MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 272 I have a "soft waxy" halo

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After that, Wei Wei also intermittently sent some inquiring information, asking Mo Fan's preferences, and caring means a lot.

But thinking that this was sent by the other party under the premise that he was a "human", Mo Fan's face was dark again.

Wei Minglin understands that if the youth's mind is not eliminated, he is afraid that he will not let go of this bond. So Wei Weilin tapped her finger on the interface and returned a message from Weimu.

He asked Wei mother to withdraw the defensive formation at home before they returned.

Wei Tianshi has a long tradition, and the protective array in the house is extraordinary. Even if Mo Fan wants to go in, he will still be hurt.

Wei mother hurriedly made a questioning expression.

Daughter-in-law and wife are not ghosts. and many more! Ghost? Wei's mother raised an absurd idea.

Wei's strong sense tells herself that her guess is likely to be true.

Think of it this way, she's all bad.

Wei Yanlin: The formation will hurt Xiaofan, Mom, you do n’t want your daughter-in-law and your wife to come to the door for the first time, and you do n’t want to come again for the second time, right?

Mother Wei holds the last glimmer of expectation and asks, "How can it cause harm? You are not unaware that the formation method will not have an effect on people."

Wei Yanlin: But Xiaofan is not human.

But Xiaofan is not human ... not human ...

Wei mother: ...

After a long time without seeing Wei ’s mother returning information, Wei Yilin poured fuel on the fire: Mom, should I bring Xiaofan back in the New Year?

Wei mother: ...

Wei Mother: Take it! !! !!

Wei Yilin smiled with satisfaction, pointing to three exclamation points to Mo Fan, "Look, my mother is so excited."

Mo Fan: ...

Are you sure it wasn't angered?

The boy's breath was obviously relaxed, but he hadn't breathed out yet, and he said nervously, "Will the aunt dislike me?"

"No," Wei Minlin kissed his head, "Xiao Fan is so cute."

"Then tell me about your uncles and aunts? What do they like? What they don't like? How do I wear them better when I go ..."

Before the words were over, the young man was blocked by Wei Yanlin. "Think about these when you have time, and think about how to please and please me. What their son likes, they will surely like it."

"Really?" The teenager jumped.

"Well." Wei Yanlin persevered, keeping his hands busy.

"Don't finish it yet." Mo Fan rejected.

"We'll talk later." Wei Yanlin pressed the boy's waist to his body, "They can wait, I can't wait."

"You!" The boy frowned.

Well shameless.

"What's wrong with me?" Wei Yanlin took a sip from her mouth and heard the exclaimed young man with satisfaction.

"You, you ..." The teenager was speechless.

Wei Yilin raised her body, opened her mouth to hold the soft lips of the teenager, and gently sucked = sucked. The young man's eyes shone, and a thin mist of water rose in his eyes.

The tip of his tongue swept across the lip, and the boy gently opened his teeth obediently, allowing the man to penetrate better. The soft tongue swept the young man's mouth, and he seemed to be overbearing to infect every man's breath.

暧 = The sound of faint and sticky water sounds, heavy breathing and sweet groan mixed together. The temperature of the room increased accordingly, and the voice of the youth's inquiry was no longer heard, leaving only the voice of emotion.


Within two days Wei Weilin received another call from Wei's mother, asking him to take him back.

"Mom, don't you mind?" Wei Yanlin swiped pretending not to care, but actually raised her ears high, and listened carefully to Mo Fan, asking deliberately.

"Do you mind if it's useful?" Wei mother exasperated. "I think this ... the boy is a good one. Come back and talk to us."

"I see, mom. We'll go back in a few days."

"A few more days ?!" Wei mother raised her voice. "Come back as soon as possible!"

Wei Yanlin smiled bitterly, "OK."

Seeing Wei Hulin hang up, Mo Fan turned his eyes and watched the TV intently.

The sound of walking around came, and the next moment, the side of the sofa sank. The snack bag in his hand was taken away, and Mo Fan turned his head to speak, and saw Wei Yanlin pointing at the empty bag with a smile, and said, "Is Xiaofan watching TV too much?

Mo Fan angrily reached out and snatched the bag back, "Yes!"

Wei Yanlin didn't take it apart either, Shun Mao, "It seems that you should buy a big package next time, so that it can be eaten by Xiaofan."

Mo Fan: ...

Wei Yanlin reached out and took out another packet of snacks, unpacked it and put it into Mo Fan's hand. "Xiao Fan just heard what I said to my mother, right?"

"What ..." Mo Fan asked angrily.

"She asked us to pack and go back." Wei Yilin held the boy in her arms. "She wants to question me."

"It's me who wants to interrogate," Mo Fan said weakly.

"How come? If she sees Xiao Fan, she will not bear it."

"Talk nonsense." Mo Fan was angry, the corner of his mouth could not help rising.

"How can I talk nonsense? When did Xiaofan see me talking nonsense?"

"You obviously talk nonsense," the boy muttered.

"Huh? When?" Wei Yanlin seemed to think, teasing.

