MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 51

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Xu Xing ran out of the infirmary and went straight to the school's canteen. He remembered that he had seen the kind of chocolate candy Xu Yin loved most, but when he ran to the canteen panting, his anxious gaze came on the shelf. Sweeping back, but didn't find that sugar.

Xu Xing pressed his lips tightly and turned and ran to the school gate without a word. This is the first class time. The school gate has already been closed. The teachers who are on duty at the school gate on the day have also returned. Uncle guard under the security room poured tea for a drink.

Uncle doorman suddenly saw a student running hurriedly, and he lowered the teapot in his hand and came out.

Xu Xing panted, looking at the closed school door, turned anxiously to look at Uncle Doorman, and asked for help dumbly: "Uncle, I want to go out urgently ..."

Xu Xing stopped talking and his throat was agitated.

Depressed emotions also surged with the words.

Uncle guard asked: "You have to take a leave to go out, do you have any?"

Xu Xing frowned and said, "No ..."

Xu Xing didn't bring a cell phone with him, and couldn't make a phone call to ask the class teacher for leave.

Uncle Gatekeeper looked at the frowning and impatient student in front of him, and said helplessly: "I dare not let you go without a fake note. What are you anxious to do?"

Xu Xing bit his lip and shook his head. His head was full of Xu Yin's eyes closed just now, his face pale and bloodless. He ran to the store and went back to the school door for ten or twenty minutes. He was anxious and scared, and was about to run back to ask the teacher for a leave note. Turning around, he saw that the senior director of the third grade came over.

"Is there a problem?"

When the uncle came, the uncle guard said, "This student said that he had something to go out of school, but there was no fake note.


Uncle Gatekeeper is responsible for conveying, and then the director is responsible for communicating with the students.

At this time, the doorman saw a student wearing a school uniform walking slowly outside the school gate, and opened the side door to let the student come in, asking him to take out the school card, and sign his class name on the late registration form.

Uncle Gatekeeper glanced, and comparing the student's signature and school card information, I saw the name on the registration form, which was quite amazing at first glance. As the pen and cloud flow, the silver hook of iron painting has jumped on the paper: Lu Che-207.

Lu Che casually wrote his name, but the corner of his eyes fell on the two men talking outside the security room.

Lu Che remembered that this man was the monitor of class two and seven. When he was enrolled, the class leader helped him to get his uniform and books.

But Lu Che's impression of him stopped at the monitor of the seventh class. Lu Che didn't even know the name of the person, and he didn't pay attention. But now, the man's voice was choked slightly, and he was over anxious, explaining to the director of teaching: "My sister fainted with hypoglycemia ... She asked me to buy her sugar ... but the store didn't ... "

Lu Che took the school card and walked out of the security room. He gave him a curious look, and that weeping expression made Lu Che's eyebrows helpless.

Lu Che has a strong temperament and a special affection for his face. He feels that the squad leader's weakness is a bit difficult to say.

The grade director heard the words and frowned, and asked, "Is that the high school senior who fainted while raising the flag?"

The monitor nodded again and again.

Seeing this, Lu Che didn't continue to stay, just listened to the director and said, "I'll go out to the supermarket with you to find out."

Lu Che thought that the junior high school senior in the rumored phone terminator was pretty good. He didn't think too much, and went straight back to the seventh classroom.

The first class on Monday morning is a class meeting. The class teacher usually emphasizes a few disciplines, and then the self-study time for everyone to make up homework.

Lu Che shouted the report and went into the classroom. The head teacher was used to it.

Lu Che was sitting by the window, and as soon as he was seated, he heard Cody grinning, "Brother Che, you have arrived two or three classes earlier than usual."

Lu Che ’s home is in City A. He goes home every weekend, saying that it is so boring here in City C that he ca n’t hold back. He waits until Monday morning to cross the city to school.

Lu Che put his back on Zou Mang's table, and should: "Well, I got up early today."

He usually slept until eight o'clock at the earliest, but this morning, he woke up miraculously at seven.

