MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 117 Conquer the Strongest Sentinel (21)

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Yan Xuefeng was injured.

Since Yan Xuefeng was a guide, he naturally would not travel alone, and he was surrounded by many security personnel. In the event of an attack, these security personnel tried their best to protect him, but still failed to block the opponent's offensive.

Yan Xuefeng's face was a little pale.

After meeting Ji Jinrong and Shao Junying, Yan Xuefeng said, "The goal of those people is my blood."

Ji Jinrong said, "Have you been taken blood?"

Yan Xuefeng nodded.

Shao Junying looked a little dignified.

He asked, "Is your plan leaked?"

Yan Xuefeng and Ji Jinrong plan to establish a guide association, one is to protect the personal rights of the guides, and the other is to organize the guides to systematically learn the necessary knowledge.

All this is still being prepared. Outside of the guide Yan Xuefeng has found, no one outside knows it.

If the other party's purpose is to hinder this plan, then Yan Xuefeng must live in the base like Ji Jinrong, and he must receive strict protection to prevent anyone from succeeding!

Yan Xuefeng shook his head when he heard Shao Junying's speculation. He said, "I don't think it's like, if they came for the plan, why didn't they kill me directly?"

Shao Junying said, "What do you mean?"

Yan Xuefeng said: "I suspect a group of sentinels that have not been absorbed into the special operations team are in the capital."

Ji Jinrong said: "Some of them may be suddenly mad, so attack you to take blood forcibly and use the pheromone in your blood to ease the symptoms of madness?"

The pheromone in the guide's blood is the most primitive soothing agent, but with so many sentries, it is impossible to extract the pheromone with the guide's blood every time.

So if you want to get enough pheromones, you still have to look for alternative medicines.

Seeing Yan Xuefeng nodded, Ji Jinrong questioned: "Why don't they just drive you away?"

Yan Xuefeng froze, and there was some confusion in his eyes. Yeah, why not just take him away?

Shao Junying said another possibility: "In addition to being a soothing agent, the pheromone of the guide can also be used as an attractant."

Yan Xuefeng said, "Attractants?"

Shao Junying said: "The doctor just came to the conclusion recently. I tried. Pheromones can really seduce the" living dead "." He paused. "The cargo on the train that Jin took last time was completely cleaned up. It has been checked, and indeed there is something similar to the guide pheromone in it. It is a failed product researched in Western Europe. It has no soothing function and can only be used as an attractant. "

Yan Xuefeng said: "They are taking my blood and are they trying to seduce the" living dead "?"

Shao Junying nodded: "The 'living dead people' on our side of Xia Guo still seem to retain some of the human mind. They can lurk among ordinary people without being found, but only quietly ambush ordinary people at night, infecting them into 'living dead people'. "

This evolution is terrible.

Ordinary "living dead people" can be identified by their appearance. This type of "living dead people" looks just like ordinary people! And they lurk silently in the crowd, silently "reproduction"-

Last time, those in Western Europe wanted to try to seduce a group of such "living dead" to do research. I didn't expect that the sentry mercenary regiment pretending to be a "justice passerby" had not arrived yet, and the special operations team sent the batch of " "The living dead" was wiped out, and the root cause was clearly identified.

Seeing things revealed in Western Europe, they had to propose to share the current research results.

This evolution is most common in the "living dead" on Xia's side.

Because Xia Guoqing's efforts to "live the dead" are the greatest, forcing them to mutate further!

In the past two years, the mutants in Western Europe also have this mutation trend, so they immediately established a corresponding project and wanted to study the mechanism clearly.

Xia Guo is the easiest place to get the "experimental body".

Shao Junying said: "Their purpose may be the same as the previous one, but they have hired a sentinel who is not absorbed by the special operations team."

It's not just good people who wake up as sentries, bad people can also.

Yan Xuefeng said, "Why did you choose me?"

Ji Jinrong said: "Probably because your talent is high, and you often show your face on various occasions. And recently you often come to the base, the course of action is relatively fixed, and it is easy to ambush on the road." General guides will be strictly protected , Not even let out.

Yan Xuefeng said: "The higher the talent, the more attractive it is to 'living people'?"

Ji Jinrong nodded.

Yan Xuefeng said, "Did we find a way to catch some 'experimental bodies'?"

Ji Jinrong and Shao Junying glanced at each other, and Yan Xuefeng told the truth: "Yes, the doctor is also doing research in this area."

Yan Xuefeng looked at Ji Jinrong: "Is your blood used?"

Ji Jinrong said: "It's almost the same, but only a little bit is used. The latter is an artificial attractant that has been worked out at the institute."

Yan Xuefeng said, "If you need it, you can also use mine." Rather than letting your blood away for others, you might as well contribute to yourself. Ji Jinrong looked at Yan Xuefeng's serious face, and said with some emotion: "You have already been drawn a tube of blood, let's take care of yourself first."

