MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 244 success

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Three days later, Nicole found Ning Shi excitedly. Her face was flushed, and her delicate lips were trembling.

"A Ning! It was successful! My research was successful!"

Ning Shi was maintaining the Ruyi mecha in the Guangyu factory. Hearing Nicole's excited shout, he said with a smile, "Has the resonance technique experiment been successful? Congratulations! Nicole, as expected of you!"

After Nicole saw Ning Shi, she couldn't bear it any longer and threw herself into Ning Shi's arms.

Ning Shi did not hurt the scenery, and he happily hugged Nicole and made a few laps in the air to celebrate this historic moment with her.

After the two went crazy for a while, Nicole released the longevity mecha from the mecha key and said to Ning Shi: "The resonance technique was successful, I assimilated the mechanical consciousness of the taboo core, and the consciousness has entered the longevity mecha. ."

Ning Shi asked, "What about your original human body, do you want to give it up completely?"

Nicole shook her head and said, "No, my current state is that a consciousness can control the mecha and my original body at the same time.

If the mecha is completely destroyed and my body is still there, my consciousness will completely return to the human body.

At that time, I can also use the resonance technique, choose a simple mechanical consciousness to resonate again, and regain the body of a mecha.

If the human body dies, then my consciousness will completely enter the mecha, and I will become a forbidden mecha like the Red Devil.

But that is too boring. The body of the mecha does not have such rich neural perception as humans, and it is not as sensitive as humans to the feelings of food, hugs, etc.

So I will not give up the human body for a while.

I took this into consideration when designing the Longevity Mecha.

I specially set up a nutrition cabin inside the longevity mecha. When I act with the body of the mecha, the human body can lie down and sleep in the nutrition cabin. "

Ning Shi nodded, no excuse for Nicole, in his opinion, Nicole does not abandon the human body, the biggest reason is because of aesthetics.

For a beautiful woman, especially a beautiful woman with a loved one, if the appearance becomes a mecha, then life is not as good as death.

Because with the current biochemical material technology, especially the longevity mecha, the ball incorporates a variety of mythological and hero cells, and the mecha's perception is not necessarily inferior to the human body.

If the taste of food is considered, the mecha can also eat, and the food scraps can be converted into energy through special design.

As long as the taste cells are added in the design and manufacture, eating with the mecha body is also delicious, but the mecha is huge and it is really inconvenient to eat.

Ning Shi knew that the longevity mecha had taste cells.

Nicole was in a state of excitement and didn't notice Ning Shi's wicked smile, she continued: "You know, Aning, I found the resonance technique to be very magical!

Consciousness transfer is only the first stage of the resonance technique. After my consciousness enters the mecha, I feel that if the object of resonance is changed to a mecha, there will be stronger development in the follow-up.

But everything still needs to be researched. "

Ning Shi nodded and asked, "What are the conditions required for the practice of resonance art? Is the higher the spiritual power, the better? Or is there a special talent that fits the mechanical consciousness."

Nicole explained: "The resonance technique has just started, there are not enough data samples, and it is temporarily unknown whether there are people with special talents.

Theoretically speaking, the two indicators of willpower and subconscious control are the most important for practicing resonance art.

Willpower can help us suppress the instinctive resistance of mechanical consciousness and avoid being anti-assimilated by mechanical consciousness in the practice of resonance art.

People with better subconscious control can better control their consciousness and synchronize their consciousness with the mechanical consciousness more quickly to form resonance.

In addition, according to my experimental data, there is a threshold for the practice of resonance art. It is best to have more than 30 mental power points, and at least 25 points. Only in this way can your consciousness power be strong enough to have the ability to de-assimilate mechanical consciousness. qualifications.

If the mental power and consciousness are not strong enough, after resonating with the mechanical consciousness, it is likely to be assimilated by the mechanical consciousness and directly brain-dead.

You don't want to see me complete resonance in 3 days and achieve consciousness transfer, that's because I'm very familiar with the forbidden core, and I have eleven years of accumulation ahead.

According to the model, a human with a mental power of about 30 points, under the standard of willpower and subconscious control, it takes about two years to imitate the fluctuations of mechanical consciousness, and it takes about a year for the resonance effect to realize the transfer of consciousness. "

Hearing Nicole's analysis, Ning Shi had a comprehensive understanding of the training requirements and progress of the Resonance Technique, and he frowned because there was not enough time.

According to Nicole, it usually takes three years to successfully cultivate the resonance technique, and after the consciousness is transferred to the mecha, it will take time to continue to maintain and strengthen the mecha, and this period of time must not be short.

