MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 226 I have an "evil charm" halo

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The fairyland gate, surrounded by fairy tales, is a dreamlike color. A line of colorful clouds emerged from the gate, and the immortals on the clouds were headed by the Emperor Xian.

"Immortal Emperor." Jing Wu spoke very politely.

After all, he came to marry Shuanghua. Jing Wu said to himself like this.

"Jingwu Mozun came to drive, but is there something wrong?"

"Why come to fairyland without incident?"

The immortal emperor froze and blocked his heart. Originally Shuanghua's stubbornness had been stuck in his heart.

"I heard that the demon world is not very peaceful recently. Jingwu Mozun is not good enough to stay in his own demon world, but he is alone in the immortal world. Are you afraid of coming back?"

Jingwu asked, "What? Xiandi wants to beat me?"

Xiandi naturally did not say "yes", and his tone was smooth. "The turmoil in the Three Realms, the Jingwu Mozun still took care of himself."

Jing Wu gave a sigh of sigh, "Originally the deity was very good in the demon world. Only the master and mother in my temple could not return, and the deity came to look for him."

Immortal's eyebrows were drawn.

Mother? Is he still a weak side?

Immortal Emperor Shen said, "Jingwu Mozun said that it is better for the emperor to leave quickly. Otherwise, the emperor is to expel people who are proficient in the immortal realm. If the demon is injured, People, Hugh blame the Emperor's mercy. "

"The imperial emperor's words are bad, my mistress, isn't it within the immortal realm?"

The immortals behind the Emperor Emperor bowed their heads and did not mix the "housework" of the two. The matter of immortals and demons has always received the joint attention of the immortals and demons of the two circles of immortals and demon, but it is not easy for them to make an arbitrary decision about this matter.

"Since ancient times, there is no difference between the magic and the demon, and the demon in the state of Wu still has to joke."

"I'm not kidding."

"If the realm of Wuwu is obsessed with obsession, the emperor will be rude." Xiandi sank his face.

"Immortal Emperor, sincerity comes from the sincerity, how can you say you are obsessed?"

The Emperor's strength is higher than Jingwu. Jingwu seems calm, but he is on guard. He didn't want to, and before taking someone back, he died first.

As for why not unite the demon world first? Since the Tao of this day has created a protagonist and disturbed the four realms, can it be simple and easy to unify the demons?

If Jing Wu guesses right, the key lies in the son of Qi Yun. He Qiu wasn't interested. The other three died, the second was abandoned, and there was no use for it. The final key was naturally on Shuanghua.

Double = repair. Jing Wu said secretly in his heart.

The protagonist received this as the medium, holding the Four Realms in their hands. Because of the new breakthroughs in Xiuwei, there are new variables in this world, don't they?

Xiandi found that the more he spoke with Jingwu, the more irritability in his heart would increase.

When has this situation become so popular? Thinking, Tiandi attacked the past first.

If you want to deal with Jingwu Mozun, he has this strength.

Both carry subordinates, but this is a battle between the two sides, and the rules of the fight are all understood at the scene. If they don't even have this kind of vigor, they will be arrogant.

Jingwu Danger avoided a hand and kept saying, "Xian Di, if Shuang Hua heard the bad news of the deity, the consequences would not be what you want to see."

Immortal Emperor's offensive was slowed down, and his mouth was "hugh nonsense", but his strength was reduced by 30%.

Jingwu drew a corner of his mouth and attacked and defended with the Emperor Xiu who suppressed it.

The immortal and the magical gas collided, and the mighty power made the immortal present far away from it. Zhongxian was the first to find it wrong.

The Emperor's strength is much stronger than that of Wuwu Zun, how did he draw a tie? From the perspective of Wu Mo Zun, there is no sign of a significant increase in strength.

Mo Fan, is Emperor Xiandi showing mercy?

When thinking about the reasons for the emperor's mercy, the immortals will be stunned for a while, and they will not dare to act in the face of a group of demons.

What if they bothered their minds and annoyed the Emperor Xian, and turned their family affairs into two worlds?

If the immortal emperor knew the thoughts of the immortals, fearing that he would give up his situation, he would first exhort the immortal immortals.

Although the immortal realm was planning to conquer the demon realm, the immortal emperor was worried and did not move slowly. The tragedy of falling in love with immortals has existed since ancient times. He did not want this to happen to his son Shuanghua.

Fallen fairy. When the fairyland first appeared, no such "word" existed.

It is rumored that an immortal emperor fell in love with the demon of the demon world. In the end, his cultivation was to create a fallen Sendai in the nothingness of the immortal world. At that time, when you reach the demon realm, you will be able to turn into a magical spirit and cultivate into a demon.

The immortal world was shocked, thinking that the immortal emperor went into trouble and gathered the power of the immortals to obstruct it. The injured Xiandi failed to survive the boning pain, and Xian died. And because it entered the fallen Sendai, the spirit fluttered.

The Emperor was so furious that he killed the immortal world, all beings withered, and the immortal world declined. After 10,000 years, he gradually recovered his vitality. It was after the Emperor followed the Emperor that the fairy realm dared to rise.

The word love is the most grind.

Later, the demon immortality gradually increased, and the immortal world found that the demon immortal was not a demon. The fallen demon's thinking is normal, the memory is still, unlike the demon, he has no reason, only mindful killing.

Therefore, the fallen fairy is no longer hunting for the fairyland. Of course, this is the sin of the apostates, and immortals have always looked down on fallen immortals. It is the demon that is a demon that has fallen into immortality. If it is not organic, it is not valued by the orthodox demon.

Jing Wu's words are true. If he really kills Jing Wu, the Emperor fears that Shuang Hua could not think of it for a while, and went into trouble.

