MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 199 mechanical life

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Tong Baiming first asked Ning Shi a question.

"What do you think of the Big Bang in the Battle of the Two Cities?"

According to the research consensus of historians of the North Republic, the Battle of the Two Cities originated from the greedy and greedy nature of the great nobles of mankind, and the Big Bang was an inevitable event.

If there is no battle of two cities, there will also be a battle of three cities, four cities and five cities. As long as the greedy nature of the great nobles is still there, the war will always exist, then the big explosion is inevitable.

As for the Big Bang itself, scholars believe that it destroyed the prosperity and civilization of the Origin Star, wiped out 95% of the population on the Origin Star, made the Origin Star's technological level backward by hundreds of years, and the stored resources were also sharply reduced to the original level. thousandth.

The Big Bang was the greatest tragic event in the history of Origins humanity.

But Tong Baiming deliberately asked this question, obviously there must be different views on the big bang incident.

Since the mainstream view is critical of the big bang, Tong Baiming is likely to oppose the mainstream and think that the big bang is not a bad thing.

These thoughts flashed through Ning Shi's mind in an instant. After thinking about it clearly, he pretended to answer in a profound way.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other."

Hearing Ning Shi's answer, Tong Baiming suddenly stood up from his chair. For the first time, he took a serious look at Ning Shi, and there was finally emotion in his tone.

"Mr. Ning is not only courageous, not afraid of life and death, but also good at thinking, extraordinary knowledge, and has his own unique views on things.

There is a good saying that good and bad are interdependent, and these four simple words are the best evaluation of the big bang incident. "

Tong Baiming praised Ning Shi sincerely, which made Tong Qing, who was sitting on the side, stunned. She had never seen her father praise a person like this since she was a child.

Tong Baiming continued: "The big bang did bring great disaster to the Origin Star, but after the big bang, it also brought more possibilities for the development of the Origin Star power system.

Relying on the radiation elements brought by the big bang, the radiant man developed a powerful radiation force system. The various animals and plants of the origin star opened the path of mutation and evolution due to the erosion of radiation elements, and various radiation creatures began to appear. .

The emergence of these radiated creatures has squeezed the living space of human beings, but it has also provided human beings with various cultivation resources.

Some parts of the bodies of radiated creatures can become biochemical materials, and the jelly meat contained in their bodies gives humans infinite energy. Your butchers can also obtain the essence of flesh and blood from their bodies to enhance their physique.

These are the benefits of the Big Bang. "

For the first time, Tong Baiming explained his views on the big bang incident to others.

"When I collected information on traditional martial arts schools, I found that more than 100 years before the Big Bang, there were 35 recorded extinction of traditional martial arts schools.

In that era, all traditional power schools were on the verge of extinction, with only Mechas and Mechamasters prospering.

In my opinion, the world should not be like this, the development of the world should be pluralistic, not single, and the same is true of the power system.

Although the historians of the North Republic are as stupid as pigs, there is one thing in their research that is not wrong. The big bang is bound to happen.

Everything is an inevitable law of world development.

When the human beings of the Origin Star had only one development path left, the mecha master, the big bang happened as it should have happened. This is an opportunity for the world to develop in the dark, giving other power systems an opportunity. "

Tong Baiming's words inspired Ning Shi. What he said was not necessarily correct, but it was very reasonable.

In particular, it explains that the driving force behind the big bang is actually the development needs of the world itself, which is in line with the will of the world that exists in the dark.

Perhaps from the perspective of the world's will, the Titanium World can make the development of mechas become the mainstream, but it cannot be a single stream, and other genres also have room for development.

Ning Shi thought about it further, after the big explosion, maybe something or a chance will be born to further promote the development of mecha technology.

Thus, it is possible for the Titanium World to be promoted to the Great World.

So the big bang on the origin star may really be driven by the will of the world instinctively.

Taking the profession of butcher as an example, before the big bang, all the extraordinary creatures on the Origin Star had been cleaned up by the mechanic.

To hunt down extraordinary creatures and extract the essence of flesh and blood, the butcher must leave the Origin Star and go to the vast starry sky to fight.

With the strength of a butcher who has just started, it is very dangerous and expensive to carry out interstellar adventure and development with a butcher knife.

Human beings colonize and develop interstellar space, relying on helium energy weapons such as mechas and battleships, and fighting hand-to-hand like a butcher is extremely rare.

If a butcher begins to learn to use various helium energy weapons for interstellar development, over time, he will naturally rely on helium energy weapons.

After all, helium weapons are easy to obtain compared to some of the physiques that have been increased through hard training, and their initial power is great.

If that's the case, why bother to go farther and risk your life to pursue the butcher's career?

In this environment, the butcher profession is struggling even to inherit, and is naturally on the verge of extinction.

After the Big Bang, with radiated creatures on the Origin Star, things got a little better.

At least one butcher style like Daoliu has been passed down tenaciously.

Ning Shi couldn't help but nodded, he said in agreement: "Not from the perspective of ordinary people, but only from the objective perspective of world development, the big bang does have many benefits.