And the ability to make mechas on Origin Star is not fast enough.

Under the circumstances of various restrictions, it is estimated that it will take at least 10 years for Ning Shi to cultivate a powerful army of human consciousness mechas.

But 4 months later, Ning Shi will go to the Tianlong Great World to participate in the selection of the Son of Heavenly Dragon, and then enter the mysterious great world to fight against many Heavenly Chosen.

His goal is to win the seven stellar mechas within 4 months, obtain enough world power, upgrade the game system version, and continue to improve his strength.

If you wait ten years, the day lily will be cold.

Ning Shi knew that he couldn't put all his energy into the matter of the human consciousness mecha army.

However, according to the conditions mentioned by Nicole, Ning Shi thought of the group of masters in the Hermitage Pavilion of the Heaven and Human Society. These masters or great masters have reached a high level by practicing martial arts, although their mental strength is not as high as the physical value. , but at least all have more than 30 points.

Like Ning Shi's master Lao Li, his physique has 38 points and his mental strength has 29 points. This is only the realm of a martial arts master.

Martial arts masters and grand masters have higher spiritual power and absolutely meet the training conditions for resonance art. Moreover, martial arts masters have cultivated and taught martial arts for a lifetime, and their willpower is extremely powerful. Many masters are very intelligent in their inner realm, and their control over the subconscious is absolutely first-class. of.

Ning Shi told Nicole about the situation of the masters of the Hermitage Pavilion, and then called Wang Yuanyi to the factory and introduced him to Nicole.

After Wang Yuan heard about Ning Shi's idea, his expression was very hesitant. After thinking about it, he still said to Ning Shi: "Sir, we old men have spent their whole lives in traditional martial arts, now let's switch to mecha. Driving, I am worried that everyone will not adapt.

Of course, we will obey your orders unconditionally, but I'm worried that things won't go well, which will delay your grand plan. "

Ning Shi shook his head and explained to Wang Yuanyi: "I know that the martial arts seniors in the Hermitage Pavilion are all skilled in martial arts, so it is difficult for you to change careers.

But this time the situation is special, I am not asking you to give up your cultivation of martial arts and switch to the path of mecha masters.

But I want you to take a path of dual cultivation of machine and martial arts. "

Seeing that Wang Yuanyi was still frowning, Ning Shi comforted: "Since I made such an arrangement, it is naturally reasonable, and if things don't work out in the end, I won't blame you.

Let me say it again, I am walking the path of dual cultivation of machine and martial arts. If you want to follow in the footsteps of me, this time is the best opportunity.

And there are more than 200 people in the hermitage pavilion. This time, there are only 98 places for the dual cultivation of machine and martial arts. You go back and say that the places are limited and first come first served.

As for the specific training method, you have to ask Nicole for advice, she is the person in charge of this mecha army plan. "

Seeing Ning Shi say this, Wang Yuanyi no longer hesitated. He followed Nicole to the Hermitage Pavilion to announce the news.

After Ning Shi finished maintaining the mecha in the factory, he returned to the dormitory and began to study the resonance technique that Nicole sent from the brain network dominated by the ball.

In accordance with the requirements of the resonance technique, he carefully felt the fluctuations of consciousness of the No. 1 child, and observed and recorded the frequency of the fluctuations of consciousness.

The first step in the practice of resonance art is perception and memory.

Perceive the fluctuation frequency of mechanical consciousness and imprint it deeply in the mind. After fully grasping the characteristics of mechanical consciousness, the second step is to try to adjust the fluctuation of one's own consciousness to align with the fluctuation of mechanical consciousness.

As soon as Ning Shi started cultivating, he realized that he didn't need to perceive and remember the fluctuations of consciousness of the 1st child, because the 1st child belongs to the ball, and is essentially Ning Shi's pet.

Through the pet system, Ning Shi knew everything about the 1st child, because he had absolute control over the pet, so the 1st child not only did not resist during the assimilation process, but could even cooperate.

Therefore, Ning Shi's Resonance Technique practice progressed very fast, even faster than Nicole, who had accumulated eleven years. It only took less than a day for Ning Shi's consciousness to resonate with the No. 1 child, and completely Assimilated the mechanical consciousness of the No. 1 child.

When he practiced the Resonance Technique, he felt that his consciousness extended out, and he could control the Ruyi mecha wantonly in the Ruyi mecha.

