MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 280 I have a "system" halo

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At the same time, Mo Fan went to the company and informed the secretary to push his schedule back. He was going to Gamble Stone Street.

Hengchuan's jewelry industry is developed, but it is not a professional stone gambling city. The really famous stone gambling workshops are located in Yundian.

"General Mo, this is the document that needs to be signed today."

A young man with black-framed glasses knocked on the door and entered from outside. Youth suit and leather shoes, with a faint smile on his face.

Mo Fan leaned back, leaning on the back of the boss's chair, squinting at the youth.

Youth is the original assistant, one of Liang Kunlin and Wang Junhui's harem. The former company went bankrupt so quickly that Liang Yelin contributed.

However, at this point in time, the reunion of the two had not yet started, and Liang Shulin had not betrayed Mo Fan, and was a good employee with loyalty and dedication.

Liang Yilin bowed his head slightly, maintaining the posture of delivering documents with both hands. He looked at Mo Fan's eyes, his heart tightened slightly, but his face became more respectful.

"Let it go."

A fluttering voice came, Liang Yilin stepped forward two steps to lower the file, and then heard the other party continue to say, "The work arrangements for the next two days have changed a little, and you should negotiate with the secretary to handle it."

"Okay, President Mo."

"You go out."

Liang Yinglin answered, and went out with his head down. Leaving Mo Fan's sight, he wiped his forehead, his palms were slippery, and it was a cold sweat.

Mo Fan looked at the modest, but in the handling of company affairs, he had the sharpest opposite to the appearance.

In the office, Mo Fan's gaze was not dazzling, but only a faint look, Liang Yilin seemed to be suppressed by a momentum, unable to stand up.

Everyone said that his temperament is very similar to Mo always. But only after working closely together did I know that Mo is totally different from him.

On the other side, with the gentleman's nobility and decisive perseverance rendered from an early age, Liang Zhelin looks like a **** and looks different from him.

Why did President Mo suddenly look at him that way? Is he doing something wrong? Are there other considerations? Liang Kunlin was puzzled.

Although he is only an assistant, his salary is not lower than the management of a small company. He still cherish this job.

"Xiaoliang, what are you doing?" The secretary passed by and saw Liang Zhelin standing in a daze and speaking out.

"It's all right, I'm thinking about the job change that Mo always told me." Liang Yilin smiled softly.

"Oh, that, Mo always said let us discuss it. Wait for me, I will come to you after I finish the things on my hand."



Yundian is a lively town, and Antique Street is popular all year round. Mo Fan dragged Ling Ling who was going to follow, seemingly inadvertently swept over the bodyguards who disguised the tourists behind them.

The buildings on the street are covered with a strong sense of age, and most of the shops selling antiques, jadeware and other full-featured toys and accessories. A certain section of the road is full of hawkers selling antique jade articles, real or fake, for people to play.

"Do you like it?" Ling Yan asked Mo Fan, who was very interested.

"Huh?" Mo Fan responded lazily.

"I'll buy it for you if you like."

Ling Ye's facial lines were cold and hard, and his body was full of shame when he was not speaking. He could see with a little eyesight that this man was not easy to mess with. However, in the face of Mo Fan, Ling Yan's suffocation at least reduced by half.

"What? Please me?"

Mo Fan couldn't help thinking about the fallacies that the man wanted to say before going out with him.

The reason Ling Ling lived in his house was to hide from people. In principle, Mo Fan should stay home when he went out, but he must follow him. What else can be said to show the erratic and elusive.

"Yes, please. I'm afraid you'll rush me out and nowhere to live."

"Aren't you rich?" Mo Fan couldn't help but give him a sideways glance. "Is there any money to live without money?"

"The heart is sinister," Ling Zheng solemnly said, "how do I know if the person who rents my house has a purpose?"

Can't say to buy a house.

"Don't you think I could be the sinister one?" Mo Fan teased.

"No." Ling Yan put his hand on Mo Fan's shoulder, "I trust you."

"... thank you?"

"You're welcome."

Mo Fan: ...

Along the way, Mo Fan found that the jade antiques he saw were more or less aura. The strength of the soul allows him to perceive the richness of the objects and spirits, which are rich and abundant, and probably "true".

This part of the device also has no aura, maybe it is the so-called new imitation, it has not had time to conceive aura.

Curio Street is a heartbeat place for bloggers, because you are not sure whether you are paying for a treasure or a fake. Especially for those who do not know what to do, there is a kind of malice.

The plot of cheap encountering treasures in the novel is not non-existent, but it is almost pitiful. There are some good things that can be sold here, how can it be possible to sell the real product?

The owner and hawker are not fools, they are not sure, can't they ask for identification? Do you have to judge yourself?

