MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 111 Conquer the Strongest Sentinel (15)

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Xu Jinyi and Gu Yu are regarded as companions who have crossed the road.

Sentries and guides are no better than ordinary people. As long as they can test compatibility, they show that they are both "mature" and can officially become "legal" partners.

Shao Junying learned of this progress and could not help but fall into meditation.

Ji Jinrong didn't feel anything. He took the green leather train back to Liuchang City.

Most of the green trains are in the afternoon, the sun is very strong, and walked into the carriage with a strange smell.

Most of the people seated in the car were part-time workers who were in charge of handling. The next few carriages are full of goods. They are responsible for transporting the goods from the port to the inland and follow the trains every day. The labor around the capital is expensive, so some bosses even bring people to bring the goods directly, and the workers ’return and return money are counted with the goods, which is also saved.

So this car is working hard.

Ji Jinrong was thin-skinned and tender, and the porters avoided him subconsciously, as if they felt that they were not from the same world.

Ji Jinrong smiled at them kindly and found his place to sit down. He observed a few people sitting down with Maza next to him, and found that their shoulders, spine, and lumbar bone were more or less faulty.

This is the result of selling physical strength.

Ji Jinrong thought about it and started talking with them.

The porters were a little flattered at first and were very restrictive in their speech. After chatting with Ji Jinrong, they were infected by the smiles of Ji Jinrong and Xun, unconsciously relaxed, and honestly answered all the questions asked by Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong held up a strong man's hand, rubbed it from his wrist, and asked him how he felt while pressing.

Followed by the chest and back.

After examining several people one by one, Ji Jinrong said warmly, "I teach you some exercise movements and massage techniques. You can eat and eat activities and press each other to help. The problem will definitely be reduced a lot."

Everyone around him saw Ji Jinrong's patient inquiry just now, and she already believed in it. It's just that Ji Jinrong is too young, and they are still in a wait-and-see state. Only a few people who had been asked by Ji Jinrong just looked at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong didn't care about other people's suspicions either. He instructed the nearest strong man to let him do a few simple stretching moves.

After the first movement was done, the strong man sighed comfortably. He said with joy on his face: "It's so cool, it's so cool. Although it hurts a bit at first, it's especially comfortable after the pain, and I feel that the whole lumbar bone is spread out!"

What you say can be fake, but the comfortable expression is difficult to fake. Others looked in their eyes, and could not help but imitate the action of the strong man just now.

When the trainer came to this carriage, he saw that all the strong men in the carriage were doing the same stretching movements uniformly.

He opened his eyes like a ghost.

Then the trainer saw Ji Jinrong surrounded by strong men at a glance.

Ji Jinrong is warmly guiding the strong man's movements.

After the last movement was taught, he said with a smile: "This movement is not difficult to learn and does not take much time. You usually do more to repair your bones and strengthen your physique."

The strong men are sincerely grateful.

Ji Jinrong was going to teach them a massage technique again. The trainer crowded over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ji Jinrong said: "I see that they have overworked muscles and muscles, so I teach them some ways to ease it."

The train conductor saw that Ji Jinrong was only in his teens, and he was white and tender, and thought that it should not be a liar-it might be a child from a medical family who ran out. He was a little surprised at the kindness and boldness of the child. It was common for the big man with a car to say nothing to fight. It was common for the child to be surrounded by so many strong men, but he was not frightened at all. Convinced to follow the complete set of weird movements.

It's amazing.

If you change someone else, even if you understand this, you won't be bothered. Now that the world is so chaotic, who doesn't want "one more thing is worse than one thing"?

The conductor said, "It's almost time to drive. Let everyone sit down after you teach."

Ji Jinrong said, "I will teach them another massage technique, and it will be very fast."

The conductor thought that his father had worked on the railway for most of his life, and his body was badly strained. He couldn't help but say, "Teach me, I also learn, and go back and press for my dad."

Ji Jinrong likes people with filial piety. He gave the trainer a grateful look and prepared to start the demonstration.

Just then, there was a commotion over the door.

