MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 299 I have a halo

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Pei Feng originally thought that since Wu Wu was willing to eat with him, he was not angry. As a result, when he took the bowl out, the door was closed. At the same time, the sound of a falling lock sounded.

Pei Feng: ...

I didn't go to the college for two days. Although there was no teacher reminder in the college, Wu Wu consciously got up early to go to class.

Pei Feng, who was sitting in the sofa in the living room for one night, heard the door opening, and stood up quickly.

"Well." There was nothing strange in Wu Wu's face, and she sat naturally at the table to eat.

Pei Feng carefully looked at the expression on the other side's face, and whispered, "Where are you going so early?"


"I see you off?"

Wu Wu was silent.

Pei Feng suddenly became nervous again.

Not dead?

When he couldn't help but ask, he heard Wu Wu say "OK".

Wu Wu didn't feel angry, but he didn't think he could get used to each other so much. If every time such an understatement passes, Wu Wu can guess that he will spend the next bed.

The levitated vehicle has an automatic navigation driving function. After setting the destination, Pei Feng sat quietly and looked at the teenager along the way.

He did not dare to stare openly, and glanced at it from time to time. The juvenile was indifferent and looked at the intellectual brain in his hand all the way.

Immediately before getting out of the car, Pei Feng stepped forward, seeing that the boy did not dodge, and put a restrained kiss on the corner of the opponent's mouth.

"I'll pick you up after class."

"it is good."

After hearing the boy's promise, Pei Feng was happy again. Seeing the teenager getting out of the car and disappearing into sight, he drove away in a floating car.

In the eyes of everyone, Diwu passed through the college and entered the teaching room.

As soon as he appeared, the students in the teaching room looked at him in unison. Compared with the malicious look before, most of what Wu Wu received today are well-intentioned.

Since Wu Wu left the college with Pei Feng that day, various rumors have begun to flow among the students. Some say they are lovers, and some say they fall in love at first sight.

The performance of Mecha on the day of Wuhu is obvious to all. As a student of the Mecha Maintenance Department, it defeated the authentic trainees of the Mecha Department.

In addition, Pei Feng's attitude is intimate. Unlike the first meeting or politeness, students in the college have changed their views on Wuwu.

"Wuwu, where did you go after you left that day? Why didn't you come to the college?"

Wu Wu sat down in his place, and Fei Fei, who was sitting in front of him, immediately turned around and asked.

"Leave a break." Wu Wu said coldly.

"Is it uncomfortable? Was it injured that day?" Wu Fei showed a concerned expression.


"Then why don't you come to class? Did you date Marshal Pei?" Wu Fei curiously said.

Although Xun Fei behaved like a friend asking about gossip, Wu Wu still saw the jealousy in the eyes of the other person when talking about "dating."

"Yeah," Wu Wu said calmly.

As soon as Wu Wu appeared in the teaching room, he found that the other party was different.

The face was still that face, but the timid and gloomy face disappeared completely. After subtracting these negative emotions, the already exquisite and beautiful teenager suddenly became glorious, and almost immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even more striking is the temperament of the young man. There are thousands of stars in a pair of star eyes.

Wu Fei didn't know what happened to the other person, which made Wu Wu change so much, but he knew that it must be related to Pei Feng.

"Well? Wuwu, did you really date the marshal?"

"What was it like when the Marshal was dating? Was it also cold-hearted?"

"What did you guys do on a date? Did you experience the virtual world or eat and shop just like us?"

On the side, the students who listened to the two with their ears open listened to the questions from Fei Fei, and they were all rushing to get curious.

Wu Wu's attitude is not enthusiastic or even indifferent, but such a young man has not caused resentment from others. Instead, he feels that the young man's temperament is high-quality and indifferent.

However, Wu Wu did not ignore these problems. He answered two sentences with some salty questions, and the enthusiasm of the crowd only slightly diminished.

Bian Fei finally found a gap in speaking, "Wu Wu, two days are grandpa's birthday, don't forget to come."

There was a deep meaning in Wu Wu's eyes, and he nodded.

In the plot, it was this banquet that made the original body lost and was watched by the celebrities who attended the banquet.

There is also Pei Feng who is also thinking about this idea.

Wu Wu is not here today. He wants to change his image in the college. The original desire of the original body is revenge, but why not want to be the object of envy of others?

During the class, Wu Wu changed his performance in the past, and every time he encountered a problem, he could speak eloquently. The problem that no one in the class could give a satisfactory answer was also perfectly solved by him.

While the teacher on the stage was pleased, she couldn't help wondering, "Wu Wu, since you can do all this, why don't you usually answer it?"

There was a hint of melancholy on Wuwu's face, "It doesn't matter anyway."

Everyone can't help but realize how their father and mother treated the child.

It's like a child who doesn't get noticed by adults, and always wants to do bad things to get the attention of parents.

When I think about it, it seems that when the other party was young, it was still a model of obedient obedience from his parents.

The teacher wanted to stop talking, and seemed to be comforted, and then saw Wu Wu spread a smile, "But now I have a goal to be side by side."

This goal is naturally Pei Feng.

Pei Feng is so good. If he can't show his strengths, how can he stand confidently next to each other.

The smile of the young man was warm and wanton, his eyes were sweet.

It was just a smile, but they seemed to see the warm and sweet figures of the two.

Can't you laugh so sweetly? !! The heart can't stand it!

The delicate facial features of the teenager became brighter and brighter in the confident smile, but everyone looked away, and there was a sourness in their chests.

Ca n’t stand dog food for one person. If it ’s for two people, would n’t it be a crit? !!

After a few days like this, Pei Feng still did not get rid of the curse of the sofa. However, it is gratifying that the teenager is willing to let him hug.

Although I can only hold a kiss for a while, it is much better than the indifference that does not allow close proximity for the first two days.

On the eve of the birthday feast, Pei Feng hugged the young man on the sofa and said, "Xiao Wu, tomorrow is Grandpa's birthday feast. If the rest is not enough and the spirit is not good, it will be too rude."

"Oh?" As if Wu Wu did not hear the allusions in the man's words, he made a perfunctory sound without any emotion.

"The sofa is too small. I can't sleep well every day. Let me go to bed today." Pei Feng kissed the young man's cheek with an attitude of petting.

"Then you sleep, I sleep on the sofa."

Pei Feng said, "Er," "How can that be? I don't feel comfortable sleeping. You must be even more uncomfortable. I think it's better if we sleep together."

Wu Wu glanced at him with a smile.

Pei Feng straightened his back solemnly, "I'm your fiance, I'm dysfunctional, isn't it just to shame Xiaowu?"

"You can't go," Wu Wu said coldly.

"My parents are going. If I don't go, others will think we are in conflict."

"Didn't it?"

Pei Feng was discouraged and bent down, "Xiao Wu, I was wrong, next time ... no, there is no next time. After you let me move, I move, you let me stop, I stop, never give up . "

Wu Wu slightly forehead.

"Even if I know what you are saying is ironic, I will listen to it later."

Pei Feng pitifully buried his head in Wuwu's chest, his thick, hard short hair stabbed his skin exposed outside, and it was uncomfortable for a while.

"You get up." He pulled away the man's head, and sure enough he saw a trace of satisfaction on the other side's face.

Wu Wu said with a dark face, "Do not touch me."

The sofa in the living room is only one meter five, and the man's feet are more than one meter nine. You can imagine how comfortable you have been to sleep in these days.

Pei Feng saw a hint of joy in his eyes, knowing that the other party had agreed.

"Can I hug you to sleep then?" He frowned.

Wu Wu did not speak, but did not resist much. Pei Feng bent the corner of his mouth, holding the boy's arm tighter.

"Let it loose, it's hot." Wu Wu said abandoningly.

Obviously the temperature in the room is the most suitable degree for the human body, which is intelligently controlled, but Pei Feng didn't say much, just loosened his arms obediently. However, the hands surrounding the teenager did not let go.

In the past few days, he can be described as a completely low boy in front of the young boy, without any sharp coldness at first sight. Now that the boy finally got him closer, how could he shrink back?

Eat a big meal and then choke on vegetarian food, or eat meat every day?

Now that I think about it, it seemed like I was deceived by the mind, and I ate completely without regard to the consequences.

He sighed.

Take your time, take back the bed, and work for yourself.

He didn't understand why the boy was angry. When he did it, the other side was happy. Especially in the bathroom, he was in touch with his soul, feeling the unprecedented excitement on the other side.

Probably, the teenager is shy?

Pei Feng was deeply convinced.

However, shy teenagers are just as cute and tight.

He has seen many faces of the boy, but those characters are deliberate. After all, people need to be maintained, not too rash.

At that time, he had no memory, but now he wants to come. The teenager is embarrassed and timid. He may not know how cold his eyes are, and is unmoved.

But no matter what the teenager showed is real or false, every time Pei Feng saw it, he hated to be able to bind him tightly to him.