MTL - I Heard You Like Me Too-Chapter 41

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After a long silence, Du Yushu suddenly said: "Brother, who do you like?"

After a pause, Du Yushu immediately added: "No, you should say, who have you loved?"

Du Yan did not answer this question. He touched Du Yushu’s head with a smile, like the comfort of crying Du Yushu when he was a child, with a bit of temptation. “I don’t think I love What has to do with people about this matter."

"You didn't, right?" Du Yushu turned his head and smiled. She reached out and hooked the loose hair behind her ear. This action has a woman's delicate, charming, she gently Open, the tone is calm but sure, "You don't."

So my brother, how do you know that the kind of person who wants to be close and can't get close, will be burned once he is close, and obviously reminds himself that he is not credible, but will he still have a foot into the trap?

Why don't I want to be brave?

I don't want to tell him, I like him, I like it for nearly ten years, I like him so much, I like him more than he can imagine;

But I can't.

I can't stand the sympathy, compassion, surprise, and pity from other people;

Especially from him.

"Brother, do you remember?" Du Yushu looked out the window. "The grandfather of the housekeeper once said that our parents are also in love."

"Love is easy to defend, not everyone who loves each other can walk together for a lifetime, not everyone who loves each other will be old, communication can break up, marriage can divorce, and even love," Du Yu Shu Dun Suddenly, I took the next sentence slowly. "It will become forgotten, and finally hate."

"...I am with Ye Jingan, that's it."

"We are not suitable."

“Hey—” Du Yan’s retrospective laughed out and completely broke the atmosphere that had been lost. The light-colored scorpion flashed a bit of distress. He laughed casually and said briskly, “Baby, Don't you think you are too pessimistic?"

"I don't know Shu Shu's little head is squeaking these things every day," Du Yan traced the hair of Du Yushu, and messed up Du Yushu's hair. Du Yushu was hurt by him. Go back and shoot his hand,

The atmosphere suddenly eased.

Du Yan traced Du Yushu's face, and the light-colored scorpion looked at her incomparably seriously. The body was so solemn and shocking. He looked straight at Du Yushu's eyes and whispered slowly: "Looking My eyes, Shu Shu."

The eyes were too sharp, Du Yushu subconsciously wanted to remove the line of sight, but Du Yan’s words came out, Du Yushu licked his lips, reluctantly looked at Du Yan, and did not remove his own eyes.

"Stupid children," Du Yan's voice has incomprehensible spoils and helplessness. "What is your brother?"

"Is the brother so useless?" Du Yan traced the gas and laughed. "Ye Jingan dared to abandon you? Ye Jingan dare to bully you? He dares to touch you with a finger, I dare to tie him to your bed, let him You vent."

"Brother -!" Du Yushu's face burned a few blushes, biting his teeth, "nonsense!"

"Is there?" Du Yan traced the rumor, "You are my little princess, my palm in the treasure, how can I make you suffer a little wrong?"

"Isn't it a Ye Jing'an? If you like it, we will have the medicine tied to the house. When you don't like it, and then throw it out, such a simple thing, is it worth your effort to think about it?"


"Why, what's the pain?" Deliberately smiled badly, Du Yan reluctantly put down his hand. "I sometimes want to open your head and see what is in your head."

“Is the shadow left by your parents too big?” Du Yan thought thoughtfully, “But Shu Shu, you and your mother are different.”

"Ye Jing'an and his father are not the same. How do you know that you and Ye Jing'an are not suitable?" Du Yan sighed. "So simple to sentence each other to death, are you really happy?"

of course not……

Du Yushu bit his lower lip and finally shook his head.

"Speaking of it, it’s still timid," Du Yan said, the gentle and incredible, "You are my sister, my little princess in the palm of the family, you should have been arrogant and lively, afraid of what What?"

"Everything has me, you just have to do what you want to do, like him, just be with him. Even if you break up later, it will be the future. If you haven’t finished yet, you will start thinking about it. If you don't have a relationship, you want to break up. You think it's too advanced." Du Yan said, "I don't want to think about your two children in the future?"

"Brother -!" Du Yushu dragged a long voice.

"Well, I don't say it," Du Yan retired and surrendered. "The future is created by two people. It's not that you think alone from here."

Du Yan’s nephew was very gentle, as if he had concluded all the softness of the years. He spoke softly, his eyes seemed to look out the window, and he seemed to be watching Du Yushu.

"Baby, are you denying yourself, are you?"