He didn't say that he knew very well about Shuang Hua's temperament, but he also understood that during this time, the other party's performance was really attentive to Jing Wu.

Xiandi is worried. There are so many beauties in the fairy realm, why did Shuang Hua look after the beauties of the demon world, or the rumored realm monster.

And if the two want to go together, only Shuanghua can fall.

In addition, it is to abandon cultivation and become mortals. This is obviously impossible.

One immortal and one magical strike, one immortal will rush in, "Immortal Emperor, it's not good, Frost Huaxian Jun has gone to nothingness.

Immortal Emperor was stunned, the offensive in his hand stopped, and Jing Wu did not take the danger of others. He put away his moves and stood back.

Xiandi's eyes gave Jingwu a complicated look, and the other side gave him a plain smile.

Immortal Emperor is again.

This situation is really a beauty.

Thinking of Shuanghua's character, Xiandi can't deny that there is indeed no one who matches him. But this is the situation of Wuwu Zun ... If it is not the identity of the other party, the quality of Jingwu Mozun is exactly the same.

Immortal Emperor's heart stunned the thoughts in his head.

Jing Wu smiled, "Immortal Emperor, it seems that my mother in the magic hall is about to appear, and my deity is one step ahead."

Xiandi: ...

Immortal Emperor followed closely behind, but it was a step too late, and Shuanghua had already fallen into Sendai.

Jingwu has a dignified face, and knows that this fall to Sendai is not easy to pass, with a pair of eyes firmly looking at the people in the array.

At this moment, the fairy and the demon's attitude is surprisingly the same. Wait for Shuanghua to be safe.

The young men in the array were all dressed in white, with a calm complexion, and a slightly tight eyebrow. They could see that the fallen Sendai was not as generous and gentle as they saw.

The golden light leaked out of the youth, faintly revealing the skeletal context of the body. It seemed like only a moment, and after years, a golden bone vein emerged through the body, it was that fairy bone fairy tendon.

The youth fell from the battlefield, and Jingwu flew away, taking people in his arms, but he was leaving for a while. Far away, a sentence came, "On the day of the big wedding, everyone from the fairyland must come to watch the ceremony."

Cents: ...

Xiandi: ...

The immortals glanced at the Emperor quietly, waiting for Rong to wait.

Xiandi only glanced in the direction where the two men left. The soldiers who had left a long time ago would be regarded as missing, and they turned around and came to the temple to let them go.

The immortals looked at each other: Is this done?

On Jingwu's body, Shuanghua's face was weak, and he lay on his shoulders. "It seems that this is really a powerless successor."

Jingwu's face turned dark, and he went directly to the big bed in the hall when he came to the hall of Mianjing Hall. Shuang Hua moaned softly, and Jing Wu immediately looked nervously, "how?"

He had never known about the fall of immortals, but knew that the process was very painful. Shuanghua's physical strength is very comparable, but there is no guarantee whether the fallen fairy array will damage it.

Shuanghua said pitifully, "I feel pain all over my body."

Yes, it is painful to remove the bones.

Fallen immortal was already in Jingwu's expectation, he was not surprised, but why Shuang Hua chose to be born at that moment.

"I had expected that the Father would not let me go easily, and you would definitely come to me. There will be a period of weakness after the fall of immortals, and it will take a lot of time to convert the magic energy. The evil spirit's harm has not been eliminated, but it is not the best Timing. And when I choose you to fall when you come, my father will know my determination. "

Shuang Hua is the next immortal emperor of the immortal world. He has rarely seen the immortal capital for thousands of years. Would the immortal emperor easily let him go and fall into an immortal.

Hearing Shuanghua's explanation, Jingwu realized that he had spoken out what he wanted.

"How are you feeling now?" Jing Wu softened and walked to the bed and sat down.

Shuang Hua smiled tiredly, "You can sleep with me for a while."

After a while, Shuanghua's breath was smooth and she really fell asleep. It was a stunned situation, he thought, the other party just wanted to be close to himself.

Shuang Hua woke up again and was surprised to find that Jing Wu brought a tray from outside the hall and put it on the case, a gesture of feeding himself.

"You did it?"

Jing Wu was stunned, "Shuang Huaxian Jun is also confused?" That is to say, he was wrong.

Shuang Hua was not upset, sat up, and obediently allowed him to feed him spoonful. Obviously, he could directly take the soup and drink it.

Jing Wu whispered, "These were sent by the Emperor."

Shuang Hua sighed for a moment, "I can't hold my father."

"Speaking of which, I don't know what material you are using right now. This saves my heart. When you recover, we will invite people on the day of our big wedding." Jingwu seemed to be casual.

"Do you agree to marry me?" Shuang Hua did not know how many times he had asked for Jingwu, but Jingwu didn't let up.

"You can rest assured that you are well, and I have arranged for someone to do the wedding."

"Okay." Shuanghua Tairan naturally, without a trace of discomfort from the independent strong to the weak who needs to rely on the environment.

Jingwu pouted and said uncomfortably, "I don't want it. On the day of marriage, my demons in the demon world found that I was married to a demon."

The loser of the fallen fairy is called "half demon".

"Marry?" Shuang Hua squinted.

"You come from the immortal world, don't you mean 'marry'?"

Shuang Hua suddenly smiled, "Okay, marry."

There was always an ominous hunch in Jingwu's heart.

The author has something to say: The author spent three days looking at his article from beginning to end, and really found a lot of typos, sorry little angels! Affects everyone's reading experience.

Readers who follow my article from the beginning know that this article was locked many times before entering v. This time is a special period. The website is very censored. The author is worried that catching bugs will repeat the same mistakes, so it has not been changed. I hope the little angels will forgive me ~! Thank you for supporting the authors, and those who love them!