The Origin Star is not the Origin Star of human beings. Strictly speaking, the Origin Star belongs to all the creatures on the Origin Star. The development of any biological group is the same for the Origin Star.

It cannot be said that human beings have regressed, and other biological groups such as animals and plants have progressed, and it can be said that the origin star is regressing as a whole.

The big bang was fair and all living things were exposed to the elements of radiation.

With better adaptability, animals and plants in nature quickly mutated into radiant organisms.

Only a small number of human beings become radiation people, and a very small number of people are immune to radiation element damage and become so-called savages.

More people are still staying in the areas where the big explosion has not been affected and the radiation elements are extremely rare to breed human civilization.

Everyone develops their own, and for Origin Star as a whole, this is essentially a diversified development path. "

There is still the second half of Ning Shi's words. From the perspective of ordinary humans who lived on the origin star before the big bang, the big bang was a complete human tragedy.

The explosion destroyed everything, and the entire continent was wiped out.

Ning Shi didn't say these words. He had already noticed Tong Baiming's position. Tong Baiming firmly believed that the big bang would do more good than harm.

There is no need to smear Tong Baiming's interest in talking.

Sure enough, when he heard Ning Shi's words, Tong Baiming was very happy, and he didn't even care that the glasses on the bridge of his nose slipped off. He rarely echoed: "Yes, for radiation creatures, the big bang is the origin of their civilization."

"And radiation creatures are also good news for those of us who follow the school of physical potential development. Do you know why more than 90% of the area of ​​Origin Star is now occupied by radiation creatures?

Because level 7 radiation creatures can use their flesh to fight against primary mechas, and level 8 radiation creatures can fight intermediate mechs!

On the Origin Star, there are tens of thousands of Level 7 radiation creatures, and humans can't afford it at all.

Therefore, human beings can only stick to the corner of the origin star and support it hard.

As for Level 9 radiation creatures, I don't know if there are any on the Origin Star, but I believe that there must be Level 9 radiation creatures in the vast universe.

Because the explosion of helium energy mines caused the spread of radiation elements, not only the originating stars, but also many planets in the universe had such events.

Level 9 radiation creatures are bound to exist, and they can definitely fight against advanced mechs! "

The strength of the radiation creatures mentioned by Tong Baiming is similar to Ning Shi's previous speculation. According to Ning Shi's previous speculation, the physique of the 7th level radiation creatures is between 45-50 points, and the 8th level is between 50-55 points.

Such a high physique, combined with the almost abnormal defense capabilities of radiant creatures, can indeed fight against mechas.

Of course, these values ​​are just Ning Shi's speculation, and there may be some discrepancies between the actual situation and his speculation.


Tong Baiming suddenly walked towards Tong Qing, stretched out his palm to stroke Tong Qing's head, and muttered, "When I returned to Yuan City after participating in the traditional martial artist conference, I was determined to use mechanical transformation and human potential development. Combined.

At first, I thought that helium energy ore was the driving force of human civilization, and pinned all my hopes on helium energy. After five years of hard work, I invented the technology of integrating helium energy ore into human limbs.

Tongtong was my most proud work at the time. She has a helium energy heart in her body, and the energy continuously strengthens her body automatically.

But soon, I discovered the drawbacks of the helium ore transformation mode.

The first is that the success rate is too low. I have performed more than 1,000 helium-powered heart surgeries, and only Tongtong has survived to this day. The rest have various rejection reactions and eventually died.

The success rate of helium energy arm, helium energy bone and other reconstruction surgeries will be higher, but the overall success rate is not more than 5%.

The second is the high cost. Helium energy ore is expensive. In addition to the various auxiliary materials to be prepared for the reconstruction operation, the cost of each operation is at least 10 million yuan, which is not conducive to promotion.

Last but not least, the helium ore transformation mode, like other mechanical transformations, is limited by the upper limit of strength.

Just like Tongtong, her heart is fused with a fingernail-sized helium-energy ore, so the maximum strength of her subsequent explosion will not exceed the total amount of fingernail-sized helium-energy ore.

And with the passage of time, the energy of the helium ore in her heart is constantly passing, and the upper limit of personal strength is still decreasing.

This is not the result I'm after. "

Tong Baiming retracted his palm, sighed, and said, "It is very difficult for us to survive in the wild, because we do not have a complete industrial system, we cannot produce mechas.

Only relying on the technology of mechanical transformation, we can only fix and narrow the scope of activities as much as possible, and do not provoke powerful opponents.

Because the immune group has never had a high-end power that can fight against mechs.

Today's Yuancheng seems to be full of flowers, but in fact, as long as the North Republic randomly sends a few mecha warriors, they can destroy us.

My goal is to invent a body modification technology, the success rate of modification is not low, the cost of promotion is not high, and the upper limit of development is high enough, or even no upper limit, at least it can resist mecha.

After failing the helium ore mode, I set my sights on radiant creatures.

Since level 7 radiant creatures can fight mechas, if I combine the human body with the body of radiant creatures, I will transform in the direction of radiant creatures.

