MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 91

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In the early morning, there was a burst of birdy sound from the window.

Huo Qu opened his eyes, Yu Qinghuan was still asleep, his side was trapped in a soft pillow, like a weak and harmless kitten.

The sun shines through the cracks in the curtains, projecting a light and shadow on the light-colored floor, and it is a beautiful and bright winter day.

Huo Qu lightly and gently got up, bare feet stepped on the hot floor, straight up and looked back, Yu Qinghuan was too tired last night, sleeping very heavy, and was not awakened by his movements.

The driver had already sent the breakfast on time, and the soft-fried sausage powder was soaked in the sauce of the thick red, and the smell was fragrant. The thin shrimp dumplings are exquisite and transparent, so you can clearly see the shrimp inside. There are also several different porridges and side dishes, still braving the heat.

After the quick wash, Huo Qu was at the bedside and called Yu Qinghuan to get up. "Qing Huan, get up and eat."

Yu Qinghuan screamed and did not respond.

He shouted again: "Qing Huan, get up quickly." Reached and pushed.

This time, Yu Qinghuan finally reacted. His eyelashes trembled. After a while, he opened his eyes with some difficulty. The voice still had a little nasal sound. The words were like spoiled. "What time is it?"

"7:30, forty-five seconds." Still the way to answer.

"Well, you should eat first, don't worry about me." Yu Qinghuan said, closing his eyes again.

I don’t know where Huo Qu’s good physical strength came from. I worked hard all night in the middle of the night, and I can still get up in the morning.

"The time for breakfast is here," Huo Qu stood up, leaned over, and held his hands on the sides of Yu Qinghuan's shoulders, looking down at him. "Let's eat together."

This person is really stubborn...

Yu Qinghuan turned over a little unhappy, and wanted to let him give up. But after a few minutes passed, the line of sight on the head never moved.

He sighed and turned around, reaching out from the bed and touching the left face of Huo Qu, and Huo Qu was stunned in his hand.

"Go to the restaurant and wait for me, I will pass after washing."

"it is good."

After a few minutes, Yu Qinghuan’s clean and refreshing, sitting opposite Huoqu.

Huo Qu was dissatisfied with his lips, got up and walked around the corner of the table and sat down beside him.

Yu Qinghuan had no appetite. He had a meal of the intestines on the plate. He looked down on Huoqu. He was using shrimp chopsticks to dump the dumplings. He was clumsy like a child who had just learned to use chopsticks, and was in bed last night. The strength of the situation has a great contrast.

It’s so soft and cute, why do you feel bad when you get to bed? !

He decided to talk to Huo Qu.

"Huo Qu, can you control the point in the future?"

Not only is physical strength unable to keep up, Yu Qinghuan is really scared by his frequency. Although the two talents are not open soon, the enthusiasm is normal, but it can't be like Huo Qu.

He always worried that he was doing too much now, and he would have no sexual attraction to Huo Qu in the future.

Huo Qu looked up at him with a question mark on his face.

Yu Qinghuan coughed and his face turned red. "What about that, those messy things."

In fact, he would like to take this opportunity to let Huoqu use a little positive posture in the future. His waist will be abolished these days. Unfortunately, his skin is too thin, he really can't say it.

Huo Qu suddenly realized, and then he shook his head firmly.

"No, I am already very restrained."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Does he have any misunderstanding about the word temperance?

Yu Qinghuan said: "You tell me, where are you temperate?"

Huoqu wiped off a little sauce from the corner of his lips, and looked at Yu Qinghuan brightly. "Wherever, otherwise I won't go to work."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

I can't continue talking about this.

Like the point of squatting, after Huo Qu’s departure, Yu Xin came over.

Tomorrow is the premiere of "How to Love You", Yu Xin wants to ensure that Yu Qinghuan is all ready.

"Is the speech back? Clothes? Have you made folds? I want you to contact Qin Qin, for a pair of words, why are you disobedient..."

"Brother," Yu Qinghuan interrupted his swearing: "I am ready, you can rest assured."

"You have a few in your heart," Yu Xin knows Yu Qinghuan as a person, knowing that he will not come, but he can't help but say a few words.

After a pause, I saw that he had eaten breakfast, and packed up the table and said: "Okay, you have to make up for it. How can these days be like not waking up! I tell you, don't stare at the young day and night. When the dark circles and bags under the eyes come out, I see what you do!"

"Know it." He said this, Yu Qinghuan felt a little sleepy, muttered, slowly returned to the bedroom, tied to the bed.

Compared to "Life and Death," the premiere of "How to Love You" has received national attention.

The major media are like appointments, one is not lacking, all are present. Fans are also the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, showing their magical powers, through various channels to get tickets.

At the beginning of the premiere, it caused a great discussion on Weibo.

"There are two days to release!! Why wait until New Year's Eve?! Anxious!"

"I look forward to the cooperation between my brother and Qing Huan! Buy tickets to support!"

"Yu Qinghuan's character has no bright spots. It seems that it can't break through "Orange"."

"Adding one upstairs, I always feel that "Orange" will be the best film that Yu Qinghuan has ever played."

"In any case, the lineup of directors plus actors is enough to let me go to the cinema."


On the stage, the host first introduced the main creative team, and then according to the prior arrangement, turned to the starring people to start asking questions.

Moderator: "Love is a thing that can't be seen, but we are all looking forward to it. Especially in this era of fast-paced life, having a complete love is something that many people dream of. I feel how to love someone?"

