MTL - I Have a City in a Different World-Chapter 4299 Huanshanzong accident

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The northwest frontier, somewhere deep in the mountains.

There is a sect here called Huanshan Sect. According to the evaluation standards of the cultivation world, it belongs to the lowest sect.

Within the Huanshan Sect, there were five successful cultivators, more than thirty disciples, and two or three hundred servants.

Three months ago, Huanshanzong closed the mountain gate and did not have any contact with the outside world.

It is normal for the immortal family to practice behind closed doors, even if it is not born for a hundred years, it is normal.

But today's cultivation world can be said to be turbulent, and all sects, big and small, are swept away.

It is obviously impossible to close the door to avoid risks at such a time.

The guy who has been in the water will definitely reach out and drag the guy on the shore into the water.

It is not about sharing the blessings, but about sharing the risks.

The general trend, if there is no extraordinary means, there is no possibility of getting rid of it.

The higher-level sects issued orders, and all sects must send personnel to participate in the next joint operation.

The other sects responded and said they would actively cooperate, but Huan Shanzong remained silent.

Such negative behavior undoubtedly angered the sect, and decided to send someone to warn him.

These small and medium-sized sects are the younger brothers of the major sects, but there will always be people who do not know how to praise and do things that make the boss angry.

Whenever this happens, you have to beat it so that you don't have a long memory next time.

If you dare to resist, it is also easy to deal with. Send a group of experts to come to the door, and you will become honest in the future.

At this moment, in front of the mountain sect, more than a dozen figures stood proudly, each with a proud look on their faces, as if the rich in the city went to the countryside to visit their relatives.

When looking at the landscape and scenery, he was also full of disgust.

"Next, when you enter Huanshanzong, you all look at me and act. This time, you will definitely suppress it."

The monk who spoke was the leader of the trip and one of the elite disciples of the superior sect.

This is the descendant of the sect elder, and he has worshipped another sect elder as his teacher. It can be said that he has a bright future.

The second generation of Tuo Tuo Xian, the rich and handsome in the world of practice.

A group of monks who followed the action nodded and said yes, daring not to violate the behavior.

Even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, he will never show it.

After waiting for a long time, no one came to open the door. The waiting monks finally changed their faces.


The elite disciple of the team leader had a gloomy expression like water, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Returning to the mountain sect, it is clear that I did not take me to the bottom of my eyes, so there is no need to be polite.

Break open the mountain gate for me, capture the sect master who returned to the mountain, and then tie it to the sect gate to be convicted! "

He is only an elite disciple, but can convict a sect master at will, which shows how serious the oppression of the small sect is.

The followers naturally responded loudly, one by one, with greedy expressions all over their eyes.

In the next time, it is inevitable to take advantage of the fire, and maybe there will be a gratifying harvest.

Although it is a small sect, its family is richer than that of ordinary monks. If you can take the opportunity to search for it, you will no longer need to worry about cultivation resources for a long time.

Of course, most of the benefits will fall into the hands of the leader cultivator. While the other party eats meat, they can also drink a sip of thick soup.


The leader monk gave an order, and his subordinates naturally moved forward bravely, and the magic weapon continued to smash towards the front gate.

This kind of low-level mountain gate can also block the mortal warrior, and replace it with a monk with a high level of Taoism, which can be broken with just one move.

The monks didn't have that kind of means, but the combined attack was more than enough to break through the mountain gate of the Huanshan Sect.

With a crisp sound, the mountain gate shattered and disintegrated, revealing a road leading to the top of the mountain.

"Fall in with me and capture the old man."

The leader cultivator said that there was no politeness in his words, and he rushed in first.

When the other monks saw this, they followed closely.

After entering the Huanshan Sect, I found that it was completely silent, not even the sound of birds chirping.

Such a strange situation made the cultivators' hearts tense, and they felt that things were not what they thought before.

"Be careful."

The cultivators who originally harbored evil thoughts and wanted to sack the return to the mountain sect became cautious at this moment.

Today's cultivation world can be said to be in a state of turmoil, and all kinds of demons and evil cultivators have come out.

They all want to fish in troubled waters and **** a cultivation resource.

It is not impossible for some powerful magic cultivators to target weak sects.

It didn't take long for the monks to enter the sect, but it was still empty.

This situation is obviously wrong. The monks who originally wanted to loot have completely calmed down at this moment.

"Seriously investigate and find out what's going on, so that it's convenient to go back and do business."

When encountering this matter, you must not sit back and ignore it, you must investigate it clearly.

Otherwise, once they are held accountable, they will inevitably be held accountable.

When the monks heard this, they immediately dispersed, wanting to find more clues.

A cultivator opened the main hall and felt a foul smell coming out of his face, and then he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Inside this sect hall, the original patriarch statue no longer exists, but there is a hideous demon entrenched in it.

The monster's body filled the hall, with holes all over his body, and mucus was constantly flowing out.

On the ground of the main hall, there is a thick layer of siltation, which is the source of the pungent stench.

Around this monster, there are figures one after another, it is a group of monks from the Huanshan Sect.

They were naked, but the surface was covered with colorful bone armor, protecting the vital areas.

On the back of their heads and spines, there was a strange bug, slowly squirming and glowing.

When the door was opened, the figures sitting cross-legged on the ground opened their eyes at the same time.

His eyes were red as blood, revealing an evil light.

"not good!"

The cultivator was taken aback and turned to flee without hesitation. The monsters in front of him made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The only thought at this moment is to quickly escape from this devil's cave.

But he didn't want to just turn around, his body was entangled by a tentacle, and then a strange insect flew out of the mucus.

It fell on the monk, pierced directly into the flesh, and completed the parasitism in a very short time.


The cultivator fell to the sky, lay down in the stench of mucus, and was swallowed and drowned in an instant.

At the same time, those parasitic monks who were disturbed rushed out of the hall one after another.

They were as fast as lightning, constantly shuttling in the sect, chasing and killing those outside practitioners.

The sudden change surprised the monks and tried their best to fight the monsters.

However, when they fought, they discovered that these parasitic monks were extremely fierce, and they were not opponents at all.

During the battle, cultivators were constantly being captured, and then subdued by monster parasites.

The cultivator in charge of the team was so frightened that he fled outside the mountain gate without hesitation.

Huanshanzong suffered this change. It is absolutely a great event, and it must be reported to the sect as soon as possible, and these monsters must be dealt with and eliminated as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you let it develop, it is likely to affect your own sect.

But he didn't want to see a few figures blocking his way when he just arrived at the gate of the mountain, covered with colorful bone armor.

The figure at the head was the suzerain of the Huanshan Sect, covered with golden-yellow bone armor, staring viciously at the escaping leader cultivator.

It looks like a human-shaped beast, exuding a fierce aura.

The leader cultivator was trembling all over, with a deep despair in his heart, knowing that he was afraid that he would be doomed today.

Thinking of the terrifying encounter with the same family, he naturally would not be willing to wait for his death, and without hesitation, he drew out the magic weapon long sword.

"Go to hell!"

After a few breaths, the Huanshan Sect was closed again, as if no one had ever come.