Du Yan’s voice was not loud, and the lips seemed to have a bit of smile, but the serious strength in that sentence almost stunned Du Yushu in an instant;

"I didn't -!" Du Yushu retorted.

“Is it?” Du Yan looked at her quietly, spit out two words casually, her eyes sharp and serene, as if she could penetrate the human heart straight.

"I am just... I am just... the person he likes, it is just that I pretend it, it is my hard-earned support, it is a fake Du Yushu, it is not me!"

“Is it?” Du Yan laughed and laughed. “Whether you are pretending, acting, or splitting, aren’t you all?”

"And, how can you be sure that the Ye Jingan you saw is the real Ye Jingan?"

"Of course I can." Du Yushu immediately retorted, how could she see the real Ye Jingan?

She observed him for eight years!

Du Yan did not speak, just looked at her quietly, and finally slowly said: "Brave once, Yu Shu."

"Don't let your life, spend it in regret, you can think for yourself," Du Yan looked back at Du Yushu's look and slowly said, "He led a petite and beautiful girl, walked through the flowers. Everyone smiles and blesses them. They smile at each other in front of the witnesses and promise each other life."

Du Yushu’s expression was very complicated. She bit her lower lip tightly, endured the pain of tearing in her heart, and finally spit out a sullen gas with a few bright things in her eyes. I understand."

"Thank you, brother."

"Silly girl, what do you say to me?" Du said to slap the hair of Du Yushu, and smiled with a smile. "This is like my baby, what's the big deal? Big brother." Tie someone back to you."


"Although I don't want my baby girl to run with others, but the girl is big, I can't be the master," Du Yan said with some sighs, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.


"Okay, don't bully you, the company has something to do, I have to go back," Du Yan laughed and laughed. "Hurry and rest, I heard you still have to shoot in the afternoon?"

"Well," Du Yushu nodded. "Dear, have you eaten yet? Take a break and go, I..."

"Eat, rest assured, I am sleeping until 11:00 in the morning," Du said to open the door and smiled. "Don't worry about me, hehe."

Out of the door, Du Yan looked back at Wang Hao, who stood outside the door and laughed with trepidation. He coldly licked his lips and said, "Come here."

"Du total..." Wang Xiao smiled, and his heart became more and more awkward. Looking at the curvature of Du Yan's mouth, he just wanted to turn himself down and kill himself.

"This big thing, I didn't report it to me. Your agent, it's very good." Du Yan said casually and turned his head and went to the exit. Wang Yicheng followed up with trepidation and regretted his death. However, I still didn’t dare to act rashly. I just nodded and explained it carefully. “I just knew...”

"Shu Shu likes Ye Jing'an for so long, you just know this as a broker, huh."

Du Yan traced a smile, Wang Hao almost stumbled, and immediately changed his mouth: "I know I know..."

"Informedly not reported, Wang Hao, you are a long-term skill," Du Yan traced back suddenly, Wang Hao almost hit him directly, scared tears are coming out, only to listen to Du Yan's cold and cold, "How come back Just tell me clearly."

"I want to know all the things Shu Shu and Ye Jingan are in the entertainment industry. There is no punctuation in the entertainment circle. Do you understand?"

On the cold eyes of Du Yuyan, where did Wang Hao dare to say? I was afraid that I would say that I was slow, and I couldn’t even look at her. I turned my head and left.

I clearly hate the name of the leaf, Du Yan traced his eyes and looked at the sun outside, but my little girl, I liked a surname.

But is there any way? I would rather see her and Ye Jingan than let the little girl leave Ye Jingan;

Shu Shu’s face, empty and painful expression, I don’t want to see it again;

I once swore that she would protect her and make her live and happy.

So how can we make her unhappy in this kind of thing?


In fact, Du Yushu did not take a few minutes off. She had been thinking about Du Yan’s words at noon. She repeatedly asked herself, is she really true and too timid?

Don't take the self-esteem, pride, and other personality reasons and family background, Du Yushu took a long sigh of relief, and he really was too timid.

So what about Ye Jingan? Is it really hate yourself, or is it too timid?...?

Du Yushu shook his head in a dumbfounding, how did he turn to this question again? I am not Ye Jing'an, how do you understand, what does Ye Jingan mean?

The afternoon filming began very quickly. Du Yushu and Ye Jingan were sent back to the place where they left at noon. I don’t know if it was a personal reason. She always felt that this place was brighter than the morning;

Especially when I saw Ye Jingan, who was stiff in my body, Du Yushu felt inexplicably happy.

