MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 34 Conquer Slave Leader (End)

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If someone is not afraid, they will gain a foothold in this era.

Those who are afraid will stand behind those who are not afraid. When more and more people are standing on the same side, the fear will disappear little by little.

Ji Jinrong will not doubt Arthurs' ability. Regardless of combat ability or flicker ability, Arthurs is at the forefront of the times!

All they have to do is turn distress into opportunity.

On March 22, 112, the Empire Calendar, Price City, known as the "Medical Land", ushered in a number of guests. Tents were set up in circles around the small city of Plais. People who had just arrived in Plais received a cordial and friendly reception and were arranged to different tents for examination or treatment.


After the exiles were settled, a team of cavalry came from the east.

Angus greeted them out of town.

This army, later known as the Empire Iron Horse, officially fled to the Free Army when history reached a corner.

The Free Army was glad. Unlike the Free Army, where Angus started, the army of Angus was a regular Emperor, and the officers were graduating from a military academy. It seemed to bring a new order to the Free Army.

Moore sat with Ji Jinrong and Arthur with anxiety: "Arthur, is it good for him to continue to take over this army?"

Arthur said, "What's wrong?"

There are many talented people in the Free Army. They are not incompetent enough to need to take everything from Angus before using him. On the contrary, Arthurs is going to use Angus's existence to inspire other people in the Free Army. If you can't stand even a little competition and blows, then don't come into the army, go home and farm!

Since Arthurs dare to accept Angus's refusal, naturally, he will not be afraid to hold back Angus. As for the future ... Let's talk about the future. He was not interested in becoming emperor, and Ji Jinrong was not interested in resetting. After defeating the Duke William and setting up a good Free Army, they can leave everything to others to do.

There were several candidates in Arthur's mind. After Angus came over, he added another candidate.

This guy is good. He can gather a group of loyal subordinates at a young age. He has excellent abilities, looks good, and has a smooth personality. He can definitely stay under the people.

The most important thing for the leader is to flicker!

Arthur was relaxed, but Moore was still worried. To be honest, Angus is a very attractive person, looks good, has high ability, and is full of rhetoric, coaxing people into a set. But the more so, the more vigilant Moore was.

Moore was very self-aware. He was young, had no real power, looked plain, was not capable, and was a little proud. The last point was cured a little bit by Ji Jinrong's blow, but because it was cured a little bit, Moore knew very well that Angus was not close to himself because of him.

Angus approached him because he was the only relative of Arthurs.

Whether he is male or female, beautiful or ugly, smart or dull, it makes no difference to Angus-as long as he is Arthur's cousin.

His status can bring a lot of convenience. For example, Arthurs's cronies will not be wary of him. For example, he can easily see Arthurs without asking for instructions. For example, if something happens to Arthurs, he is very likely. Was pushed out to take over the Free Army-even if he didn't have a 1 / 10th of Arthurs ability.

Perhaps by then, many people want the puppets without Arthur's 1 / 10,000th ability.

Angus is an ambitious ambitionist!

Ji Jinrong was somewhat surprised.

He thought that Moore would be cheated by Angus, but he didn't expect Moore to see it quite clearly.

Moore saw Ji Jinrong's eyes with a bit of surprise, and said angrily, "What kind of look do you have! Do you think I'm so stupid!" Whatever the charm of Angus, he has no lack of admirers.

Ji Jinrong said, "I'm sorry, it's because I look down on you."

Moore: "..."

The apology was so simple, he didn't know what to say.

At this point Angus had settled the cavalry under his hand and came to return to Arthurs.

Arthurs smiled and said, "Since everyone is here, we can start to fight back."


Angus was once an important member of the Duke of Williams, but after the capture of Fort Horow, Angus' power was cut in half. The reason is ridiculous, because an astrologer said that Angus' life style is very similar to Emperor Star, and he may become emperor in the future!