Qin Hao picked up the microphone, and the deep-faced face became more and more handsome under the light: "I feel that I should have enough courage to look forward and hesitate."

“Hey,” the host laughed and joked. “It seems that my brother has experience.”

Qin Xiao smiled and said nothing, the host turned to Yu Qinghuan, "Qing Huan?" paused, said: "I think this issue has a good voice, after all, I saw your high-profile confession a while ago."

Yu Qinghuan’s face was slightly reddish by her ridicule. He clenched the microphone and said: “Inclusive and determined, I think this is the most important thing.”

Moderator: "Can you talk about it specifically?"

Yu Qinghuan organized a language: "The two people together, the possibility and the lifestyle, are completely different. If you have enough determination, you can go on. And the two people who love each other should also get along with each other. Run-in. At this time, we must be more tolerant to each other. Although love does not change oneself to cater to each other's preferences, but at least to take a step back when the views are different."

"I really admire the love of Qing Huan," the host sighed. "Being with you must be very happy."

End this topic and start to move on.

After the pre-set questions were answered, a few footages were taken on the big screen, allowing the audience to interact with several actors for a while.

Liu Jiaan took the microphone and briefly introduced the contents of How to Love You.

He has never liked a long story, and he ended his speech in a few minutes and entered the stage of playing movies.

Two men and one woman, obviously the most loved triangle love, but because of the wonderful plot, ordinary but not bright spots, and become very eye-catching.

Prior to this, Yu Qinghuan's role has been criticized for being too ordinary, but after actually watching the movie, the audience discovered that it was because Wang Chuan's role was ordinary and grounded that they were more impressed.

Who has no dreams at the bottom of his heart, no one who makes his heart move. The role of Wang Chuan is only to enlarge the characteristics of ordinary people.

After all, in this society, after all, standing on the pyramid is a minority, and ordinary talent is the mainstream.

Wang Chuan, played by Yu Qinghuan, does not take his own temperament. It’s really like an ordinary staff member with a dream and a greedy early morning, struggling to survive in a big city, worrying about the house, the car and the daily expenses every day.

And such an ordinary person, in the face of cherished love and life righteousness, when choosing the latter, the contrast is even more shocking.

When switching to this lens, the scene suddenly cried.

Seeing the reaction of the audience below, Liu Jiaan vomited a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging was finally put down.

No one knows how much pressure he is putting on this film. Sometimes, he even hopes that the results of "Life and Death" are not so good.

It is easy to collapse when the business falls to the bottom, but the taste of red night is not so good.

At the end of the premiere, there have been a lot of film reviews on the Internet, including film critics and fans.

"Ah!! Cry and come back from the premiere of "How to Love You"! Strongly recommended! Too good to see! Brother and Qing Huan show bursting!! You must go see it again on the day of the show!"

"I was originally holding a try attitude. After all, whether it is a director or an actor, there have been peaks that are hard to surpass. After reading it, I feel a lot of emotion. Liu Jia'an's movie, emotional drama has always been a bit rough, I have never been I didn't think that he could make such an unforgettable love movie. Qin Hao's acting skills were not picked, and this level has not dropped. But the most amazing thing is Yu Qinghuan, even with his face. Still performing a small person's feelings. "Orange" is not his peak, he has been making progress, and every future will be his peak."

"Going to the elder brother, it has now become the brain powder of the movie. It’s so good!!"

"I didn't do anything on New Year's Eve this year, and took the whole family to the cinema to brush "How to Love You."


Some reviewers can buy reviews, but viewers can't buy them spontaneously.

And click into these people's Weibo, all of them are very active, and users who have used Weibo for a few years can see at a glance that it is not a water army.

Is "How to Love You" really so beautiful? With so much praise, there is no difference between them.

Curious, netizens have decided to go to the movies on New Year's Eve. They are bored and bored, and they have to be asked how much they have earned.

After the work was over, it was already zero. Yu Qinghuan put on a down jacket, and after saying goodbye to the familiar person, Yu Xinzheng was leaving from the vip channel, and his eyes swept to the pedestrian in front of him, and suddenly stopped.

"Qing Huan?" Yu Xin did not understand, looked at his eyes, and scared almost jumped up.

Does he have a problem with his eyes? How can the Huo family be here? !

"Qing Huan, you played very well." Huo Wei came over, in the eyes of Huo Qu's dissatisfaction, he was holding a sullen sorrow and smiling and congratulated him.

"Thank you, thank you." Yu Qinghuan is still in a state of arrogance, not slowing down, hearing, stiff and polite.

When he saw Huo Wei, he was not nervous. He could see Huo Huo Huo Hu, plus Huo Wei, he was nervous!

They, why are they here? Is it to see him? Or is it just a coincidence?

Huofu saw his unnaturalness and stopped the Huomu who was going to come up. Wen said: "We just came to see your new movie. After all, it was played by my own children. I missed the premiere twice before and felt that Unfortunately, I don’t want to miss it anymore."

Suddenly, in the horror of Yu Qinghuan’s gaze, he added another sentence, “I’m remembering to come home to eat at New Year’s Eve.”

He said home, not my home.

Yu Qinghuan’s nose was sour and he nodded heavily. “Well.”

He has been alone for two generations, he... is it a home?

Those people are right, he is really lucky, so he can meet Huo Qu. Not only gave him a wholehearted love, but also gave him a home.

For the first time, Yu Qinghuan began to thank the person who saved himself in his life.