MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 192 Strength speaks

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When Ning Shi said this, he deliberately used his unique vocal technique. In the noisy Rose Stadium, this sentence magically reached everyone's ears.

Everyone was in an uproar!

Whether it is the live audience or the crowd watching the live broadcast from all over the world, they are a little confused.

The commentator just said that the second awakening belongs to the unique talent of human beings.

After so many years of human development, is Karato the only genius who has awakened for the second time?

Hawkins just laughed at Yunmengguo, saying that they did not have a second awakener. Unexpectedly, a second awakener appeared at the scene immediately.

And a controversial figure.

Ning Shi, the principal of the No. 1 Force Awakened School in Donglin City, is also the master of Luo Yao, Jiang Bichao and Zong Shangren, three of the world's most prominent contestants.

Those who like him praise him as the mentor of the awakened people of the power system, and a monumental figure who promotes the cultivation process of the awakened human beings.

People who hate him believe in rumors that he is a murderer who kills genius by any means, and a tyrant who destroys fairness and justice.

Ning Shi's words sparked a huge discussion among the audience.

However, the staff of the Minn Federation did not respond, especially the referee Crawford, who did not have this item in his rehearsal, and he was a little overwhelmed by Ning Shi's request to participate.

Fortunately, Hawkins responded quickly on the spot, he said on the commentary stage: "Ladies and gentlemen! There was a huge reversal at the scene!

A second awakener appeared in Yunmengguo!

Our judges did not carry enough test strips, please wait for a while and let the judges pick up the test strips. We will test Mr. Ning Shi's cautery reaction in public. "

Crawford just woke up from a dream and said to Ning Shi, "Mr. Ning Shi, I'll go get the test paper and wait a moment."

After speaking, he jumped off the stage and walked towards the backstage of the venue.

There is actually a test strip in the referee's trouser pocket. The so-called taking the test strip is just an excuse.

When such a situation occurs on the scene, he must go to the relevant leaders for instructions on what to do next.

When Crawford walked backstage with a frown, ready to look for Whitman's trail, an unfamiliar voice came from his headset.

"Crawford, I am Silver, President of the Free Council, and I order you to immediately agree to Ning Shi's request and test his reaction to the caustic substance.

Pray that he better pass the caustic reaction test! "

Although Crawford had never heard of this voice, he had long remembered the name of the president of the Free Council, which was the actual controller of the Minn Federation.

He did not doubt the identity of the other party at all, and the identity of the person who could send him a message in this headset would not be fake.

"Okay, Dear President Silver, I will do as you say."

With the action order, Crawford calmed down instantly. He still pretended to go to the backstage to get a test paper. During the period, he saw Whitman with a beaming face and gave him a thumbs up.

Crawford didn't understand why they were so happy about Ning Shi's appearance until he returned to the arena and heard the host Hawkins' analysis.

"The data shows that Mr. Ning Shi is a ninth-order awakener, and his ability is power. I have to admire Mr. Ning Shi's courage. With the strength of a ninth-order awakener, he dared to challenge the lord.

For this kind of behavior, I can only say that no one with a little brain can do it.

Because there is a qualitative difference between the strength of the ninth-order awakener and the lord.

A lord can easily deal with dozens of ninth-order awakeners.

Mr. Ning Shi's behavior is self-defeating. This may be the so-called national honor of the Yunmeng people! "

Crawford tested Ning Shi according to the normal procedure. Ning Shi's blood dripped on the test paper, and a purple flame ignited.

Brand reaction test passed!

Hawkins announced loudly: "Mr. Ning Shi's cautery reaction has passed! He is also a unique genius in human history.

He is only 27 years old this year, he is already a ninth-order awakener, and the first person to be a power-type awakener, leading the development direction of a power-type awakener.

His achievements and talents are worth mentioning in the history of mankind, but it is a pity that he will fall here today, as another genius Mr. Carato's defeated general! "

At this moment, Ning Shi also wants to participate in the competition. He is also over 18 years old. It is not only the Mien Federation who violated the verbal agreement, but also Yunmengguo.

The behavior of the Minn Federation sending Carato into the game will be much less criticized.

However, Ning Shi's apparent strength is not as good as Karato's. Even if he participates in the war, it will not affect the Minn Federation winning the championship.

So Whitman and Silver were very happy when they saw Ning Shi come out.

Hawkins also understood this truth, so in the commentary, he began to brag about Ning Shi's achievements intentionally.

The more bragging about Ning Shi, the more powerful Calato and the Minn Federation were after defeating such a formidable opponent.

Crawford said to Ning Shi, "Mr. Ning Shi, your brand reaction test has passed. According to the agreement, you are eligible to participate in the competition. Do you confirm that you want to participate in the competition and fight against Mr. Carato?"

"Confirm, let's get started!"

Ning Shi was a little tired of Mien Federation's performance, he urged.

Crawford said no more, but picked up the whistle on his chest, put it in his mouth, raised his right hand high and dropped suddenly, and the whistle in his mouth also blew.