A middle-aged fat man dressed like an upstart frowned and squeezed into the car, kicking the luggage bag stuck in the road dissatisfied: "How is it? The road is blocked." He went into the car and sucked. With a tone of breath, he squeezed his nose and scolded, "It smells so bad, so I said I wouldn't take this kind of car! There are some migrant workers in this car. They are dirty and smelly. Whose car is there!"

Many people in the car looked angrily at the middle-aged fat man.

The middle-aged fat men noticed their eyes and yelled at their necks: "What? I ca n’t tell you the truth? What do you think? No quality!"

Ji Jinrong frowned.

The trainer was afraid of fighting on both sides, and hurried forward to say, "Please find your seat as soon as possible."

The middle-aged fat man said dissatisfied, "These guys have taken up the Tao. How can I find them? You're keeping them all in order, really annoying."

Ji Jinrong recognized it, wasn't this fat man the "big brother" he encountered when he came to the capital? Shao Junying also thought of getting that kind of black brick for him.

It seems that this guy has this scolding temper.

Ji Jinrong stepped forward and explained to the middle-aged fat man: "I want to teach them something and I haven't taken up all the Tao. You can still go."

The middle-aged fat man did not expect that there was such a teenager in the carriage. He glanced at Ji Jinrong's pretty eyes, and he couldn't help but feel that he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet.

This boy looks outstanding and his temperament is even more memorable. Listening to this soft and pleasant voice makes people feel that his breathing is too rough, and I ca n’t wait to hold his breath to listen to him!

The middle-aged fat man said, "Okay, I'll look for it." After agreeing, he couldn't help but ask, "What do you teach them? You are a child, why are there no adults around you? Don't be given by others Lied, how many bad people are there now. "

The conductor noticed that the middle-aged fat man was a little bit embarrassed, and he couldn't help muttering: You look like a bad person.

Ji Jinrong does not have the habit of judging people by their appearance. He simply explained the situation to the middle-aged fat man. The middle-aged fat man looked at the strong men around him and found that their eyes looking at Ji Jinrong were full of enthusiasm, but he couldn't understand what Ji Jinrong said was true.

The man who thinks that this car is full of physical exertion, lives a hard life, and the contempt on the face of the middle-aged fat man is a little less.

If you can, who doesn't want to be comfortable and make some money, living like this is forced by life. The middle-aged fat man took out the ticket and said, "Teach you, teach them, I'll find my seat."

Others saw that the middle-aged fat man had changed his attitude and had less aversion to him. Some people asked, "What's your seat?"

Middle-aged fat man reported his seat: "Twenty-eight."

Someone waved immediately in front of him: "Here, twenty-eighth is next to me."

The middle-aged fat man looked at the sound and saw that he was talking about a 17-year-old boy with thick eyebrows and very cute. He walked over with the luggage, and the big boy stood up and said, "I'll put your luggage up!"

The middle-aged fat man hesitated and thanked him, "Thank you."

The atmosphere inside the cabin suddenly became harmonious.

Ji Jinrong began to teach massage techniques.

Several strong guys around him have studied very hard, and after that, they taught those who were far away and could not hear them. Soon, the entire trainees learned the exercises and massage techniques. Practice each other with interest.

Someone discussed with the train conductor: "Anyway, it's okay to take a bus. It's better that we share a few people to teach others in other cars. They all work together, and they can use it after they have learned."

The conductor thought for a while and nodded, "No problem, but I'll ask for instructions first."

The conductor quickly got the above reply, saying that they could take them to other trains to "teach".

Many people followed the conductor to other carriages.

Quiet around Ji Jinrong.

He listened for a while to the hustle and bustle of the other cars, smiled slightly at the corners of his lips, and rested against the back of his chair. About half an hour later, others came back one after another, with happy smiles on their faces.

Ji Jinrong opened her eyes and smiled at the returning person.