They found three or four treasure maps this morning. The so-called card makeup treasure maps are like a jigsaw puzzle. I don’t know if it’s not correct. The number of blocks is too small. I don’t have to fight, I don’t know the specifics. How many pieces, Du Yushu turned his head to Ye Jingan: "How about?"

"Well," Ye Jing'an trembled and nodded. The body was stiff and terrible. Du Yushu was filled with emotion. "It's really time for your fans to see what their male **** is like."

"It is time to let your fans see how their goddess is awkward and still a goddess?" Ye Jingan retorted her lips. This kind of almost playful mouth made him feel a lot better, thinking of Du Yushu at noon today. The same plague action, Ye Jingan's eyelids slipped a few minutes.

Du Yushu was silent, and then stood there and did not move. Ye Jingan turned to look at her doubtfully. "Go, don't you say that you want to speed up?"

Du Yushu was stunned and his eyes were horrified. Like seeing the most terrible thing, her fingers trembled forward, her eyes seemed to contain tears, and she feared: "...that...that...oh. Ah ah...!!!"

Ye Jing'an was shocked. Du Yushu's screams directly hit his brain. He couldn't even think about it. He had a long leg and a cross. He went straight to Du Yushu's front and opened his arms to Du Yushu. On the stone wall behind him and behind him, he also shouted out in the loud scream of Du Yushu: "... ah ah ah!"

But even in this way, Ye Jingan is firmly guarded in front of Du Yushu.

Even he is very afraid of himself.

Du Yushu’s voice gradually stopped. She wanted to struggle, but she bit her lip and finally did not struggle. She just looked at Ye Jing’an and then reached for the back of Ye Jing’an’s back. Mom is here, don't be afraid;"

"Baby, there is no ghost in this world, don't be afraid, hehe."

Ye Jing'an was tight, then slowly relaxed. The scorpion gazed closely at Du Yushu, and many emotions flashed through his eyes. The complicated Du Yushu could not see clearly;

“Is it fun?” he asked quietly.

"Cheat me fun?" Ye Jingan asked again. He seemed to be very angry. The anger and ordinary anger showed completely different. His eyes were cold and asked, word by word. "Is it fun? ?"

The voice is as heavy and cold as the ice stone. Du Yushu has never seen him so cold eyes, the subconscious wants to explain, Zhang Zhangkou does not know how to explain, just said: "You will not be angry?"

A few cameras behind me and two casual directors seemed to feel that the atmosphere was wrong. The two directors glanced at each other and then hurried forward to try to confirm the situation. If the artists had conflicts, they could only stop shooting urgently. .

“Is angry?” Ye Jing’an repeated it. It seemed to be a smile. “What do you think?”

Du Yushu did not answer, Ye Jing looked at her quietly, and the director looked at him with a glance. He was shocked and hurriedly planned to go forward to rescue. I saw Ye Jingan suddenly stretched out his arms and put Du Yushu in his arms. Shouted: "Ghosts, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"I am really afraid of ghosts, ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

At the foot of the accompanying director, he said: "..."

Cameras: "..."

Du Yushu: "..."

Ye Jingan was unaware of the silence of other people. He only looked at Du Yushu with pity. The beautiful peach eyes contained a little bit of water vapor. Like a small animal, he looked at Du Yushu poorly. The appearance could not be described in words. ;

Ye Jingan, who has always been a flower of Gaoling, has always been cold and mysterious and Ye Jingan, who is separated by a layer.

Like a small animal that is afraid of being abandoned, he looks at himself pitifully, like a spoiled man, stressing: "You want to protect me..."

"The baby is so scared."

It looks like a little milk cat that sprouts on the ground!

The difference between the flower of Gaoling and the cute milk cat...

Du Yushu couldn’t stop screaming in her heart!

"Mom is protecting the baby," Ming is that Ye Jingan put Du Yushu between the arms and the stone wall, but like a small milk cat stressed that the sound is almost no strength, "otherwise the baby will cry."

This time, not only Du Yushu was overturned, but two close accompanying directors were also crying!

The cold and mysterious male **** of Gaoling’s flower is actually spoiled! Spoiled! Spoiled!

Du Yushu’s face turned red, but he still said: “Why should I protect you?!”

Accompanying director: Let go of the male god, come! I am coming to protect!

Ye Jingan raised his eyes and covered the satisfaction and embarrassment in his eyes. "Baby is afraid."

"Mom just bullied the baby."

Du Yushu was dumb and speechless, and his heart was filled with guilt.

