MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 257 I have a "soft waxy" halo

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"So, do you have anything to do?" Wei Minlin was a little impatient.

He didn't want to attend the dinner. If it weren't for the Lingyi Club, he would have made a name of the president, and he would never have appeared.

Even if it was a community, he did not intend to join. It just happened that Sun Xiaoling was the vice president of the society and recommended him to the previous president, and he would not be related to the society.

However, even without Sun Xiaoling, in the name of Wei Yilin, I was afraid that the other party would find him as soon as he entered school. Until Sun Xiaoling went to find him, it was still the result of Sun Xiaoling's initiative to invite him.

Lin Lan thinks that he is not particularly good-looking, but he is still very popular among boys, especially in certain groups.

He was sure that Wei Yanlin was the same person as him, however, the other party was not interested in him and was impatient to deal with him.

"Sorry to disturb the senior. Just seeing the senior, I was a little excited."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute," Lin Lan raised his voice.

When Wei Yanlin watched him, he closed his eyes and said, "Senior, I have always liked you very much. I heard that you were here in this school, and I came here. It was also for you that I chose to join Lingyishe. Senior, I really I like you very much, even if you don't like it now, can you agree to my pursuit? "


A cold voice came, Lin Lan opened his eyes and looked at him. Wei Kunlin frowned, without the joy of being confessed.

"I don't like you. If you chose to join the club for only this reason, it's too late to resign now."

"No, I also want to know what happened to me. I want to know that I am different from others. If I do n’t figure it out one day, it feels like something is in my heart. One day, sooner or later, I will be Overwhelming. "

"That being the case, don't talk about this later."

"Senior, why? Am I bad? I know it's a bit sudden, but I didn't ask you to like me right away. I just want to let you know what I want."

"I won't like you."

"Are you so sure, senior?" Lin Lan asked, "Is it really impossible?"

"No," Wei said, thinking, "I have someone I like."

That's right, Wei Minlin always felt that he was waiting for someone to show up.

"Okay," Lin Lan said angrily, "can be loved by the senior, the other party must be excellent. I hope the senior can be happy with those who like it."

Wei Minlin nodded, stepped over Lin Lan, and went out.

When Lin Lan adjusted his mood and returned to the table, he was told that Wei Yilin had left in advance.

Is it because of him? Does the senior want to see him?

"Well? Lin Lan, what's wrong with you? The president is gone, he has no other meaning. The president has always been like this. If it were not for you, the president might not have come to the dinner." Sitting in Lin Lan The boys around him saw Lin Lan lost, and said.

He thought that Lin Lan felt that the president despised himself.

"Because of me?" Lin Lan muttered repeatedly.

The boy didn't think much, but just said, "Yeah, the president would not be impatient to have a dinner with us unless you joined. If there is no activity in the community, we will not see him. This is the first time outside the community. I didn't see the president because of who you were? "

It turned out that it was just because I was new to the community.

Wei Yanlin used to hide her thoughts. Sun Xiaoling heard Wei Yanlin said that she had to go first, but did not expect other places. But when Lin Lan came back, his emotions were not right, and the sadness on his face was almost impossible to hide as soon as Wei Weilin was gone.

What must have happened between the two! Sun Xiaoling thought for sure.

Lin Lan likes Wei Weilin, and Wei Weilin probably has no extra thoughts.

Sun Xiaoling regretted in her heart, thinking that she could have a chance to see the two show love. It seems that Wei Yilin is not interested in Lin Lan. Especially Wei Weilin.

However, the two looked really good. As a rot girl, those two are gAY again, they are still of different attributes, not together, it really makes her feel itchy!


After the dinner, Lin Lan never met Wei Yilin again. However, he has participated in community events many times. Because he is a new member, the community has also popularized a lot of knowledge about heavenly masters for him.

"Lin Lan, do you want to be a master of heaven?"

"I think." Whether it was Wei Weilin or himself.

Even if Wei Yanlin has someone who likes it, but people who have liked it for so many years do not mean that they will not like it.

Because he said "want", the people in the community started classes for him, which moved Lin Lan very much.

On the day of joining the community, someone said that there would be a community adventure. The expedition was in an abandoned residential building on the outskirts of the city. There was a large earthquake there. After the house collapsed, no one lived.

Not only that, because it belongs to the epicenter, no one in this place is willing to buy it for renovation, and it is so deserted.

The source of the news was that according to two young people, something unclean was seen there in the evening. As for why they went to the abandoned building at night, the two youths were unclear. After all, it's not a good thing to know.

