MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 26 Conquering the leader of slaves (5)

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Moore exploded.

From the first look at Ji Jinrong, he knew that this guy was sent by God to oppose himself.

No, it was just a day before he came to trouble him. Isn't this guy helping a worker in the kitchen! What medicine shop actually ran out to help! What can you know with just a little help? Aren't you just a little clever and want to get Arthurs' attention!

Moore was still young, with emotions written on his face.

Ji Jinrong knew at a glance that things were going to be bad. He can only say: "Because there are so many injuries today, I will run out of those kinds of herbs and I will be able to make up soon.

Moore glanced at him and said, "I'll check it out!"

He was Arthur's cousin and a disciple of Dr. David. Angry and angry, he wouldn't sit idly by as problems arise. He is too young, and many people do not take him seriously, so sometimes it may not be possible to find the problem.

Hearing Moore's words, Ji Jinrong couldn't help looking at it.

No wonder Arthur did not hesitate to let Moore take care of the matter, and Moore was very neat in the business. Ji Jinrong said, "In fact, I have a few ideas."

Moore: "..."

I really want to hit people.

Ji Jinrong and Moore had a cordial and friendly talk.

It was mainly Ji Jinrong who told Moore about his "little idea". The so-called small ideas, of course, were not originally created by Ji Jinrong, but what Wei Tingjun said before--

At that time, the Tai Medical Department worshipped him inexplicably. He simply discussed with Wei Tingjun overnight to see what medical knowledge could be used in several worlds. He threw it to Tai Hospital for research.

Ji Jinrong has heard it personally and was very impressed with several things mentioned by Wei Tingjun.

One is that there are many germs living in the air. If the body is injured and the germs enter the body, people will become infected and get sick-it will be difficult to say if they can be cured by then!

So the best way is not to let those things get into your body.

This is the first key link when doing "surgery": sterility!

The second is anesthesia and disinfection.

It was said that it took a long time for the Tai Chi Department to develop the most suitable anesthetic powder.

Ji Jinrong still doesn't understand everything here, so I don't know if there is anything similar (he thinks that maybe he can go to the black market to find those guys who sell sex). For disinfection, you can use alcohol to stand first, but he knows how to do it.

There are some other things, but Ji Jinrong thinks that he won't be able to get it at a short time, so he doesn't mention much.

Just these few points have made Moore's eyes narrowed and his body straightened. He completely forgot the existence of Arthurs and listened intently to Ji Jinrong's speech. After Ji Jinrong finished speaking, he couldn't return to God for a long time.

Arthur's brow frowned and tightened.

Seeing Ji Jinrong seemed to have nothing to say, he said, "I'm hungry."

Ji Jinrong then remembered his "duties".

He said, "I'll go to the kitchen first."

After running, he ran away without looking back.

Moore woke up like a dream.

Ji Jinrong's medical insights refreshed him. He looked down upon Ji Jinrong, a weak and incompetent aristocrat, but after listening to everything Ji Jinrong said, he felt that Ji Jinrong was like a vast and beautiful ocean, and everything he said fascinated him!

Moore had a hunch that these things could change the whole age!

At least it will change the level of medical care throughout the age.

Moore was struggling.

Arthur's anorexia is helpless even his teacher. It is rare that such a "chef" can make Arthur say "I'm hungry." He is certainly happy. But when he discovered Ji Jinrong's medical talent, he felt that Ji Jinrong could not be allowed to spend all his time in the kitchen-it was really a waste.

Moore asked Arthurs: "Arthurs, I'll take this home-will I take him to see the teacher?"

Arthur's alarm bell was a masterpiece.

Arthurs had to admit that the boy did have a magical power, and even Moore, who had been hostile to him, could change him in such a short time.

Arthur looked into Moore's fascination just now.

To be honest, Arthurs had a kind of dissatisfaction that he could not clearly explain. But Ji Jinrong also heard what he said, and he could judge the feasibility of Ji Jinrong's actions and their significance.

Don't look at those things that sound so simple. If they are really useful, they are countless lives!

As the leader of the Free Army, Arthurs most distressed was watching each soldier die before the dawn. What also makes him sad is that many people did not die under the enemy's knife, but died of infections after surgery-according to Ji Jinrong, that is not done without disinfection and aseptic measures, which will lead to that sad result!

Many more people have lost an arm or leg because of poor surgical techniques and conditions.

That means they will become useless!

Even if only one of the tragedies can be changed, it is very good.