Du Yushu simply pulled Ye Jing'an's long white hand, and he said with a bad voice: "I will take you away, you will follow you honestly!"

Although the bad voice was bad, but the hands that were handed over were extremely tight, Ye Jingan nodded with satisfaction, then slightly hooked his mouth and smiled quietly.

It seems that my big brother who is insulting is still a little useful.

The two accompanying directors felt that they were crying!

The cold and mysterious male **** will have such a soft time! The soft little voice, the sweet ‘baby’, the beautiful little eyes, just want people to give their heart to him!

There is also a goddess that is usually cold and mysterious, and now it is awkward and powerful. The power of the girlfriend is simply the existence of a burst of watches. It is a bad voice, but it gives people the feeling of being so pet-loving!

Suddenly I feel that these two people have a face =V=!

Looking at the monitor, the stunned general director asked the assistants around him. "Is this the legendary relationship is not good?"

“This is what is called the Atlantic?”

"This is the legendary lack of participation in variety shows without a variety of senses?"

The assistant said with no expression: "All said that it is a rumor that you still believe."


"How come you are stiff?" The director asked the assistants around him.

"I feel that my three views are broken.

So, to be surprised, it’s definitely more than one!

As a male **** who is afraid of ghosts, Ye Jingan feels that the program group is really a good helper. How can he think of the second phase of the adventure? It helped him a lot.

For the first time, he felt that it was such a right thing to participate in "Joining the Cross".

As a ghost-stricken male god, Ye Jingan was led by Du Yushu, and the two palms were firmly held together, feeling that the other person’s body temperature constantly warmed himself.

Ye Jing'an slightly evoked the corner of his lips.

"Don't be afraid of things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, what are you afraid of?" Du Yushu said with a bad voice, "The whole camera and the film, there are countless monitors, except that the wind is dark and the point is black. What are you afraid of?"

"There is no wind chime mirror here..."

Said, Du Yushu turned his head awkwardly, then narrowed his eyes and pointed to the front: "You look at the front, the scar on your face is not open, I really want to ask if the program group can be a bit Professionalism?"

Ghost staff: "..."

Why is the goddess so poisonous!

Ye Jingan couldn't help but laugh and scream, Yu Shuzhen is, more and more cute...

This way of awkwardly comforting people is really a man, and I can’t help it...

"I am afraid..." Seeing Du Yushu looking at his own eyes, in order not to reveal the stuffing, Ye Jingan lowered his head. It seems that it is somewhat shameful to say lowly, and the sound is almost inaudible.

- He is hiding the smile in his voice.

"What's so scary?" Du Yushu groaned for a while, frowning and swearing, "I am."

"Even if there is a ghost, the first one is to eat me, my meat is definitely tenderer than you."

Ye Jingan couldn't control the smile of his mouth. He could only shun his head and avoid the camera and pretend to be a scared look.

"Forget it," Du Yu eased his voice and whispered in some frustrations. "Don't be afraid, there is me."

"I will protect you."

That voice, soft and firm, seems to be a promise of a lifetime.

Ye Jingan stunned for a while, and then he gently responded.

I will protect you, Shu Shu.

You will also protect me, Shu Shu.

"So this time the task is, beautiful lady?" Du Yu Shucheng said, "Beautiful lady, I suggest that you can take this body off. The hot weather of the siege must be very hot?"

"It’s too hot to sweat, and it’s stuffy in these bags. It’s not good for girls’ skin,” Du Yushu said sincerely. “So beautiful lady, even this body can’t stop you from being charming, can you Let's take a closer look at your beauty and charm?"

"I believe that it will certainly dispel the gloomy smog of the castle."

The staff member who was dressed as a female ghost quickly burned her face under the line of the line, and then pulled out a small box from behind and stuffed it into Du Yushu’s arms. He said with a sigh of relief: "I am very happy, this is for you."

Du Yushu smiled and raised his eyes. He was very sincere: "You are the indicator light for me to move forward. It is our hope of moving forward. You are more beautiful and charming."

The director who watched this scene completely before the monitor violently thundered, "How is this going?! How can I send it directly?! Which staff is this?! Is this not a common sense?!"

On the monitor, Du Yushu and Ye Jingan left here and continued to move forward. The staff member took off his body and showed a young and tender face. He smiled brilliantly and cheered on Du Yushu. Actions;

"...that seems to be, volunteer." The assistant said slowly.

Director: "...I remember we only looked for extras."

“I think it’s more appropriate to call them volunteers,” the assistant shrugged. “After all, they are not for money.”

Director: "..." 2k novel reading network