Duke William was never broad-minded. After hearing the words of the astrologer, Duke William decided to marginalize Angus-and after the news that Angus was captured, the Duke William sent the dead to "solve".

Rather than hunting down the Liberal Rebellion, it is better to hunt Angus!

After hearing that Angus had joined Arthur Eric, Duke William was furious. He ordered people to continue to study the new "Plague" and prepare to study the infectious diseases targeted at those pariahs-

Since Angus chose to rely on those pariahs, then die with those pariahs to save him from disgusting him!

The Duke of William looked vicious.

After giving the order, he replaced the white white gloves in his hand. The world is so dirty, even the air has been defiled by untouchables. His mission is to send these untouchables to God.

Only then will the air he breathes no longer be dirty.

Duke William stroked the white glove in his hand and felt that his soul was really white and flawless, even if he dedicated it to God, he would not be rejected!

Meanwhile, something went wrong with Duke William's test site. The problem is not big. An "experimenter" accidentally contracted the new "pathogen", but no one found it. Soon, this violent and terrible virus spread rapidly in the test base.

By the time someone realizes it, it's too late.

The experimenters who usually treat the "experiment" as ants found that they had terrible conditions that were difficult to cure!

What makes them even more desperate is that they have not yet developed a prevention and treatment method for this disease!

If "Plague" is such a well-controlled thing, then for thousands of years, not many people will be terrified of it. With the strong support of Duke William, they forgot the terrible nature of the plague, and were proud of their extraordinary achievements—

Their great founding emperor once said something like this: once a person starts to be proud, it is not far from death.

Yes, when they started to despise the "Plague", the "Plague" came to them as predicted!

The experimenters reported the situation to the Duke William in horror.


Duke William quickly learned of the "little accident" of the experimenters.

The Duke of Williams thought that this trivial matter did not need to bother him at all. He raised his chin to an adjuvant next to him: "Go work it out."

The Duke of William only said the word "solve", but the adjutant met immediately. He led a person to the test base, killing the infected experimenters one by one with a thunderbolt.

The lieutenant held up the tip of the dripping sword and asked, "Is anyone still infected?"

No one dared to speak up.

Duke William was a suspicious person. Instead of concentrating the experimenters on the same base, he scattered them across multiple locations. The test bases often need to communicate with each other, so they have their own contact methods.

Soon, what happened at this test site quietly spread to other test sites.

A panic greater than the disease shrouded every experimenter's head.

They knew their situation. They were the dogs of Duke William, and the Duke William would do whatever they asked them to do. Once they have lost their usefulness, Duke William will mercilessly kill them!

The experimenters became dumb during the day.

In the evening, they quietly gathered together to discuss.

Duke William is obviously crazy, and his new instructions are to develop infectious diseases that cannot be cured by any method in the world! In that case, even those who follow the Duke of Williams may not be spared!

They must escape! They must escape!

Can't go on like this, they will become human sinners!

More importantly, they will die very quickly if they continue to do so--or they will die in the plague they created, under the sword of Duke William!

A majestic runaway spread across test sites.

They heard that the Free Army was stationed in Price City. That place is a "medical mecca", where they want to go in their dreams. The "source of plague" released by Duke William was completely ineffective in the area of ​​Price City.

Duke William has been in a bad mood lately, precisely because he cannot help the Free Army!

They are going to Price City!

Blood and sin were on their hands, and only by going to Price City would they have a chance to redeem their sins!


Angus found that Arthur Eric was very bold, and it was not long before he joined the Free Army, but Arthur Eric gave him great authority. He knew for the first time what happened to Duke William.

Angus was very happy to hear that there were disturbances in several "test sites" of Duke William.

Seeing that Duke William was not doing well, he felt relieved.

Angus went to Moore happily to cultivate feelings. His little sheep didn't refuse to stay away for thousands of miles, and he got along very well with him. Even if he usually carried his hands and shoulders on his shoulders, his little sheep did not frown again.

The relationship between them is very good!

Angus grinned at the Imperial Medical Association.

