MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 7

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In his own mind, Xu Xing felt that Lu Che's conviction for "sudden integrity" was understandable. It was his own fault. Whatever he shouts to break his throat and swear to heaven, even if he puts a straight male label on his face, if he is pushed into Lu Che's arms by force majeure in the next second, who can he justify?

Xu Xing sighed quietly, and was too lazy to waste energy on the argument of maintaining the straight male image. The preparatory bell had already begun. He held the book and entered the classroom. Xu Xing couldn't help looking at him as he passed by Xiao Shun's seat.

Xiao Shun's seat was close to the aisle, and he was concentrating on sorting his notes. Suddenly someone heard him say, "Wow, Xiao Shun, your words look good."

Xiao Shun looked up and saw Xu Xing turned back and smiled at him.


Xu Xing turned his head, the knuckles coughed against the tip of his nose, and carried the awkwardness of the embarrassing chat, and pretended to return to his seat calmly.


The next morning.

At the end of the second lesson, the broadcast box in the classroom sounded on time the marching athletes' excitement. The biology teacher had to turn up the volume and finish half of the exercises.

The class teacher stepped on the bell at the back door of the classroom. As soon as the biology teacher shouted from the class, she immediately shouted at the back door: "It's high school's turn to do morning exercises today. Let's move faster and get together."

The school has been building a new gymnasium since the summer vacation. Due to the restricted space, this year's class exercises are not school-wide, but from higher to higher levels, in turn in order.

It ’s Monday, Thursday and the next higher level, and Tuesday and Friday it ’s the second higher level. The third higher level is scheduled for Wednesday.

Xu Xing hurriedly closed the notebook and pushed Wang Zicong out of the aisle on the side of Tang Mian.

The rhythm of the athlete's march is clear and clear, strong and powerful, and it is sandwiched by the noisy crowds and laughter. Xu Xing and they walked around in the bloated corridor. They were very narrow at the beginning, and they were only accessible. Fortunately, their classroom was on the third floor, and they suddenly became crowded.

Tang Mian took Xiong Huan's hand, looked back, and asked Xu Xing: "Where has the little prince been squeezed?"

Xu Xing followed and looked back. The whole staircase was crowded. Wang Zi Cong's area was larger than that of ordinary people. However, he was too big to form a wall. Instead, he was soft and soft, and was squeezed like a sponge. When pressed, the white and fat flesh wrinkled into a ball, and soon fell behind Xu Xing them.

The meeting place for morning exercises is in the large playground behind the school building, and children also know the way. Xu Xing did not wait for the Prince Cong and followed the army of people to move forward.

In the crowded sea of ​​people, Xu Xing's eyes accidentally swept a trace of scarlet red, and his eyes climbed along the red line dragging to the ground, crossing the crowd, Xu Xing easily recognized the one who was connected to Xiao Shun with the red line. Schoolboy.

The man has a handsome face, tall, short-sleeved school uniforms can't cover the hard arms of the muscles, and the two girls around him are petite and cute.

The two little girls held their hands and talked about unknown topics. From time to time, they turned their heads, raised a pure and charming little face, and asked the boy a sweet smile. The boys lowered their heads, raised thin lips, and replied casually. The answer was not necessarily in the mind of the girl, but the handsome smile was enough to attract the girl's heart.

The picture is quite beautiful, that is, the red line on the crotch of the boy is more beautiful.

Xu Xing couldn't help asking Tang Mian: "Hey, that guy over there, do you know what his name is?"

Tang Mian was helping Xiong Huan to sort out her bangs, turned her head around, and stared blankly in the direction pointed by Xu Xing, asking, "Where?"

Xu Xing was not easy to point out too boldly, and added in words as much as possible: "You mentioned him the last time, and the person who patted the school with the school just after transferring to school."

Tang Mian tilted his head and thought, saying, "Last name is Jiang, what is Jiang, and the name is three words ..."

Xu Xingyan waited eagerly for Tang Mian to dig up three words in the memory, and a magnetic voice came from behind him, saying: "Jiang Jize."

Xu Xing turned back subconsciously, and saw Lu Che walking behind him unhurriedly, Jun face carrying a smile, but he could not feel the temperature of the smile at all.

The next Fu Yi followed the landing and looked at this side completely. After seeing Xiong Huan next to Tang Mian, his indifferent face instantly bloomed like a bud, revealing a bright smile: "Good morning, Xiong Huan."

The teenager's smile is very public, such as the rising sun pierced through the clouds, and the girls' love is undisguised.

Xiong Huan avoided his gaze and responded lightly: "Yes."

Lu Che walked to Xu Xing, pointed to the tall boy not far away, and asked Xu Xing: "My friend? Yesterday."

Xu Xing: "..."

Carrying the embarrassment of being caught, Xu Xing can only play silly on landing with a smile on his face.