The crowd couldn't help but surround them, and they talked to Ji Jinrong eloquently about the funny things encountered in "teaching"-some people didn't believe it at first, and couldn't help trying to see others doing it; some people's bodies Too stiff, the simplest movements are very clumsy, like ** zombies; some people learn very fast, give him a demonstration and he can learn it as it is, and learn and sell it immediately. Teach others together.

Everyone was talking happily, and Ji Jinrong listened with a smile. From time to time, he added a word or two to make them say more happily.

Everyone was happy, and suddenly heard the voice of the conductor from the radio: urgent notice! Please close the door of the comrade who is close to the compartment door, urgent notice. Please close the door of the comrade who is close to the compartment door.

There was a moment of silence in the carriage.

What's happening here?

The trainer's voice didn't seem to be joking. Everyone, look at me and look at you, and suddenly closed the iron gates in front of and behind the train as instructed, and then locked the iron gates.

There was a strong uneasiness in Ji Jinrong's heart.

He stood up and walked to the front door of the carriage.

The warning on the radio continues.

The people in the carriage commented: "What's going on?" "Why did you suddenly lock the door?" "Is there a fugitive in the car?" "It's very likely, I heard that a group of murderers ran not long ago!" " Maybe they will have a gun ... "

As if to confirm their speculation, there was a bang in the first few compartments, as if someone had fired.

Ji Jinrong shivered.

He is not afraid of fugitives, he is afraid of meeting "mutants."

If it were just a fugitive, broadcasting wouldn't let all cars close the iron doors!

In fact, it is strange to have two thick iron doors in front of and behind the carriage.

Ji Jinrong was staring at the changes around him. When his eyes fell on a car window, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

A distorted, almost ** face was stuck on the window, watching the people in the carriage quietly!

Ji Jinrong drank, "Keep away from that window!"

Everyone heard the words and looked out the window, and soon someone saw the face like Ji Jinrong.

That's not the face of a living person!

What it is? !!

Everyone had this problem in their hearts, and they felt shuddering from their backs. The middle-aged fat man was sitting right next to the window of the car, his legs shook in fright, and the whole person was almost spread out into a pool of mud, and he couldn't even escape.

The big-eyed boy pulled the middle-aged fat man out of the seat.

The middle-aged fat man couldn't stand without the seat support. He sat on the ground with one buttock and almost peeed out. His thick lips trembled: "What's that? What the **** is that? What a hell, it's so scary, what is it?"

Ji Jinrong said, "Don't make a noise, don't move." He motioned everyone to step back in an orderly manner. "If it breaks through the window and enters, we are in danger. Quickly pick up everything that can be used as weapons around us, we So many people can always hold back for a while, "Seeing the people around him still staring at that" living dead man ", Ji Jinrong's eyebrows were a bit sharper, and his tone was deeper," Don't fret, come on! "

Everyone copied the "weapons" on their hands, and they all did physical work, but nothing else, but they had strength, so many people directly took the stool legs and held them in their hands!

Ji Jinrong looked in her eyes, and her mind was a little firm. Although the carriage became messy, everyone was calm and willing to listen to his command. There should be a chance of winning the last "living dead".

Just don't have more "living people" attracted.

Ji Jinrong said to the boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes who pulled a middle-aged fat man just now: "Wait for me, I can't bleed too much blood." He is a guide, even if he has combined with Shao Junying's spirit, he bleeds too much Will attract the "living dead" around.

The big boy agreed in one sip.

Ji Jinrong can feel that this big boy may be a sentinel on the verge of awakening. He said, "Wait for you to find a chance to hit its head."

The big boy, without asking too much, watched the "living dead man" vigilantly with a stool in his hand.

Ji Jinrong also bent over and got a stool leg.

The big boy looked at him in surprise.

Ji Jinrong explained: "I'm not incapable of hitting." He looked dignified, "I just can't bleed."

The big boy nodded, indicating that he knew.

He believed everything Ji Jinrong said.

Ji Jinrong is a good person.

There are not a few people who believe that Ji Jinrong is in the carriage.