"Anyway!" Mo Fan said angrily.

"Okay, that's it." Wei Yilin immediately said in the words of the boy.

Mo Fan froze, turning the topic, "When are we going back?"

"When does Xiaofan want to go back?"

"I can do it," he tangled. "But since the aunt asked you to go back early, then we'll go back after we've packed up?"

"Okay, everyone listens to Xiaofan."

Mo Fan: What Mingmu said clearly, what does it mean to listen to him?

I thought so, but there was a hint of sweetness in my heart.

At home Wei Weilin had everything, so he didn't need much, but instead helped Mo Fan pack up a suitcase of clothing.

"What are you doing with so much?"

That is, staying for a while, how can it be the same as moving? Obviously a man has a small backpack, why should he pack a suitcase? It's still large.

"Not much. Xiaofan often wears two sets of clothes, and pajamas. Xiaofan is the cutest in this pajamas, as well as the ones. Bring them with me. I wo n’t take them when I eat them. But these toys have to be brought, we have to live for more than half a month, not to be bored without Xiaofan ... "

Seeing Wei Yanlin's enthusiasm and continue to talk, Mo Fan directly reached out and covered his mouth.

The delicate palm rests on the other side's lips that are not as hard as the outside, and Mo Fan can feel the corner of Wei Yilin's mouth slightly tilted.

A warm moist came, and Mo Fan was shocked, and withdrew his hand tremblingly, just to see the man's tongue pulled back.

Mo Fan shook hands, "Don't lick."

"Sweet." Wei Yilin meant something, her eyes were ambiguous.

The teenager's eyes flickered, and he blushed and did not look at Wei Yanlin's fiery eyes, saying indifferently, "You can pack up quickly."

After finishing speaking, he didn't watch Wei Yilin sorting it out and ran out of the bedroom. Until leaving the other party's sight, Mo Fan still felt that hot look still stuck to himself.

When the teenager ran out of the bedroom, Wei Yilin's eyes flashed with regret, and he got up and looked at the items in the house.

Almost forgot the most important thing.

Wei Yanlin opened the drawer of the bedside table and put the contents inside.


When leaving the house, Wei Yanlin packed the things and was about to get on the bus, and was taken away by Mo Fan. "Should I buy something and take it back? I said so on the Internet, and I would bring a gift to see my father-in-law."

"Father-in-law?" Wei Yilin read the word in his mouth. "It's the father-in-law."

"But online said that the man is called the father-in-law."

"But we are all men." Wei Minlin pinched the young man's face and was beaten down by Mo Fan.

"Don't pinch."

"It feels good," Wei Minlin laughed.

"Be careful, I pinch you too."

On the side of Wei Weilin's face, she lowered her head slightly and said calmly, "Give you a pinch."

What you said was going to be done. Mo Fan couldn't think that Wei Yilin really said that if you let the pinch pinch, you raised your hand and gently nudged it.

For Wei Yilin, the juvenile's strength is more of a pinch than a touch. Like a kitten, he lifted his paw and scratched it with a cushion.

After pulling Mo Fan's hand before he could take it back, Wei Yilin kissed his fingertips one by one.

Mo Fan drew his hands, did not do as expected, looked around, nervously, "This is outside, don't be seen."

"What's wrong?" Wei Minlin didn't care, and kissed the teenager's forehead in an inch. "Don't worry, people don't come here often."

As soon as the words were over, a girl opened her mouth and looked at them in surprise. Seeing that they found themselves, they said "sorry" and turned away in a hurry. When turning, I couldn't help but glance at it subconsciously.

So beautiful!

Wei Yanlin: ...

Mo Fan: ...

After getting in the car, Mo Fan was still talking about gifts. Wei Yilin said, "Go and buy some fruits. There is nothing in the family, no need to buy."

"Okay." Mo Fan nodded and watched Wei Weilin turn to the supermarket.

Suddenly he became stiff and looked at Wei Yanlin who was intent on driving in the driver's seat.

Wei Weilin asked, "What's wrong?"

"That, I have no money."

Mo Fan was ashamed. After returning to Wei Yanlin, he seemed to have never considered the issue of money. What we need Wei Weilin will be ready, and the other party will buy it in advance, without him having to worry about it.

"My money is Xiao Fan's money." Wei Yilin laughed.

"How can that be," Mo Fan leaned his hands and looked at Wei Yanlin, "I want to buy it for my uncle and aunt myself."

"Isn't it said that it was the father-in-law? Doesn't Xiaofan know that in human society, wives are in charge of finances? My money will be given to Xiaofan, who will manage it."

Mo Fan suddenly remembered the pile of cards Wei Weilin gave him last time. He took out his mobile phone and checked, and it was indeed said that his wife managed more finances on the Internet.

"But I'm not my wife." Wife is a female.

"Then you are my daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law should manage the property. Although we are not married yet, does Xiao Fan not want to marry me? After marriage, our money is the common property, and mine is Xiao Fan."

"I have no money for common property." Mo Fan bowed his head in shame.

"It's okay, Xiaofan is just mine."