MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 63 Conquer the Light Knight (13)

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Ji Jinrong was worried.

What he feared most happened after all.

This is the biggest scourge of the ex-devil's soul. The ex-devil is good at deceiving others and using the desires and desires of others to complete what he wants to do! A living sacrifice is a sacrifice of nine hundred and ninety-nine living people, and the use of their fear and pain to strengthen the power of the former devil is a very cruel and terrible ritual among the demons!

The only good news is that the person who presided over the live sacrifice was not Rayler, but the family of Lin Lun.

Ji Jinrong said to Fatty, "You help me tell His Royal Highness, and immediately resolve the family of Lin Lun." Originally, I wanted to leave one more clue, but now I don't need it. This kind of unlimited "clue" should be handled in time !! He never thought that such a noble family would choose to hold a live sacrifice ceremony.

Even his "Devil" felt terrible. How did these guys succeed?

However, it is not incomprehensible.

The higher the status, the greater the desire-desire.

For some people, their lives have become cold numbers, killing ten and killing one hundred, killing one hundred and killing one thousand, is no difference to them at all.

Therefore, after the former demon king Xu Yizhong, it is normal for them to use living people to perform live rituals.

Understanding and understanding, Ji Jinrong still does not want to keep this crazy guy.

Ji Jinrong's complexion was a little dull.

The little goblin said, "If I didn't know that you were a demon race, I really thought you were the great sage of the personal race." In the impression of the little goblin, only the big sage would worry about the lives of others.

Ji Jinrong said: "No, the Terran has changed a lot. At least for more than a decade when I dived into Terran, everything I saw was very good." For example, the Cavaliers under Douglas looked very cute.

The little goblin couldn't bear holding his heart: "I really can't take it anymore, and at a glance, you know that you think of that knight grown up!" He glanced at Ji Jinrong, "He knows that you and his Highness Three are good friends ?"

The little goblin knew from the conversation between the knights that Ji Jinrong had "approached" Douglas.

If that knight grown up knows that His Royal Highness the Three Princes will go to the night forest, because Ji Jinrong promised him a cub of the flame beast, will the knight grown up really not swell?

Ji Jinrong smiled: "How could he be angry with me?"

Douglas was right, he was truly fearless.

He just bullies Douglas and will definitely fall in love with him = v =

Little Goblin: "........."

He didn't want to play with this guy who was bubbling with joy.


When Douglas woke up, his head hurt as if to crack.

It was less than a night for others, but it seemed like a very long time for him. He remembered, he all remembered, and after falling in love with Ji Jinrong completely again, he remembered everything between them.

From the beginning to the end of the previous world.

In the previous world, he was called "Feng Sui", and his character was suspicious and sensitive. There were many misunderstandings with Ji Jinrong. It took him more than ten years to really open his heart. After remembering everything, he raised fat with Ji Jinrong, and solved the trouble in the seal under the guidance of "Zhu Niao"! The two of them also left the world as sages and fat.

Thinking that the two had been entangled in their lives for several years, Douglas was full of complicated emotions. He clearly knew that "they" were all himself, but he couldn't help but be jealous of the past that they had with Ji Jinrong.

Of course, it is more annoyed.

He was annoyed that he had always "stand by".

Ji Jinrong looking for him alone in this world, how confused and lonely he should be. However, after Ji Jinrong found him, he kept rejecting Ji Jinrong-Douglas felt very uncomfortable in his mind and could not wait for Ji Jinrong to bear all the things Ji Jinrong had suffered.

Douglas quickly reorganized the team the next morning, and detoured to the orc territory to carry the orc army on his back, and rushed to the demon territory non-stop.

Ji Jinrong said in the letter that he would meet him when he reached the territory of the Demon Clan.

Douglas couldn't wait for a second.

Owen and Brown were closest to Douglas and saw the eagerness on Douglas's face clearly. Since Ji Jinrong left, Douglas seemed to be urged, marching much faster than usual!

Irving and Brown glanced at each other, both speeding up, right behind Douglas.

Lin Lun is an archer, riding a fantasy ice beast. He saw Douglas grimace, catching up with Douglas and asking, "Douglas, why did you go so fast? Is it because of that cunning demons? After he flees, you look very wrong."