After twists and turns, the second game of the finals finally begins!

Ning Shi took out his own sword, a huge sword with a length of 3 meters 7 and a width of about 80 cm, and showed it in front of the world.

On the hilt of the battle knife, there is a silver-white gem, like an eye, which emits a strange light from time to time.

On the body of the knife, a network of blood vessels like the blood vessels of the human body is interwoven vertically and horizontally, and there seems to be a continuous flow of red liquid on the blood vessels.

The overall feeling is that Ning Shi's knife is not only powerful and domineering, but also seems to have its own life and will come back to life at any time.

This knife is the Thunder Meteorite Demon Sword, which was synthesized by Ning Shi's body after taking back the game clone of Moen World and putting the Meteorite Iron Demon Sword and the Thunder Moth War Sword in the equipment synthesis column.

When I took it out at this moment, I was amazed at the audience.

People have never seen such a domineering and bizarre weapon.

Karato looked at Ning Shi's knife with a greedy look in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, 10 cyan humanoid creatures appeared in front of him.

Each humanoid creature is more than 5 meters in size. Although their facial features are somewhat vague, their limbs and heads are exactly the same as those of humans.

"Wind Elemental Puppet! This is a unique wind-based skill created by Storm Lord Karato himself, combining wind elements in a complex structure to form a huge cyan puppet.

These puppets are very similar to human bodies, and each puppet has the strength of a top-level ninth-order awakener, which is simply the ability of a creator! "

Hawkins started a professional commentary. When his voice just started, ten huge wind element puppets had already surrounded Ning Shi, punching and kicking.

Every time the elemental puppet attacks, it contains a huge element of wind power.

For a time, where Ning Shi was standing, the wind whistled and whistled.

Ning Shi was very interested in the wind element puppet. He did not fight back immediately, but directly endured the attack of these puppets so that he could study the structure and shape of the puppets.

The wind element puppet therefore surrounded and beat Ning Shi for 2 minutes. The stage beside Ning Shi was completely collapsed, and the grass around the stage was full of potholes.

Although the competition stage is made of the strongest materials, and there is a strong energy barrier around the stage, this kind of solidity and energy barrier is not enough for the wind element puppet.

The non-stop wind element force broke through the energy barrier and escaped around the stage, wantonly destroying the grass of the Rose Bowl stadium.

Two minutes later, all the wind element puppets dispersed.

The scene was full of smoke and dust, and Ning Shi's figure was completely obscured by the smoke and dust.

In the eyes of the audience, Ning Shi may have lost after being besieged for so long!

Yi Guoqing, who has been watching the game in the audience, said: "Principal Ning is too impulsive! It's just one game, if you lose the championship, you will lose it. This time we won the second place, and we have successfully completed the country's strategic goals.

Not only that, but the international voices questioning that the people of Yunmeng are not suitable for the awakened people to cultivate has also become quieter.

It's just a loss of economic benefits, there's no need to work hard! "

Yi Shengjia and others were also very worried. Among Ning Shi's four apprentices, Zong Shangren, Jiang Bichao, and Miao Xinyue were all too nervous. They didn't know Ning Shi's true strength.

Miao Xinyue folded her hands together and kept muttering something, as if she was praying for Ning Shi.

Gu Xue

Only Luo Yao is confident. In her heart, Master is the most powerful.

Yi National Day was originally heartbroken, regretting that the country lost such a genius as Ning Shi, but he glanced at it inadvertently and saw Hao Meng and Ileia chatting with a smile.

He doesn't seem to care about the game on the field.

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately realized that Ning Shi must have hidden his strength, so he stopped talking.

On the commentary stage, Hawkins pretended to be regretful and said: "Maybe Ning Shi's strength is very strong, but under the siege of 10 wind element puppets, he is probably dead!

This is the powerful strength of the lord. I hope Mr. Ning Shi can have a complete corpse. "

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Hawkins was still boasting: "You may have no idea of ​​the strength of Storm Lord Karato.

In fact, Mr. Karato is the strongest genius in the Meen Federation and even the entire thick Saturn. His current strength is comparable to that of the world's strongest flame lord, William.

If the two of them fight, the specific outcome depends on the performance on the spot. "

As if in response to Hawkins' boasting, there were already countless spectators, chanting Karato's name.

"Kalato! World No. 1! Carato! World No. 1!"

With the neat shouts, the smoke and dust all dissipated.

Contrary to many people's expectations, Ning Shi stood indifferently on the edge of the pothole on the stage.

There is not the slightest scar on his body, not only that, but even his clothes are not damaged in any way!

Hawkins' words came to an abrupt end, and the audience was in an uproar!

As far as the attack of the wind element puppet is concerned, it is impossible for Ning Shi, who has the body of a war worm, to break the defense.

Ning Shi's clothes were transformed from War Insect armor, and the wind element puppet couldn't even tear the corners of his clothes.