On the evening of the club event, Wei Yanlin drove in the car and appeared in the place where everyone had agreed.

He was wearing a remote-control suit, but he was wearing a trench coat on the outside, carrying a long bag on his body, and what was inside was probably the so-called "ghost removal" props.

Obviously it is summer night. When you leave the urban area, the farther you are from the abandoned city, the lower the temperature becomes.

The party was experienced and took their coats on. Lin Lan was told to take a long-sleeved coat, although he didn't know why, he still took it.

It turned out to be used here. However, it was really cold.

"Sure enough, here."

Wei Yanlin drove a car alone, and the rest of the community drove another two cars towards the abandoned city.

The heavenly masters are all rich people. Just showing Feng Shui to the rich people can live a long time in one stroke. Therefore, everyone in the community basically has a car. This is also for the convenience of action, the elders bought it.

"I have never heard of it being so cold here at night."

If there is an excessive temperature difference, anomalies in this place must have been discovered long ago.

"It should be just the beginning of this time, just happened to be discovered by two unlucky."

After this residential building was abandoned, even if there was nothing, it was quiet and scary at night. The weeds that nobody handles are lush, and watching them at night is scary enough, not to mention the presence of snake ants, rat ants and the like.

Stopping and getting off, just opened the door, a sigh of anger came across. Lin Lan didn't understand very well, but she could feel a deep chill.

"It seems that this thing is not small." A certain Master in the same car as Lin Lan laughed.

Since he would say so, it shows that this thing can be solved.

After a brief meeting, several people split into two teams and walked inside. Lin Lan is a newcomer. Following Wei Weilin's insurance, Wei Weilin didn't look away and agreed.

After being discarded, the power supply system here has been cut off for a long time. The light from the dark moon at night and the large disc is covered up densely.

The light of the flashlight is too small to illuminate the entire area, and several people walk slowly.

There are many kinds of inhuman things. Some are timid, and they run away when they see others.

Since the two young people said that they found something wrong, that thing didn't seem to be hiding. But it is also possible that the two youths were scared by the temperature and the sights here.

Although they are celestial masters, they are responsible for exorcising evil spirits, but if they take things, they must avoid them, and it takes a lot of effort to find them.

Walking to a building, Wei Lilin suddenly said to Sun Xiaoling, "I leave."

"Well, where are you going? If you find something, take us along." Sun Xiaoling said, Wei Weilin was gone.

Lin Lan worried, "Is Xue Wei all right?"

"It's okay, don't worry about him, he's terrible." Sun Xiaoling waved indifferently.

"We still pay attention to ourselves. As soon as he walks away, I don't dare to walk away randomly." Sun Xiaoling rubbed his arms in cold water.

She wasn't afraid, just Wei Weilin was there, and she had a guarantee in her heart.


Mo Fan has been here for almost a week. As a ghost, yes, he is now a ghost or a ghost who cannot leave here. It is impossible to actively seek a man.

Although in this world, the identity of a man is heavenly master, but when does the other party find themselves? He was never a waiter.

In the plot, the original owner is a ghost who died in a natural disaster and was never reincarnated. He didn't understand why he stayed. He only knew that he had stayed here after regaining consciousness and could not leave at will.

Until one day, a group suddenly appeared and killed him.

It was so sad that the original owner was killed in person.

Mo Fan: ...

"Xiaohuan, did you let me wait here to die?" He didn't forget that the life of the original owner was as long as his life.

"Fanfan, you can now break away from the lord's life."

Mo Fan asked, "You mean I won't leave when the original owner died?"

In the last world, Mo Fan found that he lived longer than the plot. But because it was in a fantasy world, he was not sure if it was related to the fantasy world, so he didn't think much.

"Yes, Fanfan, as long as the original body can still support it, you can stay until the original body's natural death."

"Is it because of the power of the soul?"

"Yes, Fanfan your soul power is about to reach its limit."

"What will happen when the limit is reached?" Since the appearance of the man, Mo Fan has paid little attention to the change of his soul. At this moment, he asked when the system was lifted.

"When you reach the limit, you can let your man recover memory." The system cheerfully said, "Fan Fan, are you happy? Are you happy?

Mo Fan froze. "You mean, he can restore the memory of all the world."


The author has something to say: I feel panic about writing this at night. Although the text is not scary, the author is actually particularly afraid of these things.

Author scared by his own brain every day. . . .

(PS: Did you misidentify the main character ????)