MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 114 Conquer the strongest sentry (eighteen)

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Ji Jinrong followed Shen Lao into the deep forest.

It's really surprising to have such a jungle near the capital. Ji Jinrong had a feeling of walking in the virgin forest. He was vigilant, and Shen Lao walked along the road full of fallen leaves.

When the two walked into an unoccupied woodland, Mr. Shen stopped and turned to ask Ji Jinrong: "Can you feel anything?"

Ji Jinrong also stopped and calmly felt everything around him. Deep in the dense forest, a strange and powerful air flow surged, as if coming from all directions. Deeper in the ground, the roots of the coiled trees stretched around little by little, firmly grasping the surrounding soil, forming a natural barrier underground.

The jungle, which should be lively, gave him a sense of dying grayness, with deep sorrow lingering in his heart, and the heavy branches seemed to be pressed down from the top to the bottom, and all the light around him All drowned.

It's not a wonderful feeling.

Ji Jinrong's heart jumped.

Opening his eyes, Ji Jinrong looked at Shen. There was a bit of anxiety between his eyebrows, looking at Shen Lao who brought himself to this place.

Shen Lao saw the clue from Ji Jinrong's look.

Mr. Shen knew that his guess was correct.

Ji Jinrong was as good as he expected.

If the sentinel strengthens its own five senses, the guide strengthens "induction."

The guide can guide the crazy mentality of the chaotic sentinel because the guides can quickly sense which parts are normal and which parts are disordered, and determine which parts should be left and which parts are fastest. Should be cleared.

Mr. Shen always felt that it was ridiculous for the guide to wake up for the sentry.

Since they are both "Awakeners", the guide should not only exist as a companion to the sentinel!

Ji Jinrong mentioned the "matrix method", which made Shen Lao nodded. Even if the average person notices the unusualness of the base, he will not bluntly say the word "matrix" unless he really understands "matrix" and can feel its existence!

Shen Lao asked again: "Did you feel anything?"

Ji Jinrong opened his eyes, his eyes hesitated a bit: "I'm not sure."

Mr. Shen said, "Tell me what you want to see."

Ji Jinrong said: "I feel a kind of death." A kind of sadness is extremely sad, as if the whole world is about to end, they can only use their own life as the last resistance.

This resistance is weak and small, and they don't even know if it makes sense to do so.

Ji Jinrong pondered for a moment and said everything she felt.

Shen Lao quietly listened to Ji Jinrong's narrative. The more Ji Jinrong spoke to the back, the stronger the surprise on Shen Lao's face.

Everything Ji Jinrong said was really a surprise to him.

Shen Lao said: "This formation method has been passed down from generation to generation by our division and is called 'borrowing'. Just like its name, it borrows its vitality from some kind of soul. So, you The sense of "death" is true, because the life of these trees is almost exhausted. "

Ji Jinrong heard the word "borrowed" and understood what was going on in this formation. Every creature's life has a fixed number. If you "borrow" its life, its life will be lost. Once you "borrow" it continuously, the life of the other person will always be exhausted Day.

By that time, they naturally lingered around and died shortly.

Ji Jinrong said, "Are you planning to change a batch of trees?"

Shen Lao sighed and said, "There are not many spiritual trees that can let us 'borrow'." Not all plants have "living" to borrow for them.

Ji Jinrong said, "What should we do next?" If the base could not be maintained, the training of the sentries would become a very difficult problem. By then, the sentry is no longer the best "weapon" against the "living dead", but a hot potato! Ji Jin made a long pause and thought of Western Europe. "Can you find out how to solve it?"

During this time, he learned a lot about Western Europe. They need to conduct closed training for a long time, but Western Europe does not need the training method.

Shen Lao said: "Their solution is very simple. Directly drop the sentry into the dead pile, and it will naturally stabilize after fighting for a period of time. If it cannot stabilize, there is no chance to return to China."

Ji Jinrong was stunned: "Will they?"

Shen Lao said: "It's all the same, what else is unwilling to do? Staying in the country is not necessarily safe, and the normal environment may be more exciting for them, so most of them will obey orders." He paused for a moment, and Added a point, "Of course, there are still some people who are unwilling to obey. They flee from the place and form a sentry mercenary team. Most of these people stabilize their mental strength by preempting the newly awakened guide-I think their approach There is not much reference value. "

Ji Jinrong also understood.

To put it simply, in Western Europe, the training phase was skipped directly, and after being trained as ordinary soldiers, they were thrown into the battlefield, allowing the battlefield to hone their will. Some people who do not want to obey this arrangement, take away the awakening guides, and organize their own team to earn some commissions with a strong spirit.

For Xia Guo's situation, this approach really has no reference value.