Lu Che responded to this sentence and stopped talking. He touched the carton of milk from under the table, biting a small straw in his mouth, leaning sideways against the wall and looking out the window.

It was not until the end of the second class that the back door of the classroom sounded: "Report."

Lu Che casually followed his glance back and saw the monitor returned.

With the permission of the teacher's nod, the monitor returned to his seat calmly as usual.

Lu Che's eyes fell on him involuntarily--

He sat down in his seat, sitting still for half a minute as if he was still, then lowered his head and found a packaging shell made of cyan and white sugar. He put his hands on the school bag, and gently squeezed the sides of the sugar paper.

Lu Cheng was curious how long he would watch, the little fat man at the table with a smile laughed and asked for sugar, peeled off the sugar paper, and the cat secretly shoved it into his mouth.

Lu Che is a bit sorry.

The second lesson.

Lu Che went to the podium to pick up some hot water, walked back with a cup, and fell on the monitor inadvertently. Then he heard a girl in the class caring about him: "Your sister is all right? It's going to scare me! "

I saw--

The squad leader looked as usual and said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just hypoglycemia. Whoever keeps her from exercising normally will definitely get worse."

The girl frowned: "You are too calm, if I see my brother fainted directly outside, I must cry on the spot."

The squad leader snorted and scoffed at the girl's statement, and turned out an early test paper with little concern.


Lu Che's lips are close to the edge of the cup, blocking the curvature of the lips.

Lu Che raised his lip corner: "Hey."

After that, Lu Che's more and more he felt that the squad leader was very interesting, not to mention any ideas, simply because he thought he was very interesting, so that Lu Che first came up with the idea of ​​knowing someone.

This novelty of being interested in a person was even fun to remind him of the squealing cry of the monitor at the school gate. He suddenly wanted to see the monitor cry.

The next day.

As early as the test time, it is the second and seventh high school class to be responsible for cleaning the big playground. Lu Che, Fu Ye, and others went to occupy an area, dragging away the leaves. Lu Che, holding the small straw of Wang Zi's milk, kept his eyes on the squad leader not far away, and just heard the next Cody shouted, "Squad leader, let's borrow our money ~"

The squad leader was only a few steps away, and when he heard that, the squad leader brought the scoop beside him to Cody.

Lu Che bit his small straw and stared at the monitor.

When the monitor turned and left, Lu Che asked casually, "What's his name?"

Cody raised his head and yelled, "Which? Oh, you say the monitor?"

Lu Che hummed.

Fu Yan interjected: "Xu Xing, wake up quickly and wake up."

Lu Che nodded his head: "Oh."

But in fact, Lu Che went to dinner at noon yesterday, and no one was in the class, he went to the podium and looked up the seat table to find the name of the monitor.

I have to ask this sentence specially today, because I am afraid that I will make a leak someday, and Cody will surely be surprised: "Brother Che, do you even know the name of the monitor?"

Lu Che wants to know Xu Xing, but he doesn't want to take the initiative because of his face.

And this face issue-

Two days later, Lu Che accidentally heard Xu Xing's registration form and asked the girl next to him: "What's the name of the transfer student, I can't remember it for a moment."

-Even more frustrated.

Lu Che is unhappy.

He went to the podium to receive water during the lesson, filled a half bottle of water, and looked up to take a sip to test the temperature, just to see Xu Xing took the class diary and hung it by the blackboard.

When Xu Xing hung up, he was called out by others, and he did not match Lu Che's fiery sight all the way.

Lu Che's heart was depressed, and he swallowed back to his stomach.

He rummaged through the diary log, turned to the page of the current date, and saw that the special circumstances column was filled with a person's name, marked a leave, and the signature in the corner of the page was Xu Xing.

Lu Che turned the page forward again, and saw that the late on-duty shift registered yesterday was another person. Lu Cheduo turned a few pages, and soon understood that Xu Xing and another person in the class took turns to register the shift log.

Lu Chewu holds himself up and thinks: Do n’t remember my name, is n’t it easy to remember? I can help you remember more.