Seeing Ji Jinrong and the big boy standing in the forefront, they hesitated for a while and stood up one after another, guarding Ji Jinrong and the big boy behind them, still saying words to brave themselves: "No matter what this thing is, we are If you hit it multiple times, you can win! "




The "thing" only hit it twice, and the window cracked.

Everyone's heart is about to pop out of their throats.

The big boy first said, "Don't seduce, blow his head!" He jumped to the front, raised the leg of the stool in his hand, and waved it toward the head that was about to get into the compartment.

Others awakened like dreams at first, and waved the "weapons" in their hands, hitting half of their heads.

The "living dead" gave a sharp roar, green eyes opened the boss, and his mouth screamed. The big boy scolded: "Damn it, this guy must be calling his companion, kill him!"

Ji Jinrong was stunned as the big boy led a group of people to beat the "living dead" stuck on the car window.

After the initial courage faded, everyone involuntarily took a few steps back, watching the "living dead" hanging upside down in the window window.

The older boy felt a strange power flowing inside him.

This power erupted as he approached the head of the "living dead". It was this way that he could smash that terrible head with one leg!

The big boy stepped forward boldly, staring at the "corpse" and frowning frantically: "What is this thing? Look at the weird one."

Ji Jinrong said, "Stay away."

The big boy said, "I'm not afraid. I often go uphill with my dad to hunt at home. When I was a kid, I watched my grandfather bit his head off with a tiger. I'm not afraid of tigers!"

Ji Jinrong said: "This thing dies here, I am afraid it will lead to other people, everyone away from the doors and windows, try to get closer together. The old and weak are injured in the middle, the others are outside."

The big boy nodded and pushed Ji Jinrong to the middle, and organized the others to make a circle around Ji Jinrong as the center.

Ji Jinrong's guess was correct. Several heads were soon added to the several windows, and the closed iron door also heard a sound of impact.

Ji Jinrong was nervous.

How could so many mutants suddenly appear?

Is there anything weird about this train?

Ji Jinrong asked: "What kind of goods do you carry?"

The big boy said, "We don't know. The containers at the dock were sent from overseas. The inside is a box of foreign goods. We didn't need us to open it for inspection. We were only responsible for transporting things to the train station and loading the train. What we don't know at all. "

Ji Jinrong's heart jumped when she heard "foreign goods."

If it ’s from North America, it ’s okay. If it ’s “foreign goods” from Western Europe, maybe there is something that will stimulate or even accelerate the mutation of the “living dead”!

You should know that most parts of Western Europe are now a paradise for "living people."

Ji Jinrong said: "Now deal with these guys now, I believe the rescue will come soon."

The middle-aged fat man surrounded by the same as Ji Jinrong heard the word "rescue". The whole man was shocked and pulled out his "black brick" big brother. His fat fingers dialed tremblingly: "I want to hit 110 I ’m going to report 110. I ’m an investor, and they wo n’t care about me. Yes, the rescue will come soon, and we will be fine. ”He pressed the dial button with hope, but found that there was nothing at all here. The signal burst out crying like a six-godless child.

Ji Jinrong looked cold: "Don't cry!"

When the middle-aged fat man heard Ji Jinrong's cold drink, he stayed for a while, and he did not dare to cry. He lived to his thirties and never encountered any dangerous situation. So many monsters that he had never imagined suddenly appeared. Is he not allowed to cry? But Ji Jinrong's tone was too cold, he did not dare to disobey subconsciously, so he could only tear back his tears.

Others who almost brought him to stage fright also calmed his mind.

Most of them were guarding in the "protection circle" surrounded by the seat. A few brave and courageous people rushed out with the big boy and hit the "live" like a gopher, who might get into the compartment. The "dead man" burst his head.

The bodies of many dead people soon "hanged" around the carriage.

The person at the front became a little short of breath.

Before getting on this train, they were ordinary porters, doing the hardest and most exhausting physical work. Not long ago, they followed Ji Jinrong to learn to protect their lumbar spine, so that they can eat this bowl of rice for a longer time, so as not to become sick and awkward.

What is happening right now is completely beyond their understanding.