Judging from the current situation in Western Europe, this approach is indeed the worst choice-if this is useful, there will not be so many countries in Western Europe reduced to the paradise of "living dead"!

Ji Jinrong said, "Do you have a solution?"

Shen Lao looked to the dense forest around him: "I want the guides to try to 'repair' them."

Ji Jinrong's heart jumped. He said, "Repair? It's like repairing the mental strength of the sentry?" He said, trying to communicate with the surrounding trees.

To Jin Jinrong's surprise, he felt a kind of bright green light appearing on the trees around him.

When the spiritual filament climbed the green light, he clearly felt the wind, frost and rain for decades. Obviously he is a person, but at this moment it seems to be integrated with the giant tree he is trying to "communication".

He can feel the joy of this giant wood in its first birth, the joy of its first bathing in the rain, and the joy of shaking its leaves against the wind for the first time—slowly, he felt it when the wind came. The pain of having to bend down, feeling the trembling of the leaves when the storm was approaching—

Is this the "spiritual body" of trees?

There is no need for Mr. Shen to give any guidance. Ji Jinrong has fumbled to find the dim and bright parts, and tried to repair them.

As if in response to the touch of his spiritual filament, the giant tree slowly stretched its leaves, the haze on the leaves faded away little by little, and a green luster full of vitality appeared.

At the moment when the giant tree was back to life, the surrounding trees were crazy.

Every life has an instinct to survive.

Ji Jinrong instantly felt the ocean-like help signal densely surrounded, and countless bright lights lit up in the forest.

That means that most of the plants and plants completely exposed the "spiritual body" in front of him.

Ji Jinrong has a strong mental power. He usually does not need to use them at all, so it is not uncomfortable to accept so many "spiritual bodies". He is like soothing an old friend, touching the "spiritual body" with their filaments one by one, and repairing the injuries they have suffered over the years.

Over the decades, they have suffered too much. But before the disaster strikes, they are still willing to turn themselves into the last walls and build an isolated training base for the world's last hope.

They are willing to be part of the "borrowed" array.

They are no longer sustainable. But they still want to live longer and support them for a few more years-they are always going to die, but they all want to get more time for everything they love before they die .

They love the wind, rain and dew of this world, the noisy juniors around them, and even everyone passing by by chance.

Yes, they love too much, so they don't want to die yet.

Ji Jinrong stood in place, without moving for a long time.

What he touched was a soul he had never touched before. They were pure and beautiful, which made him feel ashamed, and he could only do his best to repair the "spiritual body" for them.

This process is not long.

Ji Jinrong opened her eyes again and met Shen Lao's earnest eyes. He laughed and said to Shen Lao: "I think it can be done." He looked up and saw that the "dead air" that had permeated the air when he just stepped into the forest was gradually fading away, and the surrounding air was changing. It's fresh and luscious.

There were one or two murmurs deep in the bush.

Looking further away, a few flocks of birds soared, hovering in the air for a moment, picking out the favorite branches to fall feet, and cheerful cheers in the hair of the branches.

The vitality in the forest is slowly recovering.

The branches and leaves of the trees gleamed in the sun.

Although Shen Lao could not feel the "spiritual body" of the trees, he could feel the changes around him. He stood in the open space and took a deep breath, feeling that the turbidity in his chest was washed away by the fresh air.

Shen Lao said, "I haven't breathed this kind of air for many years." His expression was slightly faint, as if he had fallen into the memory of the past. "The old dynasty died, and Master fled us into the mountains with a finger count. It is impossible to tell us that there will be a great calamity for a hundred years. I thought that in the past few years after the founding of the People ’s Republic, Master said it was a “great calamity”. I did not expect that after the founding of the People ’s Republic of China, such a calamity came.

Ji Jinrong said, "Your master is an expert."

Shen Lao said: "Masters can't survive too many lives."

Ji Jin won a moment, staring directly at Shen Lao's gaze: "I don't believe in" fate. "Some things I do, success means that I work hard enough, and unsuccessful means that my effort and strength are not enough, not the so-called" fate. " "

Shen Lao's calm and serious eyes on Shang Ji Jinrong could not help thinking about Shao Junying.

The child said something similar to him, and the child was about the same age as the boy in front of him.

Perhaps it was because of his perseverance that he had been a child since childhood, that child would become a rare "dark sentry". In Western Europe, a "dark sentry" can easily form their own armed forces-because they don't seem to go crazy, they don't need a guide to mentally guide them.

However, even if Shao Junying was a "dark sentry", Shen Lao hoped he could find his own guide. Because Shao Junying's choice was too difficult and lonely. If only he could survive it alone, maybe he would eventually fall in the future.

Out of retreat, Shen Lao was happy to hear the news that Shao Junying found the guide. I was chasing Shao Junying like that just now, but it was just doing something. As long as Shao Junying was willing to find him, whether he was male or female, regardless of his age, he had made a wish.