Douglas was displeased to hear Lin Lun's dismissive words. He said, "Leader Lin, this is not the time to chat. If your topic has nothing to do with the matter, please don't speak again."

His Majesty will not change even if he is born as a Demons. His Majesty is a thousand times and ten thousand times better than their nobles who only know about enjoyment and struggle for power-so no one can insult his Majesty lightly. What's more, Lin Lun is suspected of being linked to the Demon Race!

It is impossible for ordinary people to know that the core member of the night adventure team is the Devil. Even if it was learned by accident, it would not be as accurate and detailed as Lin Lun said, it was like breaking into the "inside" of the night adventure team.

This is either the case of the night adventure team's internal traitor, or the situation of the goblin elders-the ex-magic behind the wind and rain.

Douglas had already ordered Brown to pay attention to Lynn's actions.

He coldly repatriated Lin Lun to the archer.

After Lin Lun lost and left, Irving looked over in shock, his tone full of disbelief: "Sir, there is news from the Imperial City!"

Douglas frowned. "What's the news?"

Owen said: "The Walpole family has been leveled by His Royal Highness Three and has found a lot of evidence linking to the Demons-not long ago, a live sacrifice was held in their home, which killed nearly 10,000 people. They It's crazy! "

Douglas frowned.

The Walpoles? He remembered that Lin Lun's full name was Lin Lun Walpole!

Douglas said, "What do you say over the capital?"

Owen was still a bit slow: "His Majesty let us control Lin Lun, and if he resists, he can kill him in place." Suddenly became the Wolbol family linked to the Devil?

The Walpole family must be human! They can never be disguised like Ji Jinrong them!

Douglas looked at Owen's loss of mind, and said lightly, "Sometimes, human desire-desirability may override morality and humanity."

Humans may be more terrible than the Demons.

Owen calmed down and nodded. He had a deeper understanding of what Brown said that day—simply thinking that all human races are good people and demons are bad guys, is absolutely very stupid.

Sometimes it may be cut by the same kind from the back, sometimes it may be helped by the demons.

He kept in mind all the gods of the Light God, and never found any of them mentioning that they "kill all the demons"!

On the contrary, the God of Light wants them to be fair and tolerant, to fear the strong, to show mercy to the weak, to help those in need, and to forgive those who have corrected their mistakes.

Owen said: "Then I'll talk to Brown."

Douglas said, "No need." He looked in the direction of the bow and arrow group, and there was a riot-riot.

Brown had already pulled out his sword and headed there.

Soon after, Sao-Quan calmed down, Brown grabbed Lin Lun and let him guard him.

Brown came over and revived with Douglas.

He said: "Master, just now Lin Lun seemed to be out of control to hurt someone, and was suppressed by other archers. I have asked someone to imprison him." Brown passed a letter to Douglas. "This is the other archer just now. The letter I got was from the capital. "

Douglas didn't need to look to know that it was about the Walpoles.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lin Lun to go crazy.

Anyone who suddenly changes from aristocracy to a prisoner cannot accept it peacefully!

Douglas said, "Search all the things on him, and don't let him contact the Demon."

Douglas arranged everything and the team set off again.

No one came to bother him again this time.

Douglas looked dull.

This time the shot was made by the three princes. When did the three princes, who had been stubbornly frightened, start to have the strength of this one-shot killing?

Not long ago, the pictures of the three princes meeting with Ji Jinrong flashed in Douglas' mind.

Douglas realized the various doubts, such as why the three princes suddenly ran into the dark forest, such as how the three princes could easily take down the cubs of the flame beast, and for example, the three princes and Ji Jinrong talked with Ji Jinrong very special Huan.

All indications indicate that Ji Jinrong's premeditated trip to the night forest was to create opportunities for himself to approach him!

The fact is likely that Ji Jinrong already knew who he was and where he was long ago, but did not rush to see him, but tried his best to establish a relationship with all the people who might be related to him. He "takes down"!

Douglas, who was "taken", was not in a good mood.

Of course, he was not unhappy because he was being pursued by Ji Jinrong, but he was not happy because Ji Jinrong went close to others first!

Facts show that as soon as Ji Jinrong comes to him, he will soon remember everything!

Douglas pursed her lips, but couldn't help but think of Ji Jinrong, who was passionate and open in this world.

That cunning guy must be in his heart when he hears his righteous rejection!