Moore usually works there.

Unexpectedly, when Angus looked for him, Schaller from the Medical Association was not there, as if he had gone to the drugstore where Dr. Ryan was.

Angus raised an eyebrow and trained in the past. As soon as he stepped into the drug store, Angus found Moore's figure. He was discussing something with Dr. Ryan, his head dropped slightly, and he carefully checked the list in his hand.

Angus walked over, took Moore into his arms, smiled and said to Dr. Ryan, "This guy has no concept of time to work, and Dr. Ryan did not care about eating, right? Me Just take him away. "

Moore slammed into Angus's arms, struggling a little helplessly, but couldn't break it. He could only say, "Are you doing nothing every day?"

Angus said, "Yes, I'm very busy every day."

More stared at him. Busy and come to him every day?

Angus gently pecked his forehead: "I have to stare at you every day to eat, how busy." He reached down and pressed on Moore's stomach, "I watched you don't care for myself, I'm so distressed to death."

Dr. Lean was thin-skinned, red-faced and said, "You talk, I'll go get some medicine changed."

More still wanted to check the final number with Dr. Ryan, but Dr. Ryan had fled away. He said helplessly, "Can you be serious?"

Angus said, "Yes, of course I can be serious." He glared, "Master Moore, I must point out your mistake seriously: you often forget to eat because of work, it is wrong to eat normally , Quantitate regularly, develop good habits. When you are young, you do n’t know to care for yourself, and you will regret it when you are old. "

Moore: "..."

More still had dinner with Angus.

It was already mid-April, and night came earlier than spring. After eating, Angus Jomor went for a walk to eat. It was already dark, Angus pulled Moore on the embankment, and the round moon slowly climbed up the river, spilling Jiang Yinhui.

At the end of the river embankment, all eyes are full of beautiful moonlight.

Angus hugged Moore from behind. He said, "Happy birthday, Lord Moore. This is what I gave you—" His voice smiled, "Moonlight over the river."

More meal. He said, "How do you know today is my birthday?"

"If you want to know, there is a way to know," Angus said.

Moore turned and met Angus' affectionate eyes. If he hadn't known that Angus would be so affectionate to others, he might have fallen. After all, he was so eager to be loved, to have a strong companion-because of this desire, he always thought that he loved Arthurs.

Actually not.

If another person as strong as Arthurs appears, he will soon "love" each other.

What did Angus want from him? He didn't think he could give Angus anything.

Angus has always provoked him like this, and he has always been angry. Moore squeezed his fists.

Then Moore stretched out his hand and wrapped it around Angus' neck. He has been an adult for a long time, and he has been curious about some things, but he has no chance to experience it. Now someone comes to the door to give him a "try", so how can he refuse to do so!

Even if he doesn't like him anymore, Angus will pretend to like it, right? Moore believes Angus will serve him well!

Moore kissed Angus' lips.

Angus froze slightly.

He laughed happily, smiling at Namor's kiss.

Angus and Moore had a very "full" night.

When he woke up in the morning, Angus found himself still carrying Moore, who was a head shorter than himself. Moore's curly hair and sleepy face looked very cute, reminding him of the beauty of last night.

Obviously this little guy is still so green, but they are veterans in bed.

Angus leaned over and kissed Moore's forehead. Perceiving Moore opened his eyes slightly, Angus smiled perfectly: "Good morning, my baby."

Moore: "..."

It's really nauseating.

Last night's experience was not bad. Moore liked this birthday gift. He got up and leaned over and kissed Angus's forehead. "Good morning, too, Angus."

Angus was put on fire by Moore and hugged Moore's waist again, let Moore relive the hot excitement last night.


Angus and Moore were noisy at night, and the incident between the two quickly spread. Ji Jinrong naturally knew it that day. After seeing Moore, he said, "What's going on?"

Moore said, "I've been short of money recently and made a bet."

Ji Jinrong listened, and asked, "What bet?"