The formation has been strengthened, and Shen Lao took Ji Jinrong along the other path back to the base. The trees on both sides drooped slightly, and the leaves were rustled by the wind, as if saying goodbye to Ji Jinrong gently.

On the way, Shen Lao talked about Shao Junying ’s childhood: “Stone has no parents since he was born. My daughter-in-law has kept him by his side and treated him as a son. He seems to be more sensible than other children since he was a child. He never Noisy, eating and peeing every day are fixed, more like adults than adults. "He said with emotion," I have never seen such a child. "

Ji Jinrong said with interest: "Isn't he ever made anything interesting since he was a kid?"

Shen Lao said, "No, he was very popular when studying at school. My daughter-in-law often worried about his early love. He raised his face to keep him away from the girl. He thought it made sense, so he did it obediently, but did not expect a boy. He confessed to him and chased him home, making him want to go home even during that time. "

Ji Jinrong raised a brow and smiled profoundly: "A good face is to recruit people."

Shen Lao is not so sensitive to young people's affairs. He can't hear Ji Jinrong's strong taste, and only mentions it as an interesting past. He said: "The boy has a cold face since then, regardless of whether men or women are close. At first my daughter-in-law was quite satisfied. When the boy was older, he was sad. Already ready for this guy to play a bachelor all his life, he did not expect that he would silently solve his lifelong affairs. "

Ji Jinrong listened to Shen Lao with a smile, and returned to the base with Shen Lao soon. Shen Lao just came out of the customs, there is still a lot of work to do, so he did not continue to take Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong asked someone to find out where Shao Junying was, and followed the other's instructions. Hearing that the security guard said Shao Junying was meeting guests, Ji Jinrong thought about it and did not bother Shao Junying again. He told the guard: "Tell me to tell Shao Junying that I will go back first."

As soon as Ji Jinrong's remarks ended, the door of the reception room was opened from the inside. Shao Junying came out and said, "Why don't you come in here?" He just heard what Ji Jinrong said to the guards.

If he doesn't come out, will Ji Jinrong leave quietly?

Ji Jinrong saw that Shao Junying was annoyed, and felt that Shao Junying was a bit cute. Everyone is on the capital side, but it's not impossible to see each other. What's the matter if he goes back first?

Did the people in the reception room make him feel bad?

Ji Jinrong said, "Aren't you discussing the business with others? I'll come and talk to you individually. There is nothing special. It's the same if you can't get in."

Then another person stepped out of the reception room.

Ji Jinrong looked at each other and found that the other was actually a guide. This guide wore boundless glasses, dressed in the official uniform of Xia Guo officials, and the button of the shirt was buttoned to the top, which looked like a serious and rigorous person.

The other person's eyes fell generously on Ji Jinrong, as if evaluating something.

Ji Jinrong said with a smile: "Hello."

The other person raised his hand and pushed his glasses, and said to Ji Jinrong, "You are too young, and Shao Junying is not suitable."

Ji Jinrong was surprised when he heard the words of the other party. I did not expect that the other person would talk about such a private topic. Is this person coming to Shao Junying not for business, but for "private affairs"? Shao Junying is the most likely target of this "private affair"?

Ji Jinrong said: "I feel the same way, sometimes I think he is so much older than me, and I want to call his father."

The other side was slightly surprised, as if surprised that he would be so calm.

Shao Junying's face turned black.

It is one thing for two people to joke in private, and it is another thing for Ji Jinrong to say so in front of an outsider. This guy knows that he cares about this, but he even said such things to outsiders!

Shao Junying wanted to get Ji Jinrong to his place of residence, and let Ji Jinrong call "Dad" in another place.

Like shouting on his bed!

Ji Jinrong noticed Shao Junying's dangerous gaze and shifted the subject smartly: "My name is Gu Jin. I don't know your name?"

He stunned and said, "My name is Yan Xuefeng."

Ji Jinrong raised his brow slightly: "People are as they are."

Yan Xuefeng looked at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said: "You and your name are very similar, a little serious, a bit cold, and it's hard to get close." He looked at Yan Xuefeng with a smile, "You use this posture to talk to Shao Junying for marriage, Shao Junying will definitely not promise you Yes, he likes enthusiastic types like me— "

Yan Xuefeng's complexion was slightly red, and he was obviously very embarrassed.

How did this boy know what he was doing?

Ji Jinrong said: "If you think about it, he is cold enough. If he finds another partner who is as cold as him, how can he live in the future? So for the sake of" harmony ", he will only choose I am like this. Not to mention that you met him so early, what should have been there long ago, how could you wait until today? "

Yan Xuefeng: "..."

How do you feel this boy knows everything?

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