It is possible to give birth to transformed people who can confront mecha head-on. "

Ning Shi knew that Tong Baiming's human body transformation aimed at radiating creatures must have achieved good results, otherwise his physique would not have reached 41 points.

This physique has surpassed Lao Li and the masters of traditional warriors in the Titanium World.

Tong Baiming opened the conversation, but he felt a lot more comfortable. He found that it was a good experience to communicate with people on an equal footing instead of commanding people to control people.

He looked into Ning Shi's eyes and said sincerely: "I named this transformation technique targeting radiated creatures as biochemical transformation, and I have created a special meditation technique for biochemical transformation to improve the success rate of transformation. , exert the strength after transformation.

After I found the right direction, the biochemical transformation technique developed very rapidly. I used this technique to transform myself and my subordinates. The strength of the family increased greatly, and the situation was very good.

But the good times didn't last long. Two years ago, my biochemical transformation technique encountered a bottleneck, and my personal strength stopped growing.

After continuous research, I found that my biochemical modification technique was still too rough, and I just adapted some parts of the irradiated organisms to human tissues through the cultivation of biochemical vessels.

I should transform basic particles such as the human body's nucleus, genetic information, etc., to fundamentally and thoroughly combine radiation organisms with human potential.

Only then can the true potential of the human body and radiated organisms be realized.

However, the information of nuclei and genes in irradiated organisms is very complicated. I have to screen out the dominant nuclei and genes, and also fuse them with human nuclei and genetic modification.

Research progress is very slow.

So I thought of the flesh and blood essence collected by the butcher profession.

The essence of flesh and blood is taken from radiated creatures, and it must contain the nuclei and genes of radiated creatures.

After the human body takes it, it can increase the physique.

It shows that the substances contained in the flesh and blood essence are very integrated with the human body and are suitable for human body transformation. "

Tong Baiming went around in a circle and finally explained the reason why he needed the essence of flesh and blood, and Ning Shi also understood it.

In order to perfect the biochemical modification technique, Tong Baiming needs to extract the most advantageous cells and genes in the irradiated organisms that are most suitable for human modification. However, there are many types of irradiated organisms, and their internal tissues are extremely complex.

To extract through scientific methods, the progress is very slow.

So he thought of using the butcher's biochemical technique.

In essence, the biochemical skill of the butcher is the extraordinary ability of metaphysics, and the collection of flesh and blood essence is a mysterious and indescribable process.

In a way that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, decompose the essence of their flesh and blood from the bodies of extraordinary creatures.

Although I don't know what the principle is, it is indeed much simpler and faster than scientific experiment extraction.

Sure enough, the end of science is metaphysics.

Ning Shi figured out the reason. He was also very interested in Tong Baiming's research. After thinking about it, he said, "I can provide you with flesh and blood essence for your research, but I have two conditions.

First, I can't provide it for free, you have to pay a price that satisfies me.

Second, I hope you will return the ownership of Tongtong's heart to herself and let her live freely. "

Tong Qing, this little girl's personality is pure and unsullied. After encountering various unfortunate experiences, she can maintain an innocent attitude, optimistic and positive.

In the process of getting along with her, Ning Shi was very happy and recognized her as a friend.

So if you can help her, help.

According to Tong Baiming's previous statement, Tong Qing is only the work of his early human body modification experiments, and now his research direction has changed a long time ago, and Tong Qing is not that important to him anymore.

That's why Ning Shi made this request incidentally.

Sure enough, Tong Baiming readily agreed.

He changed his title to Ning Shi, and said with a smile, "Brother Ning Shi, you are not only intelligent, brave, and knowledgeable, but you are also very kind.

I agree to all your conditions, you can rest assured that I will never let you suffer.

Lao Zhao, take out the No. 2 collection! "

The last sentence was addressed to the housekeeper. The housekeeper Lao Zhao bowed and took orders. He took out a round key from behind and pressed it lightly.

A mechanical bird about one meter in size appeared in front of everyone.

The mechanical birds are all silvery The mechanical skeleton is well-proportioned and slender, and the wings are neatly arranged, which has a unique beauty in the mechanical industry.

After Ning Shi finished admiring the mechanical bird, his eyes stopped on the key in the butler's hand. This was the first time he had seen a space key made of "inner" material.

Tong Baiming sat back in the chair, noticed Ning Shi's eyes, and explained: "Brother Ning Shi, I made you laugh, Yuan City has no mecha, and the materials in the city have no other use, so we made it into mechanical equipment. key.

It belongs to overkill.

Let me introduce to you, this mechanical bird is the most proud work of my early research on mechanical transformation.

Different from general mechanical weapons, it has independent consciousness. It is not a repetitive single stream of consciousness like the mechanical dog you have seen before, but a consciousness that can continue to grow.

To a certain extent, it is a complete new life, a kind of thing that the origin star humans were most afraid of before the big bang - mechanical life.

I want to use it in exchange for 10 Flesh Essences with you. "