Moreover, the biochemical properties contained in the brain core he had previously cultivated from meditation are still useful at this moment, which can increase the flexibility of the mecha.

Ning Shi is very familiar with this feeling, it is nothing more than an extra mecha clone, so he is not surprised.

But Ning Shi was also pleasantly surprised by the resonance technique.

The first surprise is that after the consciousness enters the mecha, I can instantly perceive the internal problems of the mecha.

"When the power module is running, there are two circuits that need to be fine-tuned. After adjustment, the power of kinetic energy release is increased by 9%."

"There is a very small gap in the tibia joint of the left leg of the mecha, which will affect the flexibility of the footsteps and the strength of the legs. The gap needs to be filled as soon as possible."

"The biochemical material of the weapon module can be injected into 117 units of meteorite gold cells, and the strength of the material is increased by 10% after injection."

In Ning Shi's consciousness, a piece of information suddenly appeared, all of which were places where the mecha could be strengthened. The degree of strengthening in each place did not seem to be high, and most of them were only strengthened by about 10%.

But the little things add up, and the various parts add up. Once the improvement is successful, the performance of the mecha will more than double.

In the mecha competition, the performance is doubled, and the combat power may be improved several times.

And with the further improvement of the mecha and the continued fighting, Ning Shi's consciousness will find more directions for improvement. In this way, the progress of Ning Shi's maintenance of the mecha has reached an amazing speed.

No wonder Nicole said that the human consciousness mecha is very powerful.

In addition, Ning Shi also felt what Nicole said, the resonance effect of the resonance technique and the mecha.

This resonance seems to be able to integrate human consciousness and mecha more deeply, and discover more subtle things about mecha.

In addition, when Ning Shi's consciousness resonated with the mecha as the goal, his body also seemed to resonate.

Between Ruyi Mecha and Ning Shi's body, with Ning Shi's consciousness as the medium, a wonderful resonance point has been established.

This time it's not mind-to-consciousness resonance, but body-to-body resonance.

Ning Shi suddenly became interested. Could it be that the resonance technique will merge the mecha and the human body into one?

Due to the limited productivity of mechas in the North Republic at present, even if all the mecha production lines in the country are called, it will take 3 days to manufacture a standard high-level mecha.

The current secondary daughter of the ball used one for Nicole to make the longevity mecha, and there are 99 left. It will take about 300 days for these daughters to be used up, so Ning Shi is not in a hurry to upgrade the splitting skill for the ball.

Instead, he handed the Ruyi mecha to the ball, and after it was repaired and improved according to the information given by his own consciousness, he began to retreat and practice resonance in the dormitory.

Seven days later, Ning Shi was reminded by the system.

The level 2 resonance technique makes Ning Shi's consciousness more closely integrated with the Ruyi mecha, his consciousness can penetrate deep into the cells of the Ruyi mecha, and he can see more of the mecha and make better improvements.

At the same time, Ning Shi's body and Ruyi mecha had a wonderful connection with each other.

On the surface of Ning Shi's body, a mecha arc formed. This mecha arc was extremely defensive. Like the Ruyi mecha, it could resist laser cannons hard.

In the body of Ruyi mecha, the activity of cells is more active. Although the biochemical materials used to make mechas have been integrated into various powerful cells, the materials are always dead.

But after the Resonance Technique reached level 2, the Ruyi Mecha seemed to be alive, as if it was about to come alive.

Just being angry is not enough, not enough to make the mecha really "live".

But Ning Shi believes that as long as he keeps practicing, the resonance technique will show more powerful power.

Just when Ning Shi was about to continue his retreat to increase the power of the resonance technique, he saw Wei Yanping's message.

" I have something important to ask you for instructions, please send me a message when you are free, and I will report to you in person."

Wei Yanping now holds a high position in the Republic and is in charge of many affairs of the country.

He has been a consul for more than 2 months, and he has become more and more comfortable in his work. He has rarely asked Ning Shi for advice. This message must be something.

Ning Shi replied with a message.

"Come to my dorm."

About 20 minutes later, Wei Yanping rang the doorbell of Ning Shi's dormitory. Ning Shi unlocked the defense system and let him in.

After seeing Ning Shi, Wei Yanping's aura of a superior person completely dissipated, a flattering smile appeared on his face, he bowed his body and bowed to Ning Shi before saying respectfully.

"Sir, you have recruited all the mecha production lines in the country in the last week, and now we have stopped production of all the OEM orders for Baqi Planet.

This week, our mecha parts were not handed in on time. Someone from Baqi Planet came to ask about the specific situation. "