Arthur suppressed his unwillingness and nodded. "No problem, but you have to ask him for your own opinion."

Moore said happily, "OK!"

Arthurs was a little dull.

Dinner was served quickly.

Previously, people rushed to deliver meals. After delivery, they kept staring at Arthurs with admiration, but today is not the same. As soon as Arthurs started eating, those who brought the meal back out.

Arthur had good ears and clearly heard their excited conversation: "Oh, hurry up! There is still some food left at noon, and A Jin said he'd like to make fried rice for us." "Yeah, go back, Otherwise, those abominable guys would have ran out of fried rice! "" Yes, we have to go faster! "

They did go faster and faster, because Arthurs soon couldn't hear them.

Arthur looked at the fragrant dishes on the table, and somehow always felt boring, and his mind was filled with what the two workers called "fried rice"! He always felt that it should belong to him-but now he was taken away by those who have nothing to do with it!

Arthur looked heavy.

He silently resolved the food on the table, packed everything himself, picked it up and headed for the kitchen.

Before entering the door, Arthurs had heard the laughter inside.

Ji Jinrong is not very talkative, but everyone has the name "Ajin" in his words, either to praise the delicious fried rice made by Ji Jinrong, or to ask Ji Jinrong about a certain dish. Ji Jinrong didn't have any aristocratic shelves. He told others what he knew in a generous manner. He was not afraid that his housekeeping skills would be learned.

Really naive and stupid.

Arthur walked in with the tray.

The atmosphere in the kitchen seemed to cool down all of a sudden.

Ji Jinrong was the first to return. Seeing that everyone else was scared, Ji Jinrong could only stand up and hold Arthur's frozen eyes: "Master Arthur!" Aiming at the tray in Arthur's hand, Ji Jinrong stepped forward and took it to the sink. "Why did you come here in person?"

Arthur said, "It's okay after eating, it's like taking a walk after dinner."

Realizing that Arthurs eyes were on their "dining table", Ji Jinrong explained to Arthurs, "We like to eat around and be lively."

Arthur's eyes returned to Ji Jinrong's face.

Before Ji Jinrong's arrival, there didn't seem to be such a "lively". This boy has a natural appeal and affinity that can make everyone around him affected by him! I have to say that this talent made him envious. Even his most loyal subordinates, even his only loved ones, always kept a distance from him—

Or the problem is with him, because he doesn't know how to get closer to people.

But before seeing Ji Jinrong, Arthurs would never be upset about this kind of thing-feel pain and suffering. After all, he never wanted to be close to anyone, nor did he want to waste time on nothingness "happiness" and "feelings".

Smelling the scent of fried rice in the kitchen, Arthurs ** said, "I don't seem to be full."

Ji Jinrong knows that Arthurs has suffered from anorexia in recent months, so the meals made at noon and at night are relatively light and the quantity is relatively small. He glanced at Arthurs' strong physique, and immediately enthusiastically invited, "If Lord Arthurs doesn't hate it, it would be better to sit down and have some fried rice with us."

Arthurs did not refuse, and sat in the seat vacated by others.

Ji Jinrong saw that Arthur's sitting position was a little stiff, and she felt interesting. It seems that Lord Arthurs is not as cold as it seems, this person actually wants to get closer with other people.

Ji Jinrong brought a plate of Jin Chancan's fried rice to Arthurs.

He introduced: "This is the egg that Dylan went out and touched. I do n’t know what it was made of, but it tastes good. I saw a lot of rice left at noon and I was thinking of frying. I sauteed the dinner. In addition to adding eggs, there are some leftover ingredients for dinner. I put them in so as not to waste them, so this is a hodgepodge—I do n’t know if there are adults in you who do n’t eat Something, tell me if an adult doesn't like it. "

Arthur nodded with a grimace.

The aroma pervades the nose.

Does anyone in the world really not like something so fragrant?

Each grain of rice seemed to be covered with a layer of golden egg liquid, and after being fried with hot oil, it looked a bit bright and transparent, like a beautiful gem. In addition, the rice is also wrapped with a variety of ingredients, which are scattered throughout the golden fried rice, and almost every bite can surprise you with the taste and taste.

Who wouldn't like this delicious?

Seeing everyone else waiting for him to start, Arthur said, "Eat all." After speaking, he took action first, scooping a spoonful of golden-colored fried rice and delivering it to his mouth. At the entrance of the meal, he was immediately conquered, anxious to open every taste bud completely, and let the good taste stay in his mouth for a while.

Not even Arthurs, let alone others.

No one cares about restraint, no one cares about talking, everyone eats his share of fried rice gorgingly-his eyes are still staring at the rest, and he ca n’t wait to finish himself, Grab the rest in your own bowl!

Ji Jinrong is very happy.

For food lovers, there is nothing more enjoyable than enjoying a delicious meal with friends. Even if they are not true friends now, it doesn't matter that much-just eat a few more meals together!

Caroline eats more than the boy, and it looks like Sven, but in fact it is the fastest. She quickly put the last fried rice in her bowl, looking provocatively towards Arthurs, who was one step behind her.


If this guy does n’t come to grab, fried rice will be enough!

Arthurs: "..."

He persuaded himself not to care about the little girl.

Ji Jinrong naturally did not want Caroline to be hungry. He came out to round the field: "Sir, you just found your appetite, you should not eat too much, otherwise you will be uncomfortable."

Arthur turned to the sink and put his empty bowl in. He looked at Ji Jinrong: "Go out with me."

Arthur's eyes read, "I have something to tell you."

Ji Jinrong obediently followed Arthurs out.

The two walked out of the kitchen, and it was already dark, and a small crescent crescent appeared in the sky. The dark blue sky was a bit unspeakable still, only a few stars scattered on it, emitting a faint light from time to time.

Ji Jinrong said, "Master Arthur, do you have anything to command?"

Arthurs found that he did not like Ji Jinrong calling himself "adult" at all, nor did he like Ji Jinrong's use of honorifics to himself.

He said: "Moore said he would take you to see his teacher someday."

Ji Jinrong knew that he would definitely see Moore's teacher, but did not expect it so soon!

He rejoiced: "Really?"

Arthur said, "Do you know Moore's teacher?"

Ji Jinrong: "..."

Ji Jinrong answered honestly: "I don't know, but I heard Mr. Moore's words in the morning! He said that his teacher had developed a prescription for treating the plague. My brother and I had seen the horrors of the plague before they left, so I heard someone can overcome I was very happy during the plague-I admire this great senior, and I would be very happy to meet him. "

Seeing Ji Jinrong's sincere face, Arthurs knew that Ji Jinrong was telling the truth. "When Moore talks with his teacher, he will come to you," he said.

Ji Jinrong said, "Good!"

Arthur stared at Ji Jinrong's smiling face, wondering why he was getting better. This mood gave him a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had experienced it thousands of times. And when I realized this feeling again, his frozen heart seemed to come alive all the time, with warm enthusiasm in every corner.

This unfamiliar feeling left Arthurs at a loss.

Arthurs almost fled: "I'll go back first."

Ji Jinrong stayed blank.

If he read correctly, Arthur's ears seemed slightly reddish? Ji Jinrong recalled the conversation just a few times, but found nothing wrong—what's so hot about this guy's ears!


A colorful day came to an end.

Ji Jinrong made two movable curtains, which separated the three beds separately, giving Caroline a relatively independent space. It's not convenient to live like this, but Ji Jinrong doesn't plan to stay in this place for too long, so he doesn't care about this little thing.

Ji Jinrong woke up early the next morning.

Both Caroline and Old Robert haven't woken up yet, Ji Jinrong walked outside to move around and turned to the kitchen to search for ingredients suitable for breakfast.

The matter of looking for Wei Tingjun was still unsettled.

Caroline has inquired about the situation today. In terms of strength, both Duke William and the leader of the Free Army are very strong, and they are also capable of "changing the times". The leader of the Free Army, Eric, is relatively young and ruthless toward the enemy, but is very kind to the people and civilians below. Many people are secretly looking forward to the occupation of the place where they are.

In contrast, Duke William seemed much more ruthless, indifferent to his own people and to his enemies.

It is said that in the eyes of the Duke of William, no matter whether it is the aristocracy or the poor, it is a humble bug. In order to achieve his purpose, he turned a group of people into the "source of the plague" and drove them quietly to the fortress of Hollo, known as the "city of heroes".

Fort Hollo was the capital of the Empire and was once the most prosperous part of the Empire.

Today, due to the plague and war, Fort Hollo has become a "city of death".

This is just one of Duke William's great achievements.

Ji Jinrong knows that Wei Tingjun has done similar things before-although the means are not so cruel and cruel. He was a little worried, if the Duke of William was Wei Tingjun, how could he pull him back from this terrible state? Want to join the Free Army and beat this guy down?

Ji Jinrong felt that this idea was a bit cruel.

He is a kind and gentle man.

Alas, just do it!

If it is determined by then that Duke William is really Wei Tingjun, he will fish out and take him away-give him some time, and it should not be difficult to do this.

It's just that it may take more time to coax people.

Ji Jinrong made up his mind and was very happy.

In the kitchen, he saw the big man cutting carrots there.

Hearing footsteps, the big man shook, and the carrot in his hand fell to the ground.

Ji Jinrong narrowed her eyes with a smile: "So early."

The big man said, "Early and early!"

Ji Jinrong said, "Do you like to eat carrots?"

The big man was embarrassed and said, "Yesterday you said that you can eat more carrots if you don't see anything at night. I asked my supervisor for some ..."

Ji Jinrong remembered that she seemed to have mentioned a few words to someone yesterday. He said, "Well, you can try some liver."

The big man nodded again and again.

Ji Jinrong smiled at him: "I'm going to have breakfast. Come and fight me?"

The big man ran over and actively worked with Ji Jinrong. When everyone else came to the kitchen, there was already a seductive fragrance in the kitchen.

The sunlight outside came in, giving off a milky glow.

Looking at Ji Jinrong standing in the sunshine, someone couldn't help sighing, "A Jin is just like an angel!"

This sentence was agreed by all.

They all quickly joined the team preparing breakfast, accompanied by the aroma of food, and the sound of clanking when the kitchen utensils collided seemed like a beautiful movement. No one wants to think about how long such a beautiful day can last, for fear of disturbing the happiness and tranquility of this moment.

Arthurs didn't sleep well tonight and had been dreaming all night, but when he woke up he couldn't remember what happened in the dream.

I just felt that there was an unforgettable feeling deep in my heart like a torrent.

It was not completely clear, and Arthurs dressed and went outside.

He faintly watched Ji Jinrong come out of the room.

Watching Ji Jinrong walk to the kitchen.

Watching Ji Jinrong gossiping with others.

Watching the kitchen come alive.

The weather is really good, the sun is shining, with the warmth and lightness of early spring.

Arthurs heard the sigh that someone had said.

They said that A Jin was almost like an angel.

Arthurs followed their eyes and saw that Ji Jinrong's entire portrait was shining, shining in the bright sunshine.

What an angel is.

Arthur thought.

There are so many angels in the legend, his—

Arthur's head stagnates for a moment.

What's his?

-What's his?

Yes, from the moment he saw the boy, he felt inexplicably that the little boy belonged to him.

This is his teenager.

There are so many angels in the legend, but there is only one boy he likes at a glance.

So what an angel is.

Arthur looked away.

He is not an innocent boy.

He is a wolf, a wolf.

When the evil wolf is eyeing its prey, it will never let go easily.

At this moment, Arthurs determined something.

He wants to get this boy, no matter how much it costs!


Ji Jinrong knew nothing about the arrival and departure of Arthurs.

He prepared breakfast for Arthurs, rewarded his belly, and arranged the "work" of Caroline and Robert. If people are idle, they will inevitably think about it, and they will think of illness when they are not sick, so Ji Jinrong doesn't plan to let old Robert stay in the room for a while—he asked old Robert to go to the library to look up some medical books and pick some useful ones. -If you don't let them borrow, copy them there.

Old Robert heard that he could help, and went out suddenly.

Caroline pouted and laughed.

When the old Robert went away, she said to Ji Jinrong, "I still have a way for my brother. If I don't find something for my grandpa, I'm really afraid of something wrong."

Ji Jinrong rubbed her hair: "Well, you can also 'work'."

Caroline cheerfully said, "Observe!"

As soon as Ji Jinrong "sent out" Old Robert and Caroline, Moore came over.

Moore still had a little arrogance on his face, but his tone was much better: "The things you said are very good. I said it briefly to the teacher. The teacher wants to talk to you. If you are fine, Come and visit the teacher with me now! "

Although this body is younger than Moore, Ji Jinrong's soul is much older than Moore. After learning about Moore's character, he completely regarded Moore as a lovely junior. The smile on his face couldn't help but be a little bit real: "What's wrong with me, I'll follow you."

Moore was shaken by Ji Jinrong with a smile, and somehow felt that today's sunlight was really dazzling.

Mor snorted. "Let's go."

He raised his beautiful chin, and still looked down upon Ji Jinrong--

But his eyes involuntarily turned on Ji Jinrong.


This guy really looks so good that he can't even look away!

Cousins ​​will love him like this!

Moore thought anxiously.