Douglas's eyes lit up a bunch of flames. When he caught the guy, he must rub him into his arms fiercely, so that the guy would never dare to bully him and forget everything!

Orcs are not suitable for marching at night, so Douglas and his party settle in a small town in the evening.

Douglas slept overnight.

Before dawn, Douglas woke up. He didn't get up right away because a strange voice sounded in his mind--

[Chariot Thief subsystem is starting ...]

Douglas opened his eyes.

He saw a virtual interface appear in front of him, like an image left by the sages through scrolls.

[System is being upgraded ...]

[White Tiger energy collection is complete, system upgrade is complete ...]

[Host, long time no see, I am your system a333. Due to your outstanding performance in these worlds, I am now a Class A agent. 】 In the interface, a polite "little man" bowed to Douglas politely. [Glad to see you again, I hope we can continue to cooperate and achieve higher achievements in the coming days. !! 】

Douglas said indifferently, "talking people." Although he was only impressed with Ji Jinrong's memories, that did not mean that he had no impression of this chaotic thief system! This guy wasn't this serious before.

a333 burst into tears: "You finally remembered the host. I was struggling hard. I have serialized over 3 million words on the forum library. They all said that I was frying cold rice. Water! "

Douglas: "........."

Forget it a bit serious.

A333 felt the helplessness of Douglas, and immediately shed tears. It said: "Host, I sensed that this system has another system and his host, do we want to subdue them!" After upgrading to an A-level system, a333 is confident in himself!

Douglas: "..."

The other system and his host should be Ji Jinrong, and the system of the dying king?

Douglas said, "You can 'conquer' it and say it again." If he remembered correctly, Xuanwu and Suzaku should be on the side of Ji Jinrong. The a333 can be upgraded to a level system by White Tiger, and the system over Ji Jinrong naturally goes without saying--

Sure enough, after the a333 trial, he was startled and said, "There is actually an s-class system over there!"

S-level systems are the highest level of all systems. If the functions of s-level systems are fully mined, they can directly compete with the main brain-because they are "candidate main brains" themselves.

Douglas said, "Can you connect with that?"

a333 was already hit hard, stunned, stunned after hearing Douglas's words. He said happily, "Okay, I'll try it-oh, wait, there seems to be a message over there."

Douglas' heart beat.

a333 displays the other party's message on the light screen. A clear and true picture appeared on the light screen, and the person Douglas thought about was wrapped in a quilt with a smile, his hair raised slightly, and he looked lazy.

Douglas looked down.

This guy doesn't seem to wear anything.

The person on the other side is naturally Ji Jinrong.

Noticing where Douglas's gaze was looking, he smiled slightly, his tone relaxed and pleasant: "I don't wear anything at all, do you miss me ~"

Douglas: "..."

He wanted to get this guy out of the bed and give him a hundred and eighty whip!

Ji Jinrong seemed to notice Douglas' spitting gaze, and suddenly cut off the picture on the light screen.

Changed to text chat.

[Good morning, Douglas = v =]

No need to think, Douglas knew what Ji Jinrong would be on that side.

There must be the kind of elation that made him irritated and irritated.

Douglaston paused and gave a333 a message.

[Good morning, my majesty. 】

There seemed to be quiet for a long time.

When Douglas thought Ji Jinrong ran away in guilty conscience, another sentence appeared on the screen—

[Oh, little Douglas is so big when he gets up. Douglas, let's get it done.

Douglas: "..."

He looked down at "Little Douglas."

It is undeniable that the normal physiological reaction in the morning and Ji Jinrong's phrase "Do you miss me" just made "Little Douglas" more energetic than usual!

Text began to appear on the light screen again-

[I have absolutely no peeping, a333 has never turned off the light screen! I'm busy, bye! 】

After this sentence came over, the light on the light screen gradually dimmed. Douglas thought of the Ji Jinrong she had just met, and the anxiety and depression in these days were swept away. The Demon Territory is not far away, and they can meet again soon-

Even if they can't meet for a while, they can still contact through a333.

Douglas finally no longer hated the uselessness of the a333.

He asked a333 to leave a sentence for Ji Jinrong: "Of course I miss you, Your Majesty. 】

After thinking about it, Douglas asked a333 to reissue a few more symbols-

[= V =]

Although I don't quite understand what it means, there is nothing wrong with following His Majesty.