MTL - I Just Became An Immortal, My Descendants Beg Me To Come Out of the Mountain-Chapter 301 Doom

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【Just became a god, my descendants begged me to come out of the mountain】【】

, I just became a fairy god, my descendants begged me to come out of the mountain

After exchanging pleasantries, the princess mustered up her courage and explained her intentions.

"I want to ask you to bless Xuannian and Xuanzhen, and bless them for a peaceful life."

The princess said cautiously, Jiang Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

He said: "Everyone has his own fate, but if he does good deeds, his own fate will favor him."

This is not a false statement. The underworld will examine the goodness and karma of the dead soul. If the goodness is large enough, there will be a better choice and destination after death. Goodness.

Yellow springs have been born around the underworld, which contain the power of reincarnation. Once formed successfully, the undead of the underworld can be reborn, radiating from the sky and the earth to the entire martial arts world, until they control reincarnation.

Goodness and karma determine the fate, it is Jiang Changsheng's decision, the underworld is just a magic weapon, it can spy on the soul of the dead, good and evil will be rewarded, this is what Jiang Changsheng thinks is reasonable, and it can also make the world less resentful.

The crown princess sighed: "Since the battle with the Qiangliang clan, there have been undercurrents surging in the sky, and the imperial power has been restricted more and more. I am worried..."

Jiang Changsheng heard what she meant, and said: "It is not easy to be born in the royal family. God is fair. You are born higher than the common people, and the danger you face will naturally be greater. Teach him well and control your own destiny. In addition, Ziyu once said not to fight in the same room."

The princess smiled, but she was still worried, and said: "If such a situation really happens, even if the other party gets revenge, but my two children..."

Jiang Changsheng tore off three strands of hair from his head, and said, "Let them carry it with them, it will save their lives if necessary, and you also carry one."

For so many years, the Crown Princess brought her two sons to visit him. As an elder, he naturally had to show something.

The princess was pleasantly surprised, and quickly took three strands of hair, and knelt down to worship Jiang Changsheng.

This time, Jiang Changsheng didn't stop her.

At this time, Bai Zun said in surprise, "This son's luck is not simple."

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at him, only to see him standing beside Mu Lingluo, staring at Jiang Xuanzhen in her arms.

Jiang Tianming and Jiang Xuannian also looked at Bai Zun.

Bai Qi asked curiously, "Why isn't it simple?"

Bai Zun shook his head and said, "You can't say it."

"Tch, playing tricks."

Bai Qi dismissed it, but didn't pursue it. It guessed that it might be the Crown Princess and Jiang Xuannian.

The princess got up, but stopped talking.

Jiang Changsheng said: "Go back now, I have received your wish."

The crown princess nodded, and could only walk over to pick up Jiang Xuanzhen, and then took Jiang Xuannian away.

"Xuan Nian, come and play when you have time!"

Jiang Tianming said reluctantly, Jiang Xuannian nodded, he also had a good impression of this little ancestor with three eyes.

In this way, the three princesses left.

The sword **** said with emotion: "Emperor and prince are not as good as a girl."

Ye Xundi smiled and said, "A man, sometimes he just can't save face, besides, he's the emperor."

Everyone joked about the current day. Although the arrival of the three princesses and concubines was short, it also brought joy to the courtyard and made the atmosphere more active.

"Bai Zun, what happened to that little grandson?" Ji Wujun looked at Bai Zun and asked.

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【Just became a god, my descendants begged me to come out of the mountain】【】

Bai Zun said: "This son's fate is the same as that of the Heavenly Mourner of the Holy Dynasty."

Hearing this, Ji Wujun's eyes widened, and he said in astonishment: "Emperor Mourning Heaven Martial Emperor is an eternal genius who has continued his holy dynasty for two thousand years, how can this son compare with him?"

Everyone was also bluffed, could it be that Dajing is going to show Mingjun?

Bai Zun said: "Historical records have the fate of the God of Mourning, I remember correctly, but whether this son can become the second God of Mourning, it is hard to say, different environments and experiences will affect fate."

Mu Lingluo looked at Jiang Changsheng and asked, "In this case, should we train him?"

Jiang Changsheng poured himself a glass of wine and said, "I don't have so much energy anymore, I'm already tired enough to support you."

At this time, the Golden Crow shouted from the tree: "The festive season in the city is about to begin."

When everyone heard this, they immediately stood up, and Jiang Changsheng also stood up.

Since Jingzhaozong Jiang Qing promoted the wind of bliss, the capital has inherited a strong legacy. Every festival, talented scholars, beauties, literati, inkmen, and merchants will come to the capital. Even though the capital is no longer an imperial city, the wind of joy is still strong. Every few years , Jiang Changsheng will take time to go for a walk with Mu Lingluo.

Nowadays, few people can recognize him, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

In a bright hall, the ground is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting silver pillars inlaid with delicate gemstones.

There are dozens of pools in the hall, and the water in the pools is colorful and extremely bright.

Lin Hongchen sat meditating in a pool, the potion was steaming, his upper body was hot red, and the blood vessels were like long snakes entangled on the surface of the body, writhing non-stop, very frightening.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a man in silver armor was walking quickly. He was Jiang Changsheng's incense believer. Because he knew the Taoist ancestor very well, he was appreciated by Lin Hongchen, and his status continued to rise.

"God, another body of Emperor Wu has been stolen!"

The man in silver armor said in a deep voice.

Lin Hongchen opened his eyes, frowned and asked, "Who stole it, was it a human or a demon?"

