MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 51 Conquer the Light Knight (1)

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"Should find Gary."

The handsome Bright Holy Knight Cavalry Douglas frowned handsomely.

The Captain Douglas was ordered to lead people to trace the whereabouts of the three princes.

The three princes are the emperor's favorite son. The day before God ’s Birthday, he took a sword and said he was going to practice peerless magic to kill the demons, but he disappeared in the night forest! So the Knight Douglas didn't even have time to spend the holy birthday with his parents, he was sent by the Pope to the Night Forest to search for the three princes.

According to rumors, the forest at night is extremely dangerous. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifice, the Douglas Cavalier decided to find a good guide to help the search team avoid the danger.

Unexpectedly, he asked a few batches of adventure teams, and the other side said an answer: "Find Gary." It seems like he can't go without Gary.

The adventurer, Gary, has heard about the Douglas Cavaliers.

This adventurer is not tall, he is obviously twenty-three or fourteen years old, but his face and figure are like a half-year-old boy. Someone believes that he is 15 or 16 years old. Although he is not very strong, he is very agile, and he can easily break into the Holy See Cavaliers Camp.

And Gary has a nice face.

According to Gary himself, in order to be afraid of others falling over for his beauty, he always pulled the brim down, and only the talents he liked had the opportunity to see his appearance.

That's right, this is what Gary said.

That's right, you guessed it. The Cavaliers of Douglas have seen Gary, because this guy sneaked into the Cavaliers camp and showed him a face, and shamelessly confessed to him, making him the talker in the entire Cavaliers camp.

It didn't stop for a whole month.

If it weren't for the kid's fast running, the Douglas Cavaliers would hang him and whipped it according to regulations.

So many people now want him to go to Gary ...

The Captain Douglas is a man of integrity. For the safety of his fellow travellers, he decided to take the risk of becoming more people talking after dinner, and personally commissioned this young and cunning adventurer.

Gary lives in a slum and is as poor as any adventurer. The adventurers covered only their weapons with care and clarity, and the others were grey. Gary was very different from them. He dressed like a nobleman—

In other words, he wears everything like a nobleman.

The Douglas Cavaliers saw the young adventurer surrounded by children at a glance.

He wore a big hat, half of his face was blocked by the brim, and only his good lips were exposed. According to this guy shamelessly boasting that there was once a shameless aristocrat who wanted to bow on his overlord because his lips were as delicate as dew-covered flowers-regardless of whether he was male!

That's right, that's the same.

Captain Douglas has never seen such a brazen man.

Gary sat in the moonlight with a smile on his lips and was teaching the slum children to sing. I don't know where the tone is, it sounds very melodious, like a beautiful melody passed down from ancient times. Coupled with his pleasant voice, the children listened to God, humming sentence by sentence.

The Captain Douglas could not help but stop and listen.

I didn't expect this brazen guy to be so unskilled.

At least I can sing well.

The Douglas Knight thought secretly, waiting for Gary to finish teaching.

He was about to walk over and saw Gary take out a whistle.

The corner of Gary's lips curled slightly, and said to the children, "Okay, let me play the music, you can sing."

The children agreed happily.

"The stars are high above the sky, such a night will never end. This land is wild and beautiful, and we are fortunate to be able to face it wonderfully ..." Those who passed by with their heads down could not help but look up in the direction of the song.

More and more people stopped.

The children sang even more vigorously: "This land is dreamy and enchanting, and we are fortunate to face its lofty ..."

Everyone who heard it felt it was a beautiful hymn. Its melody is so pleasing that people can't help but relax with it, as if to clear away all the fatigue.

As the song slowly stopped, Captain Douglas heard someone sigh, "Oh, it's Gary, the magical Gary."

The magical Gary.

Captain Douglas hesitated to step forward, but Gary had waved his hands to let the children loose. The crowd gradually dissipated, leaving Gary alone to sit there. Gary closed the whistle, looked up in the direction of the Cavalier Douglas, with a narrow smile on his face: "Oh, dear Douglas, you have stood and looked at me for a long time. Was it deeply me Fascinated, but dare not come forward to talk to me because of shyness? "

Captain Douglas: "..."

Gary had already jumped off the stone he was sitting on, and walked towards the Douglas Cavalier.

Do not know why, Douglas Cavaliers wanted to turn and leave for a moment. Obviously, this guy still looks like this shameless, and what he says is still the shameless narcissistic words. He actually feels that this guy is not as annoying as the previous few times.

Maybe it was because the hymn just was really nice.

Captain Douglas found a reason and calmed down. "I was really surprised," he said. "You are really good at this." Musical instruments and music are often the aristocracy. Many civilians without magical talents or martial arts talents have a hard time living, how could they have the leisure to learn this.

Except for the bard who likes to wander everywhere.