After a while, Mo Fan went to the largest stone gambling place in Antique Street, and this is where Wang Junhui came.

It can become the largest and most praised gambling stone square, and the probability of green stones produced in it is much higher than that of other small squares.

When I saw a stranger coming, I came up with a palm to sell it and asked if I needed a gambling guide.

Mo Fan was about to agree, but Ling Ye rejected it. The man walked away in disappointment, Mo Fan frowned and looked at Ling Ye, and then heard Ling Ye say, "You need to look at the stone, you can find me without spending money."

"You can?"

Ling Ye showed a complaining expression, and seemed to be saying, I trust you so much that you don't trust me.

Ling Ye coughed, "Teach me?"

"Okay." Ling Yan immediately rejoiced.

Mo Fan patiently listened to the other person's explanation of wool selection techniques. When Ling Yan analyzed, the whole person was serious, and he had an unspeakable charm.

Sure enough, serious men look the best.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yan said intently, seeing Mo Fan staring at himself in a daze, and asking subconsciously.

"It's okay, you go on," he inquired. "Seeing you are so professional, shouldn't you be short of money?"

"Of course ... of course it is impossible. Ten bets and nine loses, how can you bet on stones?"

"Then you lost it?"

"'Compensation', it's miserable."

A bodyguard closer behind him, his expressionless face twitched.

The customers who chose wool nearby also heard Ling Yan's words and saw that they were extraordinary in temperament, and could not help showing sympathetic and tangled expressions.

This person doesn't seem to be able to be linked to "misery".

Mo Fan didn't mind, turned around and saw a group of people around the stone cutting machine, and went to look around.

Before they approached, they heard the exclamation from the crowd. Is this betting up?

Mo Fan found that when she entered the stone gambling hall, the telepathic force was particularly useful in this place. The stronger the aura, the more precious the jade in the wool. It also shows that there is jade in the wool instead of ordinary ore.

The piece of jade that was being cut appeared in front of Mo Fan. The small piece of green in the cutout had excellent transparency and excellent jade quality.

However, the customer was destined to be disappointed. Because Mo Fan did not feel much aura on this stone.

Sure enough, this piece of wool finally cut out a thin piece of jade, which is not worth mentioning compared with the purchase amount.

The so-called "one-size-fits-all, one-size-fits-all" is better.

The owner of the woolen material shook his head in disappointment, but this amount of money could not hurt him, it was disappointment.

Gambling on stones is gambling.

"Do you want to buy and try it?" As long as you are not addicted to it, playing it occasionally is harmless.

Mo Fan nodded, learning with a bit of momentum Ling Ling to look at the piled wool.

The exit of wool is extremely important. Old pits have a higher probability of green than new ones, especially some famous old ones. Of course, the price of wool in this part is also very good.

Mo Fan inadvertently walked through the area of ​​cheap small stones, and took the stones and threw them into the car.

This stone is rich in aura, and the probability is that it was purchased by Wang Junhui in the plot.

As we all know, even if the wool from Xinkeng is green, the water head will not be very good, but it is such a fish that leaked the net and was picked up by Wang Junhui.

It was a piece of apple-green jade. Although small, the head and feet were saturated and the color was positive. Compared with the price of tens of thousands of wool, the profit is tens of times.

Ling Yan's vision was not bad. He picked up and glanced. At first he didn't care, and the more he looked, the more he was astonished. This wool is quite researchable.

Green features are scarcely common on it, but with more than ten years of intuition, Ling Yue increasingly feels that this piece of wool is a bit unfathomable.

In the gambling industry, intuition is equally important.

"Is there any problem?" Mo Fan walked for a while, and found Ling Ye was standing on the spot, carefully looking at the stone he had just picked up, and could not help asking.

Ling Yan walked a few steps, "This stone can be bought for one."

"Why don't I buy it?"

Mo Fan chose small pieces of wool that are not expensive, and these are all within Wang Junhui's tolerance.

The family does this business, and there are also calcite machines. He didn't plan to cut them here, so he was not worried that others would find the stones he bought were green.

However, Mo Fan threw a piece of waste into it.

Ling Ye naturally saw Mo Fan's carelessness, but he did not dissuade him. Most of Mo Fan's wool materials are hidden good materials, and they are all green.

Seeing Mo Fan's face was casual, Ling Ye was not sure whether the other party knew or did not know.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the other party does not lose money.

It ’s not just a loss, is it a big profit?

Mo Fan chose a lot of stones, but most of them were small stones and very restrained. Unlike the first person to enter the water, I can't wait to buy all the stones I like.

The author has something to say: Opened a pit "Born again with a boyfriend", Hyundai Yanmei, update this without accident.

In the effort to compile the outline, I hope the little angels will help collect it. What?