The man in silver armor replied: "I don't know, the other party is invisible, our people can't catch him at all, but one thing is obvious, he is following us, if we continue, we will help him do things."

Lin Hongchen frowned even tighter.

He slowly raised his eyes, looked at the silver-armored man, and said: "Put this plan aside for the time being, let someone prepare the big gift I prepared, and I will go to the Yaozu personally."


The man in silver armor replied, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait, have you investigated Daozu's whereabouts?" Lin Hongchen stopped him and asked.

The man in silver armor turned his head and said: "I can't find it, but recently, people from all major fortune dynasties have moved to the north, and the general sent people to inquire about it. Everyone who was inquired said that they were going to search for the Taoist ancestor, the immortal way, maybe the Taoist ancestor is in the north. , if Tiangong wants to investigate, the general is willing to personally lead people to the north to search for the Taoist ancestor."

Lin Hongchen's eyes flickered, and he said, "Okay, after I leave, you can take someone to the north to explore."


The man in silver armor responded, turned around and left again, but this time Lin Hongchen didn't stop him.

Lin Hongchen watched his leaving back, and after he left the palace, he murmured: "To the north, Daozu, I don't know about this, how do those believers know? What is Daozu planning?"

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【Just became a god, my descendants begged me to come out of the mountain】【】

Ever since Daozu moved away from the Fengtian Dynasty, he felt that Daozu was definitely not as indifferent to fame and wealth as he seemed, and must have schemes.

First it was Dajing, then it was Fengtian, and now there are people from various dynasties rushing to defect.

Could it be that Daozu wanted to establish a holy dynasty?

Thinking of this, Lin Hongchen felt the pressure.

Looking at the world, he felt that no other fortune could match Da Guangtian, but he was the only one who didn't know about Dajing, because he couldn't find out where Dajing was at all.

If Wudi Island is still there, he can still observe Dajing's luck and make a judgment.

Lin Hongchen took a deep breath and slowly stood up from the pool.

"Wan'er, I should go see you too."

In the ninth year of Emperor Dihuang, the scene was peaceful.

Jiang Han was reviewing the memorial in the imperial study room, and the Thieves entered the room, saying: "Your Majesty, I have investigated, and An Chang, who has recently been favored by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, is Qi Sheng's apprentice and has followed Qi Sheng to practice for a hundred years."

"Qi Sheng? That's not bad, at least his feet are clean, so let him continue to follow the prince, and maybe he can use him to mobilize the power of the Taoist sect in the future."

Jiang Han smiled. He knows best how useless his son is. He would be happy if he could get help from a big power. He admires Qi Sheng's character. Who in the world doesn't know that Qi Sheng has traveled the world for two hundred years and erected a statue for the Taoist ancestor , to carry forward the style of non-war, and the way of civil and martial arts he founded has promoted the progress of literati.

Outside the Dajing Chaotang, Daozu, Qisheng, and Guansheng are existences that are admired by everyone in the world. One patriarch and two sages hang above the martial arts forest.

God of Thieves hesitated for a moment, and said: "Since you promulgated the new regulations, the vassal kings of various places have promised to reduce their troops, but they have been delayed by various things such as money, taxes, and resettlement. One year has passed, and there is still no vassal king. Really cut troops, Your Majesty, this is not a good sign."

When Jiang Han heard this, his face turned cold.

The imperial study room fell into silence.

a long time.

Jiang Han said slowly, "What do you think if I kill a vassal king first?"

Pirates said: "The minister and the white guards have searched the crimes of the vassal kings in various places. If your majesty insists on doing it, the minister will choose the worst vassal king, but the vassal king will definitely not let it go."

At this moment, a **** came in quickly and said, "Your Majesty, the king of Beijiang is begging to see you."

King of Northern Xinjiang?

Jiang Han raised his eyebrows and said, "Let him in."

Thief God immediately walked aside, bowed his head and waited.

After a while King Beijiang walked quickly into the imperial study, looked at Jiang Han, laughed and said, "Your Majesty is really diligent, much better than the first emperor."

Jiang Han smiled and said: "I don't know why the king of Northern Xinjiang came all the way to Shuntian to find me?"

The king of Beijiang glanced at the **** of robbers, then stepped forward, took out a soldier talisman from his sleeve, put it on the table, and said: "Let's do it, if your majesty still wants to stabilize the country, cutting the feudal clan is the only way. The king's military power will definitely shake the family, and I am willing to support His Majesty."

Jiang Han was moved, took a deep look at the soldier talisman, and asked: "I am very curious, you are also a vassal king, why do you support me?"

The king of Beijiang grinned and said, "Because I belong to the Jiang family and I don't want the country to be in turmoil."

"Then the king of Northern Xinjiang, are you really willing?"

"I was not reconciled before, but I have been to Longqi Mountain and completely let go. Now that His Majesty is in trouble, I will naturally take the lead."

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【Just became a god, my descendants begged me to come out of the mountain】【】

"Daozu ordered you to help me?"

Jiang Han asked in surprise, surprised in his heart, the ancestor really still cared about him.

The king of Beijiang said noncommittally: "I saw a person in Daozu's courtyard. This matter has not been spread yet, that is, the youngest son of Mingzong was born in Dongtian Realm. As long as Daozu doesn't want the country to be turbulent, this son will be a great tripod to stabilize the country. .”

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Han's face changed drastically.

Jiang Che's youngest son is called the Son of God by the world, but no one knows where the God is, and many people have even forgotten the existence of the Son of God, including him, the Son of Heaven, who usually can't remember it at all.

Born to be a cave...

Jiang Han felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness in his heart.