After all, they rely on this to eat.

Doesn't this guy want to be an adventurer anymore and wants to switch to a bard?

Captain Douglas didn't think much. To him, Gary is just an irrelevant person. If he didn't need Gary as a guide this time to go to the night forest, he would probably never meet this bold and narcissistic guy.

When the Cavaliers of Douglas silently commented on Gary, Gary's eyes arbitrarily fell on the Cavaliers of Douglas, only to feel that the authentic appearance made him like tight.

He smiled and said, "I heard, my dear, are you going to Night Forest?"

The Cavalier Douglas frowned when he heard Gary's address.

He corrected coldly: "Please correct your title, Mr. Gary."

Gary didn't care: "Well, Dear Captain Douglas, I hope you don't regret it in the future-I'll wait for you to fall in love with me in the future. It's not so easy for me to change my name to" Dear ".

Douglas burned in anger. He feels that speaking more than half a word with this frivolous guy will make him unable to pull out his sword and fight this guy!

Douglas took a breath, with a strong warning in his voice: "Please Mr. Gary, please."

Gary touched his nose and didn't challenge Douglas' bottom line anymore.

He also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to Douglas, but he can't play with fire-otherwise, he won't have to play in the future!

Gary is very professional.

On the spot, he gave Douglas a simple map of the night forest, roughly sketching the danger zone. Gary alarmed alarmingly: "Before or after the day of God's birthday, the night forest is completely out of light, and it is shrouded in darkness all day long. This darkness will last for half a month. It is a paradise for monsters! If you Going one step late, His Royal Highness Three is unlikely to have even the bones left-you can probably cut out the belly of a certain monster to find some scum. "

Douglas: "..."

Gary said, "So you plan to hire me as a guide is the most correct choice. I can guide you in the dark and take you to His Royal Highness Three."

Douglas knew that adventurers had always been unprofitable. He said, "How is salary calculated?"

Gary smiled: "If the respected Captain Douglas is willing to make a promise, I don't want a penny."

Douglas was angry.

He was about to have an attack, and Gary changed his mouth again: "Okay, I'm kidding. What I want is gold coins, shiny gold coins, the more the better. The life of His Royal Highness Three is worth ten thousand gold coins. Right? "The right amount of greed was in his eyes.

Douglas said how many he could control: "Ten thousand."

Gary sighed and said, "Although it's a little bit, but I can still accept it." He asked another thing, "When you come back, you will take the Knights to clear the Devil's Nest. Can you bring me?"

Douglas knew that adventurers had their own sources of news, and it was not surprising to hear that Gary knew all these things. He said, "No, I don't agree."

Gary said, "Dear Captain Douglas, I definitely did n’t want to join you because of you. I lost my parents since I was a kid. They were both killed by the demons, so my wish has always been 'May the world be There is no half demons'-really, I can swear to the **** of light! "Anyway, he does not believe in the **** of light.

Douglas stared at him coldly.

Gary was somewhat guilty by Douglas, only shrugged, and frankly said, "In fact, I just want to do a small business. Although there are many 10,000 gold coins, there are not many. I have no other pursuit, I just like to eat. Well dressed well lived well, this money is not enough for how long I spend. So, I want to follow you. With you, no one will rob my goods without eyes, I can be in a different city Make a difference here and feed yourself— "

When Douglas saw Gary's stern smile on his face, his eyes shone brightly, and he immediately lost his interest in talking. What you like and what you want are all fake, and there is no real heart when it comes to money.

He let out: "Okay, I promise you."

Gary said happily, "Well, if you are ready, we can start tomorrow!"

Douglas could not stay for a moment, nodded, and got up to leave.

Gary sent Douglas to the door and watched Douglas leave.

When Douglas was completely invisible, Gary said, "Fat, it really is this guy ..."

Stinky and hard like a stone.

He will never jeer to anyone except him, and he will always be this cold face!

Fatty got out of Gary's hair and said cheerfully: "Yes, I'm right! I'm right!"

Gary is Ji Jinrong who has come to this world for a long time. He boasted: "Yes, fat doesn't admit it."

After three worlds, Ji Jinrong discovered the "conditions" for Wei Tingjun to regain his memory. As long as Wei Tingjun falls in love with or submits to him completely and unreservedly, Wei Tingjun will remember everything before.

The world they chose this time is also selected in order to come here to hunt a dragon and activate more "new worlds" for them to choose from.

You can also gain greater control.

With the addition of fat, Ji Jinrong is equivalent to having a "lock" function. No matter who Wei Tingjun becomes, he can easily find Wei Tingjun!

Then just let the upright and ruthless Cavalier grow up in love with him.

Ji Jinrong was overwhelmed at the thought of Lord Cavalier's distorted face being entangled by admirers.

It's really fun.