MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 35

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A gasp sounded in unison from the crowd. Many people didn't notice the shattered God's Chain of Retaliation, but everyone saw the thunder that suddenly fell from the clear sky. Its momentum is so amazing that no one doubts how tragic the consequences of being hit by it will be. The onlookers froze for an instant into insects in the amber, watching the lightning in horror until it erupted with a loud bang a few meters above the high platform and disappeared into the air.

By the way, there is also an enchantment, an enchantment will not sit back and watch a student be killed by it.

Everyone came to their senses and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Lance raised his head, his feet were almost softened by the thunder hammer that fell directly above him, and before he could relax, a sudden sense of danger made his hair stand on end, and a huge ice shield immediately rose.

Who said thunder and lightning can only come down from above?

The favored man raised a hand, and thunder and lightning erupted from his palm. Like a silver snake with its neck straightened, it twisted and bumped into the ice shield. Lance was pushed back by the huge force and slid a step back. Looking at the dancing silver snake on the other side of the translucent ice shield, his entire back was soaked.

It's dangerous, if it wasn't for his quick reaction...Lance didn't dare to wipe the sweat off his face, realizing that he couldn't achieve his goal today. He gritted his teeth, quickly adjusted his plan, and signaled the end. He turned his head to look at the dean under the stage, but he didn't notice that the electric snake hadn't stopped biting, and tiny cracks were appearing on the ice shield.

Does ice conduct electricity?

Pure ice condensed from pure water does not conduct electricity, but what does "conductive" mean? Conductors are objects that conduct electricity easily, but insulators are not completely incapable of conducting electricity, but have high resistance and are not easy to conduct electricity. When the current is strong enough...

The ice shield shattered, and Lance's pupils shrank to the size of a pinprick, unable to move. He could only sit and watch the silver that was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at his face. He screamed, covered his head, and found himself in the audience the next second. The barrier successfully protected him and ejected him.

Lance couldn't get up, and all his courage—the courage of a coward who overflows when he thinks he has the upper hand—was gone in an instant, and a great fear seized his soul. How could he die here? He is a man who wants to do great things! For the first time in his life, Lance felt the shadow of death, which made him suddenly realize that he could not walk into the Kingdom of God with his head held high as he had imagined.

Lance. Sullivan was afraid of death, very afraid, even if God Himself invited him to leave, he would be so frightened that he would run as far as he could.

"Stop her!" screamed Lance, horrified to spot Anna. Sullivan was still looking at him, "She is a devil! She broke free from the chains of God's punishment! She..."

Now Lance can understand the mood of Manan whose finger was bitten off, but he is far from as lucky as Manan. Anna stared at him with ruthless eyes, and frowned, as if she was dissatisfied with the escape of her prey.

It's okay, it must be okay! Lance kept comforting himself, she is trapped inside now, that is an enchantment that all the contestants in the Santa Basha Competition over the years cannot break! And under the watchful eyes of everyone, he has already called a timeout. Could it be that Anna will commit crimes in the daytime? Doesn't she care about the reputation of the gods?

The frightened Sullivan must not have remembered how his kindred had died.

An Xu was in a good mood, she broke free from the shackles and felt as light as a swallow, as if she had taken off the heavy sandbag she had been wearing all along. The mental power that got rid of the shackles was released, enveloping a dozen meters centered on her, and everything within a dozen meters seemed to have entered her inner world, and nothing could hide from her perception.

Lance's curled up figure was within her perception range, how did he get down there? An Xu frowned, as if after checking the electric mosquito swatter, he found that mosquitoes slipped through the net. Since you didn't get it all at once, let's try again.

Someone made a terrified sound, and an overwhelming sense of terror rose in their hearts. Thunderclouds suddenly appeared in the sky, or in other words, the white clouds above were entangled by countless moving electric snakes. The first bolt of thunder shot down suddenly, followed by the third, fourth... countless bolts with almost no interval. They were connected end to end, like a giant dragon whose head and tail could not be seen, they hit the same position with great precision, and within a few seconds, the ascetic monk who made the enchantment withered to the ground.

The half-wail was swallowed up by thunder before it could be heard.

Seen from a distance, countless silver threads weave a brilliant silver brocade connecting the heaven and the earth, which is extremely magnificent and eye-catching. But for people nearby, this spectacle is completely unappreciative. Those "silver threads" look slender, but compared with the sky and the earth, they fall around people, and they are as thick as buckets, like a whim. The huge electric spirit poked the ground vigorously with its fingers. What's even more frightening is that these frenzied lightning bolts all landed in one place, as if an invisible force contained this unruly force of heaven and earth.

Most people had to cover their eyes to prevent themselves from being blinded by the bright white light. The sound of lightning strikes kept ringing around them, and they could smell the smell of the land after the summer thunderstorm. The junior apprentices couldn't help getting closer to each other, trembling and praying, fearing that this scene of divine punishment would last forever.

"That's enough, please stop, Your Excellency the Favored One!" The dean shouted, but got no answer.

The tens of seconds of the thunderstorm was terrifying in the hearts of everyone in the academy. Half a minute later, the thunderstorm stopped. There was no smell of burnt meat, because there was nothing on the lightning strike. On the open space where Lance once sat, the ground was sunken, and dust and scorched earth that could not be recognized by the naked eye were mixed together. Where did the living person half a minute ago go? The daring people looked left and right, hoping to see the winner who had been transferred by the ascetic monk elsewhere, but it was a pity that there was no Lance in the huge academy. There will be no more Sullivan in the whole world.

The whole square was eerily quiet, and some people secretly touched their ears, suspecting that they were deaf in the thunderstorm just now.

Many people lowered their heads, and the rest looked at the instigator tremblingly. anna. Sullivan stood on the stage with a blank expression on her face. Her empty eyes looked into the distance, and no one dared to disturb her.

God favored.

This word resounded in the minds of the onlookers one after another, and those who only had a vague idea of ​​the name God's Blessed One suddenly understood its weight. The teachers who had seen the last favored person were shocked, and they looked at each other in surprise: The power of the favored person is obviously not good at destructive power? Could it be that every god-favored person is different? Only Dean Paul stared at his toes, and the sweat formed a stream on his plump cheeks.

An Xu didn't care what kind of eyes the people around her cast on her, her attention was all attracted by other things. Just now she was enjoying the freedom she had not seen for a long time, and her mental power spread around her, almost feeling that she was omnipotent. An Xu continued to ascend aimlessly, and suddenly found something "something" nearby.

It's hard to describe that real feeling. Compared with that existence, everything around is pale and shallow. Just like seeing the shadow of 3D modules in the 2D hand-painted world, An Xu can suddenly discover the essential difference. what is that? Where? She suddenly stopped the carnival ability, and concentrated her will on the mental power released like tentacles. In a certain direction, in a certain position in the college, there is a hazy barrier. Is it the same thing as God's Lock of Retaliation?

An Xu looked over without hesitation, the existence was covered by that layer of hazy things, but it still revealed a kind of familiar atmosphere that made An Xu feel familiar, full of attraction like a quilt on a winter morning. She approached it instinctively, poking the spirit body tentatively, but got no response. A burst of longing suddenly rose in An Xu's heart, and she used her mental power impatiently, "tearing" the isolation membrane unskillfully.

wround choose.

An Xu let out a muffled snort, shaking his body. Her mental tentacles were caught by something, like hair being caught in a machine, and her whole soul was torn and pulled there. She was pulled out for a while, and the tentacles were cut off decisively. Survival by docking the tail made her whole head feel like being hit hard by an iron rod, and she was so dizzy that she wanted to vomit. An Xu felt his upper lip turn cold, and when he wiped it with his hand, it turned scarlet again.

Nosebleed again? So much...why is the ground red too? An Xu blinked inexplicably, and the world became redder.

The God's Favored One who was bleeding from seven orifices shook again, and fell softly to the ground.

There was an uproar in the square. Even the obedient students of the seminary lost their inch in today's ups and downs. The precept elder loudly maintained discipline, and the deputy frequently looked at the dean, seeking instructions on how to deal with the situation. Paul wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and shook his head bitterly. For the sake of this matter, where can it be resolved in the academy?

In the underground of a certain part of the college, "a certain existence" moved invisibly.

In the Pope's residence in the ancient inner city of Aling, an old man in a black and white cassock read letters. He wears a white cap with a brim and a pair of red shoes on his feet. His attire has a sense of sacredness and dignity at the same time. He squinted his eyes, and ran his fingers across the letter paper, leaving pinch marks under the words "God's Favored One".

In the palace of Urburg, an attendant walked into the banquet and whispered to a minister on the left side of the throne. This tall, middle-aged civil servant has a hooked nose, deep eye sockets, and a pair of deep brown-green eyes without a hint of drunkenness. He nodded, walked to the king who was applauding and laughing at the singing and dancing on the throne, and said something in the king's ear. "Sullivan?" repeated the king, stroking his bearded chin.

Sheets of paper disappeared in the flash of the teleportation array, and carrier pigeons flew back and forth. In the party Anna. When Sullivan was unconsciously receiving treatment from the healer, the chess players who used her as a **** had already played one game after another.

A girl dressed as an ascetic embarked on the journey, her face was as expressionless as ever. She stood outside the door of the ascetic monastery, and the master saluted her, and she returned the salute, with no other luggage on her body except a string of rosary beads.

The king's handwritten letter came to the Tibes defense line in a hurry, and the general of the border guards took over the order. She sent the courier sullenly, bursting into a stream of expletives at the warrant. "Damn vulture!" she scolded, "What are you doing here? How could His Majesty listen to him! Those dogs in robes..." Her lieutenant gestured desperately, but at least she didn't let her continue to scold. The general was so angry that he spun around the room, drank the wine in the glass, slammed the glass, and strode away angrily.

In a small village near the Bangalore defense line, crows landed on the branches next to the houses. The priest accepted the farmers' thanks with a smile, but declined the gifts they wanted to offer. He walked out of the house and walked towards the ascetic who had been waiting outside for a long time. He got the information he wanted from the other party's gesture, he nodded and smiled lowly.

"That's just right," said the priest, "and may the fruit ripen soon."

Volume 3 The Border of Thebes