Moore said, "Well, those people under Angus are betting. They are betting when Angus took me down. I quietly asked people to make a bet for me. It was last night." He narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I made a fortune."

Ji Jinrong: "………………"

Is it because it is officially "adult", this guy seems to suddenly mature a lot? He felt he couldn't keep up with Moore's pace!

Ji Jinrong shouted, "Is anyone still gambling with this kind of thing?"

Moore said, "Of course, this is their routine."

Angus is right, there are things that I really want to know.

Angus's love was obvious to his subordinates, so when they saw Angus "pursuing" him, they immediately skillfully set up a gambling game-they have not had a chance to go to the battlefield recently, and they are all too busy with hair. Naturally, they must think of a way Have some fun!

Ji Jinrong saw that Moore looked calm and didn't know what to say. He also calmly asked, "Is he good at technology? This is the first time you have encountered bad technology and you have lost a lot."

Moore: "..."

Moore wasn't shy: "It's okay." He wouldn't have played this game with Angus unless he knew that Angus was definitely good at it.

Ji Jinrong looked at Moore deeply: "You are grown up."

"I just think about a lot of things," Moore said. He snorted. "Life is so short, it's time to indulge."

Ji Jinrong agreed with Moore's words.

Moore looked at Ji Jinrong gleefully: "Don't think about it, you can't have a chance. If you dare to indulge, Arthurs will definitely kill the person who accompanied you to indulge!"

Ji Jinrong: "..."

It feels like this guy has become so bad.

Then Arthurs came. Seeing Ji Jinrong staring at Moore, Arthur could not help asking: "What are you talking about?"

Moore told Arthurs without changing his face: "A Jin is very envious of me being able to 'indulge'. I'm teaching him not to find someone to 'indulge', and he just stared at me like that."

Ji Jinrong noticed that the surrounding atmosphere had suddenly become a little dangerous, and resolutely refuted: "You scum, you are a red-bare scum!"

Moore shrugged: "What am I vilifying you for? Then you tell Arthurs what we were talking about just now!"

Ji Jinrong: "..."

Sleeping in bed with Angus can open up this guy's IQ? Also his adorable Moore!

Meng Mengda's little Moore waved his sleeves and turned away, leaving the space thoughtfully to Ji Jinrong and Arthurs.

Ji Jinrong said, "I really didn't talk to him about that kind of thing!"

Arthurs thought that Ji Jinrong's blinking little eyes were very cute. Of course, he knew that Ji Jinrong would not want to "indulge". Ji Jinrong knew nine things in all these things-nothing!

Arthur held Ji Jinrong in his arms: "Then what are you talking to Moore?"

Ji Jinrong: "……………………"

They haven't really talked about anything else. If there is anything else, it is nothing more than "how about Angus technology"-this topic is worse than "indulgence". Arthurs will surely go straight when he hears it!

Ji Jinrong pretended not to speak.

Arthur held Ji Jinrong in her arms. He said, "When things are over here, I'll take you back to my hometown to see my father and mother—and the teacher." He grabbed Ji Jinrong's palm. "They will definitely like you very much."

Ji Jinrong said, "... They should hope you find a girl more, right?" These elders would love Arthurs to find a man as a companion!

Arthur said, "No, they will like you very much." He tightened his arms. "After all, they love me so much, and I love you so much-they know they will love you and Wudi in the future."

Ji Jinrong's ears turned slightly red.

Ever since they knew each other's minds, Arthurs talk became more and more uncontrollable. After all, he is an implicit "Oriental", but Arthurs has accepted the influence of this era since he was a child, and he can express his passion with great generosity.

He couldn't learn this yet.

Ji Jinrong feels that there is so much new to learn in the science of love!


At the same time as Arthurs honed with Ji Jinrong, he did not slow down the counterattack.

Whether or not the experimenters' defections succeeded or failed, they revealed the locations of the various test bases. Arthurs was very polite to send them to destroy them-in fact they had figured out their general position long ago, and the "leadership" of the experimenters just added a guarantee to their inferences.