Ning Shi was interested in the wind element puppet because he felt that this humanoid puppet might have some similarities with the mecha of the Tau World.

After careful study, I found out that it is just an aggregate of wind elements, and there is no special structure.

Seeing that Ning Shi was intact, Karato's expression changed and he felt threatened.

His expression gradually became crazy, and Guman, the head coach of the Minn Federation, who was watching the game, couldn't help shouting after seeing Carato's expression.

"Kalato, pay attention to the occasion!"

It's a pity that Karato didn't hear it at all. He quickly opened the field of wind, covering the entire stage, and using the power of the field, he used his strongest single-target attack skills.

Destroy the Wind Blade!

A huge wind blade dozens of meters high rose out of thin air, and rolled towards Ning Shi at an extremely fast speed!

The competition stage was instantly cut by the wind blade and broke in two.

Ning Shi teleported and avoided the wind blade directly.

The wind blade did not stop, and kept running towards the west stand!

bang bang bang!

There was a sound of tire deflation, and the wind blade cut a bottomless ravine on the Rose Bowl venue, and cut a gap more than 3 meters wide in the west stand.

The west stand is divided in two.

The wind blade hadn't stopped. After rushing out of the stadium, it raged for five or six kilometers in the city center of Liberty City. After cutting all the people or objects along the way into dust, it finally stopped.

"Ah!" "Help!" "Run!"

The surviving spectators in the west stand began to shout and flee in a panic.

That's how destructive a battle between lords can be.

It is not suitable for lords to fight on the field of play.

When there is a dispute between the lords, everyone usually chooses to fight in the sky or in the uninhabited wilderness, and try to stay away from the urban life circle, otherwise the destructive power will be too great.

When Ning Shi conquered the lord's forces, he used one move to conquer the enemy, and he had no concept of lord-level moves.

He thought that the wind blade released by Katora himself would be able to cancel the move by himself after it missed the target.

After all, this is the home of the Minn Federation, and most of the audience at the scene are citizens of the Minn Federation.

In Ning Shi's consciousness, Karato should not randomly release powerful tricks in his own country.

How could he have imagined that Karato was a fighting lunatic.

Carato felt the threat of Ning Shi, and when he came up, he released the most powerful move that could be released but not taken away.

With this move, at least tens of thousands of people were killed, and a large number of buildings and facilities in Free City were destroyed.

This Carato is a total lunatic and pervert, with no regard for the lives of ordinary people.

Ning Shi realized this, so he stopped trying, raised his sword and slashed!

A piece of snow-white sword light rose from the ground, and the sky seemed to be cut in half by this sword!

All the audience at the scene felt an aura of destruction and silence.

They couldn't help but want to stay away from here, it seems that the next second, the fire of their own life will be extinguished in the light of the knife.

Carato, who faced this knife directly, felt even more profound.

He wanted to use Feng Dun to escape, but found that his body was suppressed by the sword intent and could not move.

He could only helplessly watch his own domain of wind destroyed, his body and soul all being annihilated by the sword of destruction.

Karato instantly turned to dust, as if he had never appeared in this world.

No one at the scene declared Ning Shi's victory.

Because the referee Crawford was very unlucky, he was just hit by the power of the field of Carato, and was blown away by the aftermath of the destroying wind blade, and he died directly.

Seeing the riot at the scene, a stampede is likely to happen, Ning Shi motioned to Hao Meng, and Hao Meng immediately started the spiritual realm.

Undifferentiated psychological hints spilled over to the audience.

All the audience settled down instantly, including those in the West Stand.

When everyone calmed down, Ning Shi's voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Carato is dead, please announce the result of the match!"

The Minn Federation could never have imagined that Karato, whose combat power was similar to William's, was killed by Ning Shi!

They had to accept the result, conceded defeat, and dropped Game 3 outright.

Yunmengguo won the final championship!

The audiences all over the world watching the live broadcast were also stunned by the twists and turns of the plot.

Ning Shi, who was underestimated by everyone just now, actually killed the powerful Karato with just one move.

After the surprise is a hot discussion.

"Ning Shi is the No. 1 powerhouse on Saturn! Carato was killed by him, and William is definitely not his opponent!"

"Haha, the Minn Federation is shooting itself in the foot. It likes to drill loopholes in the rules, it deserves it!"

"I know why Luo Yao is always a knife and a second person. This style is exactly the same as her master Ning Shi!"

Ning Shi's reputation has spread all over the world.

This time, everyone respected him as the first powerhouse in the thick Saturn world.

The rumors that he killed the genius before have been completely self-defeating, and there is no market.

The world's No. 1 powerhouse, and only 27 years old, Ning Shi is the strongest genius. With his strength and talent, there is absolutely no need to kill the so-called genius.

The world of the Awakened, after all, speaks with strength.

In the VIP auditorium of the arena, Yan Zhensheng, who had watched the whole process of the game, was already pale at this moment, and beads of perspiration slipped from his temples.