The most sinister side of the world came to their surprise. Their hands holding the "weapons" were a little sour, but they didn't dare to relax for a second.

At this moment, they miss their parents, wives, and children at home—they miss the meals prepared for their return at home. As long as they can go back, they can eat hot rice and drink hot food. The broth, which was deliberately waited for them to go home, was delicious and rich, and I was always reluctant to cook it like this.

Someone freed one hand to wipe their eyes.

At this time the movement over the iron gate was getting bigger and bigger.

Ji Jinrong said, "Come back soon!"

The big boy rushed forward, lifted the leg of the stool and slammed it up the moment the iron door was opened.

The "living dead" at the front fell down, but the "living dead" at the back swarmed in.

The others were scared to their place.

Ji Jinrong couldn't take care of that much. He picked up the "weapon" and left the protection circle, and solved it one by one like the big boy. His moves are more neat than that of the big boy, while avoiding all the injuries quickly, he will solve the "living dead" who might break the protection circle first.

The wizard's physical strength was not as good as the sentry, Ji Jinrong's tiger mouth was shaken, but he couldn't relax for a moment, and solved each of the "living dead" by clever efforts.

Others also responded, rushing forward with various "weapons".

Facing the "living dead" is no better than the "hamster" just now. The living dead without being stuck in the window are countless times more powerful than ordinary people. They move fast and fiercely. Open the body——

Everyone was stunned by the **** scene.

Ji Jinrong shouted, "Don't be dazed!"

Someone couldn't help but say, "But they're too powerful--"

Ji Jinrong said: "No matter how great you can't wait for death, maybe the rescue will come later?"

The big boy yelled, "Don't worry about those who are despondent, if you want to survive, pluck me a weapon!"

When Ji Jinrong and the big boy drank like this, everyone cheered up. They used their seats to catch the powerful "living dead people", and then swarmed them to death.

Ji Jinrong and the big boy looked at each other and cooperated to solve more and more "living dead people".

The situation slowly came under control.

Although the number of "living dead" is still increasing, the "protection ring" in the compartment is very stable, and the injured are protected inside.

Ji Jinrong switched the "weapon" back and forth between his left and right hands in an effort to minimize physical exertion.

The big boy's strength seemed endless, without any fatigue.

Seeing Ji Jinrong's disappointment, the big boy said, "Go back, I can handle it now."

Ji Jinrong said: "I can hold on for a while."

The big boy didn't talk anymore.

Just then, several "living dead" who were closer to them suddenly fell softly. Ji Jinrong looked up and saw a group of people dressed in black uniforms outside the car door. He had seen such uniforms-Shao Junying once wore it to find him.

Ji Jinrong was so relieved that he raised his hand to solve the last "living dead" who was still active. He stood in front of the big boy and asked, "How many people were injured by them.

The special operations team dispatched two young people in their 20s to this carriage, and they were a little surprised to see the scene in the carriage. It was even more incredible to hear that only a few people were injured.

They said, "Where is the wounded?"

Ji Jinrong led them to the middle of the circle.

Two members of the special operations team leaned over to look at the injuries of the wounded. Except for two people whose internal organs were too damaged and unable to return to the sky, the others were only severely torn.

The two team members pulled out a needle tube from a pocket on the waist and injected drugs for several wounded. After the injection was completed, they explained: "This is a medicine for preventing mutations. You must come back with us to observe it for a while."

The wounded were a little panicked: "What will we do? What is preventing mutation? What does mutation mean?"

The two players were somewhat silent.

They can see that these are ordinary people in front of them. They have no possibility of becoming "awakeners" and naturally have no ability to resist "mutation". If they were infected by the mutants just now, they might become "living dead" after a while!

Ji Jinrong said: "Mutation is like the things just now, only the instinct of killing is left, madly trying to find the next host for the 'source of mutation' in the body."

Everyone's face changed.

Ji Jinrong said: "We don't know enough about the cause of mutation, and the way to solve the mutation is naturally unclear. But if you are willing to believe us, follow us back to understand everything."

Hearing Ji Jinrong directly speaking these words, the two team members looked a little stale.