Everything went very smoothly.

Now that the "raid" has been launched, the target is of course not just a test base. The army under Duke William's hand was weaker, and all were attacked by the Free Army.

These shameless **** stripped people's clothes, robbed others of their weapons, and pretended to be disguised as "friends" to play in a larger camp. Soon, many medium-sized barracks were burned by a fire.

Duke William's hawks were burned.

It was said how they couldn't find the hiding place of these pariahs. It turned out that these guys had long been reduced to zero, lurking in every place and waiting for opportunities!

What made Duke William even more angry was that many emperor teams and imperial nobles who had vowed to be loyal to him had fallen, and they fell sharply to the Free Army!

Duke William was not angry.

What went wrong, why are these guys suddenly not afraid of him, and hellly willing to mingle with the dalits of the Free Army? !! What about their dignity as nobles? !!

If the masses knew what Duke William thought, they would definitely answer this: In choosing between seeing God with dignity and seeing God with myself, I choose to see God with dignity! !! !!

In fact, in many people's hearts, the Free Army is indeed a "pariah." But Duke William is crazy! Duke William is too crazy! If Duke William is not in a good mood, get a plague in their city!

No matter how nice the Duke William's "PR team" is, they can't stand the knife that can be cut at their heads at any time!

Knowing all of this, Ji Jinrong pretended to be jealous: "Too much help, but too little help."

In the winter of the Imperial calendar of 112 years, the snow was especially thick, and the plague seemed to be frozen to death in the snow. The Duke of William lost his weapon and his minions little by little. In the test base exposed by the Duke of William, many civilians and aristocrats were crying in tears holding the dead body of their loved ones. The Duke is endless.

This tragic scene was faithfully recorded by the reporters of Liberty Daily and published in Liberty Daily, the newspaper with the largest circulation at present, arousing the anger of the entire empire.

In just one year, Duke William has become a street mouse and everyone shouts!

At this time, the leader of the Free Army, Arthur Eric, announced that they had found Coron Louis who was living in exile. Maybe this name is unfamiliar to many people, but as soon as you check the royal family tree, you will find that Coron Louis is their emperor—

The existence of Coron Louis made the aristocrats attached to the Free Army feel better. Look, they are not attached to the "Dalit", but they are loyal to their Majesty's resettlement-oh, they are not afraid of hardships, hardships, and desperate fights with the terrible devil, Duke William, in order to maintain the glory of the empire what!

His Majesty Coron Louis returned to Fort Hero, the "City of Heroes" again.

He announced in Liberty Daily that the empire's rule was officially over. The royal family will launch a power center from now on. Their respect and love will not diminish, but the fate of the empire will no longer be controlled by them.

The empire will establish a parliament, a military department, and a court of justice. These three agencies will be responsible for maintaining the operation of the empire's giant machine.

The Empire was renamed "Big Week".

What it means is that "the heavens and the earth run, and they start and end again", which means that as long as the laws and rules are followed, the empire will be passed on endlessly year after year.

After the completion of the reconstruction of Fort Hollo, Her Majesty Coron Louise rarely showed up, and Arthur Eric, the supreme commander of the military, seemed to fall in love with going around to inspect and observe people's livelihood ...

Many years later, a little news came from the west. Someone saw two white tigers who were very similar to Arthur Eric and their Majesty. The tiger looked mighty and fierce, but was very obedient to those two people, willing to be theirs. Mount.

Lord Moore, who has become the Supreme Councillor, heard the news and scolded fiercely: "Ahhh, asshole! Two assholes! Two big assholes!"

After the curse was passed on, he was praised by General Angus, who had taken over as the supreme commander of the military ministry: "Ah, Lord Moore cursed so elegantly, full of rhythmic beauty and rhythm."


In response, Lord Moore slammed the door.

Liberty Daily made an objective and rational evaluation of this: General Angus has a long way to go after her husband!