feixian Sect Master, the sects of the world launched a joint operation.

Such a large-scale battle, just to arrest one person, is something that has never happened in the past.

The title of Gorefiend once again resounded throughout the world, attracting the attention of countless practitioners.

Gather the power of the world to deal with a practitioner, and naturally it is easy to find clues.

No matter how clever Tang Zhen's hidden methods were, he couldn't fight against the entire cultivation world by himself.

downtown street.

The streets that used to be crowded suddenly became silent, and everyone felt that something was wrong.

Pedestrians and traders were stunned, looking up at the sky subconsciously, and were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

Countless monks suddenly appeared above their heads and surrounded the street.

At both ends of the street, the roofs of the buildings are also full of fully-armed immortal masters.

They were murderous, like evil spirits from the abyss of hell, and they didn't have the same attitude as they used to be.

Seeing this scene, the mortals trembled and subconsciously escaped.

But the infinite pressure made them unable to move an inch, and they were even scared to incontinence on the spot.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of those immortals, but in exchange for a strong contempt and ridicule.


Suddenly a voice came, with indifference and anger, as well as undisguised killing intent.

Countless magical instruments and flying swords fell overwhelmingly, and the bustling and lively streets turned into ruins in an instant.

Pedestrian hawkers on the street turned into flesh in the blink of an eye, and those people in the building never had the chance to see the sun again.

No one knew what he had done wrong, and he lost his life in such a confused way.

When the dust dissipated, all the creatures on the street were beheaded, and not even a single ant survived.

"Gorefiend, get out!"

The aloof cultivator still looked down indifferently, as if he was roasting a cave with smoke, quietly waiting for the prey to appear.

After waiting for about ten breaths, a voice suddenly came, with a hint of helplessness in the voice.

"You idiots, since you are in a hurry to die, I will send you a ride in advance."