And he said "we"?

Is this strange boy related to their special operations team?

Ji Jinrong didn't care too much about the doubts of the two team members. His warm eyes fell on a few wounded people: "I assure you, as long as there is a possibility, we will do our best to find a solution."

Several of the wounded thought that Ji Jinrong was rushing to protect them first, and he kindly taught them exercise and massage techniques before the accident—

They should trust Ji Jinrong.

The wounded said in unison: "Okay, I'll go back with them." They just couldn't help but ask, "Are you with them? Can we meet you when we go back with them?"

Seeing half an acquaintance, they were still very disturbed.

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes, I will definitely see you."

Several wounded persons, under Ji Jinrong's instructions, lifted the two bodies off the train and boarded a helicopter aided by the special operations team.

The special pilot on the plane was surprised.

Ji Jinrong said to the pilot, "It's hard."

The pilot couldn't help shaking his face against Ji Jinrong's beautiful face. He quickly said, "No hard work, are they all wounded who had been injected with blockers?"

Ji Jinrong nodded.

He turned around and talked to the wounded for a while, and waited for them to calm down before leaving the helicopter. The condition of the other carriages was rather tragic. Even the train driver who was thinking of learning to massage and going back to his father was unfortunately killed.

Ji Jinrong stood in place, feeling that the wind from Shino was a bit cold.

The two players had heard about the role played by Ji Jinrong from others. Qi Qi walked towards Ji Jinrong and brought the big boy who happened to awaken the sentinel ability.

Seeing Ji Jinrong's look a little sad, the two team members understood Ji Jinrong's mood. He said: "This little comrade, you have done a good job, your car has the lowest casualty rate, and it is entirely up to you to organize-you have done your best to protect them."

Ji Jinrong naturally does not need the comfort of others. He said calmly, "This disaster is not an accident, it is a crime."

The two players beat their hearts.

Ji Jinrong said: "You have someone to check the goods in the next few carriages."

The two players looked at each other and said, "We need to ask for directions first."

"No need to."

A cold voice interjected-into their conversation.

Ji Jinrong looked up and saw the familiar grim face.

Who isn't Shao Junying?

Before Ji Jinrong had time to relax, the whole person was embraced by Shao Junying.

The others looked at them in astonishment.

Shao Junying said: "Let someone check the goods behind and control the person in charge."

One of the team members reported: "The person in charge is dead."

Shao Junying frowned.

He held Ji Jinrong in his arms, and Shen Sheng commanded: "Go and find out the boss behind these batches of goods." He believes that Ji Jinrong will not say such things for no reason. Ji Jinrong's judgment is very possible-after all, this The "living dead" will not surround this train for no reason.

Ji Jinrong experienced such a fierce life-and-death struggle, and was indeed a bit weak, so he did not resist Shao Junying's embrace, and rested directly in Shao Junying's arms to rest.

Shao Junying reached out and rubbed Ji Jinrong's wrist to eliminate the soreness of excessive force during the fight for him. He apologized to Ji Jinrong: "Sorry, I'm too late."

Ji Jinrong said, "I'm fine." His eyes were slightly cold. "This kind of thing can't be thought of by anyone, and of course you can't know in advance."

Shao Junying hugged Ji Jinrong horizontally in the eyes of everyone's uncertainty. He instructed his men: "Do block injections for the wounded and evacuate others."

Others wake up like dreams.

Obviously, the teenager they were holding was his guide!

The big boy in the same car as Ji Jinrong couldn't help but be surprised. He quietly asked the team member responsible for leading himself: "Is that person A Jin's father?" When Ji Jinrong taught the massage technique, he and Ji Jinrong had passed each other by name.

Hearing the big boy's question, the team members asked were stiffened.


Wait, A Jin?

That boy was called A Jin! The team members in turn asked the big boy about Ji Jinrong and dug out what Ji Jinrong had done in the carriage.

After listening to the whole process, the team member said earnestly: "Don't say in front of the captain that he is your‘ daddy ’, otherwise you will definitely regret it.”