After two days, Lu Che began to absent from school frequently and leave early and be late. The head teacher talked to him once in private, but also talked about it once. Since receiving the transfer student Lu Che, the head teacher acquiesced that he is an inexperienced second-generation ancestor. It is also rumored that he was suddenly transferred from city A because of his troubles. Come over to school.

But Lu Che didn't arrive late for school all day. He stayed in the classroom at least half of the week, and the number of days he spent as a demon in the week depended on the number of days Xu Xing was on duty.

Lu Che also rarely sleeps in class recently. When he is bored, he observes Xu Xing. The seat between the two is at the diagonal line with the shortest distance. He finds that Xu Xing has a good relationship with the girl next door.

Lu Che frowned slightly, froze this caution, and caught Cody teasing Fu Ye and the representative of the Chinese class, and naturally took the opportunity to ask, "Do you like to engage in internal digestion? The squad leader is next to him. Girls are also a couple? "

Cody is a gossip king, and after answering it, he answered: "No, they are both young and beautiful."

Lu Che casually said, "Oh."

His mood is very delicate.

Soon another week passed.

Lu Che's accidental glance from the school gate became interested in Xu Xing, because he wanted to know Xu Xing and paid special attention to the timing. Gradually, he noticed that Xu Xing became his recent habit, and Xu Xing's back became his habit. Sexual glances settled.

However, the actual distance and emotional distance between Lu Che and Xu Xing have not changed.


Lu Che's life is too smooth, from small to large, no matter whether he is in the adult's communication field or in a small circle of his peers, both men and women, Lu Che has always been in a position to be flattered and flattered.

Lu Che supported his side, his mood was not good, he turned his pen quickly with his right hand, and began to slander himself in his heart: Let's be sick, what is it to stare at a man?

Forget it Forget it.

Lu Che unilaterally announced that so far.

But a few more days passed. On Friday of the day, Cody learned that Saturday the next day was Lu Che ’s birthday, and he asked Lu Che with interest: "Chop, don't go home tonight, our brother. Some of them will celebrate your birthday together ~ "

Lu Che leaned his back on the wall and said, "I think about it."

A friend from Lu Che A also shouted to celebrate his birthday.

Fu Yan said, "Some people will be more lively."

Although Lu Che transferred to school not long ago, he joined the school basketball team and also met a lot of people, not to mention Lu Che won the championship and took the title of the school grass. People who want to know him should not be too many.

Lu Che listened and said: "That person in the class is called."

He twisted around and said, "Call the class cadres and go straight down."

Lu Che suddenly opened up, thinking that it would be much easier to meet people at the wine party, toast to a word, and drunk to open a room together for one night, and strangers could quickly be promoted to drinkers.

Cody listened and laughed and said, "Oh, it seems Brother Che has a grudge against the squad leader remembering that you are late ~"

Lu Che did not answer him.

After class, Cody ran to ask Xu Xing and others, and smiled back to Lu Che with the message: "About a dozen people ~"

Lu Che asked: "Will the monitor go?"

Cody said, "The monitor said that he would go back to his hometown with his parents at the weekend.


Lu Che was full of anticipation for the sudden failure.

Lu Che was silent all morning, and said to Cody in the afternoon, "Forget it, but on my birthday, I will go home to make up for it."

forget it.

forget it.

forget it.

After school, Lu Che walked out from the back door of the classroom. Just when Xu Xing came in from the outside, the two passed by, no one looked at anyone.


The positions on the hearts of the two glowed red light, and a red line was already connected between them.

The author has something to say: 1. The fact is that Xu Xing did not cry, and he could only cry on X if he wanted to cry [smile]

2. Lu Che's childish embodiment: I do n’t care about him any more, but I ’m stupid-I rely on him to rely on him to treat me! Well, stupid is stupid ~ [He will complete this ideological struggle unilaterally]

3. There is no pregnancy abortion ORZ in this article, Xu Yin is about to stab big sword [cover face]