MTL - I Have Signed in at the Academy for 80 Years, and I Am Invincible in the World-v2 Chapter 555 This son has turned into a dragon (big

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Chapter 554 This son has turned into a dragon (big chapter)

"Yu Zhenzi, you are so bold!"

Jian Yi, who was fighting with the Samsara King and Buddha, saw the scene in front of him, and his expression became extremely ugly.

The appearance of Su Xiuyi was completely unexpected by Jian Yi.

However, the moment Su Xiuyi appeared, she made a sound in advance to reveal her identity.

Moreover, Su Xiuyi's concealment method shocked Jian Yi, but he did not expect that Yu Zhenzi wanted to kill Su Xiuyi at this moment.

This is something that the entire Jianmen did not expect.

I wanted to help, but there was no chance.

"Jian Yi, your opponent is me!"

"Could it be that the old man can't get into your eyes?"

Originally, the ghosts were sad, and the reincarnation Wang Buddha was horrified, but suddenly he saw Yu Zhenzi exerting his full strength, intending to kill Su Xiuyi, and he was instantly overjoyed.

Today, as long as Su Xiuyi falls, in the eyes of King Buddha of Samsara, it is a victory.

As for Divine Sword Gate becoming the past, it has no effect on Tianyin Temple.

And, maybe a bit of meat.

"Yu Zhenzi, you are arrogant!"

The ancestors of Tianjian, Yun Heng, Bajian, etc. exist, all of them are extremely angry at this moment.

No one thought that Yu Zhenzi would actually attack Su Xiuyi at this moment.

Incomparably violent supernatural powers, enveloped the void.

At the same time of anger, they looked desperate.

Because at this moment, those opponents saw hope one by one, and they were entangled with them without fear of death.

There was no chance at all.

Immortal King Zhantian and Bai Wudi, who had just killed Gui Jianchou, were also powerful, but at this moment, it was too late. The timing of Yu Zhenzi's choice was too coincidental.

At this moment, Yu Zhenzi was too close to Su Xiuyi.

Moreover, no one thought that Yu Zhenzi would kill Su Xiuyi.

"Yu Zhenzi!"

At this moment, Jianmen Jianxian, one by one, was extremely angry.

However, at this moment, Yu Zhenzi completely ignored it and unleashed the strongest blow, staring at Su Xiuyi, wanting to watch Su Xiuyi fall.

The entire battlefield, at this moment, a pair of eyes are staring at the void.

Nervous, excited, desperate.

All kinds of emotions appear.

Jian Yi was extremely angry at this moment.


"Yu Zhenzi, you are so bold."

At this moment, Su Xiuyi, who wanted to leave with a sea of ​​ghosts and sorrows, was stunned.

Su Xiuyi didn't expect that Yu Zhenzi, as the existence of the ancestor of Jianmen, actually shot him.

If it was said that Yu Zhenzi was for Ye Qingcang, Su Xiuyi would not believe it.

A Ye Qingcang is worthy of Yu Zhenzi's adventure.

Because Su Xiuyi knew that no matter what happened to her life or death today, Yu Zhenzi would definitely die.

Immortal King Zhantian and Bai Wudi would never let Yu Zhenzi go.

So at this moment, Yu Zhenzi's shot is considered to be risking his life.

"You, whose **** are you?"

"It has been lurking in the sword gate for so long, and no one has found it."

"Also, your cultivation is very strong!"

Su Xiuyi looked extremely cold as she looked at Yu Zhenzi who was killing her.

But facing Yu Zhenzi, Su Xiuyi didn't have any timidity on her face at this moment.

He looked at Yu Zhenzi as if he was looking at a dead man.

If Yu Zhenzi shot against him on weekdays, Su Xiuyi would really be startled.

However, Yu Zhenzi today chose the wrong venue.

At this moment, Su Xiuyi was surrounded by the power of the inner world, and Su Xiuyi's strength was greatly blessed.

Moreover, in the inner world at this moment, the power of the Dao Law is extremely strong. Even if Su Xiuyi mobilizes the power of the world in a frenzy, it will not have a great impact on his inner world.


"Is it interesting to know so much?"

Yu Zhenzi looked crazy, her eyes narrowed into slits, and she stared at Su Xiuyi.


"Sorry, kill me, are you not qualified yet?"

"It's you, it's a pity. I finally lurked in the sword gate, and no one found it."

"But it's not worth it to expose my identity for me."

"Kill me, you can't."

"You can slaughter and seek heaven, but you can't kill me or seek me."

"Today, take your sacrificial sword!"

In the face of Yu Zhenzi who burst out with all her strength, Su Xiuyi's mouth filled with mockery.

The next moment, Su Xiuyi shot.

In the inner world, the power of heaven and earth is mobilized by Su Xiuyi, and the power of heaven and earth is blessed. Even if Su Xiuyi at this moment is still at the peak of the late stage of Jinxian, and has not completely stepped into Daluo Jinxian, but this sword is too powerful. , can't be measured by realm at all.

There is nothing fancy about this sword.

It looks unremarkable.

Just like a beginner in kendo, practicing the sword-cutting style.

The same is true for Su Xiuyi in the face of the incomparably powerful Yu Zhenzi.

An unremarkable sword cut out.

As if to vent the unwillingness before death.

However, the moment Su Xiuyi slashed out, a terrifying sword light suddenly appeared.

Under that sword light, the stegosaurus evolved from the powerful Yuzhenzi's kendo supernatural power was instantly beheaded.

However, after Jianmang broke Stegosaurus, it did not weaken in the slightest.

Kill Yu Zhenzi.


"how is this possible?"

"Aren't you the peak of the late Jinxian?"

Looking at the sword that killed him, Yu Zhenzi was so terrified that he was so frightened that the souls of the dead were scared. Where is this attack from the peak of the late Jinxian?

"Sword and shield!"

Yu Zhenzi's expression changed greatly, and he immediately used the magical sword and shield to try to block Su Xiuyi's sword.


A terrifying attack exploded in the void.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the sword and shield exploded directly.

The incomparably powerful Yu Zhenzi flew out at this moment, blood spurting out of his mouth.

A look of horror.

"No no no..."

"Impossible, how could Jinxian have hurt me?"

Yu Zhenzi, who flew out upside down, looked terrified and dazed.

However, at the moment when Yu Zhenzi was terrified and dazed, Su Xiuyi used the space avenue, and her body instantly appeared beside Yu Zhenzi.


Su Xiuyi's figure is like the King of Hell.

A sword swung out, directly shattering Yu Zhenzi's body, and Su Xiuyi's sea of ​​will was also cut off by Su Xiuyi's sword.

"Is Jinxian Zhan Da Luo's mid-term peak?"

Reincarnation Wangfo, who desperately blocked Jian Yi, was extremely shocked at this moment. In Samsara Wangfo's view, Su Xiuyi would die under the sneak attack of Yuzhenzi, but it was Yuzhenzi who died.

Reincarnation King Buddha never thought that Su Xiuyi's strength was so strong.

Two swords kill Yu Zhenzi.

Ye Qingcang, who looked eager, was also stunned at the moment.

"No no no..."

"Absolutely impossible, how could the master die."

"kill him!"

"Kill him at any cost!"

After the reincarnation king Buddha woke up from the shock, he roared.

The Reincarnation King Buddha was frightened, and such a terrifying Su Xiuyi was not bad for stepping into the Golden Immortal realm.

And today, they have already made a vengeance. Su Xiuyi will not die, and they will die in the future.

At this moment, a strong man in Tianyin Temple broke free from his opponent and killed Su Xiuyi.

At this moment, Su Xiuyi looked extremely cold.

But they didn't pay attention to those people.

"Kill Immortals!"

Holding the Slaughter Immortal Sword, a sword slashed out, the blood-colored sword energy broke through the air, and the figures were beheaded instantly.


At the same time, a blood dog appeared beside Su Xiuyi at the moment.

In an instant, it became bigger, as huge as a hill, the blood-colored hair hung down, and he opened his mouth to swallow.

The remaining powerhouses and corpses in the void were directly swallowed by the blood dog.

Among them, there are three true immortals.

After swallowing the enemy, the blood dog turned into the size of a fist, fell into Su Xiuyi's arms, and fell into a deep sleep.

Su Xiuyi used spatial magic power and moved away in an instant, and the rest of the people were all thrown into the air.

The complexion changed greatly, and the Zhantian Immortal King and Bai Wudi had already arrived at this moment.

The Immortal King's shot was completely a scene of slaughter.

"Everyone, I'm going to retreat first, Su Xiuyi will pay for today's favor!"

Su Xiuyi glanced at the Jianmen disciples who blocked the enemy for him, Bai Wudi and others, and smiled.

Gently entered the sword gate.

"Reincarnation King Buddha, take your life!"

Jian Yi was extremely angry when he saw that Su Xiuyi was out of danger.

The violent swordsmanship shrouded the Samsara King Buddha.


At this moment, Immortal King Zhantian and Bai Wudi joined forces again to kill another Immortal King.



Seeing that there was nothing he could do, King Buddha of Reincarnation could not reverse the situation of the battle. He roared and threw a relic, directly blew himself up, and after forcing Jian Yi to retreat, he used his supreme supernatural powers and fled directly with the people from Tianyin Temple.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

"Clean up the enemy!"

Jian Yi didn't look good, but he knew that if it wasn't good to hunt down one, he would be calculated by the other party instead.

And today, the three immortal kings joined forces, and the other immortal king was also dead. Killing the two immortal kings was a great victory that had never happened before.

Immortal King, I haven't heard of Fallen for a long, long time.

Soon, over the sword city, the battle ended.

"Cultivation, all cultivation, I will protect the Dharma for you!"

In the void, Jian Yi roared angrily.

These ancestors and disciples have bright eyes.

Too many powerhouses have fallen here, and the power and willpower of the avenues emanating from the Dao Law and Divine Script fragments are too strong.

Although this battle, Zhantianzong and Jianmen also suffered heavy losses, but after this battle, both Jianmen and Zhantianzong have improved qualitatively.

The cultivation of these people will be greatly improved.

Moreover, this time, the tumor in the sect has been removed, and the cohesion is even more unprecedented.

At this moment, Su Xiuyi has returned to the imperial palace.

After opening the formation, he immediately entered the inner world.

The next moment, Gui Jianchou's Will Sea and Yu Zhenzi's Will Sea in Su Xiuyi's hands could no longer be maintained, and instantly exploded in the Dao universe.

Countless pieces of divine script and the power of Dao Law were madly swallowed by Dao Universe.

Gui Jianchou is an immortal king, how can the power of the Great Dao and the power of divine writing be underestimated.

Even if there are countless powerhouses to assist in the suppression, the Dao universe at this moment is still in turmoil.

Su Xiuyi's expression changed greatly, she turned into a giant and forcibly suppressed.

Su Xiuyi didn't want her Dao universe to collapse.

The terrifying power of the Great Dao ripped apart everything.

Su Xiuyi's huge figure was the first to bear the brunt. When all the power of Dao was suppressed and the universe of Dao gradually calmed down, Su Xiuyi's huge body became extremely broken.

Su Xiuyi's figure shrank.

Cough violently.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"It's dangerous, Meng Lang is too strong, the Immortal King is really strong, if it wasn't for the cultivation of the Nine Dragons Divine Body, this time it would be over."

"However, danger also comes with opportunity."

This time, I should be able to enter the realm of Da Luo Jinxian with the feedback from heaven and earth.

Su Xiuyi left the world and started to practice.

Soon, after heaven and earth stabilized, Su Xiuyi, as God, began to feed Su Xiuyi back.

Su Xiuyi's body and willpower are changing at an unimaginable speed at this moment.

The step from Jinxian to Daluo Jinxian is extremely difficult, but at this moment, Su Xiuyi, under the back-feeding of the power of heaven and earth, her breath is increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Just ten minutes later, there was a bang.

A domineering aura erupted from Su Xiuyi's body. Su Xiuyi's cultivation base reached the Golden Immortal Realm, and at the same time, she finally stepped into the Golden Immortal.

Countless avenues of power poured into Su Xiuyi's body crazily at this moment, strengthening Su Xiuyi.

In Su Xiuyi's inner world, as Su Xiuyi stepped into the Great Luo Jinxian, some beings whose strength was suppressed were suddenly shocked, and their cultivation level soared at an extremely terrifying speed.

In this world, everyone is changing at this moment.

In Sword City.

Outside, Jian Yi and other beings in the void glanced at each other and frowned slightly.

Although the laws of the Great Dao and the power of divine writing are extremely strong here, the three of them are puzzled. In their opinion, the power of heaven and earth should be stronger.

But the power of the Dao Law is less than 60% compared to what they imagined.

One by one is completely incomprehensible.

In the imperial palace, Su Xiuyi was fed back by heaven and earth, and at this moment stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

In the imperial palace, a divine light shot straight to the sky tower.

In the void, the vision of heaven and earth is present.

A phantom of the great emperor appeared, this phantom of the great emperor was extremely illusory, but even the existence of the first-class swords felt a great sense of oppression.

In the void, a series of fairy music sounded.

When everyone was shocked.

The next moment, Jian Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Staring at the endless heights.

Immortal King Zhantian and Bai Wudi also looked towards the sky one after another.

In the midst of the fairy music, at an infinite height, a huge stone tablet fell again at this moment.

"Extremely, the Heavenly Monument of the Extreme Way, and the Heavenly Monument of the Extreme Way."

Jian Yi looked at the huge stone tablet with shock.

On top of the Jidao stele, golden characters appeared one by one, "Su Xiuyi, the realm of Jinxian has reached the ultimate breaking point, Daluo, heaven and earth congratulations."

The next moment, a beam of divine light headed towards the Imperial Palace.

The divine light contained an extremely mysterious power.

Jian Yi and the others widened their eyes one by one, no one thought it would be like this, and it was too late to cover up.

Countless forces have seen the arrival of the Jidao Heavenly Monument. Reincarnation King Buddha stared at the void of the Jidao Heavenly Monument with an ugly expression.

"how is this possible?"

"how is this possible?"

"Not only did he step into the extreme way again, but he actually stepped into the realm of the Golden Immortal Daluo."

"How long has it been since I stepped into Jinxian."

Reincarnation King Buddha's face was terrified, UU reading Reincarnation King Buddha had a feeling that Su Xiuyi seemed to have broken through the realm of golden fairy only yesterday.

But now, he has entered the Daluo Jinxian.

Stepping into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, in the land of Nantian, the ancestors of various forces did not make a move, and I wondered who could get Su Xiuyi.

"This son, turned into a dragon!"

"If you can't slay the dragon, the dragon will roar for nine days."

"At that time, in the southern sky, there will be no place for us to survive."

"Wait back, Lao Na will go to the Dark Moon Sect."

Reincarnation King Buddha couldn't keep calm at the moment, and immediately used his supernatural powers to go to the Dark Moon Sect.

Reincarnation King Buddha is very clear that if Tianyin Temple is not in alliance with the Dark Moon Sect, it is impossible to stop Zhantianzong and Jianmen.

Now, who can only rely on the Dark Moon to teach.

(End of this chapter)