Lu Che was ignored by Xu Xing and was not annoyed. He shouted directly in front of him: "Jiang Jize."

Lu Che's voice is very magnetic, which can attract the attention of passers-by by sound, and by the appearance makes people fall in love at first sight. He stood facing the east. The handsome face was covered with bright golden sunrise. The little girl passing by him couldn't help secretly looking at him, his eyes were shy and timid, and his eyes were filled with the hope of the girl.

The tall boy who accompanied the two little girls to laugh and didn't notice Lu Che ’s shout originally, but was reminded by the girl next to him, and then turned around. Seeing that Lu Che called him, Jiang Jize stood still and waited . When Lu Che approached, he asked with his hands in his pants pockets, "Why?"

Lu Che bypassed him on his own, wiped himself out, and left off an outdated sentence: "Screaming for fun."

Jiang Jize: "..."

Xu Xing silently memorized the three sounds of "Jiang Jize" in his heart. On the surface, the situation was light and light, and he casually went to find the place where his class gathered. He didn't go far, he heard the voice of Prince Cong from the other exit of the oblique front: "Wake up, wait for me."

Xu Xing looked at the sound, and at first glance he spotted a chubby dude with a size of two tops. Then, he looked over the two or three people in front of the Prince Cong and saw Xiao Shun bow down and walked from the side passage.

The red line that penetrated into the Xiao Shunju area fell to the ground, meandering and reaching into Jiang Jize's crotch.

Jiang Jize walked behind Xu Xing, and Xiao Shun moved to the side from the oblique front. As the distance between the two kept shrinking, Xu Xing couldn't help expecting how they would react, guessing whether Xiao Shun would be as unaffected as he was. Fall into the arms of the other control.

Xu Xing stood in place and watched the two eyes eagerly by waiting for Prince Cong to cover him.

However—whether it was Xiao Shun walking down or Jiang Jize approaching behind, the two didn't even notice the existence of the other. The red line connected between them was both well-behaved and quiet, unlike Xu Xing's red line. naughty.

Seeing that the two were about to stray from each other, each went to the other side, Xu Xing became more and more anxious, and was impulsive, shouting: "Hey, Xiao Shun!"

Voice landing--

Xiao Shun raised his head blankly, Jiang Jize also looked curiously. The eyes of the two met together, and suddenly, the red line connected between them seemed to awaken the consciousness, and the dark scarlet red was like a rusty layer. The layer peeled off, revealing a touch of bright blood red inside.

Xiao Shun accidentally touched Jiang Jize's gaze, as if stimulated, he quickly retracted and turned to Xu Xing, and asked with a soft voice that carried the gentleness of his nature that day, "Squad leader, what happened?"

The scarlet red line was fleeting.

Although the change of the red line was only a short-lived one, it was darkened for a flash, but the red line did change obviously because of his shout. Xu Xing wondered secretly, and on the surface smiled at Xiao Shun casually: "It's all right, just say hello to you."

Xiao Shun also smiled at Xu Xing.

Although they are not familiar with each other, Xiao Shun doesn't think Xu Xing's move is very abrupt. After all, the two will meet in the classroom or in the corridor early in the morning, and they will ask each other well, occasionally I also chat a few words.

Lu, who lags behind, made a subtle and unconscious sound, and naturally understood the behavior of the squad leader as a parrot, trying to draw his attention.

Xu Xing took the opportunity to start a conversation with Xiao Shun and talked about irrelevant daily topics such as "when do you come to the classroom this morning", and did not notice that Lu Che came towards him.

Lu Che didn't go to the left and right wide place, but wanted to cross from the distance between Xu Xing and Xiao Shun, and his solid shoulder hit Xu Xing lightly.


Xu Xing was inexplicably bumped back by Lu Che's deliberate "provocation", and the anger was about to rise. Lu Che stopped and turned around, slightly arousing the corner of his mouth and apologizing to him: "Sorry, monitor."

Lu Che's smile was innocent.


Although Lu Che's apology was not sincere and his attitude was average, when Xu Xing heard this familiar apology, the first reaction was: Did the red line start to falter again?

Only this time he and Lu Che switched positions-after all, the red line can't only work for him unilaterally.

Once this idea took shape in his brain, Xu Xing instantly lost his reason and stand for angry Lu Lu. Xu Xing felt that it was understandable that Lu Che had wronged him without knowing the existence of the Red Line, but he knew that the Red Line had force majeure, but he had to blame Lu Che, which was deliberately difficult.

The flame in his heart was quickly blown out, Xu Xing rubbed his aching shoulder and said to Lu Che generously, "It's okay."

Lu Che deliberately finding fault: "..."

That's the way it is?

The author has something to say: The construction of Xu Xing's heart has been completed√

After all, Xu Xing is so understanding, it's not Lu Che's fault that everything is red line, Lu Che can do whatever he wants: