MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 32 Conquering the Slave Leader (11)

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Dead silence, dead silence, deadly silence.

For a long time, Ji Jinrong only thought Arthurs was an ambitious person. People here just called him "adult", only Moore called him "Arthurs", so when he heard the name Arthurs, Ji Jinrong preconceived that Arthurs was one of the Free Army generals.

After hearing Angus say "Master Eric", Ji Jinrong instantly understood Arthurs' identity. How did he forget that more intimate people would call each other's first name instead of their last name?

Arthurs full name should be Arthurs Eric! It was the "Eric leader" he wanted to see by Arthurs—

Ji Jinrong's eyes were full of confusion. He always felt that when he saw the leader of Eric or the Duke of William, he could definitely recognize whether the other party was Wei Tingjun. But at this moment Arthur Eric was in front of him, but he couldn't tell at all-Ji Jinrong always felt that he could not be qualified as a lover.

What would Arthurs do when he heard of him?

Ji Jinrong finally calmed down. He looked at Arthur quietly, waiting for Arthur to speak.

Arthur finally found his voice: "Angus, you go down first."

Angus obeyed. Withdrawing from the study, Angus was relieved. Arthurs just now was so terrible that almost put the whole room into ice. He originally thought that the gap between him and Arthurs would not be too great, but at this moment he was deeply aware of how powerful Arthurs was.

Angus would say "good way for grownups", in order to assume that Arthurs is going to hold His Majesty in his hands, further gather other forces, and completely integrate the slave army and the nobility-I did not expect to guess wrong!

Angus remembered that when Arthurs came to see him yesterday, Ji Jinrong was also there, and the two seemed to have a close relationship. Do people like Arthur Eric actually have "feelings" with others?

That stupid thing ...

Angus glanced back at Arthurs's study, turned and strode out. Well, the little sheep seemed to have a close relationship with Arthur Eric yesterday. He should go and apologize to him, and tease the guy by the way. After all, that guy feels pretty good, with a thin waist and flexible buttocks-

The tedious life needs to be adjusted ~


In the study, Arthurs and Ji Jinrong looked at each other.

It took a long time before Arthurs finally said, "Your Majesty Coron, you're surprised."

Ji Jinrong didn't dodge: "You also surprised me, Master Eric."

Arthur clenched his fists. Indeed, during this period he had many opportunities to tell Ji Jinrong his identity. However, in order to approach Ji Jinrong and not to disclose the whereabouts of "Eric", he did not tell Ji Jinrong his true identity.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Jinrong should not have said it frankly. As long as Ji Jinrong still wants to live, he will not tell his identity to others-not to mention Ji Jinrong was only a five-day emperor and was almost killed by the chaos. How could he have a sense of belonging to that identity?

They all have reasons for concealing their identity. In the final analysis, they haven't stepped into each other's heart and let each other truly trust each other.

Arthur suddenly thought of something.

Since Ji Jinrong is not named Robert, where did Caroline and Old Robert come from? Is it really his grandpa and sister? Thinking of the intimacy of Ji Jinrong and Caroline, Arthur suddenly felt a fire in his heart. He stood up, staring at Ji Jinrong's calm eyes: "Kyle Robert, isn't your sister right?"

Kyle Robert is an alias used by Caroline.

Ji Jinrong did not expect that the topic suddenly got around here. He didn't respond for a moment, hesitated, and answered, "No."

Arthur grabbed Ji Jinrong's wrist.

Ji Jinrong felt that the place where he was caught seemed to be burning. His heart throbbed a few times, and he had a somewhat inexplicable guilty conscience: "Why, why ask this suddenly?"

Arthur did not answer the question: "What is her relationship with you?" Thinking of Ji Jinrong riding with Caroline, thinking of Ji Jinrong living with Caroline in a room, thinking of Ji Jinrong's intimate actions with Caroline Seth felt he wanted to kill the girl.

Ji Jinrong is really stupefied.

What does Arthurs mean? Shouldn't their conversation revolve around his "identity"? Why did Arthur ask these irrelevant matters?

Is his relationship with Caroline so important!

Ji Jinrong said: "Caroline is the daughter of Grandpa Robert. Grandpa is an old servant next to me, and I brought him up. Grandpa and Caroline took me to flee when the Duke William captured the fortress of Horow. During this period, I have been unconscious, and rely on them to protect me along the way. "He said in a serious tone." After I woke up, I decided to treat them as my loved ones in my life. "

In this era, even a loved one must abandon and fight. A servant who can protect him all the way to flee is really one of the few loyal people in the world.

Thinking of this, Ji Jinrong straightened his back. Yes, he still has two loved ones and can't do nothing. Many things must be fought for yourself!

Ji Jinrong said: "If you hate my identity, or hate my concealment, I have nothing to say. My identity is not something I can choose, and my concealment is also because I want to live-to do what I want Something. "

Arthur reached out and pinched Ji Jinrong's neck, forcing Ji Jinrong to raise his head and look at himself.

Ji Jinrong felt the storms brewing in those dark blue eyes.

Arthurs said, "Like looking for your so-called lover?"

Ji Jinrong pursed her lips and broke Arthur's palm.

Arthur took him into his arms.

Ji Jinrong said, "Arthurs!"

Arthur's copper-walled iron-walled arms trapped Ji Jinrong firmly: "You were only sixteen years old, and you were separated from that person for many years, which means you may have been under ten when you met. When you were less than ten Is the spontaneous relationship really so deep?-Can it really be so deep that you call him a "lover"? "Arthurs felt his heart bitten by envy. He was jealous of Doctor Ryan, Caroline, and even the "lover" who occupied Ji Jinrong's heart.

Ji Jinrong said: "What you said, sometimes it is enough to just glance."

Arthurs was a little sad. The boy he fell in love with was so clever that he could always block him back with his words. Yes, sometimes it only suffices at a glance, but it is not him who is determined at a glance.

Even knowing that he is Arthur Eric, and even knowing that he can determine his fate and life and death, the boy he loves still firmly chooses the person he loves.

Arthurs released Ji Jinrong: "You don't hate me, right? Would you like me without that person?"

Ji Jinrong was silent. He never thought about it. Will he like someone alone? In fact, Ji Jinrong easily likes a person. He likes the cheerfulness of others, the passion of others, the elegance of others, and the intelligence of others.

He used to like everyone he met because they could come to the hospital to see him, which was a very good thing for him. He might never be able to see everything outside, but he was glad to hear them talking in a frown.

To him, everyone is lovely. Maybe they will be a little unlovable. Maybe they will forget the agreement with him who is very sick, but there are not many people in his life. Everyone is worth it to him. precious.

Later he had the opportunity to return to life. It's just that the world he lives in is no longer their big week, but a strange era.

He still cherishes the people he meets and likes many people he meets.

But will he really love someone?

Before, Wei Tingjun didn't care.

Wei Tingjun always said that it was already a great gift for two people to meet again.

Now Wei Tingjun doesn't remember anything. Can he really recognize Wei Tingjun just by looking for him?

Ji Jinrong said, "I don't know."

Arthurs saw the sadness of Ji Jinrong. The last time Ji Jinrong was mentioned, Ji Jinrong also showed such a look. Self-blame, worry, sadness-

Arthur said: "So, stay in the Free Army. As long as I am the leader of the Free Army, you will not be harmed." He kneeled on one knee, grabbed Ji Jinrong's hand and kissed Ji Jinrong's back gently, " I swear under the name of Arthur Eric, whoever wants to hurt you must step over my body. "

Ji Jinrong's heart trembled slightly. He felt the scene so familiar that it made his heart beat suddenly. Obviously the hair is different, the eyes are different, the noses, ears and mouths are different. At the moment, Arthurs slowly overlaps with many shadows in his mind.

Wei Tingjun said that as long as he was unwilling, "God" would have no way to separate them. Because in every world, he has sworn with his soul and will always be loyal to only one person-when a person's faith is beyond the scope of the main brain's interference, then the main brain cannot take him at all!

When Arthurs vowed, many pictures came to Ji Jinrong's mind. Under the snow-capped mountains, at the bottom of the volcano, in the sea, in the forest, in the depths of the desert, in the vast starry sky, in the artillery battlefield, no matter how dangerous the environment, there was such a tall figure.

That person swears time and again, will always be loyal to one person, and will never give up waiting for the day when reunion comes-

In the end, those figures suddenly overlapped into one person—

When he didn't know it, he walked through the world one by one for their reunion—

Even if he had forgotten everything, even if he couldn't remember the obsession in the bottom of his heart, he still gave him the purest loyalty and love after reunion—

Ji Jinrong hugged Arthurs tightly.


He shouted.