The big boy wondered: "Why?"

The team members said, "Because you Jin is the captain's guide. Now you don't know what the guide is, you will know it later. As the strength of the sentry increases, the importance of the guide will become higher and higher, because high-level sentries are easy Madness, and the guidance ability of the guide can stabilize the sentry's mental power! And such a guide to the sentinel is of course only a companion who accompanies the sentinel's life, "he looked at the ignorant boy." Popular In a word, it is the same as the wife you are looking for in the future. "

The big boy was dumbfounded: "But Jin looks like a teenager, and your captain seems to be thirty years old!"

The team member secretly said: Our captain doesn't seem to be thirty years old. He is definitely far more than thirty years old.

It's so beastly to say such a thing!

Team members can only say, "Age is not a problem, just like it." Although they don't know when their captain found the little guide.

The big boy nodded indifferently.

He remembered the scene where Ji Jinrong was fighting side by side with himself, and was very sorry.

Unfortunately, Ji Jinrong already has a sentry, otherwise he would really like to find Ji Jinrong as his partner!

Shao Junying took Ji Jinrong onto the helicopter.

Before boarding the plane, he felt that the eyes of the newly added little sentry had been following him and Ji Jinrong.

Shao Junying was not very happy. He said, "The little sentry just awakened in your car?"

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes, that child is very brave."

Hearing Ji Jinrong's words, Shao Junying couldn't help rubbing his head: "How do you mean to call someone a child? How old are you?"

Ji Jinrong laughed: "It doesn't matter how old I am. In my eyes, he is a child at this age."

Shao Junying's vigilance relaxed a lot. Obviously his own guide is dangerous, as the sentry should be the first to feel right. But he is a "dark sentry", and Ji Jinrong's spiritual bond is not deep, and Ji Jinrong cannot be sensed to be in danger immediately. He was really scared that there was such a sentry with Ji Jinrong, and he took advantage of his absence to move Ji Jinrong's heart.

Shao Junying said: "I should obviously reflect on my inability to arrive in time, but when I see other sentries around you, I still can't help but suffer too much. Isn't it too much?"

Ji Jinrong said, "No, it's not too much." He hugged himself tightly by Shao Junying. "If you are in danger, I will not be with you, and you will have a new guide with you to share your troubles. I also worry that you will be robbed. "

Shao Junying listened to Ji Jinrong's consolation, and a warmth flowed in her heart. He wiped the fine sweat on Ji Jinrong's forehead and said, "Did you scare you just now? We have dealt with so many of these things, but this is the first time that we have encountered a situation where" living dead people "are blocking ordinary people. The consequences of not handling this matter in a timely manner are unimaginable. "

Fortunately, the news was blocked at the moment and the information was spreading slowly. It was easier to block the news. Even if a whole vehicle is aware of the existence of "living people" this time, they can do things well by doing ideological work. Thinking of the next challenges, Shao Junying's brow could not help but lock up.

Ji Jinrong said, "Have you ever considered publishing everything?"

Shao Junying froze.

Ji Jinrong said: "Although most people do not have the ability to fight against the living dead, there are still people who can rise up and fight against the living dead. If everyone realizes what kind of dilemma we will face, we will also pay attention to precautions- At least this unexpected situation will not happen again, "he said slowly." Human beings are the weakest, but also the strongest. When they know what kind of crisis they have to face, they will burst out. The greatest strength-survival is the most basic instinct of everyone. So, if we have the right time, we can consider making everything public. "

Shao Junying said: "This may cause panic among the masses."

Ji Jinrong said: "Compared with panic, a large-scale outbreak of living dead would be more terrible? Like today, if the person in our carriage did not have the courage to fight with those living dead, I am afraid I ca n’t wait for you to come to the rescue ——Even if I am a guide, even if we have a newly awakened sentry in the carriage, it will not be of much help in the face of such a large number of living dead—if others know what is happening in Western Europe, they will certainly not Unforeseen shipments of 'foreign goods' to the inland. This time, the people behind are using the public's 'uninformed'! "

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