Yan Xuefeng did not speak.

This time it was his intention, as a guide he should pay more attention to protect himself. If the other person uses his blood to attract "living people" in the downtown, the consequences are simply unthinkable.

Shao Junying and Ji Jinrong both saw Yan Xuefeng's blame.

Shao Junying said, "This is not your problem. We didn't take this into account." He paused, his eyes flashed, "We should send two sentries to protect you at our base."

Who is Yan Xuefeng? When he heard it, he knew what Shao Junying was doing!

This clearly wants to stop him from sending a sentry.

Yan Xuefeng's face turned black: "No."

Shao Junying sternly said: "You need to know, but the future leader of the Guidance Association. Your safety is not only related to yourself, but also to the safety of most of the guides. If you are arrested, you cannot stand the other party's Questioning gave the directions of all the guides, weren't they all very dangerous? "

What Shao Junying said was very reasonable, and Yan Xuefeng could not refute it.

With a stretched face, he promised: "Then you send two sentries to me."

Shao Junying smiled with satisfaction: "When we go back, we will choose two suitable candidates for you."

Ji Jinrong said: "Then you take a break first, we will investigate this matter, and we will never let the other party succeed."

Yan Xuefeng nodded and watched them leave.

Out of the hospital, Ji Jinrong aimed at Shao Junying beside him, and could not help but say, "I have never seen anyone who is as careful as you."

Shao Junying said: "He is about the same age as me. He has always been lonely. He has been so lonely. He is a guide. What ’s so bad about finding a sentry?"

Ji Jinrong, like Yan Xuefeng, could not refute Shao Junying.

Shao Junying also said: "Only in matters that are related to you, I will be so careful." After changing someone else, he will not take it at all. If Yan Xuefeng hadn't come to Ji Jinrong all day, how could he have bothered about such a thing?

Shao Junying spoke so frankly, but Ji Jinrong was hard to say anything about him.

He could only return to the base with Shao Junying.

Shao Junying led him to look through the files of the sentries, and picked out the sentries who were acceptable to the Yan family and were not too far away from Yan Xuefeng. Ji Jinrong checked it next, and finally picked two a-class sentries from a family background, one of which even faintly approached the s-class!

Shao Junying picked out the file and said to Ji Jinrong: "This sentry seems to be in the same session as us, and has never experienced symptoms of madness, like me, but is a bit of a personality. Before, he and Yan Xuefeng were not in a match. He may have had unexpected results in the past. "

Ji Jinrong looked at the photos on the file and found that the man could wear a little bit of breath even with military uniforms.

Ji Jinrong said, "Wouldn't you intentionally retaliate Brother Yan?"

Upon hearing the title of Ji Jinrong, Shao Junying snorted coldly: "What if I deliberately retaliate?" Obviously he was as big as Yan Xuefeng, Ji Jinrong called Yan Xuefeng "Brother Yan", but he called him "Uncle Shao"-sometimes even malicious Call him "Dad"!

This makes him see how Yan Xuefeng is not pleasing to the eye.

Ji Jinrong decides to take a closer look and meet the two sentries in person and ask their wishes.

If the other party really has a conflict with Yan Xuefeng, they should raise objections.

The first sentry had nothing to do with Yan Xuefeng. When he heard that he was going to protect Yan Xuefeng, he agreed quickly.

During this period of time, Yan Xuefeng has come to the base quite frequently. They have all seen it from afar. Maybe his temper is a little cold, but his appearance is absolutely first-class-he looks good, has good talent, and Yan Xuefeng has pride and cold capital.

There are not many guides in the base. Ji Jinrong is already the captain's guide. Yan Xuefeng has naturally become their ideal partner.

No one will refuse this task.

Ji Jinrong thinks so too.

But when questioning the sentinel mentioned by Shao Junying, the opponent's face was covered with frost.

This sentry is called Cheng Qingcang, who is the closest to Shao Junying in the special operations team.

Cheng Qingcang stood up: "How can you be so excessive?"

Ji Jinrong and Shao Junying looked at each other.

Cheng Qingcang looked to Shao Junying: "Yan Xuefeng has liked you for so many years, and now he is in distress and injured. You still put a knife in his heart like this!"

Ji Jinrong's eyes brightened.

There is no wrong taste in this remark, but it is maintaining Yan Xuefeng.

Shao Junying was also a little surprised. He said, "It's because he was injured this time that I will find someone to protect him. I can't withdraw. Your strength is second only to me and is the most suitable person. If you have any objections to this decision, I Will go and pick other candidates. "

Cheng Qingcang clenched his fists.

He was quiet for a while before he said, "You know Yan Xuefeng hates me."

Obviously people in their thirties, but the words are revealed with infinite grievances.